What sex, gender, race, nationality, and sexual orientation will they be?
The first person on Mars
Other urls found in this thread:
Male, Male, German, American, Straight.
Never going to happen, no point in it whatsoever.
it's because we're asking these shitty pointless questions that the Chinks will be there first.
SpaceX will probably send an engineer. Probably won't be a black woman.
very few females have been to mars, there is a lot of physical training requirements, mars is covered with predators
It'll almost certainly be some generic Chinese guy named Lee
Bogandoff, Bogandoff, Bogandoff, and Bogandoff
>Never going to happen, no point in it whatsoever.
You seriously don't see any benefit of the human race becoming a multi-planet species?
Indian Hindu
Superpower by 2025
UltraHyperPower by 2030
Female (FtMtF), Genderfluid, Human race, Earth, Pan-poly-peado-transsexual
This. A Germanic American Straight Male.
I think the answer is fairly obvious...
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
A gay, black, muslim transwoman from the Islamic Republic of Europe
Elon Musk has already been to Mars. He was born there in the 2100s.
it'll be a white British female
We won't land on Mars until the late 2030s/2040s at the earliest. By that stage Britain will have re-established itself as Top Nation
God it's depressing that these can be treated as two separate things now and even Sup Forums doesn't notice.
i learned to remote view to see bogdangrad, incredible.
The Reddit infiltration continues.
They have the waiting list ready for the space x programme
if you drink the musk kool-aid there should be an ITS spaceship there, unmanned by 2022, astronauts by 2024, more likely 2026-2028 depending on how they can get the ITS booster to work.
it will probably be a skeleton crew with 3-4 people, i don't know of spacex running an astronaut training facility so it'll probably be mostly NASA astronauts. they may not be white, they may even be (((white))), but they will be the best for the job.
it won't be full of demikin gendersex queerkin though.
>>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
too late, there are already cities on mars and not named after these two weirdos
Humans will never go to Mars
LARPer detected.
That's not Bogdangrad, that's Atlantis.
See no point in colonizing it unless rich in resources we need to travel further and greed.. but its close and can teach us about planetary travel for future exploration
Humans are already on Mars, there are about 600 million people living there. As a matter of fact, humans live on every planet in the Solar System. George Adamski was right!
Straight Han Chinese male.
There are already humans on Mars.
This. Not only that, but Mars also has a blue sky and a breatheable atmosphere. NASA is a MILITARY organisation, NOT a civilian organisation - therefore, NASA is NOT obligated to tell the truth to the American people!
UK is going to fall m8.
It will be Elon Musk of course and therefore a straight White South African male.
I recommend getting some professional psychiatric help.
Jew. Female. Maybe mixed with black. And waving a rainbow flag.
Not an argument.
My favorite African American will be the first man on mars
It wasn't meant to be an argument.
Kek. Literally happening within 5 years.
Mars One etc.
A rat done bit my sister Nell
With Whitey on mars
Her face and arms began to swell
And Whitey's on mars
I can't pay no doctor bills
But Whitey's on mars
Ten years from now I'll be paying still
While Whitey's on mars
You know, the man just upped my rent last night
Cause Whitey's on mars
No hot water, no toilets, no lights
But Whitey's on mars
I wonder why he's uppin' me?
Cause Whitey's on mars?
Well i was already given him fifty a week
And now Whitey's on mars
Taxes takin' my whole damn check
The junkies make me a nervous wreck
The price of food is goin up
And if all that crap wasn't enough
A rat done bit my sister nell
With Whitey on mars
Her face and arms began to swell
And Whitey's on mars
With all that money i made last year
For Whitey on mars
How come I ain't got no money here?
Hmm, Whitey's on mars
You know I just about had my fill
Of Whitey on mars
I think I'll send these doctor bills
airmail special
(To Whitey on the moon)
Straight saudi arab woman
Is that a real poem, or did you just write it?
Not to say that if you wrote it, it isn't real, but you know what I mean.
