Will Eastern Europe stay white lads...

Will Eastern Europe stay white lads? I'm getting nervous as countries like slovenia estonia and czech republic are developed countries. Are the jews going to force multiculturalism on them?
If it does stay white what are the chances there'll be a huge white flight into eastern europe in the future?

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Please stop using the term white.
There isn't a " white race " there are different ethnicity/tribe.

I am Celtic Gaelic and I don't consider Germanics or Slavics or Italics or etc to be the same as me and any non ignorant of them will think the same. We aren't just some blanket term " white " unless you unfortunately happen to be so race mixed that that is all you can call yourself as opposed to going by an actual association.

>inb4 slavs are not white

but seriously - I don't think multiculturalism will be here a thing for some time the problem is that millenials which are atm occupying colleges are about to graduate and take over the state in next 20-30 years and in that time our situation can drastically change.

But there is very strong somewhat left-leaning conservatism.
By Left-leaning I mean they are mostly the people that would like to see expenditure for stuff like Minimal wage and State pensions increased but socially they are very right-wing leaning especially the older people.

Also according to US banks we aren't actually developed but developing nation and our economy is litteral shit.

>Please stop using the term white.
kek do you know where you are leaf?
All white Europeans are fundamentally the same people.

This is what I was thinking. It's not just that though in 20-30 years your people will be able to see first hand what has happened in the west and I don't think you'll follow the same path

I am a national socialist and I know where I am. You clearly do not.

>Canadian divide and conquer
Fuck off.

White obviously has a use as a blanket term, and a blanket term is perfectly acceptable when the majority of Europe has all been influential in developing the most cultured and technologically advanced nations on earth, though the slavs are the absolutely least applicable.

I doubt it'll last.

This adoption of the term white in Europe is a sign of decadence. That the existence of the colonial as a rag tag bunch of mixed Europeans has now become the reality for Europe itself. A product of the E.U schengen zone open borders.

I reject fully accepting the extinction of actual distinct individual European ethnicity/tribes. And if I am so fortunate enough to be here in Newfoundland as a descendant of the Highland clearances and still purely Gaelic then I consider it a responsibility to maintain this mindset. As should be for any other in a similar situation for their own people.

The theory of Multiculturalism
1) "Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It's not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews."
Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austrian-Japanese politician.
Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Wikipedia
2) "Arab migration has been the best thing that’s happened to Europe in the past 50 years…. that there’s no way to block the migration of Chinese, Pakistanis or Arabs to Europe. …. [The] more migrants from Africa and Asia who arrive. ..Sooner or later, their children and grandchildren will marry into veteran European families and change the demographics of their countries. Europe will be different."
--- Yigal Ben-Nun, Israeli Writer

3) “The Messiah of Israel will only come when Christ, Europe, Christianity are totally defeated. Therefore I ask you, is this good news that Islam is invading Europe? Yes, this is great news!”
-- Rav David Touitou, a Jewish activist

4) "Jews play a leading role in promoting multiculturalism in Europe."
--- Barbara Lerner Spectre, a Jewish activist
5) "We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote."
--- Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens.

6) "The strengthening of multicultural or diverse Australia is also our most effective insurance policy against anti-Semitism."
– Miriam Faine, editor of Australian Jewish Democrat.

no gibs no nigs is pretty much where it's at
yes, they are trying their best to subvert but most people own their homes so can't be jewed that way and the society isn't open to aliens outside of business environments
no, we don't want your kind here, take a look what you've done to your homelands, no need for the cancer to spread
nothing personnel

7) “We’ll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.”
-- Noel Ignatiev, a Jewish professor.

Noel Ignatiev is an American author and historian. He is best known for his work on race and social class and for his call to abolish "whiteness".
Noel Ignatiev, Wikipedia

8) David Schwarz, a Jew, the father of the Multicultural Sweden.
As late as 1965, the Prime Minister of Sweden Tage Erlander said: “We Swedes live in an infinitely luckier situation. Our country’s population is homogeneous."

The ideological changed when David Schwarz wrote the article “The Immigration problem in Sweden” in Sweden’s most important morning newspaper, the Jewish owned “Daily News”.

