This is now the face of Sup Forums

>this is now the face of Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

leftypol lol and he is a mod here no wonder ther is so much cuck shit

They are extremely desperate to take the board over. Having an entire website to act as their hugbox on top of having a board on the cripple's site isn't enough for them, they want more.



May as well contribute some of their failures






>this is what their wordfilter looks like
>they filter Sup Forums and Sup Forums gets to blatantly steal them instead of earning them like everyone else does
>while running a site called GETchan







Also, would appreciate a bump or two





have a bump

Thanks, senpai

Pic related is their board-owner, a tranny-loving manlet that by pure chance enjoys the company on Sup Forums


That's all I have for now. If anyone wants, I could also dump their shitty memes.

>this is now the face of /Germany/

Well, there is still some shit I can contribute other than memes
[spoiler]On the second link, it is an autist that makes /leftypol/ "choir" videos with only one fucking person. He is also the fag from one of the screencaps that made a video expressing his butthurt about being found and deleted the video that was posted on the other Sup Forums[/spoiler]

Rachposter is now bringing his cancer to /leftypol/, can't wait to see the butthurt from the Commies

>Over 18s site
>Employ 12 year olds as mods

Hiroshima Nagasaki wt r u doin?

the left is not politically incorrect so how can there be a leftypol?


>most are right wing

If I ever become this deluded I hope someone puts me out of my misery.

beauty is a social construction say the leftists

>political correctness is seen as bad
>political incorrectness is seen as good
>we are good
>therefore we are going to call ourselves politically incorrect
It's the usual method they use to coopt groups, they just call themselves whatever the most recent movement is. For example, they didn't call themselves "left-libertarian" or "social libertarian" a few years ago but, since being libertarian is the new hip thing these days, those groups have suddenly started crawling out of the woodwork. It's just like how they coopted the word "liberal" when they do not meet it in any definition of the word.

Fake as fuck.
Any janny admitting that he's a janny gets instab& by hiroshima himself.

It's not him admitting to it, it's a screencap from /leftypol/ after his identity was revealed.

I bet you he never even grew prickly pears. What a loser leftist roleplayer. Traitors are worse than brown people.