Why no meme team dream team for France yet?
nobody here speaks le french, euro politics will always be difficult for Sup Forums to influence with memes there.
Then do it in English
Frenchies speak english
this then have frenchies translate them
I'm in
I suggested, 'YOU CAN'T POO POO LE PEN'. Rather good don't you think?
noice start making french pol or le pen fn threads
This is good... 'Le Pen is mightier than the sword'.
I realized last night that there's nearly no Facebook Meme page for Le Pen. I created one two hours ago. I have 2 likes for the moment...
>Rooting for team BLACKED
Good choice Hans.
Is there anything more pleb than a red, white, blue tricolore?
I thought about, 'YOU CAN'T LICK LE PEN'. Maybe the double entendre would not be publicly acceptable but I like it.
For fuck sake, let's begin this already
We need to engage in France and in Germany already.
We lost the Austrian presidency.
when will le election be held? on that day i shall meme for le pen. #imwithher
>Why no meme team dream team for France yet?
Because this is an Anglo supremacist board. Nobody cares about muslims.
this. we need to fully activate our meme engine
Yeah public these days...but what can you do about it ya know...
this dont forget the dutch ats very soon geert widlers is doing well
The elections are in May.
I'm curently shitposting memes with the facebook page "Marine Le Meme 2017"
We just make memes, and the natives translate them. Thats how we do, it's the simpler solution to acting worldwide politics, while avoiding the language barrier.
Let's start this shit already, every day that it passes, we lose opportunity to viralize Le Pen and Petry. For fuck sake, let's fucking save the west. It's our destiny.
i like your passion brazil but i dont even know how to make meme but ill rallies the troops
Yeah I can translate them
this pic with the caption vote against the patriarchy also as france had a women president before
forgot pic
We can start with Le Pen refusing to use that veil to meet islamic politicians.
Thats a powerful message.
We need to rally Sup Forums to meet total memetic war TODAY for coming euro elections. We can't afford to lose more time!
I'll make some memes and post them here.
I'm not a very good meme creator, but will do my part.
A vote for Le Pen, is a vote for Trump.
geert is neck to neck with the largest dutch party he could win and it's in 16 days
Why the fuck isn't Sup Forums full mobilized into total war?
Because Sup Forums is 90% reddit and shills
lazy americans only care about trump what if we got r thr donald on this also is there a le pen and a geert version
l'm sure the original had a nazi uniform somewhere...
Same tone of anti-Trump and anti-Brexit 'articles'.
gimmi (You) if you need a translation of anything
>memeing for a closet socialist sellout
she's not a socialist
b ut she's definitely a demagogue
She anti mudslime. Good enough for me.
Nobody is really getting on board with French Hillary Clinton. Champion of losing
Wants :
>earlier retirement
>higher taxes
>more welfare
>more state-employment
>nationalization of public services
>more centralization of the government
>more official ingerence into businesses
She is.
She absolutely is.
The question is : are these her actual beliefes? and it's hard to tell since all she has ever done is spout the talking points of the far-left to take their place since Lutte Ouvrière is stuck in archaic union talk, the PC is a relic of the pase and the PS is the UMP-lite ; soe it gave the FN a free pass to get the votesof the lower classes that used to be hard-left.
>French Hillary Clinton
>Someone who wants to get filthy immigrants out of her country
pick one, user
Higher quality
>two woman that will never achieve their goals
Wastes of space
Looks like the germans weren't so bad after all
You know whats amazing. Those african ghettos look pretty decent. I guess it's the government that has to keep going in to put new tiles and paint
Silly burger.
We already have our Hillary and we might have gotten rid of him.
>even though if the FN wins, his party will get majority in pariment which would force MLP to take a prime minister from said party, and being the crooked opportunist he is, he would jump to the occasion of sitting in a fancy chair again
you do understand that this is also what facism does right? You do Know that all ethno white states go in this direction and the only people against such things are buisness loving jews right?
What do frenchies think of Napoleon? Could you use that in your memes? photoshop le pen into the napoleon paintings?
Here's what I don't understand about the French election, you all keep saying la pen has no chance, but if she really didn't have a chance, being French, wouldn't she just drop out and surrender to avoid further embarrassment? I think we've got a better chance than we think.
Facism is a god-awful type of regime that can only survive in wartime and would crumble on itself once it can't throw all its production onto a battlefield to generate more demand for equipment. I don't give a shit if "hurr it killd teh juice and nignogs (and it also heavily supported the Muslim Brotherhood and Hitler had a fucking hard(on for the idea of Jihad but let's disregard that)"
>comparing the product of bourgeois nepotism and ideological bankrupcy to one of the few self-made heroes of the nation
Kill yourself please.
I actually agree with you I am just saying that most people on here tend to be facist... need a big strong daddy to take care of that.
>>comparing the product of bourgeois nepotism and ideological bankrupcy to one of the few self-made heroes of the nation
I don't know who's who. Indian """education""" sorry.
That's really not how our electoral system work. All elections can be used as a benchmark to mesure the influence a party or person has over public opinions, and how much do ideas resonate with the public. A victory or defeat in any election is necessary to take counter-measures and potentially improve for the next.
