European army?

So the idea has been around since Q4 of 2016..
And basically, it describes the idea of conjoining all the armies of European countries in to one army called... You guessed it! The European army!

Now what would this mean? One thing it does not is that it won't disband the navo/nato (whatever the fuck it is) army.

Ready to rumble /pol?

Why do they feel the need to do this? Hasn't Europe been damaging enough to the world disunited?

We already got NATO. Let's work within that.

You could sell this to right wingers if the official motto was "Deus Vult" or something. I personally see nothing wrong with an EU army. We need to be independent of the USA. Easing tensions with Russia is impossible as long as we're on the leash of NATO.

fuck off

Fucking terrible idea.
It will only be used tu surpress any dissent within the EU.

I will never fight or risk my life for the sake of non-Finns. I.d rather see thousands of non-Finns die than risk the life of a single Finn.

My kinn above all else. I have no kinship or common cause with anyone who supports the cancer known as the EU.

The biggest problem was that people questioned that it would lead to slight long term issue with sovereigntyand what not since it enables a slow morph to combine every country in Europe to one country called Europe
Haha brexit

>Why do they feel the need to do this?

When shit hits the fan in Europe nation's armies will be reluctant to follow through on EU orders and enforce martial law on their own people and families. The establishment of an EU army means, for example, Bulgarian soldiers could be deployed to the streets of for example Lisbon and thus would have no problem using force against the civilian population that is not their own people.

I quote one of the politicians:

“[Currently] if there is some crisis emerging and you need to move military personnel and equipment from one European country to another, then it will take days or even weeks to get all the approvals.

“It is a very bureaucratic process and we all understand that when it is a crisis there is no time to wait for this kind of stuff.”

As any ruler knows, if you are going to deploy the army against the population, you should use army regiments from a different part of your empire than the population it's deployed against. An EU army is the only way to realize this goal.

>since it enables a slow morph to combine every country in Europe to one country called Europe

I know that the way the current EU is setup is a scam, but what do you have against a pan European federation with fixed secure outer borders? The peoples of Europe are culturally related to such a high degree that I see no issue with this. Why not create a European state that stands for everything that makes the west the best?

Geoffrey Van Orden, the Conservative’s European defence and military spokesman, argued strongly against the proposals.

“You can’t have the European Union trying to hijack what is essentially a Nato requirement. You have to separate the requirements for member states, in other words European allies, to spend two per cent of their GDP on defence, which has precious little to do with the EU’s ambitions,” Mr Van Orden told The Independent.

fuck off

>The unelected men who are importing ISIS terrorists to Europe now want their own army
>Euroshits support this

Thank God for Brexit. You're all insane.

Get the UK the fuck off that insignia

fuck off

ironically proving that no, Europe is not one country.

Because the EU does not stand for the things that make the West the best.

It stands for Islam and socialism.

People are afraid to lose their heritage, the thing which makes them "special" from all the other countries..

Kek at that image

Northern defense alliance?

I'm okay with it. Germany has to increase it's defence budget non the less.
I'd start by establishing a european quick responce force and bundling navy components. Also it would've to be voluntary for soldiers to join.

On the other hand, the EU has to drop certain policy fields that are beterr in the hands of the respective nation states.
I'm okay with EU handling defence and some economy issues, but the rest is power abuse.

"Euro army"
Give it 2 years and its task would change to seeking out and silencing critics of the EU.

>Euro army
>idea been around since Q4 of 2016

Remove my country from that emblem please. Oh, and remember to Sage this bait thread.

What would a civil war in Europe look like between NATO and the EU army?

>It stands for Islam and socialism.
Nigger, the EU is neoliberal as fuck. There is nothing even remotely socialist about it. Open borders faggots are just useful idiots for the rich elite. Also I'm not talking about the EU, but what I want the EU to be. Would you be on board with such a state?

>People are afraid to lose their heritage, the thing which makes them "special" from all the other countries..
Why would a federation lead to the loss of heritage and culture. Here in Germany we have Bavarians clinging to theirs so hard it's almost adorable.

>pro-EU globalist thread
>full of German flags

>I want the EU to be
So you can rule over Europe. Third time lucky eh Hans?

No need to be upset, you can just pretend you didn't see the insignia, I can't photoshop the picture, I would've but I'm on working hours

I sincerely apologize if I have offended any of the Brit brothers

Don't you right wingers believe in natural hierarchy? We emerged as the leading power in Europe after WW2 based on our own natural abilities.

You can take the UK out of that little dream for a start. Wont happen anyway, the EU will be dead in 5 years

No, I believe in the nation state.

That'd be more acceptable.

This. I've absolutely no interest in dying for geopolitical games played from Brussels. These people fantasizing about a common army do not imagine themselves as the soldiers.

