not /ourguy/. Everybody is aware that the MSM is full of shit.
>he got too lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly waddled away
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal
He is weak. Even after promising to change, he proves incapable of doing so. He is just another filthy degenerate.
like milo?!
retard rides the eggy nazi meme like all the kids and thinks he can make some fast bucks of it.
Why do you even know this was tweeted?
That didn't happen, right?
Plz b reel
The fuck he is. He's like an old woman at a casino. Those old hags that breathe down your neck and stalk you when you're on a slot machine. The second your ass even attempts to leave the seat, they're on it.
That's Boogie. He takes advantage of every single issue, tragedy and news story in the world for views.
He also constantly complains about his health problems but lacks motivation to do anything about it.
He then bitched about Obamacare which shouldn't even be for him. People with his level of income shouldn't fucking be on Obamacare. It's disgusting. He makes more than most families will make in an entire lifetime every year but complains about hospital bills. Fuck you.
His channel is full of motor scooter riding fat fucks who sympathize with him because they're just as lazy and fat. I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt and watched his Twitch channel one night. He's even more obnoxious there. He repeats everything he says 100 times and thinks things like fart jokes are hilarious. He's a 40+ year old man.
His wife used to be a fat slob and even she got her shit together. Now she's fuckable (if you can get past the fact that Boogie's 3 incher made contact with her cunt).
Definitely /ourguy/
Reminder that Boogie literally got famous by pretending to be retarded
Did boogie ever get redpilled? I tapped out of that podcast
He got famous by being a proud fatass on the internet and fake-rageing over shitty game launches.
I hope boogie dies already, he's long overdue
Kek give him heart attack please
>obamacare wont pay the medical bills no more, but maybe the alt-right will
nu-Sup Forums fuck off. ecelebs are not our guys
Wall Street Journal
Social Justice Warriors
Just Welcoming Satan
Heard this story before but there never proof to accompany it. When, which con, everyone at those cons has their cellphone camera recording everything.
This didn't happen, sadly.
Gold digger
inb4 he changes his user name to Boogie1488
Bunch of faggots defending pewdiepie. "He's not racist" nigga please.... Funny part about it he's a pussy like all white boys who are too scared to talk shit but don't want to crossed that line.
Boogie is even more of a fucking idiot.
shut up nigger