How do we fix women?

Both of these women are 31-32 and they have no children.

What the fuck are they thinking?

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They're thinking of money

maybe they`re athletes

They want ride Tyrone's cock

Sad reality of life.
Liberals killed and raped every moral standard women ever had.

Both of these are already lost, who the fuck wants retarded children with a used up cunt like that?

what you should do
>try to get a young one
>ignore old bitches
>laugh at old bitches

I don't give a fuck if they have no children, they are millions of women out there who do have/want them

They're still wondering how Hillary lost.

>le increase white birthrate to save the white race meme

this was always a stupid idea. it's far, far more efficient to remove shitskins instead.

It's probably for the best that they don't breed.

I can't stand those people. Typical elitists, totally consumed by consumerism, completely bland and uncontroversial in every way. Clearly voted for Hillary. Also fucking ugly.

i have no idea about basketball, what is going on in that gif

did they score in the wrong hoop...?

Will have at least 3 children so I have a net + affect with my queen

Are they plastic they don't look like real ladies

This. I mean unless white girls are going to have like 8-9 kids each, it's just not going to happen. A good way to start would be child caps on welfare benefits (capped at 2 or 3 children) then shitskins won't breed as much.

Jesus fuck that's a lot of makeup to pretend you're not over the hill

Money, my career, my education

The cost of comfortable living has gone up. People use to get by on one income and no degree. But now it's not like that at all...

Just have sex with 100 women raw. Easy 100 more white babies. Or dedicate a day all white men fuck every single white girl from puberty to retirement to increase the population by 50% easy and instantly.

Just based on their cloths, hair and make up I would say that they are intolerably annoying and no man would want anything to do with them.

Thats just a guess.

Yep. Jews don't breed much and they run the world. Quality over quantity. We could give large handouts to women who are hot and have high iqs. And take money away from skanks.

They were thinking they could enjoy their youth and then find some tall, handsome, rich, kind, gentle, and generous man to have autistic babies with once they hit their mid-late 30's. They were wrong.

islam is the obvious easy answer, Hitler knew that.

They were thinking they would be happier with a career and fucking any chad they saw.

Little did they know their college classmates who married young doctors are living a life of leisure and fulfillment.

>did they score in the wrong hoop...?
much worse than that.
the white team starts out trying to score on the hoop at the left side of the court.
the blue girl gets the ball and makes an error in her line of thought - this is the important part here; ALL THE OTHER WOMEN WHO HAVE BEEN PLAYING ROUNDBALL THEIR ENTIRE LIVES GO ALONG WITH THIS ERROR IN THOUGHT.
blue scores on her own team than the white team agrees with the blue girl's error in thought when they take possession of the ball and the white team moves down the court to score on their own team on the right side of the court.

There going to end up dead at 45 during child birth or have a potato of a child

That the planet is overpopulated?

both teams simultaneously forgot which basket they were shooting towards

it even happened recently with one of the best women's college basketball teams in the nation

fix yourself faggot

The woman on the right is called Justine Ezarik. She's a semen demon and has very nice feet.

Lmao like the sluts who let strangers fuck them without protection don't bet abortions all the time
All you'll get that way is Aids

My body is ready

Youth lasts too short. You get 10 years after you sort of stop being retarded, then you're basically begin to die off. It's fucking crazy, it might made sense when life was terrible, but these days it's great. Life is too short, especially youth. Someone fix it plz, I need at least a 100 years to be young.

I don't blame them. Who wants to get married to some fat, loser man who makes less money than you and doesn't do his share of the housework. Women are just waking up to the reality that marriage to a man is a losing proposition in al ways. And so are kids.. what the fuck to kids do for you other than cost money? And kys if you say some crap like continuing the white devil race. We will all be mixed one day whether you like it or not.

I have a fwb who has a phd, makes 120k a year, and has no kids. She was hot af in her 20s but age is catching up with her and now she's 34 and not nearly as attractive as she was. She makes 3 times what I make, has a very prestigious job, a new car, a house, and she's fucking miserable. Completely miserable.

I knew her when she was in graduate school and spent some time with her classmates. Almost all of them didn't give a shit about the fact that they had spent their 20s pursuing a high level degree and succeeded, rather that they were unmarried and childless.

