Is mainstream physics wrong?
Nobel Prize for Ken Wheeler when?
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf is a supercell
a larger ferrocell
Please explain what this is.
>Is mainstream physics wrong?
Lurk moar newfriend.
Can I get a quick rundown on ferromagnetic superexchange?
>Can I get a basic gestalt on ferromagnetic superexchange?
It is a magnet placed on a ferrocell - visualizing a magnetic "field" around. Never seen such magnetic power lines at school, right? You have been deceived.
>Meet Ken Wheeler
Can you provide a leisurely stroll up on quantum electrodynamics? Asking for a friend.
Well what the fuck is a ferrocell, then?
Is it politically correct to say that Einstein was wrong, Nikola Tesla right and mainstream explanation of magnetism and gravity is BS?
No. Take your shit to /sci/ and come back when you can explain all of it to us in two sentences.
Please explain what you are actually trying to show us and what's new about it.
Yeah, no way that shit's fake. Absolutely not.
Watch the videos before commenting.
I suggest you watch these videos first...
Or read his book:
Did somebody say birkeland currents?
Gravity is a result of electromagnetism.
Fuck mainstream science!
We electrical universe now
>believing a book with the typography of the TimeCube website
a dumb argument
Okay, let me rephrase that: Your sources all look like the insane scribblings of a mad man, and nothing you've done so far makes me think this is real.
>tfw electric universe proves the bible
What the fuck is counterspace? I think I understand his point in the video but I don't see how it proves his hypothesis.
how do I make a supercell?
take two cells and add fluid in between it, freeze it over night and let it thaw in a temperature of 1° over the course of 3 days. Dip it in hydrofluid oxygen, let it dry and shine ultra violet light directly onto it for 3 hours, try and increase the temperature to 25° but keep it below 25.5°
1 - Take a nine-volt battery and wire a lamp cord onto it.
2 - Plug into electrical socket
3 - ???
4 - Profit!
ok fuck that. where do I buy one?
are you retarded? or merely pretending to be?
If you are really interested, watch more of his videos, he has tons of them (and say good-bye to your weekends, there's no shortcut, sorry).
those magnets aren't accelerating toward one another
can't buy it sadly, been on the market for one for years and haven't found it
>how do I make a supercell?
Tis merely a ruse my good man
No, explain it to me.
I don't see how this is proof.
Take this shit to /x/ you larping faggot
Why does this matter? And how is it politically incorrect
/p/ here
"The angry photographer" is a fucking retard.
Are you asking about space vs. counterspace? Can you think in 3D?
Try this for a start:
this guy is basically just calling all potential "counterspace", right?
You can hear his disdain for plebeians when he rambles on about "conventional" thought. Let's see how superior he feels when Chad thwomps him over the head with a brick.
he doesn't say shit about how they're made in that video.
If you push opposite magnets together where does the energy go? is it destroyed ?!?!?!?!
So we are lookng at visualised magnet lines...who cares?
Nutjobs and subhumans.
It looks pretty cool DESU
would make a nice wallpaper lol
counterspatial inertia
what energy?
From my hands pushing the magnets together for who knows how long.
energy is never destroyed. that energy is what makes the magnetic fields stronger, as is shown in the first link in OP, towards the end of the video.
I know the theory.
So the energy makes the field stronger? but after you release the magnets they don't go flying everywhere.
It seems like the energy gets used up and disappears somewhere.
Yeah sure.
A shitty YouTube video is all you have?
Write a fucking paper.
He explains what you need to get and how to make it, and keeps no secret about it. Look for more info at his channel, he answers questions generously.
The ferrocell patent by Timm A. Vanderelli expired (supposedly on purpose), anyone can make it.
Id imagine the miniscule amount of energy from the two tiny little magnetic fields interacting gets converted to heat but its an undetectably small amount.
maybe electromagnetic radiation?
In the video there were two electromagnetic streams going out
This guy gets it. All energy gets thermalized eventually.
>after you release the magnets they don't go flying everywhere.
while you are applying pressure, the energy is being converted into magnetic fields being stronger. when you let go, you no longer add energy. the energy now has other forms and is no longer where it was.
