Jehovahs Witnesses: Cult?

Why are they a cult but other denominations are not? Why is the NWT version left out of Bible aggregate websites? My theory is because they do not vote the world shits on them. I like the NWT so far. I havent read anything in it that is any different than other versions, just slightly more common language to say the same things. Th e only thing so far that is slightly tripping me up is the idea of not thinking of the Godhead as a Trinity. In a way that makes sense and keeps with the idea of monotheism but all my life Ive thought of Jesus as God in the flesh and the Holy Spirit as God in the spirit. I dont think its a sin that would keep you from salvation if you did believe in God and Jesus as His son, instead of as God in the flesh but its not a thought that Ive taken to yet. What say you heathens?

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I've read a fair bit of the NWT, it's not terrible. I did get a KJV as well though as its a nice translation. NWT's modern language is nice but I don't like the removal of some concepts, the choice of words does change the meaning in some ways and its obvious there's been a little editing to favour their own views.

The definition of a cult is them requiring some special snowflake to decode scripture for you because it is lol2deep4u to understand without Jim Jones interpreting it for you.

They are saying that every Christian for 1800+ years went to Hell for believing the wrong thing, and their cult leadership is correct and everyone else is wrong.

They are Islam tier apostasy.

Once youve been to a Kingdom Hall service, and experience the beauty of their deep faith, you'll see why it's more cult like than others other denominations. They encourage participation via Q and A sessions in group studies of The Watchtower as a sign of faith, use language out of ordinary parlance (ie Babylon the Great), practice shunning, etc.

Still, if your life ever fell apart, they'd sort you out really quick.

Shittiesy music though imho, but comfiest chairs (2 hour services)

So far Ive read both Corinthians and Galatians. The two translations that take the most getting used to so far is "undeserved kindness" for grace/mercy and the "system of things" for "world". I think both do mean the same thing but are a little awkward sounding when compared to the KJV prose.

They are not a cult. Now get vack to handing them watchtowers out unless you want the elders to tell every single person you know and love to disown you.

The reason the NWT isn't included is because the JWs literally added and removed words from scripture to strip Jesus of his diety, and are now cursed by God for their apostasy.

I havent been to a meeting. For about a year now theres a very nice black family that comes by and i talk with them on my front porch for a few minutes each time. I dont mind them at all.

In comparison there was a Baptist preacher that came by 3 times and was very aggressive, questioned my salvation, disrespected me as a husband to my wife, disrespected me as a father to my children and disrespected my front porch when I told him to gtfo it. Then he stalked my wife at her grocery store job telling her in front of customers that I am going to hell for chasing him into a rainstorm. But damn, man...I was polite at first you know?

All the Kingdom Hall services I've been to reference The Great Whore. (The system of things on earth)

They are a doomsday cult in a sense, as they grew out of the meat grinder of WWI and the Spanish flu, it's hard not to blame them for announcing the end was near back then... it almost was!

They're pretty ok desu. They get shit on way more than they deserve.

>hey are saying that every Christian for 1800+ years went to Hell for believing the wrong thing
lol, literally the opposite of what they believe

>and disrespected my front porch
That bastard

Like all religions, but maybe a little more so, it is a crock of feces.

>telling people Jesus isn't God and that he is Michael archangel
>they get shit on more than they deserve
They deserve eternal damnation like everyone else.
They will get it too if they keep denying Jesus is Lord.

Can any old-timer tell me why ayy lmao alien threads are verboten but equally off-topic threads like this one proliferate day after day?

and the truth is that it's far more likely that life exists on other planets than that some higher spirit cares about human activity.

IDk about the Micheal thing but they have said to me many times that jesus is Lord. The way they put it to me is God the father had a Son and gave him all the power and glory and when the entire world bows down to Jesus then Jesus will bow down to the father, Jehovah, to demonstate that all things are under Gods authority. Basically.

Culture is cult, break the conditioning

Faith will make a man act funny.

I go to a variety of churches, depending on where I am and if I can make a service, and personally I find the practical advice leads to the most spiritual change in my life. For instance, spending 3 hours a week volunteering with my group, being dedicated to maintaining my physical health, turning off the TV and reading to my kids (they are twins, 3 years old), all the advice that should work to improve the life of any of gods children. Sometimes it's adding something, sometimes it's taking it away, but all done in the faith that the sacrifice will lead to a better life for myself, my family, my community, my country, etc

JWs deny the death on the cross and the bodily resurrection.

Getting eschatology wrong isn't a salvation issue.

Denying the death on the cross and the resurrection in the flesh 3 days later is damnable heresy.

Don't be a JW.

Religion and politics are two sides of the same coin. A lot of policy comes from grass roots movements that emerge from the pulpit

>other denominations are not

That really depends upon who you ask, and what definitions you use.

I consider all of Christianity a cult, and an Armageddon cult at that. So do a couple billion other people on the planet. That includes every denomination and sect.

When I hear things like that i become immediately concerned. Ive read through the Gospels many, many times and Ive read the Bible through multiple times. I know better than to deny the resurrection. I hope they dont believe that.

