Yes, yes, I know you all despise us and want us exterminated for being ''shitskins'', ''Muslims'', whatever. But plz try to keep out the racial slurs and genocidal rants, I want to answer actual serious questions.
Ask an Arab Syrian refugee in Brazil anything
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As long as you don't rape and steal, nobody gives a fuck
There's nothing worth blowing up in Brazil. Why there?
Also, have you been banned from swimming pools yet?
Congratulations on moving to a country more dangerous than the Middle East.
You have to go back
The natives do that, not us.
But its okay when europeans did it when they colonized other continents
When do you think it's okay to send refugees back to where they came from?
I despise you and I want you exterminated. You have to go back.
are brazilians human?
Why Brazil? If you are a reffo why didn't you go to the nearby Arab cunts? Well come to think of it it's not your fault that the Saudis have air-conditioned tents that they use only for the Hajj and not for their brothers in faith.
Why did you leave Syria? And why Brazil?
Because the ppl are friendly here unlike in North America and Europe, less racism and more opportunity, also Arab community is huge, 13 million of us in Brazil, so we all help each other. Also Brazilians love our food.
Do you feel whiter and less primitive than the average Brazilian?
A Syrian father of 6 who's family has been living off my tax dollars for 4 years just decided to repay me by sexually assaulted 6 little girls at a nearby swimming pool.
How do I keep you rapist pedophiles out of my country?
stay very far of argentina,you fucker
Why didn't you stay and fight for Assad against terrorists you pussy?
You were safer in Syria
Yes there is a lot of homicides and theft, but if you are smart you can avoid it.
And is not as dangerous as MENA, at least there is no risk of being bombed by Russian, Assadist thugs.
I feel sorry for you.
We are still 46% more violent than your civil warring shithole.
Hope you can get a double refugee visa and go somewhere else.
Brazil has more Lebanese than Lebanon
Nah, we just want you to go back to the desert. You should denounce all this allah and false prophet muhammad bullshit and take the lord Jesus Christ as your savior for He is the way to God. But either way, go back.
Is it true that certain people in certain predominantly Muslim populated countries would have a difficult time integrating into a European and American society because of cultural differences?
Oh look, it's a """rebel""" supporter
>assadist thugs
detonate yourself
No I don't.
If you weren't a terrorist you wouldn't have to worry about getting bombed
I believe that he is more likely to be raped and mugged than the inverse.
As long as you avoid beaches, public parks, city centers, local markets, favelas, specific murder districts, crowded tourist sights, empty streets, bus stops, jammed tunnel, etc; nothing happens to you.
"Brazil is violent" is a meme.
How do muslims always know which direction to pray, do they have a compass they carry?
>nu-Sup Forums pls go
Yeah... A meme. Keep telling yourself that ignore the civil urban war in all the country. Naive as shit.
I like Brazil, the people are very friendly and always willing to help and integrate us, despite being a poor country with high rates of murder they have show more kindness than any European or Gulf Arab countries.
Which state are you in familia?
Fala português? Está morando em que cidade?
>Goes to Brazil
Is this a new meme?
Pick multiple shitty countries to claim refugee status from?
At least you can rape favela children there and not real children.
In your mind has the USA and Russia broken the Islamic Caliphate?
You are more likely to get murdered and robbed here than anywhere else you've ever been.
I'd rather stay in Damascus than Rio de Janeiro.
This has got to be some sort of mistake.. Brazilians are civilised people.
Assad wants to genocide its Sunni Muslim population on the same way Americans tried to genocide Iraqis, they are terrorists not us.
I do believe Assad Regime is nothing but a Crusader State, the support he receives from Zionist Far-Right Europeans, Americans and Russians isn't just a coincidence.
What about the threat of being beheaded by Sunni thugs?
Oh wait. You're a Sunni thug aren't you?
Yes because we are the advanced world. When the unadvanced world does it its wrong because this collapses the advanced world.
