You're all right, leafs
Canada is going to become the dumping ground of the world's shit. You take our lefties, you take refugees, and give them a nice faggo-socialist nation to live in. However, what they'll find when they get up there is 90% is uninhabitable, and it turns out to be a siberia in disguise. The rest of the world flourishes while rapefugees and lefties freeze. Thanks, Canada.
No then they'll just come right the fuck back here. We need to deal with this Canadian leaf problem and we need to do so quickly.
Plus most of them will just go to Toronto which is already a shithole, so nothing of value will be lost
Can someone from Canada explain this one to me.
It's a well known fact that if you're visiting Canada and them boarder guards ask you the purpose of your visit you don't say work. If you do you'll be answering all sorts of dumb ass questions for a long time about your employment in Canada.
They're super sensitive about jobs going to foreigners. So instead you say your traveling for meetings or vacation with family to avoid that shit.
But then they're all cool with inviting the US's illegal immigrant workforce?
Does anything in Canada make sense?
for fuck sakes trudeau.. yeah if anything send them all to the east please.
can trump please me our prime minister too?
It's funny because social media paints these as triumphant sob stories with happy endings where the poor frost-bitten immigrant finally makes it to Canada, but they ALWAYS leave out the part where they're arrested, brought to jail, and expected to return to Burgerland when they serve their sentence. Leftist media is retarded.
>leftist media releases article
>article doesn't mention they're always arrested and expected to return to burgerland
>send them all to the east
No, the east needs to be preserved. It's the only white part of Canada left. Send all the shitskins to Ontario or British Columbia.
oh my bad man us British Colombians consider Ontario east and i kinda forgot there was anything else past that.
Leads to a lot of confusion, I remember arguing with a bunch of alberta/BC leafs on here regularly who always talk about the east being cucked for hours only to find out they're only talking about ontario
It's also the most racist part of Canada--aren't most immigrants told to avoid living there because of racism and a poor economy?
Either way, feels bretty good being >95% white
hahaha man its funny its says b.c is only 67% white but the other 3o% of the non white people are in Vancouver then the last little percent is the rest of b.c.
Atlantic Canada is weird in the sense that it always votes purely liberal but it's the least immigrant-friendly part of the country.
People have a grudge against conservatives on this side of Canada, including the redpilled people.
I remember when Newfoundland got a batch of rapefugees and at first the Newfies were having a good time and happy to show foreigners their culture and after a few weeks, the rapefugees were trying to flee the province and move further out west because of Newfie racism after some rapefugee tried to rape a little girl.
>Our country is so boring and stagnant that our media literally goes apeshit when 100 people "illegally" cross our border.
How worked up will they get when a Khalifate is introduced and all the "progressives" are jailed for their degeneracy?
It's not like they are going to Nunavut. They will come here to Toronto. See It's my hometown but I think it's beyond saving. Time to get out. I guess all leaves must leave the tree eventually
I'd like to see immigrants even try to move to Nunavut, eskimos are fucking racist when it comes to people not assimilating to their culture. I know a guy who went up to some Eskimo town for a few years as an English teacher and some places denied him service solely because he couldn't speak Inuktitut, and the punchline is that the people who denied him service could speak English fluently too.
It doesn't always vote liberal, in the 2000s at least one of our provinces had a conservative government for almost ten years.
Not to mention, where I live the liberals are only marginally different from the conservatives in their line of thought. And the NDP just isn't trusted at all here.
We often vote liberal because conservatives keep fucking us over big time. In my province the last conservative(provincial) government totally RUINED our future economy. So it would almost be retarded to keep voting conservative when we know for a fact that they've cucked us before.
Still, people are pretty socially conservative here whoever they vote for.
man all the leftists and feminists should all live in Nunavut and the rest of us well we can just get the rest.
>journey to manitoba
The dissapointment on their face when they arrive must be palatable.
>cold as fuck
>boring as fuck
>no jobs for illegals
>indian ghettos
Sounds exactly like Scotland desu.
>where I live the liberals are only marginally different from the conservatives in their line of thought
Pretty much, east-coast leaf liberals aren't like the SJW liberals brewing in central Canada, half of burgerland, and most of Europe.
Nearly every liberal I've met in Newfoundland thinks Trudeau's a joke and is anti-immigrant.
>We often vote liberal because conservatives keep fucking us over big time. In my province the last conservative(provincial) government totally RUINED our future economy. So it would almost be retarded to keep voting conservative when we know for a fact that they've cucked us before.
We need a northern wall and make Canada pay for it
Surely Canada will get tons of extra money from the productive immigrants?
Atlantic Canada is extremely Scottish, there's some cases where people still speak Gaelic as their native language here.
Then you have Newfoundland which is some strange amalgamation of Scotts, Irish, Welsh and Anglos buttfucking eachother into inbred, but based as fuck madmen.