You should join

What they do is very simple. The message is meaningless. They go door to door looking for people who are either very impressionable or just extremely down on their luck.

If they find someone in dire straights, they essentially bail them out. Whether that's helping them meet their mortgage payment, providing them housing, bailing their son out of jail, whatever. They go to great lengths to help them after which that person becomes a loyal member for life. At that point they feel like they owe the church their life and will repay whatever investment the church initially made in them disguised as charity 100 fold.

>Religion and politics

true, but endless threads about one religion vs. another have nothing to do with politics.

It's just one more thing about Sup Forums that is irritating, but I accept that most of Sup Forums believes or has convinced themselves that they have faith in god and when they die they will get rewarded for this delusion.

thanks for the answer.

I go to church with an older guy who was kicked out of his Jehovah Witness church. His family disowned him and kicked him out of their house for going to a friend's birthday party, so he had nowhere else to go. He was 16 at the time, but he still remembers what his old church believed.
>Jesus isn't lord
They believe Jesus is some special guy, but he isn't lord and he isn't necessary to get to heaven. That's a direct heretical statement under tradional christian beliefs.
>everyone else is wrong and in hell
This is also what they believe. That guy said they spent hours talking about what each denomination is doing wrong and what the punishment in hell will be for all of them. Sure they won't tell you that in a casual conversation or while trying to convert you, but spend a few years in the church and they will tell you.
>A panel of judges
basically they have a small panel of judges that are the mouthpiece of God. Kinda like 5 popes. Except they have even more power. If these judges demand everyone drinks the koolaid, you are going to hell for not doing what they say.
>Limited salvation
Basically during communion only the people "sure" of their salvation take the bread and wine. That's about 2 people in a church of 200. Everyone else knows they will die and just wait for Jesus. Also a heretical belief. Everyone else goes to hell.
TL:DR its a cult

This may bring up some question to ask your JW friends about if you care about their salvation.

They deny the death on the cross because they believe that Jesus died on a stake, removing the power behind the cross symbolism.

John 1 NWT
>18 No man has seen God at any time;+ the only-begotten god+ who is at the Father’s side*+ is the one who has explained Him.+

What is this funny business with their special snowflake bible?

You got it wrong. JWs believe in the resurrection; not of the body, but the spirit. No flesh can enter Heaven, as the flesh is of the world.

jehovahs witness do not believe in the Holy Trinity, they do not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, they believe he was a lesser 'god' sort of akin to polytheistic belief. They are literally not Christians.

That's blasphemy.

Jehovah's Witnesses aren't even a denomination of Christianity.

Christian denominations vary on a few key issues, but are generally the same set of beliefs.
JW just comes out of nowhere with a whole new set of doctrines and a new book to go along with it and suspicions of being nothing more than a power grab from the start. It's easy to see why it's considered a cult.

it's just as heretical as the mormons who wrote their own bible. I honestly can't fathom how Christians are this easily misled. I do see the comparisons with the Catholic papacy who have their own writings and teachings that they consider the word of God.

>Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura
>Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura
>Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura
>Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura
>Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura
>Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura

It doesn't matter what he died on and what imagery is used. They believe the self sacrifice of Jesus was pointless. That's the damnable belief

I was close friends with a JW and they truly are some great people but their beliefs are kind of out there. For instance my friend had some marital issues. The church wouldn't let him and his wife divorce so he had to come to temple every week and sit but not be allowed to speak for over 1 year. On top of that they minimize Jesus and deny his divinity instead believing he was a man possessed with a spirit.

I dont mind people believing what they want but the real catch is if you ever debate a JW about the bible you can see where the "cult" shit comes from. They have their own bible and refuse to listen or review any other bible. Immediately the debate is over because they only believe what the "watch tower" or what have you tells them to. To top it off they have a weird hierarchy with "anointed ones" and other weirdness. They have to devote a lot of time to door to door service for free or out of pocket. These things are where the cult like stuff pop up. If you try to leave you see it yet again.

Trace the roots of the JWs and you see they come from the time when other similar groups popped up. 7th day Adventist, Mormons, etc . Russell was probably a mason which is reflected in a lot of the symbolism and rituals.

There is a trip fag JW on pol that is extra satanic.
He uses the KJV, which the JWs used before they rewrote the Bible to rob Jesus of the work at Cavalry and His divinity.

Which makes me conclude that he can only be a wicked false teacher that knows how full of shit he while leading people to damnation.

They've changed the meaning of some passages with false translations. Do some basic research.

JWs are scum!

Born into it, was a member for 30 years. Is a cult.

Basic ideas sound - be good to prove Satan not powerful, no fap, monogamy, strong families serving God into the new world.

The actual life inside differs however. Services are boring, repetitive, songs are lame as stated earlier, can only hang with other JW's, who are uneducated and brainwashed, if you have doubts, you're 'marked' as weak in faith, and people start avoiding you.