If Fillon gets BTFO how many chances for Le Pen to get his votes in second turn?
man we have candidates who score 1-2% on election day, everyone knows, including themselves that they have no chance
Fillon is the candidates of right wingers who are afraid to vote lepen, so idk, depends how bad the other candidate is, might push them to make a leap
The Le Pen family pretty much bought their political influence. The founder of the FN, Jean Marie Le Pen inherited the fortune his father made through industrial activities. And then the fortune and the party is passed.
the FN pretty much belongs to one family and one family only. And it is actually quite profitable to that family considering as a party it recieves funds, many of its members (including MLP herself) fraud in parliments with fictive employment to increase the size of their distributable pay, etc.
If I wanted to be a cunt, I'd say that a familial business that abuses political influence for its own enrichment is usually called a mafia, but that would be an exageration. THough not by that much.
Well, (((Macron)))
I mean if there is a situation like USA when republicans endorsed Hillary saying Trump was too far right?
The average French person doesn't realise how bad Macron is
He seen as a blank candidate, that's why so many people are voting for him, he's going to continue the work of Hollande, and everything will stay the same
Nobady talks about him being a Rothschild guy and getting money from many other banks wtf
Fillon is the candidate of right-wingers.
Le Pen is the candidate of left-wingers who have been abandonned by their former representatives.
Nothing the FN proposes would be good for local businesses, none of it would go towards liberalisation of the economy or reduction of state spendings, it would do the opposite of both.
The FN is only considered right-wing because it's against immigration (which is not a right or left issue) and because JMLP used to be in it.
Doesn't help that he STILL hasn't released a clear program.
Can't wait for him to become Bayrou 2 : le retour de la vengeance du "centre"
Well the same could be said of Trump no? The way I see it you don't have a choice but to vote in Le Pen. Else I assure you France will fall to separatist movements.
The same has happened in my country so I can tell you with pretty good faith that when the Muslim population goes over 60% in an area, communal tensions become common place, then after that you will see forced spreading of Islam, like giving poor people to convert.
Then there's the separatist movements. In my country both Hyderabad and Kashmir both Muslim heavy rejected to join the Indian union after 1947 independence,all the ISIS sleeper cells in the country are in Hyderabad. Kashmir still has an army of separatists.
You don't have a choice. Le Pen or Le'caliphate. Pick one.
>like giving poor people to convert.
*money to convert
We care veey deeply about the French. We wouldn't exist as a country if not for their help in beating you limey bastards.
well prove it you faggot and join the frence meme war
>Well the same could be said of Trump no?
Exactly, and it's already starting to backfire.
Remember how the clean and incorruptible candidate filled his cabinet with people from big corporations, his own lobbies and fucking Goldman-Sachs? yeah.
>Else I assure you France will fall to separatist movements.
I would be absolutely fine with that.
(in all seriousness, it would take a lot more than five years of immobility (which we would get with the FN too because they wouldn't get to govern alone and would have to compromise on everything) to tear the country appart, separatism has almost completely died down in the last 20 to 30 years. The only places where it somehow remains are some outer-sea territories and Corsica.)
This will be remembered in the history books of future generations.
As someone who has French family and was there often when I was young.
The French love thier rich culture and history the Joan of Arc meme and theme will be more easily accepted than Pepe-style memeing.
I mean louis14 referred to himself as sun-king - marine is the Sun Queen - Reine Soileil
Austrian presidency is irrelevant.
FPÖ must win in the presidential elections. Much more important
most of french don't like marine tho
far right hate her for being demagogue and zionist
other people who vote for her are the ones unhappy with nowadays economic and corruption problems and hate her supposedly far right ideas
FYI this video was shot in the Lorraine countryside, in a village halfway between Metz and Luxembourg.
English speaking autistic frog reporting in
>Austrian presidency is irrelevant.
>FPÖ must win in the presidential elections. Much more important
Honestly for what I've seen, people find it insulting towards History.
Only unemployed frontistes like the Le Pen family in the first place.
Everyone in politics hate them because the FN makes a living pretty much insulting them on TV instead of doing the job they were elected for ; everyone in the far-right hates them for being crypto-left and a bunch of sellout demagogues.
I was just looking at how they are attempting to undermine her with this EU probe?
Is that the main focus.
My French might not be perfect and I just mashed this up on in a hurry, but something like this?
>François "France is a land of immigration" Fillon is the right-wing candidate
Hey faggot,we don't give a shit about the economy,we already have a commie-tier economy,so she won't change much.
We need to fix the shitskin problem,we'll cut taxes and welfare later.
Do you realize your country is invaded by blacks and arabs and all you care about is the fucking state spendings ?
The french meme brigades are actually quite formidable. Mainstream news outlets have already written articles about her internet army. LePepe's are all over social media, with only Melenchon having an internet savvy public. He's not the biggest threat tho and will not make it into the 2nd round (he's basically Bernie).
But moral is high on reddit with good memes and content daily. I would start from there, good meme bank already, good instructions for english posters, good guidelines and collections of hashtags to use online.
>>>>> /r/Le_Pen/
Nice Hans.
Your french is pretty good but it's "Pour qui allez vous voter ?"
"comment Le Pen défenD "
and "qui allez-vouS voter ?
very nice btw
They're saying that getting out of the EU is unrealistic and would be dangerous for the economy.
Merci, mes amis.
don't we say pour qui allez vous voter?