EU fuck off.

What about a pan-european nation?

>Leading power
>Literally has no army

R.I.P. Simo Hayha

Best sniper since foverer

No way. How can it work when countries have different interests?

I firmly believe that this would end up in one big fucking cluster-fuck of differences between everyone.... I believe that one European nation wouldn't be possible exist without riots all over

Until Hitler decided to fight a two-front war and fucked himself over... I firmly believe that he was a gifted retard. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

>What is the Marshall Plan
The US built modern Germany.

We don't want and don't need you limp-wristed faggots anyway, can't wait for war against you cunts.

with the exception of France, all of the supporters are
>threatened by Russia
>have either poorly equipped armies or just low numbers of enlisted personnel
>or both

>So the idea has been around since Q4 of 2016..

The blueprint for this was the Waffen SS. No new concept actually... but now it will be used against it's own people most likely.

>EU Army
>Over a dozen different service rifles using at least a half dozen different types of magazines in four different calibers
>With more than a dozen types of tanks using six different sets of ammo (NATO 105, NATO 120, British 120, Soviet 125, Soviet 115, Soviet 100)
>Ace Combat: The Air Force
>A Navy still inferior to the USN

This seems like a logistical nightmare.

Reconcile these interests in a democratic fashion. Literally everyone has conflicting interests.

>I believe that one European nation wouldn't be possible exist without riots all over
How? The peoples of Europe are not so different.

Hitler was a complete retard. Should have listened to his generals. Also wasted valuable resources on the holocaust that could have been used in the war instead.

That was just the spark. The rest we did on our own.

If we had an EU army Merkel would immediately commandeer every Navy vessel to pick up every last African alive and bring them here.

You remember what happened last time right? Or what about the time before? Or when we saved you from Napolean? We are and always will be the European Hegemon, suck it up Kraut.

Has anything more been said about letting EU citizens join the bundeswehr?

Why not just a baltic /Eastern European army. From Ukraine up to Finland. Pool resources and agree to attack Russia if any of them are attacked. No need to include France, Germany and the UK.

You used cheap Turkish labour and were constantly given a helping hand in the West by us and the yanks and were supported in the East by the Soviets.

>If we had an EU army Merkel would immediately commandeer every Navy vessel to pick up every last African alive and bring them here as well as invite all the Muslims.

Corrected it

>supported in the East by the Soviets

HAHAHAHA. Have you ever seen a picture of the GDR before the fall of the wall?

We crushed you everytime until your big bro aka you Bull USA came to help, you're weak as on your own. Your current generation consists of soft pussies, too, as witnessed at every major football tournaments in recent times.

This is my wet dream. A unified Europe, with a proper fiscal policy, a unified foreign policy and a not retarded governement system. With an army and alliances with Russia and the Us. We'd shrek everything and cleanse this Planet

You don't understand, Fritz. We're leaving, the Dutch will be leaving, the French, the Mediterranean countries want to leave. Europe will be a continent of proper nation state democracies again soon. Fuck you and your bureau-Euro shite

It's technically the foundation for starting a 1 world unification. And truth be told, until we can't unite, we'd most likely destroy ourselves within the upcoming few decades already.. If not by war.. The weather would most likely fix that

We're considering but it's not decided yet..

Not gonna happen, they can go and die themselves.

Not going to fight another ones fight, I don't feel connected to the EU. And not going to suppress other countries because they are against EU.

EU just fuck off. Please die already.

>being THIS bootybothered

lmao lads

>globalism is good

kek comeon everybody knows it's the German natives who are on the edge of extinction and still don't see the elephant in the room.

The Merkel treasonous cunt is going to fill that EU army with muslims only. Last laugh's best.

Mind to elaborate?

While many Brits are pussified this is true, you didn't crush us and we could happily had defeated you by ourselves.

May God save us all.
For those in favor, europe was saffer with NATO. why is this army needed?
Its the end of european peace sponsored by greedy self-expatrieted burecraurts.

The Empire is the way to go, fuck nation states. Preserving a smaller identidy is easier in a massive empire than a nation states. Nations states are fucking cancer and things started going to shit when we came up with the idea.

it's not going to happen, and if it does it will be the death of the EU.

>fuck nation states
we have nothing to discuss then

Yeah this is working so well. A corrupt undemocratic child sacrficing cabal. Let's go on, more EU!

I would support a united Europe were it a Neo-Roman Empire of sorts and devoutly Christian.

And what he did would be done a thousand times again, for the fatherland. For culture, home, family. Not for EU globalists.

>some Ukrainians fuck up and instigate war with Russia
>I now have to go die because some Ukrainian fucked up for his personal gain
Sounds like a bad deal, brother. We have a strong enough army for ourselves. One of the strongest in Europe in conventional warfare. Largest artillery in EU. I don't want to fight wars that are not directly against me and my people.

