So I have been reading Rand's Atlas Shrugged

What do you think about Ayn Rand, user?

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Bioshock was way more fun.

Mary-sue level bs. And that snooze fest of a radio manifesto that went for a billion pages in the middle .... Zzzzz

I read it too recently. I liked it and would like to read more of her work.

I started listening to the audiobook of the fountainhead but i didn't finish it.

Definitely check out her novella Anthem.

It's fucking great. It's the only thing from Rand than I've read, but I highly recommend it.

Thanks, will add it to my backlog

Granted, that radio speech was way too long

nothing I read of hers has really stuck with me. Good read when i was 22, can't finish it at 37

Ask for the bill


She died on welfare.

Her ideology destroyed Sears, which is run by one of her ideological adherents.

The problem with selfishness is that people have a "bad habit" of wanting to be treated decently.


She paid into welfare. She should get her money back.

She's basically a Satanist without the Satanic overtones. Greed is good, might makes right, etc.

>run away from communism as a little girl
>daddy was a businessman but the reds took his monies
>develop super idealistic view of capitalism
>all businessmen are the ubermensch
>writes novel filled with author proxies

Overrated as an author but very important as an influential piece.

When she pontificates about how businessmen are the true creators and other people are leeches picture a 3rd generation gas station owner, a construction company bribing state officials to hire their company over the others, or even just a SJW "web artist". It'll ruin the whole mindset behind the books. Hell picture pic related.

Whined about how evul "tribalism" and nationalism was but was an ardent supporter of Israel

Really makes you think...

I think Rand's big mistake in Atlas Shrugged was thinking there were any decent people left

Don't you guys know what her follower has done to Sears?

Read about its economic destruction.

Blame has been assigned to its Randian CEO.

She was a crazy bitch who died using the same social welfare programs she championed against. I agree with many of her ideologies, but she was no champion, just a hypocrite.

Not only was it way too long, but it just repeated the same basic points over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

She's as much a utopian idealogue as Marx but just opposite the economic spectrum. It's natural for her to go the opposite of what she was raised in with what she put up with being raised in the Soviet Union. Seems she basically thinks things would be cotton candy and blow jobs if we get anarchocapitalism which I don't buy. Government should be extremely reduced but we'll always need police and aircraft carriers.

Did you even read her books?

What's wrong about a gas station owner or a web artist? The point of her work is that there should be no state official to bribe

Racial nationalist state for jews but not for the goyim!!!

Why are jewish women so repulsive and hideous?

But they could be private police, paid for with gold, hank.

she was an evil horrible, selfish, autistic cunt that should have never been alive.

>What do you think about Ayn Rand, user?

A greedy, selfish Jew.

She doesn't understand human nature

Yes, humans are naturally selfish. Ok.
But to think that's the extent of human nature is wrong. We are naturally tribal.

Because mercenaries are the epitome of good moral judgement? All ethical judgement require is a 6 figure salary amiright?

Vile woman. Had a soft spot for child dismembering scumbags:

I know when you try to apply it in practice, you get the collapse of Sears, lol.

Exactly. I mean just look at the oh-so virtuous Ragnar Danneskjold. Sinking those ebil communist ships. I'm sure there was nobody on board any of them.


>muh sears

>what are lifeboats?

Read Nietzsche instead. She says nothing original.

She loved getting raped.

Ran away from Russia so as not to be raped by proletariat NKVD ubermensch. Wrote a novel fantasizing about a rape by proletariat American ubermensch. It's comical, really. Ran a scam of a salon to mooch off gullible American 'intellectuals' until finally revealing her true form and dying a cat lady.

Some interesting ideas, some passable stories, while others are ridiculously verbose.

She did tend to be very cult-like when it came to maintaining ideological purity. Any degree of difference to her ideology was attacked by her and her closest followers to degrees that are irrational.

Her obsession with businessmen is overboard. Yes people that create a very successful business should be looked up to I guess.

But ffs, Rand's puss dripped for anyone that fortune granted some capital and that turned another buck with it, like they were golden gods.

My biggest problem with her is how she tries to describe almost anyone doing anything "altruistic" as some slimeball because muh USSR.

Sometimes, occasionally, people do just try to do the right thing, and will in fact piss on you to put out the fire, without some big reward coming out of it. Sometimes smart people fuck up same as the common dumbass and it's good to get them back on their feet. This is alien to the Rand.

I liked Anthem. People say it's somewhat of a knockoff of other stories that are around, and it is similar I'll grant, many good things are similar, but as a work itself, I found it pretty decent.

