This is the only system that is morally right!
Anything else that uses force and coercion is wrong!
This is the only system that is morally right!
Anything else that uses force and coercion is wrong!
Other urls found in this thread:
But I am!
I am.
I'm a minarchist but I have a lot of respect for AnCaps, especially Rothbard
Because humans are vile evil creatures that need to be held in check with the lash.
So a few of those vile evil creatures are going to have a lot of power to do all the evil things they want to do. This is super smart.
Speak for yourself
>failed socialist state
How do AnCaps prevent getting raped by North Korea?
"Morals" aren't a thing. What if my morals say that it's ok to kill you because you're not sharing your money? You're going to say "they're mine, my morals say so!"
What makes your morals the right one?
Why would NK do that?
Have you ever heard of chimpanzees?
The human destiny is to rape, torture and dominate. Saying otherwise Blue Pill.
In ancap society I would have personal nuke arsenal.
Because NK is weak shit that literally any first world country could destroy.
>morals arent a thing
>what if my morals
You are just a hypocrite
Do they have many chimpanzees in North Korea?
Taxes are the price we pay for civilization ;)
If you're AnCap you're not going to have a country tho
It takes a special kind of person do blow Rousseau and deny Evolution
If they destroyed a government once, they can destroy again.
No, you dumbass. Morals aren't a thing, not the way OP is referring to. Every person has their own believes. You could say it's not ok morally to kill, but what if I don't see it like that?
>this triggers the ancap
U wot m8?
If you don't see it like that, you will probably get yourself shot by someone that does. We can deduct a basic system of morality or rights by simply observing basic human interactions. If you try to kill me, I will try and kill you first, because my instinct of self preservation will demand so. Thus we can conclude that it is immoral to kill someone in aggression.
A very big point in atlas shrugged is how communism removes these basic human instincts and characteristics.
I distrust corporations just as much as I distrust the government. I'm a classical liberal / libertarian in every sense EXCEPT when it comes to economics. Believing the the self regulating nature of the free market is an absurdist utopian idea, that leaves out too many important variables.
Well, morally speaking some things tend to work, and some things tend to not.
A libertine can say eat, drink, and fuck.
Libertines are going to tend to be fat, addicts, covered in syphilis and have losers for children.
Obviously that moral standard is not right.
Then like most wrong moral standards, your view shits on the world and makes it worse, until people abandon your moral standard and adopt one that does reliably bear fruit so to speak.
Because it's naive. People get ambitious, people grow petty, people logically try to seize advantages in life, people tend to abuse those advantages. Any place that didn't have any sort of government yet was bigger than a small group of independent, self-sufficient people sooner or later turned into a complete shithole.
I guess I mixed up threads here, sorry
Point still stands, people don't like to get killed, therefore morality.
>people don't like to get killed
>that flag
Sometimes you make me wonder if it's still a fact for you, Germany. Though honestly it seems that you at least try to clean your place up lately, Sweden is still tumbling down into shit.
Keep your fucking sports-candy off my lawn.
Don't judge us just by our actions committed in WW2. Also, didn't Stalin cuck you just as bad?
Becuase Ayn Rand was a hypocrtical cunt that spent her final worthless years fighting to get welfare.
Your club is for retarded children.
Germany didn't have any unjustified actions in WWII though
You forgot to charge his family for the mine and ammunition, plus cleanup and opportunity cost
Anarcho-Communists: "Property is theft!"
Anarcho-Capitalists: "Taxation is theft!"
me, a Stirnerite Anarcho-Individualist: There's literally nothing wrong with stealing.
Hold your edge. I am not talking about WW2 shit, I am talking about refugee crisis. Thus the mention of Sweden.
>t. 16 year old neo """"nazi""""
Please don't judge us by the actions of Merkel. When I was a child everyone on the left hated her and now everyone that's not on the left hates her. She does not represent our people. I don't know why she is even in office.
So not believing in the holohoax makes you a Nazi automatically?
Plenty of Jews know it was faked
Reality - dude outright attacks a governing group and their laws without playing within boundaries of the system, "spooked *" saying they have to stop this actually react, guy ends with glass from his glasses lodged into his eyeballs and half the jaw missing, bleeding out in some dark alley or a prison and begging for mercy.
Really, seems like the most edgy of anarchy, the "I'm doing whatever" kind that has the least chance of working without turning the place into shithole and leading group of such individuals - kings of that shithole (till they'll decide to stab each other or someone else will fuck them up).
>So not believing in the holohoax makes you a Nazi automatically?
Only white nationalists deny the holocaust. Just like how commies deny the crimes of Stalin.
What the fuck is that? Do you have more?
>what remains is ANCAP
The only weakness ancap has is unity when facing a foreign enemy. You would get wiped out by someone who is actually united.
NAP is spook.
So. you're only an ancap because you want to fuck teens?
for 1. You'll be caught and punished
for 2. You won't be able to establish a trusting relationship and stabbed in the back yourself/not helped by others.
