Objectifies herself, showing almost naked. Hates it when guy gets horny.
Wiminz logic.
Objectifies herself, showing almost naked. Hates it when guy gets horny.
Wiminz logic.
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You're a sad and lonely virgin, aren't you?
do you croatians know how to do anything other than shitpost?
Well, hue's? Looks like Hueland is cucked
what a dumb whore
hope Brazil laughs about her prude behavior
dat ass doe
>health section of live tv
I wish I had this "health" education.
What even
unless finger went in ass crack or pussy i dont care. get over yourself slut
is there a direct link to the bottom touching? I want to protest against it if it was inappropriate.
Thanks for joining us today Muhammad. Just because women show skin doesn't mean they want to be touched by sexually frustrated losers who have no impulse control.
To be fair, she was nice about it the first time. He did it a second time.
Get BLACKED you retard
That is a nice fucking ass though, good job presenter imo. Who gives a fuck what a 'bikini bottom model' thinks
wtf im a meninist now
they are getting paid by Soros for posting slide threads
They don't have the numbers to beat leafs or kangaroos in shitposting, but damn it, they're trying hard.
Worth it.
>man can't control himself
>it's her fault
Men that can't stay calm and control themselves around a woman aren't men at all.
Staged as fuck
Although he IS a manlet
what does this have to do with mohammed?
I hope that cunt doesn't get paid for her half assed job
>Objectifies herself, showing almost naked. Hates it when guy gets horny.
t. Muhammed
You realize that women in Germany are pretty revealing too right? You're either a Muhammad or a proxy.
>Just because women show skin doesn't mean they want to be touched by sexually frustrated losers who have no impulse control
It doesn't mean they don't want it either
found the vagina
No, the problem is not that he gets horny. It's the fact that he can't control himself. To much autists on this site
She has a fake injection ass anyway.
How to fix the world:
No more social media; internet is now for educational purposes, only.
No more television; television is now for educational purposes, only.
>You realize that women in Germany are pretty revealing too right?
what does this have to do with the topic?
>cunt gets paid to whore her body out on live TV
>chimps out and ruins the show
not acceptable behavior
>Objectifies herself, showing almost naked. Hates it when guy gets horny.
So it's ok to grope bodybuilders in the ass and cock too because they're "objectifying" their bodies according to you. Retard.
That scum got exactly what he deserved.
lol why would you grope some chicks ass on live TV, what's even the point
just seems weird to me, unless I can fuck a chick or I'm making out with someone where is the pleasure in grabbing some chicks ass, how do you not feel creepy as hell doing that?
>no more Sup Forums
Actual Muhammad here.
She knew what she signed up for. I mean have you seen those South American programs? Unless she is an idiot, she knew ahead of time the game there. Acting outraged and shocked at something obviously part of the show just means that she killed her career.
>check flag
Ah ok.
Come on women love showing off their wares and being chased by men. It's only bad if the man is ugly.
That's dumb
If you didn't want your butt sunscreened in the suncreen segment, then you should have covered it up
If she'd been wearing a burka, she'd only need sunscreen on her nose
>those butt implants
>tfw actual mohammed agrees with me
maybe some of you shitskins are alright
Nobody gets implants, they get fat injections. It's literally nicknamed the Brazilian butt lift because it's so common over there.
This world needs more rape
>caring about manufactured drama in shitty TV shows even by third world standards
pick one, Sup Forums, you double-retarded mongoloids
>Sub-human ape can't stop himself from groping a female because she isn't swaddled up in enough clothes supply an entire frigate with sails
That's hardly the woman's fault.
So many manginas in this thread.
Also, Muhammad and Leaf explained it.
There are grey areas like a show whose subject is sunscreen application. Life is not black and white.
I doubt that grabbing her ass in order to show how to apply sunscreen on her back was covered in the contract... Lawsuit incoming.
i would be angry too if the presenter had been so unprofessional to me.
Yeah she is using her physical body to be used by only the highest quality man. All the other men who could smash her in her stupid face should just stand idly by and be policemen or something and make sure that she never has to be accosted by inferior men. Everyone should just buy in to this stupid system rather than grabbing her in her stupid ass and slapping her face if she gets mouthy. Dumb whore.
>be a huge whore
>wonder why people treat you like a whore
Its another episode of the lack of logic in women.
She only complained because.the guy is below her self perceived sexual market value.
What's the point of grabbing a bitch on live television? It's not like you're gonna fuck her right there.
Hell her popularity probably just doubled considering she can now play the victim and wail sexual assault. Seeing that this went down in hueland I'm guessing she has a pretty good shot at publicity and he's gonna get fired, aids and shot.
I mean a model's job is to look sexy or at least appealing unless you're one of those beauty in all shapes and size types of faggots and considering this went down in hueland what she's wearing isn't that shocking.
Either the guy thought she would be cool with it, or he slipped up. Eitherway he's gonna fucked by the small dicked hues.
>There exist nothing in between sharia and being naked on live TV
whatever you say jamal
Jungle boi here.
