One shot in life, born in Japan
It's actually worse than living in somalia....
One shot in life, born in Japan
It's actually worse than living in somalia....
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Agreed. Two bombs weren't enough.
At least you have the chance of being mutated with super powers or dying of painful cancer
Ill visit Japan soon, what do?
yeah. I beg you to drop nukes on Kyoto Osaka and many rural villages
No. No it's not.
Look, some parts of your life may be crap, but look at Europe. Our governments are trying to replace their citizens with middle-eastern immigrants who hate us. At least yours respect your ethnicity. You guys don't get as many Muslim rape-gangs anyway.
Look if you had one shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it?
Or just let it slip.
eminem, are you?
There is no end to want. Japan is the best country and still isn't good enough for lowly you!
Find some weep to fuck in TX.
You fuck every chick you see, japan needs more children
I'm getting to that point in my life where I'm considering picking up some Christmas Cake and breeding the poor lass like a prize heffer.
The only problem is... so many Japanese girls are just... kinda... boring people.
And your women arent?
Thanks for the perspective mom fucker.
Not really. Crazy, yes.
Not the sort of people you'd trust with the key to your house. Yes.
Often damned stupid and gullible? Yes.
Too Easy? Many of them.
Boring? I don't really know.
you're not actually japanese
fuck off with your roleplay bullshit
>it's the "Japanese" self-hate thread again.
Shouldn't you be preparing material for tomorrow English class, David?
kys like most japanese. xddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Bullshit thread.
Self-hating nips hang themselves in parks, they don't come shitpost on niggertits.
nice proxy, you faggot
I love Japan
I might have to move to Japan soon for job.
But I don't know a single word of japanese and shit. Also I'm brown.
Fucking hell
How does it feel to live in a culture where toddlers are sexualized? legitimate question.
one shot in life
not born in japan
I remember the loneliness, culture shock, and depression when I first moved to Japan. I see you make these kind of threads all the time. If you ever want to talk just let me know.
being born jap is pretty useless, no dick and no height, this is why it was easy for them to die as kamikaze, but its a great place to visit as another race.
Why don't you go back to your country then?
Prepare your angus, Brazilian bro
can we start ignoring these english teacher threads already?
life really sucks man.
either I stay poor ass dude here with my wagecuck job
or leave for Japan and have more income. Where I will stand out as a mud-scum.
They will clown me, make fun of me, look at me with disgust, mistake me for muslims, think of me as dangerous brown man.
what's so bad about japan?
All this noise.
Probably anime not being real with no school girl harems
yes this, seriously..
doest Nippon dislike white people or foreigners in general or can I into a qt to make kiselo mliako with?
meant for
one good thing about japan are fucking the cars and tuning parts and shit
Depends. Wealthy white guys, who aren't fugly, tend to do pretty well... especially Americans. They're exotic trophy partners, and westerners don't expect as much from a girl.... so...
That's not to say that some black guys don't do really well in Japan, but they're kinda racist over there... so don't go if you're easily triggered.
When did gypsy become white?
You know. Living under an emperor feels like shit. It would be great if someone were to assassinate him and his successors
Atleast you don't have to deal with gypsies or muslims
gypsy was never Bulgarian
think Indians
thanks for proving your a western wage slave cuck in Japan
does teh emperor do anything
I hope you get jailed in a gaijin gulag
You probably voted for Trudeau for the legal weed. Just kidding, you didn't vote. You were just glad he won.
I hope the emperor and his family die by my hands. Fucking pieces of shit, bred from my opressors