Today, ethnic Swedes are expected to be a minority in Sweden before 2050 if immigration continues at the same rate.

We could work on individual european ethnic groups later on but right now we're all under threat and we need to stand together against this threat.
Also you may be genetically gaelic but you have nothing to do with my culture neither will your kids unless you move back here and have kids with a gaelic woman.

Multiculturalism, is white genocide
The Africanization of our Culture
1) Population
White population was about 1/4 of the world population.
Now it is about 10%.
In the near future it will be only 7%.

2) Demographics - America, Europe, Australia, NZ
2.1) UK
In 1990, white population was 80% in London.
In 2010, white population was 60% in London.

In 1950, there were 10,000 British Pakistanis. Now there are 1.2 million British Pakistanis.

2.2) USA
Latinos have passed whites as the largest ethnic group in California in 2015.
As recently as 1970, eight out of 10 Californians were white.

The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities (2012) - The Census Bureau

America will a white minority country before 2050.
In 2050, white population will be less than 50% in USA.
In 2100, white population will be 1/3 in USA.

In 1950, white population was about 90% in USA.
in 2014, white population is about 60% in USA

2.3) Australia

In 1970s, white population was about 90% in Australia.
In 2011, white population was about 60% in Australia.
Demography of Australia - Wikipedia
2.4) Russia
Analysis: Russia's Far East Turning Chinese.
Peter Zeihan

2.5) Germany
Germans will be a minority in Germany by 2030.
The ongoing Third World invasion of Germany will create a nonwhite majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group within just four years, and a nonwhite majority within one generation, a new statistical analysis based on official German census figures has shown.

Green politician Dr. v. Berg: Germans will be a minority in Germany, this is a good thing!

2.6) Canada
1870- 1970, white population was 95-98% in Canada.
In 1980, white population was 90% in Canada.
In 2010, white population was 60% in Canada..
European Canadian, - Wikipedia
2.7) New Zealand
In 1961, white population was about 92% in New Zealand.
In 2006, white population was about 67% in New Zealand.
Demographics of New Zealand - Wikipedia

Yes because no one wants to live in your frozen shit holes

I hope they get enriched. They deserve it for supporting the EU.

Indeed I would never take serious what I said and in reality I believe the only possible would be under the term " white ".

But I do like to voice what I just did previously anonymously online as a remnant of me thinks that way but it's simply an impossibility at this point.

>supporting the EU
you got that the other way around m8

you don't want me? slovenia pls we need your help

lmao,keep crying toothpaste.We will stay white no matter what,and you will die.

what the fuck kind of drugs are you on?

Another Newfoundlander on Sup Forums? Neat. I live in Halifax for work and whatnot. From Corner Brook. I miss Newfoundland. It's pretty much one of the last places of European homogeneity in Canada. Not Celtic in my family though. I'm Anglo/French.

I love you from afar

don't worry we are as much right-wing conservative as you could be without going full holycows mode. And since most of our youth is pretty much right-wing we will stay that way for a long time

We must procreate to lessen the ranks of gypsies and refugees.
Please fuck me, Czech-senpai!

>>Canadian divide and conquer
>Fuck off.

He's right though and I say this as a Slav. """white nationalism""" has its roots in european colonialism and a portion of it derives from the ramblings of the Nazis. Also why should we Slavs call ourselves white in front of people who are inferior to us to get their approval of us? Why should we bend over like prostitutes around white nationalists and go along with their ramblings like "hitler said scandis are the mot ideal whites/aryans," when in fact we're not any less white and in fact more Aryan than other europeans. Stop using a pseudo identity on us only to deem us lower people afterwards. It's sometimes cringy or should be, because when people do that it makes them looking like they're projecting, why though you might ask? Perhaps they might have an underlying inferiority complex which they're not aware of.

ps; by european colonialism what I meant is that mostly western european countries colonized others if I'm correct that's when people started distinguishing themselves from the native Americans and Blacks and started calling themselves white. Eastern European nations barely did that type of shit, if anything Russia is an example BUT even then their colonialism wasn't as bad/intrusive as that of the western europeans.

fucking american ethnical larpers

>there'll be a huge white flight into eastern europe in the future

If it comes to the worst, where westerners don't even try fighting back the following probably happens:

The huge majority of westerners are going to be completely brainwashed and just die out while being sedated in their pretend utopia. The others won't leave and instead move into rural areas.