Our culture is based on "admire but don't touch".
This is what granted us the joy of micro bikinis in beaches or women and men that focus on getting as hot as possible.
Gringos rarely understand this and think the jungle is a fuck-fest. Blue balls niggas like that presenter is also like that.
Protip when you come down here in the jungle: The less interest you show to the hottest girls, the less you touch them, the more they will try to get your attention and end up giving you the succ.
>willingly participating in a sunscreen segment on Brazilian TV as a bikini model
>some dude rubbing your ass
>actual rape
stop. it was a shitty and dumb thing to do but comparing that to rape is retarded.
already asked to stop. didn't stop.
if you think 'she was wearing a bikini' makes that ok, you're on the same level as rapefugees in Germany and Sweden.
t. female exhibit
Come on guys, everytime I am just about to be all aboard with the movement here, I see a thread like this that makes it seem like you are all a bunch of frustrated little virginal fuckboys. Be a man! never touch a woman that doesn't wan't to be touched. if you act like a man, there will be PLENTY of opportunities to grab some ass.
Right? It's like they're just trying to eliminate other rape competition. Granted that may be because most Sup Forumsstars are just Mexicans and satisfied larping as stormfags and their intrinsic rape instincts are coming out.
Thats what happens when you violate the NAP on live TV
Any video of the incident?
I don't see the problem. You can look but not touch. If you squeeze someone's ass, you deserve to get slapped. It's not difficult not to do it.
Once she told him to stop and he didn't he had it coming. Don't turn into a fucking rapefugee, that's how feminists happen.
Found Achmed. Seriously, this is the fucking logic Mudslimes use for raping and stoning women. Surely you're better than a sandnigger.
>asks others about their virginity
>on an "anime and virginity" board
The kind of Gringo that slays so much Brazilian pussay and don't have to pay.
>wow islam has one common thought with Sup Forums they are literally the same!
Nice brainfart, amerishart.
His task at the time was LITERALLY TO TOUCH HER
Sex is almost a fuckin law of physics. If a man is with a woman, especially one like her, and she's barely wearing anything, and it's his fuckin job to touch her and rub sunscreen on her, rubbing it on her ass isn't exactly the outrageous.
If he flat out raped her it would be wrong, but I'd still say "what the fuck did you expect?"
So you do not apply suncream on your butt? Also don't talk about Germany like you know something about it.
Non-Affection Principle?
>actual dune coon
Stopped reading
She's a shitty eye-candy tease, not a whore. Irrelevant any way when she hits the wall, no one will want to look at or touch her ass again.
It's like she hasn't seen Brazilian tv. I am surprised her top wasn't accidentally torn off to applaus
Does anyone remember that Vin Diesel interview where he was drunkenly complementing the interviewee? The whole of Latin America got triggered hard.
Are Latin countries more leftist then the West?
is there a video?
link maybe?
You have to pay before you touch.
>First: it is fake, and acted out to get their shitty channel attention.
Second: nah, brah. There has been countless other sunscreen bullshittery like that and touching the girl's ass, specially when she asks them to stop, is not necessary.
Kek. Exactly. Trump meanwhile could have gotten away with grabbing her by the pussy.
I'm sure the cuck in the pic was beta male shilling for Hillary all last year too.
Just saw the video. Not as good as the Brazilian OPA asshole video
>but I'd still say "what the fuck did you expect?"
Probably for him to stop when she asks him to. It's sad that standards have degenerated to the point where basic self-control is considered an unrealistic expectation.
shes on brazillian tv in a bikini what did she think would happen
This really, truly, isn't politics.
Just for that I am going to be mean to an American that's working under me. I hope you are happy!
>Hates it when guy gets horny.
Being aroused doesn't mean you can just touch whatever you want.
Nasty tramp stamps and then complains ...... my life
>Brazilian monkeys are so retarded they need 2 hours “how to apply Suncream” videos
That bitch has a nasty ass.
Agreed. It's full of fillers
Heh, women, amiriteguys?
Why does she even need suncream. She already looks like she had been enriched by melanin.
The second time made it unacceptable.
>nu/pol/ actually defends sluts
Well I guess it's understandable because conservatives are now winning so pol has to become lefties pooftas
>Hell her popularity probably just doubled considering she can now play the victim and wail sexual assault. Seeing that this went down in hueland I'm guessing she has a pretty good shot at publicity and he's gonna get fired, aids and shot.
Not really. I don't even know who that is, never heard of her. There are hundreds of girls like that.
That's honestly one of the nicest arses I've seen.
He'd be a fag if he didn't try once. Shouldn't have tried a second time though
My sides
Is that a trans?
She isn't even attractive. Her ass is large, but not really attractive.
Reading threads like this and the comments in the article make me realize feminists are not completely batshit. Wearing a bikini and having a nice ass does not imply an invitation to be groped.
It does in the"we're going to put sunscreen on this bikini-bitch segment of a show
It's not like he randomly did this at a beach you dumb cunt