The idea of Germany sending UK lads off to fight and die for the glory of Volkswagen makes me sick.

Now that were leaving the German empire, do what you want. Other countries be warned, the above is what will happen to your sons.

You negroes don't realize that after the french revolution Europe has been on a gradual decline towards death, with the creation of the nation states being a cause. When Austria and Russia and the Ottoman empire had monarchs and where empire things were good. Look what happened to Russia, the mid east and the balkans once we removed the empires

>fuck nation states

fuck you, Marxist scum

I'm with you there. However, as it stands right now, it's more harmful than beneficial to have a centralized government for all of Europe. The second europeans look out for Europe first and foremost we can take this discussion again.

Who will control our nukes though?

We had nukes????????

If you want to label me, label me as a reactionary. When Caracalla made all the people of the Empire citizens of Rome Europe touched the highest point of civilization. I want that back, you can be a nationalist in an empire, you can cherish your regional identity and etnicity. I share nothing with a northern Italian that speaks german, or with a sicilian. Yet they are trying to convince me that we are "italians". In a unified europe I'd be a lucano AND a european. No constructed identies that have their roots two hundred years ago. Charlemagne, Plato, Jesus and Rome. These are the roots of Europe

Why would you want the US and Turkey defending Europe? European countries should leave Nato and focus on the defense agreements we have in Europe.

The kurds still belong to various states, and because they dont have their nation they were and are victims of smass slaugthers.
You are just an idiot. Looks also at wat happened to históric greek comunities in Turkey, they were supressed and deported.
Homogenus nation states are the way to go.

It's hard to look out for when our own(probably ones in other EU countries as well) politicians are trying to destabilize the fuck out of it

We do and France does and I'm pretty sure Italy and some other have some weird nuke sharing thing going on.

creating a bigger army to enforce Merkels multiculturalism, yeah, fuck off

>European army
>idea has been around since Q4 of 2016



>Because the EU does not stand for the things that make the West the best.

>It stands for Islam and socialism.


EU is the new dream of very old communists. Federica Mogherini was literally a Young Communist. Islam has the death and totalitarianism and communism they need.


The Turks entered genocidal mode when their empire was on it's way out and they were trying to come up with a national identity. Before that armenians and greeks and turks lived in their communities and people were left in peace. Nation states are a silly idea, because of that idea we Europoors spent the first half of the last century massacring each other.
Before ww1 Europe absolutely dominated the whole planet, we can't even immagine such dominance. Yes they warred each other all the time, but the wars where civilized. Throw nationalism in the mix and you get a ww1 meatgrinder

Because my country belongs to nato, and we are never relegated or forced into missions se dont want.
If we need to defend our country , we are able to use all our army and get some sort of coordinated force to help. A force that works, like it for the commies.

>silencing critics of the EU

Get the UK off that image.

Hey I tried my best but I couldn't find the exact date... Bite me

Wouldn't this drag countries like us, with no real risk on invasion, into wars we have nothing to do with? If Germany, Poland and the Baltics want to go to war with Russia that's fine, but keep us out of it.

>A unified Europe, with a proper fiscal policy, a unified foreign policy

Wow, you're a fucking retard.

Try to govern a continent filled with Islam and Africans. Anything you say becomes meaningless - unification is meaningless, fiscal policy is meaningless, foreign policy is meaningless, government systems is meaningless, army is meaningless, alliances are meaningless. When your society is a chaotic shithole, nothing else matters or is relevant.

>Nations states are fucking cancer and things started going to shit when we came up with the idea.


kill yourself please

That's the point, it'd just be used to piss off russia and for the benefit of the US and Israel.

Your guise of "neutrality" would disappear overnight.

Now that you mention it.... What would you try to capture/destroy in such a huge country? Would you nuke the capitols? What would be the target(s)?

Yes, you proved my point. The turks went to genocide mode.
Imagine when europe falls apart, a entire continent by the sword.
Maybe it be nationalism, religion, or a competing rival empire, every Empire falls, when europe falls it may leave scars for millenia.

EU army is the way to go. USA can't be relied on anymore. Too many big threats out there for us. EU army and a nuclear arsenal with a MAD or Samson Option policy works best for us. Please make this happen based Schultz.

Wouldn't you rather be defended by europeans? Also, as far as I'm concerned, if a Nato country gets attacked (perhaps Turkey), you are forced to help them.

I'm actually not against a European army.

It will seriously decrease American leverage on us. (Because face it, the only real reason we still need them is because we outsourced our defense to them)

Next to that it will create a whole new market for European arms manufacturers, earning us a shit load of money.

Also imagine a German engineered JSF. It will still be bureaucratic and expensive, but holy shit it will be one advanced plane.