>discredited economic theories
>worthless cultural contributions
shan't be discussing

I read anthem in one sitting for 9th grade and its easily on of the 3 worst books i've ever read.

She also never seemed to acknowledge the existence of the stock market, and the extra dynamic that it creates in our society.

Retarded drivel of hypocritical jewish cunt.

Read about how it's been ruined by its Rand-follower CEO.

Describe what makes you butthurt about it then, and where you disagree with the story.

I think she was in deep with the elite like Huxley (and his Eugenicist brother) were. She was able to create incredible masculine characters and describe what was so attractive about them (a woman being able to logically and articulately describe their emotions is rare) but besdies that it's just jew garbage and the only purpose a physical copy of Atlas Shrugged served was beating to death a dindu who broke into your house it was that thick.

The point is that it's not fortune but hard work that is granting capital

A lot of atlas shrugged was about the stockmarket

It's a communist indoctrination book.

I read her books before getting red pilled, I was also studying Kabbalah and Jewish mystisim at the time. She was literally commissioned to write a few of her books by a Rothschild.

Ironically too jaded from her life under Communism to remain objective. She puts capitalists on a pedestal like they're faultless altruistic guardian angels.

The thing that really turned me off in her book was how she talked about interpersonal interactions mediated by money. For example, if you lend your neighbor your bicycle, they should pay you. She even insinuated that things like love should be financially motivated.

It's like she doesn't understand human interaction. This theoretical world of hers doesn't correspond well to reality, and you can see that because of how small followers her movement is. It appeals to hyper-logical budding intellects, but it really is just a pitfall that they need to avoid. Getting sucked into that world is cancer to the mind.

Anyway, I don't really understand why so many people want a comfortable, peaceful world. Why not a world with great battles, great warriors, great triumphs and achievements? Isn't that so much more interesting? Imagine actually having a reason to live, and something to fight for.

(((Ayn Rand)))

At the same time she did a great job at describing a spoopy world that was slowly dying a death of attrition.

She could have been the next H.P. Lovecraft...but instead she decided to get political.

That was just the reaction of the people of Atlantis to prevent rhetoric and developments that made it necessary to leave society in the first place.

Regarding your second point, you should maybe consider that there are countless things to live and strive for that do not involve violence. If you don't have these things in your life, that is your own fault.

Also, capitalism made it possible to experience your battles and violence in virtual worlds, without harming anybody.

I am fine with the idea that nobody should be required to help others, or even is morally obligated.

Where her philosophy falls apart is that she fails to realize that at a certain point it becomes logical to help out the needy.

We all live on the same planet, and if shit gets bad enough in the slums down the road from you they might just all get pissed off and come lynch your ass and take your mansion and jetskis for themselves.

Your first bit is spot on. It's made worse by the bullshit setting of Gts Gultch. I doubt any of the billionaire tycoons were digging shit ditches or paving streets.

>What do you think about Ayn Rand
Yet another boring and highly overrated ashkenazi psychopath who has an amateur grade school writing style and is we should never talk about again.

Honestly I'm beyond sick of you idiots arguing about which jewish socio-economic "philosophy" is best. We should not be entertaining any thoughts or ideas created by jews. They are the enemy. Until you realize that unironically you cannot call your self red-pilled

But self interest can feed them because capitalism.

They are starving because the farmers didn't make enough money so they became painters instead.

Who am Joan Gilt?

(((Muh objectivism)))
Money itself is the invention of the Jew. This eternal game through which we are all enslaved. We are taught to worship authority of one form or another so that should some naughty goyim try to escape the clutches of society we will lynch their asses because a piece of paper told us to.

Imagine a society of radical individuals (Ayn Rand)

Then imagine a society of tribalists with a strong in-group preference and out-group hatred.
Which do you think will win?

I mean it's pretty obvious. Humans formed tribal groups for a reason, it's the most powerful form of social organization

It's a novel that attempts to push an ideology based entirely on strawmen. If you want to understand Objectivism, read her non fiction. Reading stories in which the protagonists and antagonists are simplistic and do exactly what is required to 'prove' an ideology is intellectually lazy.

At least read 'Jennifer Government' as a response. It suffers from the same strawman fallacy as 'Atlas Shrugged' but shows how fiction can be used to create a extreme narrative from either side. Also it is MUCH shorter than A.S.