Yea so I want to know where does it go now?
What's his fucking point? He talks shit for 4 minutes, after that I turned off the video cause it's a waste of time.
Magnetism != Gravity?
Really, Sherlock?
see how they're brighter now?
but still, the energy you're inserting is too small for have an effect that is noticable (if you didn't have the cell, you wouldn't even see that part)
You compress the fields. You dont "make them stronger".
The light is coming from LEDs...
>Magnetism != Gravity?
>Really, Sherlock?
Even worse, my dear Watson. There's no "gravity."
the light is visualizing what's happening with the magnetic fields. idiot.
Gravity is just a (((conspiracy))), amirite? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to jump off my balcony.
it's the same thing retardo. to compress anything means you have to use extra energy to do so. go compress anything without extra energy..
>10 seconds in
>gravity doesn't exist
Maybe if those idiots didn't meme all the time, the scientific community would have taken them seriously.
drumpf btfo
Yes. I know. The light comes from LEDs around the side. You can see them quite clearly.
that argument he's making is not about whether or not you'll fall, but why and how that happens. fagget leaf.
so you can see that the effect of the magnetic fields are becoming stronger as they bend more light towards the eye.
are you people brain dead?
Grand unified theories have eluded much smarter men than him friend. I won't hold my breath.
And why should gravity not exist?
A hillbilly moves magnets on some foils, what's the purpose of this "experiment"? African sciences?
That man is a crack pot. He knows his Nikon and Fuji well enough and that's about it.
>adhominem instead of focusing on the content
ok retard.
You can change the direction that light travels with a prism too.
go back to shilling on pizzagate threads
it looks like he just takes some iron oxide places it in a liquid carrier then drops it between two glass plates. nothing to see here "super cell" my ass.
It's not an ad hom, it's the truth. A grand unified theory that unifies the four fundamental forces is the holy grail of theoretical physics. Do you really think some guy on YouTube has cracked it?
((((((mainstream physics))))))
Gravity & Black Holes
TRUMP knew Truth on 911
Learn physics.
ok you are literally retard.
those two things have nothing to do with each other. the LEDs are there for you to see the effect of the magnetic field on the liquid.
>Is mainstream physics wrong?
Of course mainstream physics is wrong. Relativity and quantum mechanics are incompatible and cannot be reconciled. That means one of them (or both of them) are wrong. And string theory is ridiculous pseudo-scientific junk, a waste of everybody's time.
Yes and by interacting with the magnetic field you can change the direction that light travels, making those nice patterns.
What else is there to this thing? Its just making nice patterns with some LEDs and some magnets.
This is clearly bait from another board but its interesting seeing it play out.
Get a real job.
lol cool stuff, but gravity isnt magnetic, thats a step and a half 5/10. great equipment
hey retard, I'm talking about the increased effect when the magnets are pushed together. the relative difference you see in the same fucking effect using the same fucking method to visualize
I did, it's just some druggie fuck who took too much DMT and got really into magnets. How is this pleb supposed to get a Nobel price? It's just some cool lines on a glass.
We did the thing with iron filings on a piece of paper with magnets underneath.
Isn't this basically the same thing?
All we know from this is that more light is being directed towards our eyes. You cant measure the strenght of a magnetic field with your fucking eye ball.
Magnetic fields have orientation too meaning the intensity of the light can be altered by the orientation of the magnetic field, not just its strenght. If you are genuine that should answer your question. If you are trolling, well this is boring.
With light in a liquid. Yes.
Im not a physacist. I'm a clinical chemist. Have you any biology or laboratory testing questions for me? I might be more help with them.
>iron filings on a piece of paper with magnets underneath
What did it look like?
>All we know from this is that more light is being directed towards our eyes.
by the force of magnetic fields. this is confirmed scientific method for visualizing magentic fields retard.
the power of the magnetic field directly correlates to the angle at which light is being directed.
>Have you any biology or laboratory testing questions for me?
No, thanks. This thread is about true nature of magnetism.
Post proof.