AnCap brothers, I am deep,y in favor of a free, unregulated market and the unquestioned freedom of the individual, both socially and economically.
However, I also am very nationalistic and feel very patriotic towards my country, I feel part of it.
What does make me?
Things were as close to ancap as they'd ever been in the 19th century.
How'd that work out?
Don't like your boss paying you in essentially worthless scrip? Well then go to the other coal mine then.
What's that? you don't like it there either? To the poor house with you, to spend the rest of your life doing slave labour.
Nice to see you, Nigel.
As an aside, notice the phrase "literally Stalin" doesn't have nearly the same ring to it as "literally Hitler". And why not? The numbers of people murdered by the Soviets are in the tens of millions.
Stalin himself was intensely paranoid and psychopathic, he also had a streak of suspicion towards Jews, something which is commonly glossed over. Why is this? It's because his regime is the left taken to its extreme and the left knows this, or at least the intelligentsia appreciates this. And so to cut themselves off from it, much like the modern conservatives have from the radical right, is to isolate yourself from the more intellectually radical and energetic accretions of your ideology.
This is why the left has been trampling over the right for about the past 70 odd years. Notice how all so called conservative movements in the West get residually more liberal with each generation. It's because the mainstream right has cut itself off from a substantial source of originality and ideas while the left has maintained contact with its more radical side. And they do it quite openly.
That's why all these soppy liberals can came out in public and mourn over the death of figures like Castro.
AnCap brothers, I am deeply in favor of a free, unregulated market and the unquestioned freedom of the individual, both socially and economically.
However, I also am very nationalistic and feel very patriotic towards my country, I feel part of it.
What does make me?
ANCAP is so much fail that it was never even a thing. Even on the smallest of scales. At least ComCap did something somewhere for a very brief period.
Private roads exist you know. They're called toll roads
Ah, the classic "tried it with niggers" fallacy.
It's a webcomic called Goblins.
It's actually super shit.
You are all my property and there's nothing you can do about it.
I agree. Fuck the left. Hammer and Sickle should carry the same connotation as a swastika, but it doesn't.
Hospitals are not statist in America because they're privatized
user BTFO
Because there are too many idiots that would become slaves for crack $.
Mainly because I am only where I am because of the State. My parents were poor and stupid, they could not have privately paid for the education I received or the medical treatment I needed to correct my childhood deafness.
Now, because of state support I am a functioning and productive adult who pays a buttload of taxes in recompense.
Also, my morality tends to be utilitarian rather than absolute.
wow everything is about america I forgot
>if we get rid of government then corporations will be our friends
Show me where I signed.
Property is an exclusive individual privilege of exploitation backed up by a huge fucking club. Where's your club, faggot?
You: Cat
"Your property": people around you ready to cut your shit
>I don't believe in complete liberty because I disapprove of how some people might use their liberty
all it takes is a private army to round up all the people and BOOM martial law.
"I'm a classical liberal / libertarian in every sense EXCEPT when it comes to economics."
"I'm a woman, though I lack a vagina, mammary glands and I produce far more testosterone than estrogen."
Your birth certificate. Signed by your legal guardian due to your incapacity at the moment.
guy is meme
There is more to liberalism than just economics.
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is an ancap board.
I'd like to re-negotiate the terms. I'm tired of paying for gibs.
t. social democrat
you want personal freedom with collective responsibility
fucking leech.
You probably vote for Schulz as well
Ancap is a bullshit for autists like you. Nacionalism is the answer
>collective responsibility
Nope. Just want to stop corporations from selling the air the breathe back to us. You're welcome.
Like I said, you have the mindset of a liberal (social) but you lack the contributing factors (economic). Economic regulation leads to social regulation ultimately.
"You can't be gay, we need more workers to run this worker owned factory."
"You can't make alcohol, that stuff harms workers."
"Marijuana? We need our workforce to be alert and able, not a chance."
Oh, I can. I can point out your bullshit. If I'd be your property, you'd have power over me. But you don't. Whatever you can try to do, I can oppose. I can ignore any of your plans, even actively go against them. I can tell you that you're an edgy faggot who acts high and mighty while the world doesn't care about him. And you cannot stop that either.
There's confidence, but there's also delusion. You're guilty of the latter.
You may unconditionally annul a membership (citizenship) in my corporation (Russia). You will still, of course, would have to follow corporate guidelines regarding corporate property, which is everything, and dealing with corporate employees, which are everyone. You will also probably lose some benefits.
>Economic regulation leads to social regulation ultimately.
No it doesn't.
>"You can't be gay, we need more workers to run this worker owned factory."
Those are slippery slopes. I reject those also. That's why I'm, not an authoritarian.
>what remains is ANCAP isn't
>pic related
Because I'm not an autist.
How is ANCAP even a thing?
If unchecked by government the corporations who currently own all of the wealth and property will hold all of the power and form a new government that you can't vote and will profit from your suffering and desire to own child slaves
coercion is the natural way of the world and you'll never have your ancap paradise without a lethal force greater than the present government's
nobody is equal and many humans are better than others