>Give me stuff or I kill you

Maybe the rich should rather buy guns and kill the raging hordes of robbers

This is also why the elites tolerate democracy. Letting every mouth breathing moron vote is a terrible way of selecting leaders but it does give everyone buy-in, which in turn helps prevent revolutions. This is why the perception that democracy is being rigged, as if it hasn't always been, is so dangerous. Once the masses stop believing they are part of the system, buy-in disappears and instability moves in.

There's a limit to how much security an individual can provide for themselves. Eventually you have to rely on hired guns, who have a nasty habit of looking out for their own financial self interest (could you expect anything different). That means you must create a world in which you not only have the majority of the planet's wealth but can also make it instantly disappear should your mercenaries double cross you. To survive, you must band together with others who have the same economic interests... meaning a recreation of the tribalism you set out to avoid.

Anyone who says their a fan of Rand's bullshit is immediately suspect of being a sociopath.

Yeah and you forgot
>dies dirt poor

Typical dodge.


Fucking maximum pathetic. I guess that pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality goes out the fuckin window the second you need help while the only reason you get that if because the bulk of people aren't Rand worshipping sociopaths who would let you die of hunger on the street.

Pretty much this. She made a career out of preaching selfishness as virtue and died a bitter old Jew cunt on welfare.

You know what the true redpill of Atlas Shrugged is?

It's not the content itself. You get the content in the first 1/3 of the book and might as well stop reading.

The most interesting elements are this: a) a scene where a guy determines that he does not have an obligation to help, only a choice to help, b) that the "villain" is a modern-style government extending its bureaucracy and collectivism.

But that's only interesting because it's unusual.

No, the most interesting is the intense, extreme, overwhelming rage shown against the book because of these factors. The book is an art and philosophy project in how it draws out the dark core of leftists, the bottomless extreme rage and destructive tendencies, the intolerant totalitarianism.

There's a million "bad" books out there. You can write about 2-3 bad books and say "I enjoyed this" and most people won't say anything at all, or some polite "hey this one is better".

Atlas Shrugged baits out the leftists and shows how dark they really are, how hateful and totalitarian, what creatures of rage and control and hate. It really makes them froth and you realize how leftists have turned so quickly to violence in history. THAT is the redpill of Atlas Shrugged.

See for example:

>She's basically a Satanist without the Satanic overtones. Greed is good, might makes right, etc.
>She was a crazy bitch who died using the same social welfare programs she championed against. I agree with many of her ideologies, but she was no champion, just a hypocrite.
>she was an evil horrible, selfish, autistic cunt that should have never been alive.
>A greedy, selfish Jew.
>Vile woman. Had a soft spot for child dismembering scumbags:
>She loved getting raped.
>I read anthem in one sitting for 9th grade and its easily on of the 3 worst books i've ever read.
>Retarded drivel of hypocritical jewish cunt.
>Yet another boring and highly overrated ashkenazi psychopath who has an amateur grade school writing style and is we should never talk about again.
>Anyone who says their a fan of Rand's bullshit is immediately suspect of being a sociopath.
>I guess that pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality goes out the fuckin window the second you need help while the only reason you get that if because the bulk of people aren't Rand worshipping sociopaths who would let you die of hunger on the street.
>Pretty much this. She made a career out of preaching selfishness as virtue and died a bitter old Jew cunt on welfare.

The ultimate redpill of Ayn Rand is realizing how intensely hateful and evil many humans are, how much and strongly they hate, how fiercely and burningly they hate.

If you grow up wanting to build and not to hate, this is a giant redpill. It was for me.

Fuck this. Coriolanus was right. The plebs only deserves to stfu or the sword. They're literally parasites incapable of making a living or any contribution but want gibs like it was their fucking right. I have a queer native-chinese-latina-german mutt in my uni in Erasmus and she is fucking annoying. She spits bullshit like it's 2017, Trump not my president, Clinton was good because she was for people like me, Trump so intolerant, we should seceed from the white intolerant scum of south USA and north California. Like, she literally said, to me, a fucking white male, that north California was shit because it was in majority rich white folks. At the same time she wants free uni, gibs, obamacare and all that from the very people she hates. Fucking kill all pleb peasants . Them being allowed to breathe is already a great favour we're doing them.

A hypocritical moron who spent her life ranting about the dangers of caring for the less-fortunate before dying while on social security and Medicare.

>that radio manifesto

Honestly, it should never have made it into the book. Everyone I know who has read it complained about that part. It's uncanny

>women reading anything different than romance novels

The most intelligent and honest woman who ever lived.

ugly bitch, could not write for shit. books full of outdated cliches.

Still, she is on point and on message, you could do worse.