is this accurate? i would say poland is 2.5th world
Is this accurate? i would say poland is 2.5th world
>first world
Taiwan is a third world country?
Other than that it seems pretty accurate.
Is Mexico honestly third world?
They do have developed economy although it's a shithole.
You dont even understand what the labeling means.
yeah its hard to understand something if you say it with that muslim cock in your mouth hans
It was accurate 30 years ago
today I would say eastern europe is maybe 1.5th world
third world is largely the same
just an old map from the cold war
Lol Bosnia Second world... RIiiiGht mate -.-
>Taiwan. 3rd world
I'm sorry, I can't hear you all over the plunmbing noises either. Finish cleaning the refugee toilets first.
yeah i will try to clean them if you dont lick them out first you skat loving fuckin degeneret
First, Second, and Third world are basically descriptions used in the Cold War. They're not really THAT accurate with determining the quality of life there.
So basically it went:
>First World, the US and its allies
>Second World, the Soviet Union and its allies, ex communist countries and communist countries
>Third World, anyone who was not officially allied to the two superpowers
Would it make sense to label different parts of a country differently? For example, some parts of China are pretty modern.
the 3 world concept came from the Cold War and it consisted of
1st World:NATO+Western nations in Asia and Australia
2nd World:Warsaw Pact+Yugoslavia, China,North Korea and Mongolia
3rd World:everyone else
Yeah but the modern world concept of 1st, 2nd and 3rd world is mostly the economical one
First world: NATO and allies
Second world: Warsaw pact and allies
Third world: Non-aligned and sympathizers
>Third World
Really? I don't know about that. I'd say they're more 2nd World, then 3rd.
new zealand is 3rd world? never been there but seems more developed than that.
>not third world
Dude, we FOUNDED the non-aligned movement.
Agree, chile, mexico, argentina not 3rd world. argentina's monetary policy may be idiotic though.
>First World
wtf's wth the north pole? though t was owned by denmar or some sht.
What the fuck are you talking about.
Non-alligned movement was created by India.
Yougoslavia was part of Warsaw Pact although you weren't choking on Russian cock
You are misusing Cold War terms. First World is allied with the US, Second World is with Russia, Third World was unaligned
The modern concept evolved from it is developed and developing. People who use the terms 1st 2nd and 3rd world are doing so colloquially, historically or incorrectly.
>American education
You must be over 40 years old since you're still cucked by Soviet education.
No India did.
sorry meant for
Who gives a shit about "worlds". Just life expetancy matters!
>South Africa
>Third World
All of those are second world. Third world is rabid violence, dictatorships, civil wars, famine, periods of topped government, and very low/no economic development. A couple of each of these (can get by with just one or two and still be second world).
>First World
I know that Yugoslavia was largely autonomous on USSR unlike other Warsaw Pact members but you guys were still part of Warsaw pact, that's the reality
India is not a third world country ffs
South Africa should be 1st world. The rest are correct afaik.
as much as i like to shit on mexico it's not 3rd world
also costa rica and argentina could be borderline 1st world so it is definitely not 3rd world
Before you insult Hans, you should know what these labels mean, Polack.
First World: America and friends. America, Americas developed friends (NATO, Japan, Aus/NZ) and developing friends go here. It's not a economic designation, but it was sometimes used for that.
Second world: USSR and friends, especially Warsaw Pact nations. This wasn't an economic designator either, but over time it came to be used as a descriptor for socialist states not Africa-tier poor, but not Western Europe-tier rich either.
Third world: Non-Aligned Movement members. They were almost without exception cash-strapped, newly created states. There were some exceptions, of course; Yugoslavia was quite involved.
You guys need to read up on the Warsaw pact and Non-aligned movements. Being "communist" does not mean you're a member of the Warsaw pact.
Paint Turkey in yellow and it'll accurate
>American education
Yeah I guess world geography isn't really a strong suit. On the other hand, where does all the innovation come from?
Slightly outdated, only slightly
>Yugo literally starts the Third World movement
>labeled as commie second
>third world
also uruguay is not 3rd world
>1st world
oh man that's rich
Nope, what you want is the "world systems theory" map. With Primary producers, secondary (value adders) and third - western rich countries who profit from the other two.
what the fuck are you talking about American education
new Zealand is really developed, it should be first world
>First world
Luckly I won't get shot by some random dude.
explain what "periphery" means
Hailing from a third world country and having been to both Costa Rica and Argentina, I can tell you that they aren't first world or even close.
They're certainly better than my Caribbean shithole, but that's not saying much. Quality of life there is not comparable to what I grew accustomed to when I lived in Canada; business development (ease, practices, etc.) wasn't on par. The educated middle class lives well, yes, but their poor don't have it as good as Europe's poor.
I misidentified New Zealand on the map. It is correctly listed as a 1st world country.
I thought Papa New Guinea was New Zealand. Yes, I'm embarrassed.
why do people shit on Chile so hard?
it's a great country in terms of spanish colonies
>I thought Papa New Guinea was New Zealand.
kill yourself
no its not
Not accurate sweden should be third world.
The biggest economy isnt in the "Core".
This pic must be from year 2000.
First world = Western and northern Europe. Called the first world because it is were we came from (those who made these terms)
Second world = Asia. Called the second world because we always knew they existed somewhere over there, and thus are the "others"
Third world = the new continents explored (Americas, Africa south of sahara)
Outdated term
Argentina is third world.
