What are your opinions on giving 16 year olds the vote?
Votes for 16 year olds
they should raise the voting age
i don't even want most adults voting let alone a teenager
Double no
Who's behind this a bunch of asspained marxists?
No, and voting should be tied to paying income tax the last 4 years.
>What are your opinions on giving 16 year olds the vote?
It would probably work out ok if they raised the age to be 16 up to your mid 20s.
>pay no taxes
>contribute nothing to society
God no
Only educated, married white men over 21 and with an IQ over the median should be allowed to vote
Actually we should raise the voting age up to 21.
Voting should be available only to people aged 30-50 everyone else is only after the gibs.
No, raise the age. At 16 all I wanted to do was stick my dick in as many women as possible, take drugs, drink to excess and generally live a degenerate lifestyle. I had no idea about domestic or international politics and was in no way able to understand what I was voting for.
Imo, raise it to 25 year old
Hmm I wonder which way they would overwhelmingly vote and who is behind the push to do so.
If you think this isn't an 110% awful you shouldn't be allowed to vote either.
Should have to have an iq of 95+ And be a tax paying citizen not receiving government assistance.
It should bare minimum be 21 and like you said 25
no, they are still developing mental maturity at that age. teens are very easy to influence.
you know what, voting age should be 21 for males and 30 for females not 18.
they shouldnt even be allowed to drive
Fuck no. The only ones who think this would be a good idea are naive 16 year olds.
Females shouldn't vote
voting age 21, and take away voting rights if no income taxes paid for 5 years.
I'd say extend the voting age to 21 for your first vote, then you can vote at 18 if you already voted in one major election. 18 should be the bare minimum age to vote.
Also owning land should be prerequisite to vote.
Why not make voting only allowed for Hillary supporters?
This is in fact what they are trying right... skip the bullshit we see you through. Just make a ballot with one checkbox: Hillary Clinton.
Get over with it you disgusting pieces of shit.
Absolutely not. 16 year old's are heavily influenced by their left-leaning high school teachers and facebook liberal propaganda. Also, they have no experience of being independent and having to pay taxes for all the unnecessary democrat support systems.
Hell, the voting age should be raised if anything, as this applies to most college students as well.
t. not a "redpilled" super republican, but I know that you can not possibly understand all the important facets of our government at such a young age.
Their version of reality is still subjective at that age. They haven't been exposed to the world and had different positions properly articulated enough to them.
no. they should raise the age to 30
If anything, it ought to be raised. Ideally, voting would be limited to citizens who actually pay taxes.
He is talking about teenagers not people on welfare
This argument is so stupid. I would respond "no money!? No say where it goes"
Terrible idea
T. 16 year old
Linking paying tax to voting would be completely irresponsible and would destroy our democracy. Politicians can pick who pays tax, so they could just pick who can vote
I'd say 90. Low enough enough for 90% of whites, high enough for only 10-20% of the typical ~20% European-blooded American blacks
Hell nah, 16 years olds are dumb af and know nothing. The only thing they're good at it is getting pregnant and stealing memes
There should be a law that only 25+ year olds are allowed to vote. College kids that neveer worked in their lives and under influence of their commie professors know shit about world and how it works.
How the fuck would you even enforce an IQ limit
voting age needs to be raised to 30years old
Unless it's a system where people could choose to pay taxes.
It's legal in Austria.
They are ultra leftists at 16 until they grow up.
I don't think that children should decide the fate of a Nation
how can you not see how dumb it is to link tax to voting. Politicians pick who pays tax, which means, if the two were linked, they could literally pick who votes. That would destroy democracy
No. I believed this when I was a lefty loony at 15 but now I realise that even persons my age 19 shouldn't vote, the brain doesn't develop entirely until 25 anyway but this push shows how infantile our society is at this point.
Have to take a iq test to become a registered voter. One attempt per year, once you pass your good for 10 years then retake unless you are over 110 then only have to renew every 20 years.
teenagers are technically "people on welfare" because their parents provide them with their needs
And/or military service
I second the notion.
It shouldn't even be at 18 years of age.
You should only be allowed to vote after you paid taxes for at least 3 consecutive years, or once you have served in the army.
In an ideal world you should serve in the army and own a house before being able to vote.
Dumb 16 year olds vote whatever their cool teacher tells me it's good, usually communism or welfare, it isn't until they start paying taxes and looking after themselves that they realise the flaws of a welfare state.
>teenagers are technically "people on welfare" because their parents provide them with their needs
there's a big difference between providing for your children versus providing for some 30 year old crack whore to have her 12th child by 15 different fathers.
but in democracies, we don't choose who votes based on whether they work or how smart they are. Its insane to think that is democratic
Fuck no
No, voting should stay 18 plus and you have get a voting license which involves a test every 4 years.
In schools there also needs to be a mandatory course that explains clearly the political system in your country.
