Where were you when your average polish woman got poo in loo'ed.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm a white girl
>Those facial features
That's a jew.

Why do people insist on saying Indians are Asians.

Whites surely know that brown men are good looking and racially superior
Why won't whites just let others repair their white(ill) genes?

India is in Asia

Middle-east too. So european women gets yellowed by refugees ?



Or... you know...


Worst thing I ever saw was an Indian Temple where rats were sacred.

They were everywhere, the shit was caked on everything and the people were worshipping the shit.

I just kind of stood there staring for a while.

>Thread about white women getting yellowed by asians
>Leafs reply


Its jsut some ugly biatch hungry for foreign cock because none of polish boys touched her.
Get mad filthy arab.

>some woman said something online
>this the end of le white race xDD
get out.

>Indians are Arabs
>Turks are Arabs
>Arab is a race
What is wrong with you?
Turks don't even speak arabic.
And arabs are people who speak arabic regardless of ethnic background

>totally not written by an Indian man.

I promise

poland is one of the most defiant countries on the planet right now with this shit

you are going to have to try harder

She's ugly and he's actually good looking for an Indian

I'm a white girl and I only date Asians



Yeah, an "article" on some obscure western site made by jewish slut totally reflects what the whole population thinks.

>semi attractive foreigner manages to make it with a rather ugly girl in a country known for its nationalism
Shocker. More news at eleven.

Arabic Asians?

It's a British thing. It's easier than saying Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Sri lankan and nicer than saying paki or curry nigger


Time to go to Poland now

t. Pajeet

1/10 in Poland 8/10 in UK
3/10 in Poland

We let the ugly ones breed with betas, it's for the best.

indians and pakis literally have micro dicks though lmao

>Loo workers tired of cleaning loo
>Start dating men who have never used loos

I guess I can see why.


its a europoor thing to detach pakis from being muslims

How would you rate this Polish girl who got bullied into suicide by jealous english uggos

Whats the deal with Slavs? Why are all the men ugly as fuck and the women decent looking? How the fuck do you ugly men get laid when visiting non slav countries?

thats a jew, roach


What I don't get is why you don't just say "the subcontinent" like we do. We both use the term when talking about cricket but only you guys then call them Asian

Could you post qt3.14 from Poland?

All ppl are welcome in Poland



would be cool finding this whore and sending it to her future husband or something.

god fucking damn we need to keep our women in check

and Anglos are so fucking handsome

>keep our women in check

He's literally a Poo-Chad and she's like 6/10

i posted "d-dont post the belgian one" and "DELET THIS" tbf, good fun

what's your point?

check yourself before you wreck yourself, pseudokraut

"Date" doesn't mean fuck, sorry westerners but things work differently here. Women will generally give you the time of the day and go for a coffee for you if they're nice, but they won't sleep with you.

That's what they do with local men maybe
Poland is sex tourism central

ok shlomo

Germany and Austria are forced sex central.

Yeah with Eastern European trafficking

Cuck level over 9000

>Believing anything a female says about sex attraction and relationships

Kill yourselves

>Just because Polish women like Asians, white guys may feel jealous and abuse them because they feel dejected
Is this true?

meh he actually looks whiter than some Poles

Kek confirms


t b h I don't blame them, those women are below average, it's possible they had no other choice

Girls of all races will betray their "tribe" the second they find a more suitable man.
White girls tend to pursue non-whites because they're surrounded by nice guys and they only see "dominance" in a more uncivilized and savage man.
Funnily enough, all black girls I know tend to see black guys as immature, irresponsible children, which is why they go after white guys.

>all black girls I know


It's basically a social death sentence to fuck a non-white in Poland. No Polish man will touch you and your family will disown you. A non-white mixed kid ie black/Asian is seen as subhuman and people would let it die on the street like trash. You probably wouldn't be able to get citizenship for it because the authorities would refuse to believe a Polish woman fucked a nigger/Asian. School authorities wouldn't register the thing because it would never graduate or fit in socially

Literally any Polish woman that dates a non-white is seen as severely mentally ill

Polish woman are ugly as shit who cares.

Ukrainian detected

I know your country is poor as fuck, but in Slovenia we have these things called cars, trains and planes that allow us to go to other countries. Also:
>what is meeting people online?

Granted, I met most of these girls in Austria and Germany.

shes a 1/10 WITH makeup. She's a negative without it...

She doesn't even look Polish, more Ukrainian

I can positively say polish women are race traitor whores. My mom's polish and my dad's Albanian and I'm all sorts of fucked up.

Half of my family are Polaks and they're all racist as fuck. There is zero chance of any of them ever having a relationship with a non-white.

you discovered our secrets Lazlo next time we invade you you can go