Why are Slavs so poor compared to Western Europeans?

Don't give me this "uh uh communism" bullcrap. That was 30 years ago.

I doubt anyone in Germany would have said in the 1970s "uh uh, you cannot demand from Germans to work hard, after all 30 years ago we were firebombed by Anglos!"

well, there's your explanation right there.

Asian genes, weak bodies, can't do hard and efficient labor like a strong northwestern man can.

only the peasents are poor, the oligarchs hold all the money and live like Kangz.

No R1b

because slavs are not human

Because we were sold to communist degenerates by the west.

And it takes time before you can start up economy.
It's not as fast as you think.
Also another reason is welfare state.



But they got R1a instead?

murica rebuilt you with their huge amounts of money pretty quickly

while the east was first demolished in WW2, noone helped from the outside, and then the rubbles were 40+ years governed by an economically nonsensical system.

how is that comparable?

Some of the biggest issues:
>Old infrastructure and culture of communism still lurks
However, a country such as Poland is an example of a great economy if you look at it since the fall of communism.

The corrupted and criminalised mentality.

Also this is very good point.

they need more r1b to be western

The level of the alcoholism is comparable to the northern European countries, it isn't an issue itself, it takes horrible forms expressed in the behaviour though.

They have lived under Socialist Policies who benefit no one but those at the top of the club.

are u that german faggot from the other russia thread who wants to go to Russia?

Fuck off with these shit threads and go eat a Bratwurst u fag

>Oriental despotism
>Eastern European plain is flat
Pick your poison

This is my first threat about Slavs ever.

And yes, I was asking about visas to Russia. I find it rather idiotic of Russia to have a burdensome visa process and no marketing for tourism, if they want more tourists.

Tourism essentially provides free money from abroad. Russia has a huge country, if it wanted to, it could attract tens of millions of Europeans going to Russia for vacation each year, providing tens of billions in foreign money.

Let them stay poor. They are the hottest human girls with blue eyes that are not fucked by feminists, jews, niggers, leftists and numales.

our women are made for black cocks

Russia have higher rates of HIV and AIDS than Africa, have huge problems with sexual disease and abortions, not to talk about the biggest heroin, drug and alcoholism issue of any society.

Any women there would use you as their ticket out from there, then they would backstab u stab, steal whatever they can and find someone very rich as soon as they get the green card or residence permit.

you have been warned.

Did communism really end? Pigs may have changed in the animal farm, but same way of stealing and corruption goes on.

Commies genocided huge swaths of higher iq Slavs

They were probably 4-5 points behind west euros before that

fuck off we went from poorer than ukraine to comparable with portugal and greece. We didn't get a free economy boost from US and EU infrastructural donations came at high price of sophisticated regulations of market that are very hard to implement in developing economies

Asian genes theory is debunked



>weak bodies

It's because we do not have colonies and access to resources.

Slavs like simple lives, hate it or not, it is like that.

wealth discrepancies started with the industrial revolution

before that Kingdoms of Poland, Czechia and others were developed on par with western states, maybe except those which had additional wealth from colonies

I don't know about Ruthenia, but on average it was probably less developed, this is why Jewry was so dominant in their cities

The mentality persists even after regime is finished. Fascism was actually a sizeable boost to productivity, work ethic, and the ideology of goverment logistics; Third Reich perished, but its legacy helped the new Germany.

USSR, on the other hand...

>weak bodies

Wot? Slavs dominate weightlifting.


Yes why oh why. 20 million dead in WWII for Russia. Choke on your schnitzel kraut fuck.

Yea I kinda wish the ideologies were switched... Would have been so much better

>"uh uh communism" bullcrap. That was 30 years ago

That isn't bullcrap you silly Hans. This is exacly the reason. Look at your own Eastern Germany.
>b-but muh wall muh DDR
That has almost 30 years ago as well.

Why are Eastern Germans so poor compared to West Germans?

Also it says something about you Germany. You don't value someone unless he does not dominate you.

You detest such people.

Because its cold.

Like REALLY cold.

The center of Rus was Moscow, it was -35 there last week.

If it is cold and low sunshine - you cant grow much food.

If you cant grow much food - many people have to grow food to feed themselves, the surplus is low.

If everybody is a peasent growing food there is less people doing science and pushing progess.

And many other points proving that eastern europe is DOOMED to be poor.

>we racial purity now
>well, we need to genocide 30+% of our population
On the other hand, it sort of happened anyways.

We grow lots of food indoors though.

> implying Russian science is weak

They just go abroad.

the whole idea of capitalism is based upon private ownership. The comunism tried to be self sustained, without exploiting other countries. or having any assets in other countries. The whole success of western europe is based upon exploiting others and that is what is gonna lead tho great collapse.

Which slavs?
Well Belorus is still communist in all but name, Poland and the Balkans are all slaves to you so you keep them down, Ukraine is the most corrupt shithole outside of Africa and is now in the middle of a 3-year civil war, and Russia is improving but heavily dependent on oil price, doesn't have a debt based economy to inflate the fuck out of, and is sanctioned by the rest of the world.
Pretty easy to explain, not that this will make the average European any less of a cocky stuck up cuck.

