We need more tourists

We need more tourists
Why would you go in Europe filled with nogs and muslims
Come here, we have anything you need
Cheap as well

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siberia is fucking cold


Just come to the SPb or Moscow, or try to sneak in Siberia avoiding cities.

but it's full of Russians

There's more than Siberia

How much Russian would an Amerifat like me need to know to get around Moscow or St. Petersburg?

Doesn't Russia fingerprint their tourists?

none at all.

I prefer to take my vacations to white countries.

Tried to, but I need Visa and confirmation from hotel... but I don't want to stay at hotels, couchsurfer


Depends. In SPb and Moscow there are people who will understand basic English and could even show you a direction if needed. Also, almost every Russian name for a street or a station dubbed with English one. Outside of those cities you might want to have a Russian friend with you. But even so, I've seen a bunch of Japanese tourists in Murmansk, and they didn't seem lost or unhappy.
I can only google China or Japan doing that.

>go to siberia
>hold sneak button
>sneak past bydlos
>sneak past wolves

what are the women like in moscow? might be going this summer for 2 weeks and will be tasting the local cuisine if you catch my drift

>Why would you go in Europe filled with nogs and muslims

Like you can talk. Russia has the largest Muslim population in Europe.

Beware, because our cuisine bites back. They'll see you as a walking ticket away from Russia.

is it true they only go for whites? im persian (half shitskin) will i qualify as white enough in moscow? pic related

Nah, they'll fight to fuck you. Local males aren't that buffed.

i woudl love to but we australians tends to die when the temperature drops to 0

Isn't insulting Islam in Russia illegal?
Also your language is fucking difficult to learn.

sounds decent, whats the night life like in moscow? by that i mean how likely am i to get stabbed whilst drunkenly stumbling back to my hotel

I've been in and out of China dozens of time and was never fingerprinted, I was when I came out of France though.

Because your country requires me to pay for a fucking visa to get in

Can I CC my Glock 20?

Come to Russia. What is a little kid napping between friends.

It's illegal to say anything offensive about any religion. Muslims can use it sometimes, but mostly it's the tool for the orthodox church.
>Also your language is fucking difficult to learn.
It is not needed to learn the language to visit the main cities in Russia. You can learn a couple of useful words, however.
You don't want to start a conflict with bydlo or caucasians, because they can beat you, but in Moscow it's a lot like in Europe, really. Especially in the center. Still, you need to remember that you can get robbed while drunk, so you shouldn't carry a lot of money in your pockets.
I've googled that China is going to take fingerprints by the end of the year.

I'd like to take a trip on the trans-siberian railroad.
Afraid you might get hacked to bits on account of your ancestors murdered the Tzar? I don't blame you, it would keep me up at night, too.

I want to go for the World Cup next year. Also visit Kiev, the home of my ancestors.

this is the term for bottom tier members of society right? i think the equivalent of 'chavs' in the UK if so im well aware of scumbags like those

what are some key features of moscow or nearby areas that you'd recommend for a first timer?

I want Russian girls. You can provide? Paying much rubbels.

USD/RUR exchange rate compensates for that.

It will be much easier if you had a less tedious visas but I understand Putin does not want degenerates roaming around cities like Ufa or Tomsk, instead as tourist bait cities of Moscow and st Petersburg.

Ok, I bite. Where is this picture from? It looks awesome. Lake Baikal?

P.S. one problem is that you need a visa to visit Russia. Putin should stop this stupid practice trying to make Germans go to the Russian embassy to get a visa... better to just do the US style online credit card registration. Much better for tourism.

Also, you need better marketing for your country. Right now people do not really know you can vacation in Russia.