Oi, vivo Sao Paolo.
I'm still learning Portuguese.
Why can't you take all the refugees then?
What happened? Got lost on your way to Germany?
Why dont you fight for your freeom?
>The same way Americans tried to genocide Iraqis
So by giving them trillions of dollars and trying to drag them out of stone age savagery and into modern civilization?
Makes sense.
>Crusader state
>Literal ISIS/AL Qaeda propagandist babble
>Wondering why no one wants budding psychopaths like you in their countries
What about the support he seems from the normal Syrians, as opposed to the mentally deficient cousin fucking farmer hicks?
The ones doing the beheading are al-Nusra, group that FSA combats.
And I don't see how beheading is more morale condemnable than carpet bombing refugee camps, burning neighborhoods with white phosphorous and throwing DU like Americans did in Iraq and what Assad is doing in Syria.
thank you got going to brazil and not crowding whiteys land
seriously...its time soiuth america took its share.
No, he's not a crusader state - he's simply another middle eastern dictator willing to do anything to stay in power. The Russians support him because they have military and political interests in Syria, and the far right supports him solely because he has successfully painted any resistance to him as the work of terrorists.
They want [spoiler]us[/spoiler] to play this game where we accuse them of being crusaders so they can accuse [spoiler]us[/spoiler] of being jihadists. Don't fall for it.
Could you spread the word so Sunni's stop coming to Australia please?
I don't really have any serious question desu, as long as you aren't some child-rapist thug and contribute somehow, unlike all those immigrants in Europe, fine by me.
>implying Brazil needs outsiders for that to happen
Did you went there because of economic reasons?
São Paulo is really ugly desu.People are also more snobby and autistic like europeans.
You don't see it because you're a savage.
You don't understand civilization. It's why you rape and pillage and destroy and then move on to the next place to rape and pillage and destroy.
It's why you vex us and why we don't want you in our countries.
You fuck up everything you touch.
You don't understand the difference and that's what scares us.
Stone age ''savagery'' that Americans brought them by bombing and starving the country to oblivion for 30 years (still, nobody called it a genocide because apparently our lives don't matter).
During Saddam's golden age peak, Iraq was on the verge of being considered a developed nation.
Nice false dichotomy, kiddo.
Just one more to have fallen into the pit.
Enjoy being seen as white.
Why are you such a pussy? Why don't you take back your own fucking country instead of begging the world to do it for you?
I hope you die in a sea of homicidal flip flops in Brazil.
I live in Market district, the most Arab place of Brazil.
I work for a Lebanese descendant.
It doesn't help that you ARE Jihadists and that Alawis are decent people.
Back in WW2 we took a shitload of Japs and Italians, ever Nazis like Mengele were welcome, so fuck off.
So, I get it, you believe that without Russian intervention Syria wouldn't turn into another Lybia or Iraq, or best case scenario, stayed basically the same after some clashes and bloodshed like Egypt, but instead would rival Israel in power and riches?
Why did you seek refuge in Brazil?
No question, just a simple thank you.
Thank you for not being in Europe that is.
>Americans tried to genocide Iraqis
If the americans wanted to genocide iraqis, why not nuke them or at least carpet bomb?
Are you unaware of the US's actual military capability?
>In Brazil
Holy fuck I feel bad for you
why would you even want to be in a 3rd world shit hole?
these people are ultimate jews. Do they exploit you?
Because all nearly Arab countries are already full with refugees.
Did you know that only 30% of Jordan's population is native? The rest are Syrian, Iraqi and Palestinian refugees.
Did you know Lebanon, a country smaller than NJ took over more refugees than all of Europe?
no answer yet.
What are you planning?
Poison the water? Bomb something? Run people over with a car? Just shoot people?
>Stone age ''savagery'' that Americans brought them by bombing and starving the country to oblivion for 30 years
As if Muslims hadn't done similar things throughout their centuries-old history of war.