We're the second agricultural exporter of the world. And if the weather is bad.. nothing happens.

the reason why our culture and science are so good is some mystery

I guess its just slavs being superior to other races

I think there'd be less deaths and more unity.

The Tsar would still be alive.
Less Jews
Better economy
A reason to live in Russia

>germans and americans are concerned with slavic poverty, while being out breed by niggers and spics in their own countries

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Oh bullcrap, that's not how civilization works, cold countries are on average richer, and at least a quarter of Russia allows for efficient agriculture. Suppose you could argue from path dependence, but even that sounds weak. Mobility axis theory was also demolished if you are going to mention that

>Look at your own Eastern Germany.

Good point. Let's look at Eastern Germany. Oh vey, there is only a rural vs. city divide in Germany now, not an East-West divide!

Because slavs are stupid and thus are easily colonized by the West. Today's Russia is basically Anglo colony. On the photo is a typical "russian" oligarch from London ofc.

Lost hope in their own countries and see a chance of survival in another

I know you Russians think like that but we Piles have no reason to be proud about.

>Anglo colony
how come

>cold countries are on average richer

what countries exactly? scandinavian golfstraem countries which are placed on trade routes? well if russia had their access to unfreezing seas we would be the USA

>We're the second agricultural exporter of the world.
Which is one of the worst things ever.

Think about it, Greece with all its sunshine imports tomatoes from fucking Dutchland. Disgusting.


Spain, Ireland and Poortugal have plenty of r1b, and they're still shit, maybe even more than us, despite not having been through the things we did.

Muh r1b theory btfo.

1917 and 1991 are main points

Anyway today more than half of Russian economy belongs to Anglo. All "russian" government officials and rich men are residents of UK. That is Russia is typical colony of 18th century type when colonies were companies owned and not state owned like later.

Recently it's because of communism. And generally it's because of the geographical position(bordering islam) or plain bad luck.

South Slavic countries have been fighting the turks since 14th century. Occupied and struggling for roughly 300 years which created a mentality where you survive however you can and created an aggressive warrior people.

Before the Turks the Balkans had an early renaissance that was quickly killed in it's roots. Mainly influenced by the Byzantines, both Serbia and Bulgaria had powerful states. Unfortunately the area was constantly contested by Bulgaria, Serbia and Byzantium and nobody managed to unify the region(all 3 came very close at different points).

Serbia eventually managed to unify most states into Yugoslavia, which was very prosperous but also very short lived due to again, Balkan problems and factions dividing everything.

Russia was a bunch of shitty princedoms until 17th-18th(?) century where the fundamentals of modern Russia were given birth. The biggest Russian problem is that nobody gave the shit about peasants until commies came to power, and then again they just used peasants to make Germans waste bullets. Peasants are the foundation of the nation.

West Slavs have been equivalent to the west until WW2. I don't really know the history of Poland so I can't tell what led to it's decline. But after WW2 it was communism.

jews are Anglo tool at least in Russia

>there is only a rural vs. city divide in Germany now, not an East-West divide!

>objectively more red (poor) rural regions in the East than in West
>oy vey, there's no divide!

Do you even look at your own map at all?
Here's one more map. Don't even try to bullshit me again about "no divide".

you wanna know why? Because of Euro. The Dutch have twice as many shares in the European Cental Bank, which means selling euros is twice as profitable for them. This way exprot from greece is expensive and import is cheap. The whole european union is rigged and only the strongest economies benefit from it.

Communism, you can pretend it didn't exist and severely hamper their economies and mindsets too but that doesn't make it a non-event.

Didn't you pump like 1 trillion jewros into East Germany?

In WW1 we were largely cut off from the outside world. In WW2 we had a food shortage. So after the war our politicians promised to never grow hungry again. And.. they did.

although it is becoming more and more materialistic and degenerate

Because dictators like Putin are in power that funnels money to the biggest oligarchs while keeping the population relatively in control because they pump out propaganda and whataboutism.

So pretty much they are getting cucked by their leaders.

It's always interesting to look at both Japan and South Korea on what can happen to fairly shitty countries if they are given the full go on becoming productive countries and aren't stuck in weird contested situations like the ME or Africa.

Same reason North Korea is so poor compared to South Korea (they have same genetics, race, geography, language)

WW2 was much more destructive in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe, and they had less resources to rebuild afterwards.

Western Europe was rebuilt with help of Marshall plan (massive amount of $ from USA). USA also opened their markets to European and Japanese products, there was a feeling they "lost" China to communism and were determined to prevent it happening elsewhere, sell all the stuff you want.

Meanwhile, USSR could barely rebuild itself let alone the rest of Eastern Europe. In addition, they had to spend large percentage of labor and resources on maintaining their military as there was constant threat of NATO invasion. The non-communist world was also not very friendly to trading anything with Eastern Europe.

