What's one criticism you have of Trump?
It doesn't matter how big or benign it is.
What's one criticism you have of Trump?
Too alpha as fuck
This sounds like one of those market research things.
You know, where a target demographic has one small complaint and all of a sudden the media blasts that opinion 24/7
He's a coward.
he's a coward since he's afraid of the media. to the point he actually banned CNN. thats fucking pathetic. also you hear him call Hillary a "nasty woman"? that fucking disgusting, that just shows what he thinks about all women. he's a sexist bigot, pretty much hitler
He hasn't forcibly removed blacks yet
he needs to hurry the fuck up and legalize weed already
Too much winning
Sometimes it feels like we are winning too much... But I think it's because we all got used to losing, basically all the time, under 8 years of Obama.
Can't elaborate any point he makes like a well read individual.
He doesnt go far enough on the question of Mexico and it people
He keeps winning, I can't take it anymore and he needs to be stopped. I'm LITERALLY shaking.
He's a Russian stooge.
He's a draft dodger pretending to be a tough guy. So FAKE!
He hasn't killed all the shills yet.
I don't think he should have banned the media.
I suport the travel ban but it was executed wrongly, it is still (syrian cinematographer barred from entering to go to the oscars) etc..
That's it.
If however he goes against weed then you know he's a puppet, weed should be legalized and taxes should be collected.
trump needs to create incentives for mass female immigrantion so that i can get laid
He has a victim mentality regarding the media.
When the Jewish guy tried to ask him about the rise of antisemitism after verbally sucking him off Trump was the only person in the room who thought it was an attack.
Still, if I was a yank, I'd still vote for him.
His pee fetish is gross
I wish he was more articulate
If he didn't talk all retarded he would be unstoppable
He went back on his promise to indict Hillary Clinton.
I'm still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for now, but I worry how much neocons and globalist kikes will affect him.
He hasn't gassed leftists yet
I hate it that he hasn't jailed the media and other communist subverters yet.
I thought I wss voting for literally Hitler, turns out he's not :(
He has yet to fist fight anyone from the lame-stream media on pay-per-view TV
He's not my president. Feels bad man
Didn't put killary in jail as promised
He's only been in office a month, be cool it will happen.
He said in his victory speech he's not gonna do it
he's a little too close to the kikes and he isn't right wing enough.
he's the best we'll get though and i love the mother fucker so i can overlook it
he is fat and looks honestly disgusting. he looks like a stereotypical capitalist pig. not even aryan looking.
Too judeophile.
That's the only criticism I have of him.
The elites aren't hanging from lampposts yet.
>the current year
ikr its disgusting
Gambling is a social plague and should be outlawed.
Fake tans are shameful.
He should do more rallies.
He isn't literally Hitler.
We need him back pronto.
Hillary is not in jail.
SJWs are still on the streets.
He isnt Hitler
As an aside, notice the phrase "literally Stalin" doesn't have nearly the same ring to it as "literally Hitler". And why not? The numbers of people murdered by the Soviets are in the tens of millions. Stalin himself was intensely paranoid and psychopathic, he also had a streak of suspicion towards Jews, something is which is commonly glossed over. Why is this? Because his regime is the left taken to its extreme and the left knows this, or at least the intelligentsia appreciates this. And so to cut themselves off from it, much like the modern conservatives have from the radical right, is to isolate yourself from the more intellectually radical and energetic accretions of your ideology. This is why the left has been trampling over the right for about the past 70 odd years. Notice how all so called conservative movements in the West get residually more liberal with each generation. It's because the mainstream right has cut itself off from a substantial source of originality and ideas while the left has maintained contact with its more radical side. And they do it quite openly. That's why all these soppy liberals can came out in public and mourn over the death of figures like Castro.
He said himself he wasn't gonna do it. It was just big talk on the campaign trail. Made me piss-scared that he wouldn't end up doing any of the other stuff he promised, but aside from that so far he's been great.
he hasn't banned you reddit faggots from our board desu
Watch CNN headlines tomorrow. You've already seen them itt.
He'd probably look better without his spray-tan and haircut
I thin he needs to leave pot up to the states like he promised and start arresting big names in pizzagate.
No open carry yet nationwide
He lies way too much when he doesn't have to.
I don't like Jeff Sessions.
I think his stance on the environment is wrong.
I dunno, there's probably more.
Promising to reduce taxes while also increasing spending.
Wat... the... kek?
I think he picks dumb fights when he shouldn't have picked them
>crowd size
I also don't like some of his cabinet picks, but I do believe his promise to drain the swamp and I think he's still going to do it.
he wins too much i can't take it
How stupid he seems. I can't tell how much of it is media shilling but the way he talks, the way he was at the debates, he honestly looks retarded at times.
Maybe it's part of his campaign to get americans to vote for him, but then he can actually stop acting like this now.
Daily reminder that pinkos arent people
Because we all know Hitler killed 6 Googleplexillian Jews and Jews are more important than eeryone else.