Male, jew, american, straight
Mars is kind of far. It takes a year to even get there, so I very much doubt anyone is going to even orbit around Mars in the next 20 years, let alone land on it.
how the fuck would they get back to Earth lmao
Transfemale Otherkin Latinix Xir Asexual
Mars One is either a ponzi scheme or a suicide cult.
It isn't a viable Mars mission.
Glorious Germanic American male with his harem of latina booties
Xir will be a trans-gender queer otherkin.
male syrian refugee of fighting age.
they seem to be spreading everywhere
It's pretty obviously never going to work but its amazing how many people they got to submit applications for it
it's real, it came about around the time of the moon landings and was written by a nigger
i just took the existing lyrics and substituted "the moon" for "mars"
the first unmanned ITS would go there to convert materials on mars into fuel, the second ITS with people on it would land, stay for a while, then return to earth with the fuel from the first ITS
6 months or less you mean
at 254,000 ft, temperature reaches -358F, way enough to turn oxygen and hydrogen in a liquid, in a sea.
And that explains what was observed during the flight of that rocket when suddenly it stopped spinning producing a loud noise and immediately started falling without even a deceleration phase in between.
space is liquid and celestial bodies are seen through that liquid.
It was a real movement fifty years ago.
Niggers drove a fucking mule wagon to Cape Canaveral to demand the moon landing money be spent on slave reparations instead.
>You seriously don't see any benefit of the human race becoming a multi-planet species?
Not if we bring the shit of humanity with us.
trans black fox kin
so, where are they coming up with the trillion dollars needed to do this?
Polish black transgender woman with tattoos and piercings everywhere who is a muslim
spacex plans to fund it with their as-of-yet pseudo-unannounced space internet constellation (4,400 satellites in low earth orbit providing internet to anyone who wants to pay a few dollars a month) and their launch services. it's not public.
You better believe (((they))) make sure it's some shitskin woman.
a chink with a female with (((curley))) hair
Are people really this retarded?
A pansexial Syrian cisgendered fire hydrant Muslim.
>implying they wouldn't just blow the rocket up in the name of allah.
earth is flat Sup Forums thats what you told me.
You wish goy. It'll be one of us.
come on you can clearly see the yo-yo despin in both of those videos
It's going to cost 1% of that amount.
The important, revolutionary thing here is the reusable rocket. It means that with every takeoff you're now only burning $500,000 worth of fuel instead of burning $100 million worth of spaceship.
Imagine how expensive plane tickets would be if at the end of every single flight you had to jump out with a parachute while the 747 plunges into the ocean.
The SpaceX dream is a rocket that can take off, land, gas up, take off again, and if they actually pull it off it'll change space travel forever.
Realistically, we know NASA is full of liberals. Back when we could put men on the moon it wasn't, but right now it is. They'll do everything they can to get at least two tokens on the landing, and to make the first one to walk outside one of the tokens.
Trouble is, mission commander would be first by default, and odds are good that one will be a white man just because the pool of suitable people for the position is mostly white men. So it's a matter of whether or not someone at NASA wants to be the guy who deliberately orders a break in protocol for the sake of their token.
My bet is that NASA has to delay the mission so many times over SJW interference that the Indians beat us there and poo all over Mars before we've even launched.
Realistically, NASA is never going to put another manned spaceship in LEO, let alone on Mars
The future of space travel lies with SpaceX, and Blue Origin, and ULA, and Arianespace, and Roscosmos, and the Chinese Space Agency. Are ANY of those groups overly enthusiastic about blacks and trannies?
>yo-yo despin
Female, Apache Attack Helicopter, American, Fucks dogs
Imagine the lefties when it'll be a white male.
yes when you have a small rocket that you can't put proper reaction controls on you can just make the rocket spin around it's axis as it ascends, then when you need it to stop spinning to release the payload you release a few cables
it's well known, that cuck's webm is just the effects of the atmosphere on a star. he probably doesn't even know the atmosphere is basically an ocean.
A straight white American. No telling what sex.
No offence, but how hard would it be to just recover the rockets NASA uses now and use them again? Put a little Raspeberry Pi in it somewhere that controls so pnematics and guide it's fall to land in the ocean near a coast, send out a boat and pick it back up. Has no one really ever thought of that before?