R1b versus R1a genetics may also play a role

In any case, I would worry more about the big EU countries becoming less that 50% white by 2050. One million refugees was just a start for Germany, they are going to bring more (they are already preparing to declare famines in 4 countries this year)

Visa process is tiresome because all bureaucracy here is tiresome, there's a lot of people in government jobs so they want you to spend hours in queues
You won't encounter these issues when going to european part of country
Asian part of Russia is sad and has no jobs, which causes all these problems

>The comunism tried to be self sustained, without exploiting other countries

Yeah, that's a questionable thesis, politely speaking. Even if you forget about the economic relations between the Eastern Block countries during the Cold War there's the question about exploiting own population (and populations of satellite countries).

>Asian part of Russia is sad and has no jobs, which causes all these problems

This reminds me of rural Australia. It's so fucking boring that meth became the latest rage in these shitholes. Mainly because it's cheap and can be produced within australia

Why is it in Africa?

Inferior genes.

>without exploiting other countries. or having any assets in other countries

that's why soviet union required us to send them coal and meat for fucking free?

No one gets rich by a nice way.

When Japan was poor, Japan government forced a generation of Japaesen girls to work as prostitutes in South East Asia.
Nanshin-ron - Wikipedia

The vast majority of Japanese emigrants to Southeast Asia in the early Meiji period were prostitutes (Karayuki-san).
Karayuki-san: The forgotten Japanese prostitution era

Strong northwestern men? Doing hard and efficient labor?
Never heard of them.
Btw asian genes are better than snownigger genes.

6'2" slav 200 lbs good one kek
who is the heavyweight champion of the world?
Your best northern pansy boy was beaten by a nigg with long arms.

Most of these responses got is somewhat right.
But speaking from experience. Most of slavs have what a call "I can't give too many fucks" syndrome.

No, USSR made a pretty strong comeback after WW2
It was only the late 70s when it was clear that communism reached it's ceiling in growth and will collapse

Muh height has nothing to do with master race. Niggers are high too.

home of YAKUB
creater of the WHITE DEVIL race
das rite

No one gets rich by a nice way.

UK sold opium.
US has slaves.

Arabs invaded black Africa
There were 10 to 20 million black slaves in the Arab world.
There were over 80 million Blacks died en route.
Black slaves had their scrotums and penises completely amputated.

When Japan was poor, Japan government forced a generation of Japaesen girls to work as prostitutes in South East Asia.
Nanshin-ron - Wikipedia

The vast majority of Japanese emigrants to Southeast Asia in the early Meiji period were prostitutes (Karayuki-san).
Karayuki-san: The forgotten Japanese prostitution era

Chinks eat shit.

Becouse you faggots got gibs from Americans.We wre destroyed by communism and are still recovering.Moreover your inteligents survived and could rebulid the country,ours were murdered/


every single scandicuck I knew is like a tall girl - 180-200cm and up to 75 kilos

I bet I could break you in half, cuckboi



>Didn't you pump like 1 trillion jewros into East Germany?
1.75 trillion Euroshekels to this date and we still pay more. Merkel said she will end the Euroshekel transfers if she gets re-elected.

Gommunism. Lets kill everyone who knows what he's doing. And gib it to the poor.

>Why are Slavs so poor compared to Western Europeans?

you probably mean East Slavs. West Slavs are most based Slavs ever that somewhat have relevancy in history and science. Issue with East Slav countries is that Serfdom hasn't stopped till this day and people just doesn't understand their situation. they don't question authority at all especially intellectual/educational authority.I've experienced myself having Russian classmates in Uni that never ask questions ever. While the rule authority police,security personnel etc. always gets questioned about their jobs and Laws regarding social norms. So you basically have inept society that doesn't want to build anything and only asks for gibs because someone told them to and they can't question it.

There was nothing to rebuild in Eastern Europe post war. It was still very agricultural shithole, that only before the war started industrializing, but that was fucked up by the war. Meanwhile West Europe had benefited from over a century of industrialization and technological progress, that only suffered marginally and only needed some capital expenditure to rebuild some factories, that's all. Eastern Europe was basically starting from scratch, again, and then nafter fall of communism it was once again fucked up and started almost from scratch, being technologically and financially backwards (again).

You are a dumb.

1)Russian invented spaceship, space station, satellite, element table, helicopter.

2)Russia was the ruler of Europe for many years. Alexander the Blessed.

>Weak bodies
>Coming from a fucking swede

Slavs are probably the most resillient people in Europe,they have known invasions,wars,genocides and communist dictatorships.

dont talk to him, its baltic national idea to hate Russia

This sound like a consequence of typical EU regulation.

I guess that's why you bow to Jamal's mighty phenis, since blacks are the strongest, fastest high T people of all races.

>The west became rich because of colonization and slaves

You're talking like a fucking BLM supporter.

I don't know about the UK but France actually lost a lot of money because of,colonization.

I love ruskies
even if russia shot down the dutch plane (they didnt) id favour you over the rest of Europe

>Russian invented spaceship, space station, satellite, element table, helicopter.
Those were jews and immigrants that worked in manufactures. Most of their children are claimed to be Russian while in reality they hated plebeian Russians.
>Russia was the ruler of Europe for many years. Alexander the Blessed
This happened only thanks to imported brain power from the west.

I assume it because of rich as families that ensure their subjects never get to far finacially. This thread kind of seems obvioua from the outside looking in.

>there are very rich people
>they own the poor people

Full stop.