I'm glad I was able to correct my thinking.
The boundary, border or frontier
>American education
Based Serbs know. Mapmaker is probably a siptar.
can't compare them to canada though, im talking in terms of sub saharan african countries
gotta export that maple syrup eh
In '71 Nixon switched US relations from recognizing Taiwan as the legitimate Chinese gov. to the actual, mainland Chinese gov. making them a de facto non-aligned state (although with all the shit we sell them military wise they're close to first world in that regard and close to third world in China's fantasy land imagination).
I think Vietnam should be in the third world even though historically they've had a rocky relationship with other communist powers.
They're an important NATO ally and that's all that matters for 1st world status. Its not a political/economic dev. shorthand.
They're a middle income power but non-aligned.
Honestly, the map is a little silly seeing as the cold war ended more than 20 years ago and first, second and, third world no longer have any meaningful definitions.
Developed, developing and undeveloped are better terms for what you're trying to describe.
>Taiwan is third world
>Turkey is first world
dont use big words
Poland is 3rd world. Depressing af country except for 1 single tourist town
Good question.
You guys spend a shit ton of government money on private universities and businesses and have one of the highest incomes in the world both of which incentives experts from around the world to flock to your country and do research there.
You guys are also one of the economically free countries, meaning there's a market for said research.
Feel free to correct me if you think I'm wrong.
He didn't read the map properly, settle down.
That is true.
My point is that the middle and upper classes live well and they're both rich in regional terms (ie the reason Argentina gets a bunch of Bolivians and Paraguayans like we get Haitians), but they're not yet first world; the "popular classes" still have it rough, and parts of northern Argentina aren't the best, tbqh.
All the first world countries have the highest life expectancy though..
I've stayed in Hungary for a few months, and I'd say 2nd world is a little harsh. 1.5 at LEAST.
Say what you will about Orban, but he's done fairly well, renovating the country.
get a dictionary, my Amerifat friend. Do they sell them at Walmart?
>Third world
have you been to mexico leaf it is no worst then some middle eastern country
Greenland isn't even a country; it's part of glorious Danmark.
i cant go to walmart..i dont have a car
First world expanded into east alot since 1991. Since there is no Yugoslavia, third world is even bigger shithole than it was in Cold War. Bosnia could be classified as third world because it CANNOT allign with anybody.
>Being "communist" does not mean you're a member of the Warsaw pact.
One of the only Communist nations in the world left
(Cuba) is third world,so what's your point?
Even if Yugoslavia was Non-aligned this still means the rest of the nations mentioned are second world.
its an autonomous state
It's colony of Danish Kingdom. I guess something like Puerto Rico to you
What the fuck are you smoking, man? Vlado, is that you?
This. Finland and Switzerland are third world countries.
Well this is just completely wrong.
Autonomous state.
has everything it needs to be a country,it just needs to request independence and it's free.
Also Greenland should be 1st world since the average citizen there makes ~37 000 a year.
>first world
Shit i didnt know eastern europe was still communist
It's a part of the Danish Realm; in truth, it's a bit like the constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Caribbean (not to be confused with the autonomous municipalities also located in the Caribbean). The Danish flag flies over them, and the nationalist movement, which was formerly very enthusiastic of a prosperous independence fuelled by Greenland's resources, is now relatively quiet and calm.
Get a cab.
>First world
wew lad. Not with that level of corruption
Also Greenland would be a part of NATO so automatically it would be 1st world.
Finland was cucked/protected by Finlandization, though; its neutral position, at least under Kekkonen, is a bit harder to describe.
Denmark is quite permissive with independence, yes; when the constitution of the Faroe Islands was up for discussion and shown to be incompatible with the Danish one, Copenhagen said that a Declaration of Independence would be necessary to enact it, which demonstrates their tolerance.
Nevertheless, in the case of Greenland, the nationalist movement had been very active and optimistic for a few years; they were expecting a very prosperous country fuelled by the landmass' vast resources, not block grants from Copenhagen. It appears to have grown a bit more realtistic and, perhaps, sceptical of self-sufficiency and independence from Denmark being possible for the former and convenient for the latter.
I didn't say Greenland wasn't first world, though. As part of Denmark, it is a NATO member, yes; as a component of the Realm, it is developed.
I was half-trolling when I said that it's part of the Danish Realm, mate.
I visited Iran as a tourist in 2009, and was astonished by how perfectly paved their roads were, how clean the floors of their airports and restaurants were, and how well organized the society seemed as a whole. Yes, it is a dictatorship with limited democracy and yes they have Shariah law that discriminates against women. So in my eyes this knocks them down from being a 1st world country. But their infrastructure, attention to hygiene, reportedly good level of medical care, and their scientific and military advances put them at the level of at least a 2nd world country in my opinion.
You're not wrong. But the government doesn't directly fund private universities. Although, it does incentivize donations through taxes.
Yes, there are a lot of foreign experts that come in (H1B visa I think?) but it's not always experts doing research that are innovating.
Look at the biggest internet companies. Google, facebook, whatsapp, snapchat, all founded by American educated workers. And most of them aren't experts, just people with a big idea, the balls to go for it, and the grit to see it through. That's the American Dream.