Plus Jews aren't white, and Stalin killed white people, which doesn't count, because white people are evil.
What are you, a Nazi?
There's been one of these threads up 24/7 for days or weeks now. It's probably shilling/slide tactics that morphed into an ironic meme.
I think he really is thin skinned and it worries me that this will affect his decision making. I'm still a Trump supporter though.
Hasn't publicly executed the owners of CNN and their news anchors yet
You dont solve the middle eastern problem by starting more war. 15 years ago terrible shit happened, families were wiped out. Those who survived the traumatising events are most likely the ones we call terrorists. We need to give them proper help to recover from their trauma rather than fuck them up even harder.
tldr Trump has no tenderness in his leadership even tho it might solve problems.
No musim detention camps
Too focused on social issues and taking away freedom in the name of security and payback for the idiot fundies who supported him on the election. We need to concentrate on government spending starting with overpriced and unnecessary military hardware.
He didn't ban CNN. CNN and the other media that was "banned" just weren't invited.
Also why the hell is it necessary that the US be "top of the pack" in nukes when there's already more than enough to both deter and destroy the world several times?
Yes, please also answer the following to accompany your responses.
1. What is your age?
2. What is your gender identity?
3. On a 1-5 scale (where 1 is Strongly Disagree and 5 is Strongly Agree) how much do you agree that you regret voting for Trump?
4. Which is your favourite brand of shaving cream?
5. What are the top three things that would make you view CNN as The Most Trusted Name In News?
I can't afford to live in Trump tower so fuck him
Also memes aside I wish he worded shit a lot better
He actually seems to be less orange recently. Maybe someone clued him in
Should have ever the marijuana prohibition day 1 just to fuck with with people. Also hasn't started publicly executing journalists yet
He's too pro-Israel and I don't like that he appointed his Israeli son in law as an advisor.
I think he's going to spend too much money and rack up debt like Obama did.
Doesn't want to shut down the NSA mass surveillance
Other than that he's like 85% solid which is far more than anyone can hope for in a politician these days
He is not harsh enough
Spineless draft dodger...how much ya wanna bet he'll make hillary look like the better option by 2021
No, he's 70 years old dude.
He looks fine. He has distinctive branding which works very well for him.
This is why Europe is doomed. You faggots would rather have an articulate dumbfuck as your leader than a guy who isn't a wordsmith but is brilliant.
The media deliberately fucks with the images to make him look more orange
He has probably has the thinnest skin of any POTUS so far. For an accomplished businessman he is well known for throwing hissy fits like a 7yo spoiled brat.
Nice try MSM shill. Let me guess, I write a comment and next thing I know, my quote's in a CNN article about how Trump's online army is turning. Obama's not around and instead of another Dem who's dick you can suck (we know what Hillary was hiding under there), you've got a president willing to call you out on your bullshit.
Are you kidding? Theres more to a nuclear program than powerful bombs. The delivery methods are so outdated they use DOS and 5.5 inch floppy disks, that is unacceptable. Nuclear deterrents also fall under being top of the pack in nuclear power.
Nice try, Tom Perez...
EAT Shirt shill ,You think we can't sniff your communist post chump? Anti-Trump / anti-American faggot, I bet you are either a nutless wigger or a "kill whitey" blm supporting shitskin
why would we give back California
he's blond
He gets Russian prozzys to piss all over him while he masterbates his micro dick. Lol. Americans.
>unnecessary military hardware
He's not literally Hitler
HEY CNN I will spill all the dirt on the Trump administration if you can get me a green card. I am serious.
Right. Like we need wacky overpriced planes and tanks that will never be used in any conceivable war in the future. We need a smarter, leaner military. More money does not equal a stronger military.
His opinions about the internet and net neutrality.
CNN can't get you a green card but spill all this wonderful "dirt" you speak of
>itt: CTR fishes for things to b8 with in future threads
Don't give them ammo, retards
idk dude. Someone shooped him without the spray-tan or any hair, and he looked pretty bad ass. Can't find the pic, but believe me, he looks like a general
Not gonna lie, former OP supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let this faggot keep making these threads.
He gives Pence too much influence.
ask your local ladyboy. i'm sure you have a few in your contacts
If Trump lifted weights and trimmed his gut a bit, he would give erotic dreams to women journalists, much to their dismay.
his pro jewiness is what i like the most about him, mostly because you stormfags are retarded.
i don't like that he hasn't banned saudis and packis and tunisians yet
the only ammo we can give them is that Trump is a Zionist stooge.
But the democrats can't do anything about that.
They would never take up the anti-Zionist cause.
Hey Tom Perez, you want a criticism of your party?
It is a weak shell of a party controlled by crooked corporate out-of-touch elites.
>how do we win rural Michigan votes?
>I know, transgender bathrooms
Fucking idiots
How do you shills unironically make posts like this and use memes like this, as though we can't tell how non organic they are?