>you need a visa to visit Russia
You and this faggot, what's wrong with you?
Germany requires me to go to the embassy (OMG GO TO THE EMBASSY THAT'S HARD AND DANGEROUS) as well. And US visa reject rates are through the roof, not to mention the rudeness of their embassy workers. You fucking first worlders somewhy think that everything is automatically granted to you

slavs would laugh at me for not having full track suit

That is not the case in Russia. People would rather beat a black man or a muslim than the jew. Here's the video of correspondent making a social experiment with kippah. When they tried to to so in Paris, they were attacked.
Sounds good. While you're at it, you might as well visit Lvov and\or Odessa. Those are famous tourist towns.
> this is the term for bottom tier members of society right?
Yes, they're the people who will beat you just because you doesn't look like them. It should be easy to spot them tho.
>what are some key features of moscow or nearby areas that you'd recommend for a first timer?
Obvious Red Square, mausoleum, Moscow State University, Temple of the Christ the Savior, Kremlin Armoury and so on. It's depending on your personal tastes, for instance religion or history.

are you still afraid of pogroms?

Yes, it is Baikal. There are a lot of places like this in Siberia and Karelia, too bad tourism isn't developed there. People could go there to ski and skydive instead of Switzerland, and they'd save a tremendous amount of money.

>They'll see you as a walking ticket away from Russia.

Packing my shit right now. Russian women are great.

when u go out of the airport you throw your ticket in the trashbin, dont forget that


>Germany requires me to go to the embassy (OMG GO TO THE EMBASSY THAT'S HARD AND DANGEROUS) as well.

Well, sorry, Ivan, but I thought YOU want more tourism, not we. If you want more tourism, you make it easier for people to travel to Russia from countries which have wealthy people who could fly to Russia for vacation.

America only requires this online registration thing. Takes literally 2 min to do. Why can't Russia do it?

I would happily visit Russia and vacation there if there was some more information and Russian marketing if the visa thing wasn't as damn hard as it is. I am not flying to Berlin just to get a damn visa to fly to Russia.

Russias are under control and have been there for centuries to begin with. They came from the khanates which adopted Islam after the fall(collapse) of the Mongol empire.

nah, we CONQUERED the khanates

Why though?
It's not like I want to occupy Russia :^)
But then, I could easily see myself living in Russia. Great women, great food and Putin is a badass leader. Also, russians do love their traditions and their christian values.

How do I apply/qualify for a permanent visa? I am a skilled native German with no criminal records.

Nice try Wania, not falling for it.

A part of Russia is literally ruled by an Islamic fundamentalist.

I know, but i was more so talking about how they came to adopt islam

it would be ez for you, google it

the main thing is to know russian

he is OUR islamic fundamentalist

he was spoon fed by Putin and is his most eager supporter, he even threatens to kill Putins oppositionaires lol

Visa fees.
Your roads are shit.
Your drivers are shit.
I don't like walking around knowing every street there is a chance of me getting mugged.
Contrary to popular belief, Russian girls aren't that fun to hang out with.
Again, fucking faggot ass drivers. The dashcam shit you see on YouTube happens almost every day.

t go to Moscow on business a couple of times in a year

>Christian Values
Pick only one, Hans

Is Siberia colder than Canada and Scandinavia? The inhabited parts on the map are much more Southern

the statistics is from 90s I guess when Russia was a liberal hellhole

and whats wrong with those pictures lol? people having fun

>dont go to america because alaska is cold

Haha maybe. I'm just messing with you. There's many lessons I wish our countries could learn from each other.

I would love to visit St. Petersburg, for a weekend or so.

I`d like to go to russia but i donĀ“t want to die on the road because of a crazy russian driver, so i rather go somewhere else.

As a colorblind person I can never get over that shade of blue that you rooskies use in your pre-commie buildings.
Something about it is so unique, do you have any more information on it?

Dude, that's like saying all americans are idiots just because there are rednecks and whatnot. I've been to the US quite a couple times already exploring the country and staying at someones house via Airbnb..and I can certainly say that 95% of the people I have seen or met aren't retards/human scum at all. I'm sure the same applies for Russia as well.

will do (no shit). I am tempted doing that sometime in the near future. I feel like Germany's going to fall in a couple years and I do not want to be part of that shithole at all.

you guys have any sci-fi museums?

Russia is beautiful, people are friendly, and food is pretty great. Don't enter clearly shit neighborhoods and you won't even notice the bad economic situation, or the rampant corruption.