ITT: I'd like it better if only people like me could vote.
What is it with faggots and their obsession with the "smart and self-reliant" 16 y/o they're 90% of the time ignorant as fuck.
No. Teenagers are retarded liberals who think Shane Dawson's youtube is high art.
To put it in perspective, many people my age have no commitment to the nation, no perspective on things other then what the mainstream media gives them.
I'm in favour of a system that ensures that those who have a role in government must demonstrate the capacity to risk their lives for it, such as military service.
This, honestly. The family is the most important unit of the nation, only the family should have a say. Sorry neets.
16 year olds need the vote to counter the extremist pensioner vote.
Im absolutely against the idea. thats just giving school teachers an extra vote. Meaning for democrats.
what sixteen year old just does whatever their teacher tells them? Come on... use some common sense
That's not the point, teenagers are still not at a level where they can sustain themselves without their parents and survive in society, if they were able to vote they would go for whatever choice gives them free shit so they can consistently live in degenerate lifestyles whenether it's partying or playing video games all day instead of contributing in society
Would you let refugees vote?
No? Then why should 16yo vote?
Both are dependent and don't own property, so it's crystal clear what they're gonna vote for.
16yo are gibmedats. It's not their fault, but voting at 16 is a terrible shit idea.
We have that in Austria and do some research on what our 16yolds voted for :)
No, really no.
Really if you are now over 25 and remember how stupid and irraltional you and your frends really were back then.
Defenedly no.
>can get tried for crimes at 10 years old
>can be charged as an adult as a 16/17 year old
>n-no, you can't vote, you can't make informed decisions about your actions yet
This is the only sympathy I have with 16 year olds having the vote.
wrong they should only vote if they have given the nation above replacement rate of children
perhaps if they actually had a say in their society they might be more compelled to contribute to it. Also thats a pretty abhorent, inaccurate stereotype
Learning that murdering someone in cold blood is easier to grasp than picking the right/better candidate in a complicated society. You're comparing incomparable things.
If you lower the voting age to 16, you also have to lower the age of consent to 16 and the conscription age to 16 because they must be that responsible, huh?
So would you get your child to work instantly and let him live on his own so he can get to have his say instead of paying for his education to get something better?
THE fall of mankind
My first vote was @16 voted lib dems as i was buying into the whole free tuition meme.
Letting 16 year olds vote is retarded, lack the life experience to know when someones shoving a dick up your arse....
I unironically believe and have since i was 19 that we should raise it to 25.
Even then people are fuckwits. I feel bad for those who are politically conscious at 16 (even if they're 99% retarded commie idealists), but it's a necessary sacrifice to keep the braying hordes of retards that surround them at bay.
Only landowners should be able to vote.
This might just be the most retarded idea of all time
its not even a question of life experience
bare minimum knowledge isn't even in their fucking brains, they are easily manipulated
In Canada, any sixteen year old who gets involved in politics should learn that there is a loophole that allows them to vote. If they don't discover the trick on their own, they don't get to use it.
When was the last time you saw a sixteen year old vote? Dumb dumb dummkopfs, the lot of them.
Fucking stupid, especially since fuck all politics are taught over here in school.
votes for 14 year olds
16-year-olds are absolute idiots, even the smartest ones. If anything, voting age should go up to 25.
16 year olds will vote for whatever their teachers will tell them and that is left wing
No this is retarded. When I was 16 I didn't know anything about politics other than what the media and people online said. Actually come to think of it I can make a pretty good guess as to ((who)) is actually behind pushing this idea.
Fuck no.
Minimum voting age should be 25, and only for landowners or those with assets in excess of $25,000.
Fuck no.
16 year olds have no political understanding other than "everyone should get free shit" and will vote predominately left wing parties.
Someone should vote only if his contribution to society is more than he takes from the society, there should be a barrier.
Some fucking retards on welfare, cripples, low-wage cucks, poorfags, neets, rentiers, priests should not even be allowed in a room where votung process is conducted. Those who offer to include 16 y.o are just extremely retarded. Why not 10 y.o?
Yeah looking back on high school, with the exception of a few teachers who seemed almost edgy. Liberalism was being force fed to everyone en masse.
We shouldn't give voting rights to dependents.
Most 16 year olds are still in school and are not paying taxes. They think we can give away stuff for free. They would vote green or socialist.
Are you still helping the homeless?
maybe in faggy old england, but in the rest of the world, kids aren't automatons. Often, they'll do the opposite of whatever a teacher says for no reason at all.
Votes at 25
Because yes
16yo fag here, people my age dont know what right or left wing is they 100% shouldn't be voting
i was a fucking idiot with 16, and of course i´m really smart now so no
so sixteen year olds are the ones who are easily manipulated, but adults and the elderly voted, in England, overwhelmingly for Brexit?
married females with multiple children should be able to
Thats exactly what they do, every time.
Best thing you've said in 80 years, Hans.