Hey faggots, prove to me that global warming is real.
>Protip: you fucking cant
The temperature has only risen by .2 Celsius since 1980, literally fucking nothing and easily explainable by natural caused
>b-but muh co2!
Theres literally less than 0.1% of it in the atmosphere. It doesnt fucking matter.
Hey faggots, prove to me that global warming is real
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It isn't.
But user scientist said that is is true and that I should buy energy saving light bulbs.
Why should they lie to me that would be very sad.
>Hey do this for me because I don't know how to think for myself.
Nice try Ahmed saged.
It only takes an increase of 7° on average to permanently kill off all ecosystems on earth. At this rate if we dont change and the temperature continues to rise we'll see mass starvation, and extinction of species in the next century. Unless your 50+ OP this is gonna fuck up your life. Sadly all the old fucks in control are the ones who will be long dead before any of the consequences come around.
WW3 and the subsequent nuclear winter will get to us first, Al Gore.
The planet continues to warm as it has since the breakup of the last ice-age, the climate does change and you're a window-licking retard if you argue that it doesn't.
What OP wants to argue is whether it's human-caused, which it isn't. Adding carbon by the fuckton probably won't help, but we didn't start it.
>obvious product of U.S. public education system
Whoa, there are still people who don't understand climate change. On the Internet.
>Adding carbon by the fuckton probably won't help
you know nothing about plants and trees.
pro tip: vegetation thrives on carbon dioxide.
If it was only carbon coming out of cars, there'd be no issue.
Trump is right to bring back coal, we gonna need it youtube.com
Except the concentration of CO2 keeps increasing. Therefore we can conclude that CO2 is not the limiting factor in plant growth, planet-wide.
>Trump is right to bring back coal
My sides are now in orbit. Top kek!
There is no issue. You're being hoodwinked by greedy entrepreneurs who have politicized "climate change" for their own enrichment via government contracts,etc
>23 Feb 2017 – More than 300 scientists have urged President Trump to withdraw from the U.N.’s climate change agency, warning that its push to curtail carbon dioxide threatens to exacerbate poverty without improving the environment.
>In a letter to the president, MIT professor emeritus Richard Lindzen called on the U.S. and other nations to “change course on an outdated international agreement that targets minor greenhouse gases,” starting with carbon dioxide.
>“Since 2009, the US and other governments have undertaken actions with respect to global climate that are not scientifically justified and that already have, and will continue to cause serious social and economic harm — with no environmental benefits,” said Mr. Lindzen, a prominent atmospheric physicist.
>Challenging the catastrophic climate change narrative, Mr. Lindzen describes carbon dioxide as “plant food, not poison.”
>Restricting access to fossil fuels “condemns over 4 billion people in still underdeveloped countries to continued poverty.” says Lindzen in his letter.
>spray particulate into atmosphere for a century
>China/India industrialize, do it way more
>no signs of stopping
>'no problem'
You're swinging too hard the other way, just because faggots on the left want to make you pay carbon-bux and promise to plant trees while counting your cash. It's not an all or nothing argument, but we've been memed into having it out that way for years.
Big Oil actually is making billions more than the handful of businessmen turning a profit on renewable energy. You know climate change denial is funded by Big Oil, right?
Good, I want third world hell holes to starve.
Climate Change is real, but I don't really care.
The draughts and famines will hit the overpopulated third world and thin them out.
I just hope we have a proper defense of our borders by then.
Congress Investigates After Whistleblower Exposes Fake Science
>OAA “has deceived the American people by falsifying data to justify a partisan agenda.” – House Science Committee Chairman Congressman Lamar Smith
>Congress is ramping up its investigation into a key climate study after a federal whistleblower raised serious questions about it’s validity.
>The whistleblower, Dr. John Bates, a former top scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) accused Tom Karl, former director of the NOAA office responsible for climate data, of manipulating temperature readings, failing to archive data, and ignoring agency protocols in a rush to publish his report right before the Paris climate conference in 2015.
>The explosive allegations from Dr. Bates were detailed in the Daily Mail and on the scientific blog, Climate, Etc. on February 5.
See entire article by Julie Kelly:
And they're totally not in the pocket of Big Oil, right? ;)
I'll stick with science over paid-for petitions, thanks.
climate change is a hoax.. Trump said so.
are you cereal?
Global warming is real, but because of Nibiru
>another 0.3C is going to affect OP personally in any way
yeah, nah
Keep blaming libtards and corrupt politicians trying to make a buck I guess, because that legitimate corruption means the idea they're exploiting cannot POSSIBLY have merit, because they're exploiting it.
This is what I mean, we're memed into fighting two unrealistic extremes, IE "The world is ending!" VS "Everything's fine, hippy fag!" when neither of those is true.
>"Carbon dioxide is a hero, not a villain" – Greenpeace co-founder
I have many friends who sincerely want to help the planet. They are not bad people. Nor are they part of some devious conspiracy aiming to de-populate the planet. They simply do not realize that they are being conned about the dangers of carbon dioxide (CO2).
This video by Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, PhD., might begin to persuade them.
>At about 6:10 into the video, Moore displays a geological timescale of the last 540 million years. CO2 levels are shown in purple, while the blue line tracks global temperature.
>Moore shows unequivocally that CO2 and temperature have NOT moved in unison. In fact, during the Jurassic, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere plummeted while temperatures rose. The same thing disparity occurred in the Eocene.
>“It is (therefore) not possible to demonstrate a cause and effect relationship between CO2 and temperature over the long-term history,” Dr. Moore concludes.
>“Carbon is not the enemy. It is actually the reason that we are alive.”
>a fucking gas being a particulate
I just buy CFLs because they last 10 times longer than incandescents.
Climatic changes are real. The real question is wheter it's caused by human interference. The anwser is mostly inconclusive, but there are strong evidences that it is not.
You study chemistry ?
I want you to stand behind an idling car for a few minutes and think about what you just said.
>carbon is the only bi-product of burning fuel
Good goyim
no, that's not my quote, it's from Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace. He dedicated his life to environmental science and preservation of our planet. I encourage you to take the time to watch his videos on youtube and consider his arguments.
The temperature fluctuates daily and there's no issue. And we go through climatic cycles every few centuries, hell we've only just been able to have vineyards in Northern England again quite recently after centuries of cold.
>it doesnt fucking matter
Pic related
Please dont fall for Patrick-Moore-is-an-expert-on-climate-science meme. He got his phd in forest ecology in the early 1970's and hasnt published or contributed to any peer reviewed research since (on anything, not just climate science). As soon as he left greenpeace he whored himself out to any company that would pay him for his 'expert' opinion. He's essentially the equal but opposite version of Al Gore