>Atlantic canada
>highest recipients of equalization payments per capita
>most guys on EI 6 months of the year or more
Atlantic Canada is where a bunch of Irish, Scots, and Acadians live like niggers
Just don't lie to customs officers in any case dipshit, you're allowed to work here, there's legal steps just like every other country in the world. If you give them bullshit answers they'll go through your phone/computer and find out why you're coming here anyway
Western Canada is where a bunch of Anglos and Germans live WITH niggers.
Halifax is the only exception I'd say, and some of St.John's.
Halifax and dalhousie U especially is a SJW stronghold though. Avoid at all costs.
NFLD is roughly half and half Irish and British, with a minority of scots, and an even smaller minority of french. There are much more Scots in the rest of Atlantic Canada.
Culturally, the Irish have the strongest impact there.
where is sunnyville?
Shot outside of Halifax AFAIK.
St. Johns is considered by a lot of people to be the most racist provincial capital city in Canada. SJWs only have a hold over MUN.
>Culturally, the Irish have the strongest impact there.
Pretty much.
fuck right on that where i wanna go
Isn't that win-win?
Canadians want refugees, Americans don't. If refugees want to move from America to Canada, everyone is better off.
when we send you our refugees we arent sending you our best
no we dont. fuck off you SJW feminist lgbqtay liberal
I still think a lot of them will avoid a HUGE swathe of Canada due to climate. 1/5th of our pop. lives in Southern Ontario, the warmest part of Canada.
Many of us don't necessarily want them, just the virtue signallers and the liberals looking for votes and sheet.
oh sorry bud i didn't realize you where Brazilian i take that all back.. but no we dont want them please.
The immigrants from within the province to St. John's keep it fairly conservative.
Even MUN has a fairly big young torrie association AFAIK.
St. John's might be the most racist capital of a province, but it seems like the least racist place when compared to literally every other rural area probably.
They are fleeing USA because they are illegal and set to be deported. They won't go back to Burgerland.
They get refugee status. Not jail
southern Ontario is the warmest part of Canada?
i dont think so man i live in the okanogan
Seriously, America should be covered on all borders, most countries should.
I hear the story from MUN is that there's a pretty even split between redpilled and bluepilled Newfies and the staff there don't cater to the bluepilled side.
Yfw this will cause a new Trump like guy in Canada to run
It's already happening.
What state are my fellow leafs planning to move to?
I got a job in based New Hampshire. Looking forward to not paying 45% income tax, and 15% sales tax on everything. I am looking forward to getting cheap Hydro (from Ontario) though.
I hope you suckers have a plan to get out. Canada is going to crash and burn.
The best conservative option is literally posting Sup Forums memes and terms like redpill and bluepill.
yeah i was thinking Washington state but not like the coast.
There is like 3 leaf posters here. Besides them, everyone in canada loves this shit.
>OMG they are running away from bad america fr canada! Ha ha I knew USA was bad. Come to canada! Not America!!
A lot of sponsored refugees here got sponsored by people with no money. They just wanted to feel important and like they are helping.
Canadians are that fucked up.
>everyone in canada loves this shit
Even the websites that suck Trudeau's dick say his approval rating's at an all time low.
>Canada becomes the next Sweden
>tfw Canadian wall soon
It's one of the warmest areas and the most populous(which also implies warmth, somewhat--since our most depopulated areas are hostile and cold).
MUN has one of the highest scoring academic freedom indexes in Canada
>The Memorial University of Newfoundland is the only university to receive an ‘A’ for practices in the 2016 Campus Freedom Index. Five universities earned an ‘F’. Carleton University, Dalhousie University, the University of Alberta, the University of Victoria and the University of Windsor all earned ‘F’ grades for their practices of censoring or failing to protect free expression rights for students, faculty and/or guests.
Like in murrica, Canada's top universities are some of the strongest SJW hellholes with terrible academic freedom.
>Yahya Samatar, from Somalia, works as a fundraising co-ordinator at Creaddo Group in Winnipeg. He first came to Canada in August 2015, by hiking and swimming north in the Red River. Since then he has been granted refugee status and sends money home to to support his family
>he has been granted refugee status and sends money home to to support his family
>Canada invaded by shitskins and leftist
>USA already full of nigger and latino
>Britain invaded by muslim and paki
Anglo are dying everywhere
Pretty much. Plus the French areas are unwelcoming as fuck
Canadian government made it basically impossible for us to immigrate to USA via NAFTA
Its beyond Trudeau
You people are brain washed against USA.
Anything to look better than USA is awesome to canadians
They refuse to speak French
Quebec is the last hope for your shithole ...
He'd be my 2nd choice but I gotta support Kellie Leitch first. Hopefully one of the 2 of them wins.
>canada loves being contrarian to the USA
>which is why most canadians don't like trudeau, who's literally the opposite of USA's president
You're not making any sense.
The taxes in the states are laughable. What they consider high is incomprehensibly low to a Canadian.