There is a trickle of westerners going into east europe, mostly by marrying east european women and then moving back with them but these people are going to get assimilated. There isn't going to be any reconquista because there won't be anyone left to reconquer, so I warmly suggest defending your country instead of tucking tail and running away.

I'm not a larper though, I'm the real deal :^)

Let me see... How do you sit in front of your pc?

Half laying on my chair, not gonna post a pic of myself though.

Slav would squat!


All 2nd gen diasporaks are larpers. You see it best in real life encounters

We're poor and have no welfare.
Niggers just wont come here.

The thing is that Czech SJWs are extremly funny to watch.

SJW who is represeting "European values" .. (some shit about (((modern society)))) sponsored by german moneys is former gay porn actor - Jakub Janda

Pic related is a university profesor, bigot, sjw. For example he attended a discussion where he made fool of himself.


He is uni profesor (Carls' university) but when someone brings up facts he just starts screaming "you are racist" that was his only argument.

Seriously i do not know anybody who would take those leftists seriously. Not even the young generation which is currently in highschools

>Are the jews going to force multiculturalism on them?
Is the sky blue?

in some ways post-commie societies are way ahead of the west in terms of pendulum swinging to the right
this may not be reflected in the cuck governments which are all held hostage by cuttent pensioners, government employees and government-dependent/owned enterprises seeking gibs "they are entitled to"
younger generation is woke to the fact that we won't be able to enjoy 30 years of lavish retirements, real estate that cost next to nothing, low taxes and so on
let's keep it that way

>Will Eastern Europe stay white lads?

The only country in Eastern Europe that is geopolitically strong enough to have an independent cultural policy long-term is, you guessed it: Russia.

Eastern EU will do what (((Brussels))) tells them to, period. They may be able to resist now, but as soon as European Integration progresses it will be literally impossible.

Yes, we hate shitskins, muslims and jews. Also, rapeugees don't want to come here because they can't live off wellfare.

>as soon as European Integration progresses
hello shultzkin and no it won't
there's only 10 years left of parasites voting in favour of short-term status quo, as soon as they kick the bucket you'll see hell from the east


>he cant even refute my argument

>in some ways post-commie societies are way ahead of the west in terms of pendulum swinging to the right

Our communist regime was very different from commies which rule in the west today. Our commies where kind of nationalists, they focused on traditions.

We still have communist partai in goverment. Its filled by very old people, who were commies back before 1989 and their partai-programme is totally different from todays commies in eu - They are pro guns, and nobody of them supports multiculti. Even those leftists fuckers would be labeled as alt-right in the west. kek.

>the slavs are the absolutely least applicable

>t. white mongrel

I care more for my Germanic kin than I do Slavs.

Goddamin Czech-senpai, stop explaining things to Anglos and marry me

>the slavs are the absolutely least applicable

are you a grill? I thought faggotry is looked down upon over yonder

This 100%.

Heil Rodu!

I bet most anglos here are actually shitskins from middleeast.

Ugh yet another perfectly good set of 7's wasted on such a gigantic fucking faggot.

Don't be jelly of our love!
That or cotton niggers

The chances are 0. All the countries you mention here are 2nd world and completely subsidized by the West. If the West falls, so will they

>Our communist regime was very different from commies which rule in the west today.
Fucking this. When I imagine our oldschool commies and western numale leftists, I always laugh a little. I hope we'll stay the way we are, I mean having some leftie stuff like retirement but be as much conservative as possible.


not necessarily, you see there was a time after the fall of (((communism))) before euroatlantic integrations took place and there were no gibs to be had

>They deserve it for supporting the EU.
>supporting the eu.

To be clear that doesn't mean I don't want to see Bohůš and Andrej fuck off. I'm thinking about Robejšek this time.

Hes not in the "realists" party desu. Its just a cute puppet you show to everyone to look better.