Christianity at least started with a peaceful man, as did most religions. Islamism, on the other hand, started with a pedophile warrior.
The main difference between the US blowing your country up and your country blowing up Paris is that your country has little worth saving. Even less than Brazil, probably, and this is saying a lot.
I have nothing against you and I am sure you are not a savage, but this whole anti-americanism is such a joke. America has improved the world in so many ways. If you're using the internet right now, you should know very well that Americans were absolutely fundamental in the history of its development. And you should also know that, if you're a Muslim, then you are following a the most disgraceful religion in the world.
Need some proofs, or OP is a LARPing fagit.
Timestamp with something that shows your immigration to Brazil, or it's fake and gay.
You are in Brazil. Who cares ? There is nothing you can abuse and break there.
Tell your friends how great it is there. Eventhough I have to admit that Syrians are way better than North Africans.
Well, my salary is below minimun wage but that is until I get formalized as a citizen here.
But they were ALWAYS that way, and always have been that way, and it's not even a Muslim thing. Assyrians are just as retarded and backwards as any Shiite or Sunni from Basra to Kurdistan.
Whatever went wrong 700 years ago, you faggots never recovered from it.
Your corner of the world and it's culture are a blight on the globe.
Was going to give OP the benefit of the doubt but actually looks like he is indeed a rebel terrorist supporting ackbar.
Hope Assad can wipe you all out.
is there any country you wont ruin?
you have to go back
Is there a single place on the planet where a Lebanese person isn't selling stolen goods at barely below market value?
No, there isn't.
oh okay
Are you liking the big bundas?
I'm not talking about history, but the fact that Americans starved to death 5% of a country, then proceeded to invade it, target civilians and infrastructure only for the sake of destroying it, it was not even about oil because Saddam sold it to them for a reasonable price, they merely wanted to destroy Iraq.
When will you return to Syria, or is this Jihad?
Wow. You mean Arab countries took Arab refugees?
How many European refugees did Lebanon settle?
...5? 10?
semitic people are the final menace to be dealt
He doesn't, he's a shitskin.
We would literally tell these idiots that if our radio made a beep, that meant they were lying. We'd then make our radios beep and they'd freak out because we caught them lying. Absolute savages.
He thinks Assad recieves Jew/US support, of all things.
nobody cares
Because of the huge Arab population here, we thought we would integrate better here than anywhere else.
And we should be grateful for it, João da Silva.
European immigrants have improved Brazil so much! Think of Cesar Lattes, Candido Portinari, Jose Paulo Lehmann, Miguel Reale, Otto Maria Carpeaux, Mario Schonberg, Miguel Nicolelis...
Without immigrants from Italy, Germany and Japan, Brazil would be half of what it is now.
I can't stay in regime-controlled areas even if I wished to, Assadists would torture me and my family.
What is sarcasm?
A refugee? In Brazil? Are you sure? Do you live off welfare?
Are your people assimilating into Brazilian culture, or are you trying to turn it into the exact same place you just fled from?
>Americans starved to death 5% of a country
Because that country couldn't stop itself from raping and pillaging.
What do you want?
The alternative would have been what Bush Jnr. ended up doing, which is arguably worse.
>target civilians and infrastructure only for the sake of destroying it, it was not even about oil because Saddam sold it to them for a reasonable price, they merely wanted to destroy Iraq.
That's why Muslims shoot up Paris and behead Arabs.
Makes perfect sense.
>his family wasn't in Brazil before WW2
Why abandon your country vs fight to stay?
You stopped being that when you crossed your second border, or any ocean. Fuck off.
Why not move to a Sunni country?
Serious question.
Why do you people always flee to non-Sunni countries and proceed to be ungrateful and hostile and complain it's not Sunni enough?
if you have children, specially a girl, try to send them to a private school
our public schools are extremely degenerate and children come out knowing absolutely nothing anyways