>mfw the cities with the highgest proportion of foreigners are also the richest citys in germany (frankfurt, munich, stuttgart)
>mfw the cities with low foreign population are the poor shits (leipzig, magdeburg and basically all citys in east germany).
>mfw the best universitys in germany also have a high percentage of foreign students
>mfw the parts of germany with a highly right wing oriented population are also the parts with the most unemployment and lowest wealth.
>mfw living in frankfurt
>mfw a lot of immigrants here
>mfw just finished university and i am now employed by a muslim lead conusltancy
>mfw 70k€ + bonus in the first year
>mfw super cool arab boss
>mfw stormfags on pol will still tell me how stupid all "sandniggers" are
Mfw the cities with the highgest proportion of foreigners are also the richest citys in germany (frankfurt, munich...
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>>mfw the cities with the highgest proportion of foreigners are also the richest citys in germany (frankfurt, munich, stuttgart)
enjoy your %70 effective tax rate so you can pay for Abdul and his 7 wives and 45 children who will never work
truly progressive
>>mfw the cities with the highgest proportion of foreigners are also the richest citys in germany (frankfurt, munich, stuttgart)
those cities were rich before the immigrants,not after..
That's not really an argument.
You should try to prove how is diversity the thing that generates wealth instead of wealthy parts attracting diversity.
>mfw immigrants seek out the richest parts of the richest countries to settle in
really activates my avacados
What was East and West Germany?
What was communism and capitalism?
>Learn history
The downside of diversity
Today in things that never happened
>people who have to deal with the dregs of society generally dislike foreigners
>people who make lots of money and deal with only highly-productive people don't find foreigners
>dont mind*
not for long
see you 1 generation after
Never got this "colorful" meme. Black is not colorful. White is.
>Not being a true capitalist and taking your game to Eastern Europe and starting a business to take advantage of the glut of cheap labor.
Are you not German? Do you not want Lebensraum?
>mfw immigrants move to the richest cities
oh wow what a surprise
>tfw 32% effective tax rate
>tfw treasury still making hefty surplus even after all the refugee-related costs
>tfw we could easily take in 4 million more refugess and still run the strongest economy of europe
really makes u think
>mfw the cities with the highgest proportion of foreigners are also the richest citys in germany (frankfurt, munich, stuttgart)
I'm gonna let you guess which is the cause and which is the effect.
Kraut, honestly, none care about Germany anymore, if u want to flood your country with foreigners, it's your business, just don't touch the rest of Europe. I enjoy my poor, but white country as it is.
You could also use government spending to dig holes, hire people to sing kumbayah or pay workers to literally eat shit. All three proposals would still be a less wasteful use of money than refugees.
>the Kraut fag gets paid by the Gulf sheikhs
>to shill for multikulti and open borders on Sup Forums
>meanwhile his employers - the sheikhs won't even let their poor Arab brethren from Syria and Palestine to enter their rich Gulf home countries
Go fuck yourself, hypocrite shill.
muh correlation equals causation
more likely that people flock to these places because they're more attractive in the first place
> cool arab boss
that arab is laughing at your race for being weak, you are getting conquered by arabs without firing a single shot, they get to fuck your white women and breed them like cattle while you are afraid of saying anything against them, you are nothing to them but a cheap worker.
you don't understand, kid. these billions mean nothing to us. we have money out of our ass. wasting what amounts to half of your annual national budget on refugees is like a fart in the wind for us. we run this continent.
did you just LARP as a country?
this, also iam in private healthcare which is pretty cheap for me. only thing that bothers me is the "Rentenkasse".
Iam working in highend service company. and i can tell u that there are (in the finance and specialiced service industry which frankfurt famous for) at min. 1/3 non germans. A lot of spanish and italien and also a lot of turkish and indian guys.
> country full of muslims and refugees, german white women getting either racemixed or raped and killed all over the place
> thinks he's hot shit because of muh money
If foreigners are so good at making money why didn't they stay in their own country to do it
> mfw watching you guzzle somali cum over the border fence
well this is not true.
>thinks he's hot shit because of muh money
thanks for all the young professionals you educated and trained with your tax money, jose. much appreciated. rest assured we're putting them to good use over here.
honestly, nothing more delightful than sucking the rest of europe dry. you just know we keep winning when all you get to hear is
>b-but muh mudslimes
>b-but rapefugees
while i'm hear enjoying my record economy, low taxes, and high living standard.
where's your face faggot
Why is poor-shit Sup Forumsand more culturally influential gaymany?