This shit isn't a meme.

>How do we fix women?
It's not something "we" can fix. Leave that to mother nature and natural selection. The organisms most unsuitable for life will have their genes slowly killed off over time.

That's bullshit because low IQs breed the most

>What the fuck are they thinking?

Not much, given that they obviously have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. They might even be infertile because of it

IQ is an abnormal trait not necessary for life to thrive. If you are intelligent then you are a genetic mistake.

Okay sometimes it's the man that wants to hold off on the kids for various reasons.

Also young people have it harder today. It's difficult to live comfortably (own house, car, yearly vacations, health care, child care, healthy food, etc.) on one income. Nowadays forget having a high school degree; you need a college degree.
That takes at least around 4 years...oh and then there's that big college debt...then there are the people who need their masters to find jobs...there goes another 2-4 years....more college debt..daily living expenses... it's hard to save money, and many people want to be settled and not have the stress of barley getting by/being a negligent parent before bringing a human being into this world.

It would be nice for people to have their kids young, but our economy makes it difficult.

you mean *how do we fix WHITE women

Remember her video about Steve Jobs' death. She was crying like a baby because some millionaire who she didn't knew personally died. She cried so hard she farted. She's the queen of cringe.

Like Japs and Koreans are any better
The average age of a Jap woman at 1st marriage is 30. It's a first world middle class issue

no, i should hve clarified my comment
"How do we fix white WESTERN women"
nothing wrong with south and eastern european women

fuck chink women, they look like aliens

Spain and Italy have some of the lowest birth rates in Europe
Eastern Europe is also leading the world in abortions

just wait until they convince themselves surgery isn't too much, they end up like joan rivers (pretty sure she didn't spawn either)

ok then balkan women >everything else

Yeah but it confirms what i said. Low tier low IQ people breed a lot and who even needs that

It's so funny how things work out. They show no interest in long term relationships during their undergrad. Then as the years go by, they become more anxious and aware of their limited time.

Our birthrates are terrible and abortions are also an issue. A lot of our best and brightest emigrate to Germany/Austria/whatever place has better pay so that's a problem too. I think Croatia won't exist in 50 years if things stay as they are. I think a good portion of their population went to Germany in the last decade. Hundreds of thousands at least.

In my masters class there are 9 girls and me. Most of the girls are single. All of them have good jobs and incomes.

Id rather be poor than share a space with them. They are ugly. I would be happier alone. They serve no purpose in my life. I woouldnt want to live with a male friend for much the same reason. Compromise with no benefits.

This complete lack of awareness of time is what gets me. I know a girl who is 39 and still wondering what to do with her life.

why would you want a 140 IQ woman? wtf

They gonna learn what the WALL means here shortly

Fix what?

140, no. But an IQ in the double digits is bad, there's absolutely no way around it. Low IQ countries don't tend to do well.

The most ridiculous part is that they still hold on to the weird standards they had when they were 19 and nothing on their body sagged. She has multiple options to settle down with, but she always finds something wrong with them and never allows her dating life to get serious. She still thinks she should get "tall, dark, handsome, and successful" with exactly zero baggage. I've told her multiple times that every fucking body has baggage by the time they're mid to late 30s and if they don't THEY'RE ALREADY FUCKING HAPPILY MARRIED.

Anyway, I still get to rail the shit out of her when I feel like it so whatever.

dude what. Do you want to talk with women about astro physics and planets and shit? lmao

They want to get a good education and a career and marry your thirsty beta ass when they are 40. By then you will have realized that it's your only possibility to ever have sex, so you will gladly give in.

Do you know what's funny? Those ugly girls actually think that getting a PhD will help them secure a better guy. No one has ever told them the truth that it won't.

It increases the odds of your children being smart. Intelligence is inherited from both parents. Dumb women are easier to control but having a dumb wife also means dumb kids.

thats why europe is dying out. People care too much about useless things like this. I am 26 and got 2 kids.

Because I want 140 IQ sons.

I dont think they are studying to meet men. I think they realised long ago that the higher the qualification the weirder, older and plain looking the guys get.

Fortunately for me women WILL compromise on looks if I have money and I am not a total retard. If half of men wernt so antisocial and stupid I would be completely fucked because money and sanity cant compete with good looks and sanity.