Basically you spend your life gossiping while you wait for the Armaggeddon happening (kinda like Sup Forums) It's boring, and judgemental.

Skip the JW's, they try to replace blood family with fellow cultees, and it tears apart the fabric of our ancestors. They take the command to avoid blood to include blood transfusions, the avoidance of which which may kill you, and pedo shit is a big issue, and covered up. Also, they change their doctrine frequently, and heaven help you if you say this makes no sense.

Not religious anymore, but if i go back to Christianity, i'll be Lutheran.

Live a good life, be good to others, dream big, love your family. Find others who do the same. You don't need a church to do that.

I will have to keep an eye out for him. This is the first time ive seen the JWs mentioned here. My biggest issue is they are Judaizers for the most part. That and they tend to prey on minorities when it comes to proselytizing much like the Mormons do. Mormons realized that most first worlders wont fall for their act so they spend a lot of time in Africa. Im not sure if JWs actually do any type of international outreach like the mormons or not.

There are a few things I respect about the JWs though. I respect the fact that they dont celebrate birthdays or other holidays. I even kind of like their practices about blood transfusions. For the most part they are good people that fall into the trap of "this is the real way" type of thinking. A sort of fake redpill.

I will say one thing my uncle who is an elder in Alabama told me that the Spanish congregation was told by the governor body to have illegal immigrants step down as elder or servants because they were breaking the law.

Further more the governing body also told them to return to there home country and try and apply for legal ny citizenship if they wanted to live in the United States. Many did this was back in 2015-2016.

At least jehovahs witnesses aren't tolerating illegal immigrants that's based enough out of any other christians.

Not knowing Jehovah was used in KJV up until the 90s. Which also removed Jesus deity.

But I guess Catholics will just rewrite the Bible for there own narrative.

They deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, and have heavily modified the Bible

The Bible clearly says, and spirit that denies this, is the spirit of the antichrist.

Not knowing the ransom sacrifice, he'll they commerate a memorial every year to Jesus and his sacrifice. You couldn't be more wrong about that statement.

All your doing is spewing lies friend.

Your apostate church is an abomination, and the fact that you misrepresent yourselves as Christians is one of the biggest lies and heresies in a world full of false religions.


Digits confirm!

Two aspects that differentiate a religion from a cult is the idea of "Secret knowledge" that you can only learn when you join. JW's will not tell you everything up front. The second is a policy of disconnection. Only cults will tell you that you cannot contact excommunicated members. JW's are just as strict as Scientology in thie regard.

>They are saying that every Christian for 1800+ years went to Hell
JWs don't believe in the concept of "hell" at all. t. raised a JW.

Sure keep following your catholic cult were your leader said it was better to be an atheist then bad believer.

Literally promoting apostasy. At least JWs follows the rules kicked the Beaners out of congregations and made them apply for citizenship. How could you call yourself a godly person if you are breaking the law? The doesn't go against any bible commandments get fucked kiddo.

>your leader said it was better to be an atheist then bad believer.

He literally didn't. Here's the actual quote:

"There are many Catholics who are like this and they cause scandal," he said. "How many times have we all heard people say 'if that person is a Catholic, it is better to be an atheist'."

Stop reading headlines.

I have a story for you lads from back when I was in primary.

>be your everyday primary school student
>11-12 at the time
>have a classmate and a good friend, we had a lot of fun together, kinda tall, so all in all a good guy. Let's call him Nate.
>parents knew each other, met often
>one afternoon I go up to their place
>his mother usually greets us
>some other woman is at their place
>"Hey, Nate, I will be your mother from now on"
>didn't think much of it, went on to play on PS2
>went home, told parents about the "new mother"
>"user, don't tell us stupid things"
fast forward a few weeks
>school often organizes the "parents' and teacher's afternoon", where - you guessed it - parents can meet teachers/school staff/other parents and discuss stuff
>Nate's new mother and dad shows up
>my parents initially think she's her aunt or something
>after a few questions it becomes clear
>Nate's dad, original mother, new mother, the headmaster were part of local JW cell
>headmaster once approached Nate's dad to trade wives
>he agreed for whatever reason
>later they traded them back
>few months later they divorced from their respective spouses
>was only told the story later

Fuck them, they are a cult and about as bad as scientology

>be me
>looking for girls on dating app
>find a cute Indian lady
>bullshit conversation as usual
>try to set up a meeting
>"you can come over to my place user"
>fast forward a week at her place : "let's go upstairs, we'll get more comfy on my bed"
>On her bed with her : "I have a gift for you user"
>wait wat
>come back with a Bible in her hands
>"I didn't tell you user, I'm a Jehovah Witness, I can teach you how to find the message of God"
>bug in the matrix, did not plan that
>straight edge lord lady : "I'm glad I found a kiddo like you who doesnt want a hit&run shallow relation"
>go home
>do not talk to her anymore
>still have the Bible

>implying I'm Catholic
The sad thing is, there will be Catholics in heaven, but not a single JW. Because JW deny Jesus is Lord by denying the Holy Trinity and Divine Godhead.