>Tfw you will never be a fondue-eating mountain-climbing yodeller
literally not true.
Leave it to Ahmed Mohammad Ahmed to think correlation equals causation. It totally couldn't be that shitskins moved where the money was...
Can't wait for that socialist faggot to win and bring in 2 million more refugees.
Germany will be worse than Sweden, at least Sweden stopped their refugee resettlement programs and cut down immigration, Germany is not looking back and its going to be glorious.
I'm so glad to be in an island.
Basically this. Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart were wealthy far FAR before Refugees, and of course, this wealth attracts people.
The Fact that they were so bloody wealthy before is probably the only reason why they still are, the Refugees/Leftists usually only put a ditch into the Economy.
>Low Taxes
Are we living in the Same Germany you and I?
>32% tax at 70k per year
nice meme
>health insurance is not a tax!
abdul still needs new teeth, who gonna pay for it?
So it's the rich importing cheap labor to make bigger profits? Hmmm
If the immigrants are so good why are the countries they come from always third world shitholes?
>Immigrants go to the richest cities in the richest countries because they know they will get better gibsmedats there than in the poor as fuck regions
>You: see guise immigrants are good for this country
wew lad
32% at 70k is lower than here
> tfw 45% at 60k
You're confusing cause and effect.
Those cities are not rich because they have more immigrants, they have more immigrants because they're rich.
>hefty surplus
Don't they get that by underbudgeting and cutting the shit out of your infrastructure spending?
I remember some german economist blog about how neo liberal CDU has basically rolled back huge amounts of your countries benefits and social spending in favor of 'lean state' basically privatizing everything.
>foreign students day double tuition, that's why there is more.
>foreigners get (((social assisted))) housing so they can afford to live in major cities.
You seem to have cause and effect backward. Cities become wealthy and only then do welfare immigrants arrive in said cities to draw from the wealth others created.
Let's not pretend welfare immigrants have anything to do with creating that wealth.
Almost like theyre stealing from whites to give to foreigners...
>these billions mean nothing to us. we have money out of our ass. wasting what amounts to half of your annual national budget on refugees is like a fart in the wind for us
Why can't you help your own homeless then? If you're sooo rich?
Why are German municipalities are so heavily in debt that they can't afford to repair roads and schools and are on the brink of insolvency?
If you're so rich why hundreds of thousands of young and educated Germans are leaving Germany every year?
If you're so rich - how come Eastern Germany isn't flourishing yet? Surely you could have make it happen with all the "money out of your ass"?
Maybe the only thing out of your ass is your post?
That's a good thing
Jesus how dumb can one be.
If South Korea annexes NK today it would be the same shit you are presenting. People aren't poor because they hate foreigners they're poor due to lack of investments and developed economy.
Shitting on people like this will only make things worse.
this. lefty reasoning/10
The professor is a cuck about that study though.
>The Thernstrom brief summarizes those findings by Putnam, but doesn’t note Putnam’s multiple cautions against concluding that this means diversity is mostly bad. In the short term, he writes, there are clearly challenges, but over the long haul, he argues that diversity has a range of benefits for a society, and that the fragmentation and distrust can be overcome. It’s not an easy process, but in the end it’s “well worth the effort.” Putnam cites the integration of institutions like the U.S. Army as proof that diversity can work.
He thinks the Army's integration is a success. He's never served, and he's never worked with dindus in the military. He has no fucking clue. But to be fair, I worked with a fair number of non-shit dindus in the military. The ones that are in are definitely better than the ones that I've met on the civilian side. But that's because the Military holds individuals accountable and harshly.
Worse infrastructure, less trains and more homeless / untreated mentally ill people are good?
'Social spending' doesn't strictly equal Welfare.
Look at Berlin and Vienna. This is the destiny of (((rich))) cities
Exploiting the poor is big money afterall.
>He named Vienna.
I still cant believe the Left managed to bankrupt one of the most prominent Cities of Europe.
How do you even do that?
Cool. Good on you.
The rest of the thread is pure salt.
stop shilling faggot
True, he is delusional even while seeing the truth in front of him
>Worse infrastructure, less trains and more homeless / untreated mentally ill people are good?
Are you high? How about some numbers and sources?
Less trains????? WAT
berlin is the literally the shithole of germany-
its more or less living on the cost of all others. its getting more benefits then 50% of the rest of the country. berlin is just kept alive artificially
Those cities were prosperous before immigration desu
Wow. You really showed them, subhuman Saupreiß