The TSR is literally the single best train ride anywhere, with the 3 week plan for it (with a four day circle around the lake, two days for all other cities) is the best way to enjoy it.

Pls Russia, make yourself less shit so I can go more often without having to convince everyone I won't get murdered if I go.

>Contrary to popular belief, Russian girls aren't that fun to hang out with.
No, why?


Even Americans can hook up in Moscow.

I wanna go now. I'll have to not say cunt in case a mafia guy shoots me.

Eastern Europe in general is more colder I think and for sure places like Kazakhstan and Siberia are where sometimes birds can drop dead and trees explode from the cold. Truly according to e*rupeans it's a better environment to create stronger more resilient humans thus Slavs and Turks are literally ubermensch. Who else can survive the vast and at times unforgiving steppe if not Slavs and Turks?

I want to go to Russia but I'm afraid I will probably end up in one of those dashcam videos when drunk Ivan looses the front tire

Russia is horribly corrupt so no.

yes, much colder than scandinavia, like VERY much

a bit colder than northern canada

I'm going to Moscow this summer. Should be fun.

St. Petersburg looks nice. Could have been the Paris of the east if not for commies

I think the whole Soviet Union thing gives Russia an incredible charm.

There's something really comfy about the incredibly utilitarian architecture, buildings and machinery of that time.


I'd like to visit Russia, but they hate tourists.

Well, you can come to Russia with 500 dollars and stay for a month full of delicious food, entertainment and pure joy. In Moscow prices are higher tho.

If I were interested in visiting Russia, where would the best places to go be? I like history, art and cultural sites.

because greece is cheaper and safer

Britbongs and chinks give tourists a bad reputation. a few months ago, two Frenchfags tried to rob statues under restoration from the parliament. Last summer tourist jumped off from the Chain bridge and climbed on top of Liberty Bridge. Margaret Bridge doesn't have cross decorations anymore, because the fucking tourists broke them down and taken them as souvenirs.
Fuck off, you already have more than enough tourists.

>Russian women

Kraut, that's a contract with the devil. Russia has many great things, their women are as pretty on the outside, as they are ugly on the inside.

You should rename your country, Greece is dead and all that is left is owned by others.

This. I would love to visit as well, but the traffic is horrific.

Wait what? I thought Russian women are cute and shy. So the Slavic waifu is just a meme?

yes and they age really quickly

leave our women alone

I have a milf fetish, so that's kinda hot to me. Maybe I should steal Natasha from Igor.

> I like history, art and cultural sites.
That would be SPb. Every single street in this town is filled with history, but you can visit the most popular ones such as Hermitage, Peter and Paul Fortress, Peterhof.

you can find old widow babushka, no need to steal her, women here live much longer than their husbands

>Go to Russia
>Spend all of your money on potato whiskey and hookers
>Be broke and homeless
>Get stabbed to death by hooligan


Oh fug, I forgot the most important one! Kunstkamera. This is literally Sup Forums irl with guro, dead babies in bottles with alcohol and so on.

Because I'm afraid to get beaten up and robbed by a group of slavs.

thats bullshit

I dont know a single man who was robbed

there is not a single russian place as dangerous as London or Paris

Maybe because you guys are as violent as niggers despite being white, and your country is cold as fuck.

>visit russia
>get my ass kicked by locals for not being russian

I'll pass.

How much do i pay for whores?

>paris ranked first
>literally bullet-proof glass around the eiffel tower
>previously a hub for Moroccan muggers and rapists
yeah no.

how do you safely withdraw local currency if the ATMs are often mafia-linked credit-card-skimmers that steal your account details to sell on the black market?

You are but a land of corrupted savages, drunks, mafiosos and cheap whores.

No thanks.

Close to nothing.

>cheap whores
>bad thing

>why don't you go to a country where it's the national sport to beat up tourists?

hmm really makes me wonder

> t's the national sport to beat up tourists?
What drugs are you on

so this is what your propaganda tells you?

we'll see what I'm talking about at the next world cup. westeners are going to get cucked