Okay, just googled it, but how would that stop the rockets upward velocity?
Why even bother going to this barren, frozen, radiation infested deserthole ? Just export all the muslims and other worthless scum there.
This is a huge problem for NASA. It's partially due to politics but also due to there being too many thirsty betas running the organization. When Columbia was destroyed, it was due to the female mission leader. Not only was she not held responsible for her failure, she was promoted as an endless line of betas came crawling of our the woodwork to defend her. The latest astronaut class is 50% female because identity politics have long been growing inside NASA. What has that gotten us? A female astronaut who wore diapers while kidnapping another female astronaut because she thought the other had the eye of the male astronaut she wanted. NASA's psychological screening process flagged her as unstable but she was allowed to become an astronaut anyway because they wanted more women.
As long as NASA's primary mission is handing out pussy passes, they're not going to get shit done.
At this point, we don't put people on planets in order to achieve anything 'sciency'. The singular purpose is to put someone other then a White male on Mars so we can prove how inclusive we are.
That's literally what NASA is now.
this, because our society is ass backwards retarded. humans are busy building walls, having nation states and squabbling over non-issues while ignoring and neglecting their greatest scientific and technological minds .
if you told me from 100 years ago that in 2017 we'd be using oil\coal and no human ever left earth's gravity i'd say you were shitting me.
we live in a world where a bunch retarded island cultists can halt the construction of one of the must crucial and important instruments in human history because whey whine about it not allowing to pray to their sky daddies .
if there was any alien life discovered in our galaxy i'd ask it to mercy-nuke our retarded planet.
Probably an engineer, so most likely a Chinese, Indian, or white male who is straight and in his 30s.
it wouldn't, you're watching what amounts to a really well funded hobbyist group launching a rocket.
for altitude they likely have a shitty barometer or accelerometer hooked up (GPS is not an option, the US doesn't like people using GPS for what amounts to guided missiles) with the internal computer of the rocket averaging the velocity, doing a bit of math, finding out the rough "altitude" then reporting it every 1-2 seconds to the ground station.
thus, when the rocket reaches it's apogee, slows down then begins falling again, to the casual observer on the video it just looks like it just stopped.
it's nothing spooky.
not an option, just look up the falcon 9 landing program and you'll see how hard it is. they're trying to land a building on a barge smaller than a football field, you can't do that with a raspberry pi for a multitude of reasons.
>a leaf
i should have known
In one respect it's really becoming a possibility in the last decade because of advances in small, powerful, efficient computers and meter-accurate GPS transponders that can now do the complicated task of guiding a rocket back to its landing pad.
A rocket also has to be designed from the ground up for this purpose though. Many existing designs are relatively thin or frail to make them lighter and easier to launch because they're meant to be thrown away after one use. There's also the matter of fuel - a rocket will need to conserve 10 to 30% of its fuel supply to decelerate itself for landing instead of burning everything.
Getting further than the moon near requires NTR propulsion if you intend to carry any sort of decent redundancy and equipment.
Good luck getting the eco cucks allowing one of those get anywhere near lunch pad.
>muh irradiated space think of our future child astronouts they'll get cancer out there!
>muh nuclear bomb we'll die if it explodes!
>fuck space colonialism fuck drumpf #notmyspaceagency
Not to mention NASA is essentially a welfare agency nowadays. They don't even have lunch capability.
One of our robot masters once humans get enslaved
Israel should lead the way, tearing down their walls and doing away with their borders.
If a hundred years ago you told me there would be a Zionist state that is in many places illegal to criticize while Jews are placed on a pedestal in white society, I'd say you're insane. But here we are, in a world of endless conflict stirred up by zionists.
>humans are busy building walls, having nation states and squabbling over non-issues
If that's how you feel then why don't you tear down your wall and invite all your Palestinian brothers to come live with you lmao
Is it true we will have the first person on mars by the 2030s?
Who are these guys? Could someone give me the basic gist?
Male, Male, Han, Chinese, Straight.
Kek, fucking blue pills