You have two options
Or just go with party which belives in meme magic and its leader is based jap

Everyone else is either a joke (DSSS) or cuck (ODS) or faggot (CSSD, ANO)


>Hes not in the "realists" party desu.
Fuck, dropped then.

What do you think about Svobodní? I've always liked Mach, but I don't know... They seem very Pepík to me, never delivered. Do they have a chance this time? I'd love to see them in parlament either way.


Also, it's a shame our Pirates became full on leftie Sluníčkáři, they alway seemed realistic to me about it but now it's clearly not the case.

> muh Celtic heritage
> fuck WHITE

Fuck off leaf

Going with Svobodní like always, even if there is little chance to make seats into parliament

Well they werent white to begin with

>Pirates became full on leftie
>They always were.

I dont think Svobodni have a chance to make it into parlament. thats why ill go with Okamura He can make more than 5%

As a white romanian living in Spain (inb4 le gypsies xDDDDD) I can firmly say that there is a level of wanting of integration on behalf oh western Europe towards eastern Europe that has left me in awe.
They consider me a part of them and are astonished at how I hace managed to asimilate into this culture. One to many times have I heard them complain about moors and southamericans "invading" with such ease and destroying the Spanish way of life by refusing to adopt tradition.

I can honestly say that there is such a thing as white identity, however we must learn to respect one another and adopt each others traditions whenever we can.

¨dont be pussy, vote with your hearth. After all votes are counted

I am pretty white



Just cut the german moneyz poles receive from the membership in the eu...

>I reject fully accepting the extinction of actual distinct individual European ethnicity/tribes
>And if I am so fortunate enough to be here in Newfoundland as a descendant of the Highland clearances and still purely Gaelic then I consider it a responsibility to maintain this mindset.

You are like 1500 years late retard, by the time of Charlemagne most western europe was already mongrelized by germanic migrations, Scotland included.
Also you aren't shit, you are just a cringy leaf LARPing as an european on the other side of the globe, literally the worst type of new-worlder.

This seems like a good place to ask.

I'm a pure-blood slav (Russian) who's been dating a Eastern Chinese girl (light skin and fairly large, open eyes) for quite some time.
I never really thought about how my kids would turn out, but I suddenly got concerned about it recently after talking to some family about our history.
She's an amazing girl, but I have a very distinct and traceable bloodline that isn't mutt-like as most Americans, and I kind of instinctively want to preserve it.

What should I do?

you want advice from user you know nothing about? it's up to you and you alone, however your children will be disadvantaged in more ways than one if they look nothing like their parents and granparents from either side of the family
we haven't reached a post-racial world and I hope we never will

This is exactly why all Europeans "ethnicities" must be merged together, so none of you nazi retards consider anyone "inferior" because they were born outside of the "cool kids club". YOU ARE ALL THE SAME PEOPLE - just some nations got a head start an were better positioned to benefit from Mediterranean civilizations. As well as often ruthlessly exploited and took advantage of anyone outside of their club. That's all. The difference is only cultural.


Eat shit nazi. Slavs are more white than you.

there are cultural and ethnic differences which are incompatible with each other; you want a bland mix without any semblance of the above, go to any of the colonies

Last time I checked USA was/is the greatest, richest nation ever, and it's basically every Euro ethnicity mixed together.

Very unlikely. There is nobody you can convince anybody that having multiculturalism is a good idea.

And the only who do it are usually people from the NGOs or somebody else financially dependent from Soros.

there are non-goyim who could give a fuck about perceptions or wish to be a slave to some great ponzi economy
I'll see to it that my nation lives on as it is like I'm 100% certain you'll do about yours

And it would be if it was just purely one ethnicity as well. Imagine National Socialist Germany commanding the rich land mass of U.S.A

This. It's nice to see how all of you are so optimistic...

More like exploited and then thrown some bones to make them gibsniggers, making sure they won't be an obstacle in our final solution for Europe

pic related juan

I am a Nazi too you fucking leaf,and European white tribal differences come second after the overwhelming nigger threat.

>gibsniggers like the jewropean union
Imagine my shock.

Kek blessed my post.

Good joke.
I've been to prague, the city is full with chinks and arabs, niggers, pakistanis.

Their birth-rates are extremely low.