You're retarded. A 105-115 IQ is a far cry from astrophysics

so your children can fight against the eternal ((())) on an even playing field

If the gov encouraged the explosion of white birth rates and helped with paternity leave and costs and helped with housing then whites would reproduce more, but the establishment is pitted against whites saying that whites have too much privilege and are the only ones that can be racist out of all the other races in the world.

True words right Here.

>It's people of particular age and that means they have to have childen
What the fuck are you thinking?

>Dumb women are easier to control

Ahahaha, what a moron

Their plan IS to make the work place more friendly to women and rise the fertility rate just a little. The problem we have now is that we are coming off a high.

The high of the baby boomers. All those white people were great for economics but now they are old and dying.

We are roughly where we wanna be...once the boomers are dead. Thats a steady population with small growth. The immigrants are a band aid to cover the wound of the boomers till they are finished off.

At that point I imagine the borders will slam shut. The damage is already done to places like the US and Germany. They are/will be lost to whites.

>Intelligence is inherited from both parents
Only to a certain degree. Environmental effects and stimulation, education and teaching different ways of looking at and approaching problems during formative years is much, much more important for developing intelligence.

>the white team agrees with the blue girl's error in thought when they take possession of the ball and the white team moves down the court to score on their own team on the right side of the court.
holy shit i didn't even realise that. women shouldn't play sports

Sounds like your talking about your own wife or you've made up this bird. It would be funny if you hadnt realised your in a defacto all along and shes waiting for you

i would wife Rosana
she cooks yummy food, and she is yummy as fuck (although it is almost a midget)

Environmental effects also include not being raised by a mother with 93 IQ (average for a Balkan country)

the only way is for conservatives to control media and education again, and i think we know the chances of that happening

oh, and a gentle reminder that if you prefer right over left in OP's pic, you have god awful taste in women


Your assuming. You don't know if they actually voted for Trump and have conservative views.

Debunked. Provided they arnt striken with disease or malnourished its almost entirely inherited.

i remember reading that the average man has considerably more grip strength than female olympic lifters and it wouldn't surprise me

>They want ride Tyrone's cock
More like Jose's cock

>Carlos zeleya

Am I supposed to know who these two are?

If you count their abortions you would have a two digits number of kids.

Absolutely degenerate

Exactly that, but good luck explaining that to Sup Forums autists. Teaching your children good work ethic (most important IMO), spending time with them, good education that may be even more important than muh IQ. There's plenty of people with high IQ that are fuck ups and/or never go anywhere in life.

We're already starting to win them over. Just don't put pussy on a pedestal and I think we've all learned that. That'll change, trust me.

its because a large part of men are autists who rather complain about women than put effort into being good breeding material themselves

looking at you op - go fix that disgusting body

>wannabe chad

is goed kankermongool

The good breeding material is looking for a good size of wallet.

It's better for you to focus on a great job.

You try and impregnate kleenex exery night
>wtf were u thinking

>At that point I imagine the borders will slam shut.
That's literally what we are trying to do right now.

fixing your body comes with the discipline to do both, no need to specialise in a single one

Err no I am not. I know who that is. That is iJustine and her videos make it clear she is an elitist piece of shit that has completely lost touch with normal people as she is ridiculously rich.

Plus she fucking says it on twitter:

I know exactly what type of person she is though, and didn't need that to confirm it.

Such a stupid idea. You're gonna be stuck with those losers forever.

We need White rape gangs.
If they won't willingly have children,
they will be coerced.

She looks like a cunt desu like she thinks her shit don't stink

It's too late for you. Should have had a Trump 20 years ago. The problem is, elected politicians only look for short-term success of the country. Demographics is the most important prediction tool of its future, much more so than any economic forecasts

When are the boomers estimated to completely die out?

Na we didnt have a baby boomer generation (they all emigrated) our fertility rate is fine and we dont have that many shit skins.

I am describing what your country is doing.

Become a real man and you'll attract real women. Be a half-assed furfag zombie and you'll be with this type of sterile human garbage.

>We need White rape gangs.
They exist already. If you to those sex offenders list in your area. The majority are white men who raped and who are pedos.