If you have the right job skill/experience they will poach you.
>most canadians don't like trudeau
Stop lying faggot. Make the fucking difference beetwen Sup Forums and the real life
Quebec is also used as a last hope for you guys too--it receives a ton of French nationals per year in immigration. Any link to France's immigration problem there?
Trudeau's approval ratings are below 50%. The websites that are paid to suck his dick constantly are even reporting this.
It's not just Sup Forums leafs that hate him, a large chunk of the country is very unhappy with his policies (keep in mind only 31% of the country voted for him).
Your millennial retard brain will make arguments about anything
Trudeau isn't canada
The anti-usa brain washing started in the 70s with his dad.
Canadians love to brag canada is better than USA ALL the time.
Any poster or lurker on /pol knows that leafs are total losers for this reason.
>canadians like to be the opposite of the USA so they dislike their prime minister who is the opposite of the USA's president
Liberals got just under 7 million total votes, only 39.5% of the vote, but got a majority in parliament because we have a fucked up system here.
Like the wall in Berlin. Just on paper
>it was too keep people IN east Berlin. Not out
Jeezus fuck you're stupid.
I keep on mixing up 39% and 61% desu
You act like a Torontonian.
That's the reason of everything. Inferiority complex, all agenda is based on implied moral superiority over burger-land. Reality is hardly matter, on some stage I expected Trudeau to push all this bullshit to trump face, when they was meeeting, and a lot of people demanded that. Nazi kkk anti gay and so on.
>tfw born in canadia
>tfw parents born in canadia too
>tfw finally going to face racism for the first time in 26 years of being alive thanks to being mistaken for a rapefugee
it's gonna be great!
Irony is that it's damn hard to become a first generation leaf. Point based system makes foreign doctors and engenders drive cabs in GTA, while in US you may become a burger by winning in a lottery. No jokes.
We should burn down any Canadian settlement within 50km of the border. Would like to see those rapefugees cross 50km in this frozen hellhole on foot.
>NS only 93% white
Less than I thought, but it's about 4% black (Empire Loyalists mostly who have been here forever) and 2-3% Native so there's not much left over.
You act like a chatbot
Nothing you say makes sense
Already got my conservative party membership, looking forward to voting for Mad Max.
Then loser talked open borders in French on US TV trying to loom superior.
Canadians can NOT act any differently.
They're mind fucked
Even Trudeau haters would rather die than be American
>18 posts by poster you're talking about
>makes a fair bit of sense throughout thread(not 100% but who is perfect here?)
>tolerance scoreboard
fucking hell, their making it sound like preserving your culture is a horrible thing
Voting Tory is futile, they're globalists too. Politics can't save this country anymore unless an explicitly anti-immigration party comes on the scene, one further to the right than Reform ever was -- and if it did appear the autistic screeching from the CBC, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail etc. would be deafening.
>still have a queen
>still have no rights
>still have no money,jobs,economy
>still have taxes taxes taxes
>still have high house prices
>still have govt waste
Those people grt those jobs for money and power.
They do not care about anyone.
Wew lad
>preserving your culture is a horrible thing
Only if you're white. Otherwise it's OK. These are the same people who see nothing wrong with Nunavut being basically an ethnostate.
Even if that were to happen, electoral reform got shat on by Trudeau leaving us with little to no hope of ever electing a party other than the libshits or cons.
Best to just go innawoods and wait for the inevitable collapse, then emerge and pick up the pieces.
>strings every /pol insult together in one sentence
/pol this is what happens when you stump a chat bot.
WTF I love Canada now.
Funny you mention that, my family owns 200 acres of land and i have an innawoods "prepper" style cabin. I'm not one of those types who thinks they need it in case of a nuclear war or w/e but it's cozy to go and watch movies in the cabin with a nice fire going in the wood stove. If all else fails, I can fish and hunt since I'm pretty far north in Ontario.
>9 posts by (you)
AUTISM calm down Chang
Why not build them a shitty refugee town on Baffin Island, and offer them that or deportation?
This is why we need to combat global temperature increase. The further from the equator warm climate spreads, the further pole-ward niggers and nigger-like species can migrate. Southern Ontario winter is already average greater than 0 degC.
>Help I need refuge from being punished for a crime
Baffin Island is literally where all the eskimos live. Also see . Eskimos are fucking racist towards anybody that doesn't assimilate to their culture.
You only get a chance to become a burger with a lottery, then you have to live for some years I think.
>he thinks I'm a chatbot
>he thinks posters who have a different opinion than them are chatbots
>he probably hasn't read any of my posts
>he thinks I'm Chinese
>drops blackpills all over the thread contributes basically nothing to discussion
>what is demoralization, the first step to ideological subversion
You got me--Surely I'm the autist and not you.
Please don't reproduce.
Good, then they can either become Eskimos or they can freeze to death alone and miserable wishing they had just stayed in Mexico.