>hunting is legal
>slaughterhouses are perfectly fine
>animal abuse is an actual area of law
Explain this
>hunting is legal
>slaughterhouses are perfectly fine
>animal abuse is an actual area of law
Explain this
Other urls found in this thread:
Humans are on top of the food chain. Humans make laws for their society. Humans decide which animals is ok to hunt and slaughter. Humans decide which animals are pets and should be protected at all costs.
Now fuck off, vegangains
There are humane ways to end life.
regarding your picture; id step on anything that doesnt reach my knee
I'd step on it very lightly and gently. It doesnt say you have to hurt it.
killing animals for food is normal
torturing them is not
that includes industrial farming
I could help millions of doggos with that money
a little sacrifice
>We should consider animals as people
>Laws and taxes cannot apply to animals.
Most (hopefully all) people who factory farm animals for the slaughterhouse, even when they have the animals live in truly horrible conditions, don't graduate to factory farming humans. Same goes for hunters. (..of course now I'm wondering how, and why, you would factory farm humans)
People who abuse animals for fun on the other hand don't have that basic level of self control. I don't know if we should arrest them necessarily, but they probably need some therapy before they start collecting ovaries or something.
>Marriage is legal but rape isn't, explain that...
You're an idiot
this pic wouldn't even be considered a moral dillema outside of the western world
rly makes u think
Step on it? For that kind of money I'd bash it so hard to the point of recreate the CERN experiment and obliterate it with a black hole
For the first time in my life, I agree with the leaf
Wow so you'd kill a manlet? You do know you'd go to jail.
Human love for tiny animals is just misguided sympathy that was supposed to be for human children.
That said, I'd kill a baby for much less.
>Explain this
I would grab my gun and defend that pupper from being stepped on. What's there to explain?
>step on puppy
>donate half of the money to animal shelters and animal welfare projects
What now?
Doesnt this make you guys want to become vegan just a little bit?
make it 10,000
are you fucking retarded?
if an animal attacks a person, its put down
about the taxing thing, Im not even gonna comment, cus the chances of you being a kike are high
Dome animals have a special status you relativist r e t a r d, deal with it
Idiotic double standards, and traditions die very, very hard.
Same reason some people will get offended at the chinese eating dogs but still consume meat. Pigs are smarter than dogs, if you eat pork it's unreasonable to be against eating dogs.
We don't eat puppies in the west, chang.
I wouldn't for 180. I'd seriously consider it around 1000. For 18 billion, I'd step on every puppy in the world.
>Pigs are smarter than dogs
i keep seeing this posted. what's the basis of that statement? how was their relative intelligence estimated?
I'd fucking do it. If you asked me to torture it to death I would too. 18 billion could improve a lot of people's lives, and puppers too.
Reminder that Hitler was an animal lover, vegetarian, banned animal torture, and was working to ban hunting and slaughterhouses.
>tfw no one will give you 18 billion for stepping on a puppy
its not fair bros
Not in the slightest. I like animals, but they are animals and nature is brutal. There is no reason why humans shouldn't kill animals and why animals shouldn't kill humans/other animals.
>all these anons who'd step on a pupper for cash
>thinking they're better then Jews somehow....
The double think these days is real. Support fags, degenerates, and Jew drones just because they're (((white)))
It's no wonder we're imploding on ourselves.
You are trying to look for quantifiable reasons to why dogs and cats are sacred, but it is sentiment like much of tradition. And you can call it idiotic all you want but as you said, traditions die very, very hard, because the nature of humanity is sentimental, and that's how humans operate, and that's how you operate as well. Dogs are the eternal companions of the western man and no amount of pig intelligence will change the status of the dog in the west.
I am so sick of this meme
animals are vicious
my mom had chickens in their lot growing up.
They nearly killed her.
She still has scars 65 years later.
Chickens are kept in tiny cages separated from each other because they will go into berserker rages if they see blood, which is exactly what happened with my mom. She was feeding them and one of them nipped her fingertip, and BAM, frenzied swarm. The fact that there was only 4 or 5 is the only reason she could pull herself out (she was a small child after all).
Farmers will lose entire flocks because of that.
They used to give them little rose colored glasses so they couldn't tell when anything was bleeding.
Now they just keep them separate.
Fuck you and your head-in-the-sand view of animals.
>all these people who don't realize you could just lightly put your foot over the puppet and get away with the $18 billion
Плoхo Ивaн!
it doesn't say you have to stomp on pupper, you could very lightly step on pupper and now you can buy so many puppers.
>Wars exist
>So do "war crimes".
Same concept baka.
For 18 billion I'd turn that thing into fucking pasta
Because, you savage, we used our superior HUHWITE culture to decide collectively that the killing of animals for food is different that inflicting suffering on one for no reason.
Our laws state that since the killing of animals for food is
part of being human as a species. It's going to happen. So it should at least be done in a way that is the least morally objectionable.
If you can't tell the difference between being a omnivore and purposefully inflicting suffering on an animal you must be related to someone named Tyrone or Chang
Based Ivan
fine I'll just eat the fucking thing after I pancake it loser
I'm less morally responsible than the fucker willing to give 18 billion dollars for someone to stop on a dog
Dude 18 billion. I would not feel happy about it but make it as quick and painless for the pupper as possible. Then enjiy the money.
I wouldn't give a fuck if everyone on facebook and twitter had a picture of my face and my name with footage of me stepping on the puppy and killing it entirely.
I am stepping on that puppy and taking the 18 billion.
Fuck the law, fuck public opinion and fuck you OP.
Fuck everyone. 18 billion.
I am building a wall around my new amazing house, buying my way into guns and security, buying my wife the best tits money can buy. Buying my kids an amazing playground and the best fucking education and living the rest of my days not giving a single fuck about the dead puppy because my actual pet dog is going to have the best fucking life of any dog ever.
Also I would buy some vicious guard dogs which would be fenced off in an area outside the wall to ironically attack anyone who tried to attack me and my family.
Even entertaining the idea of accepting the money from some sick freak who likes ethical conundrums is to far user.
The madman who offers this deal should be tied up, and burned alive on that pile of 18 billion for being such a irresponsible sociopath.
>implying you could turn down 18 billion for one fucking dog
calm down with that edge
18 billions
I can use this money to have a better life but most importantly I can use it as shelter for animals in the honor of the puppy. Sacrifice one puppy to save thousands and thousands of other puppies? Sounds like a deal to me.
They have tests designed to test the intelligence of animals. One is to test if they can recognize their reflection in the mirror as themselves. Another is to design an experiment where they have to do a task to obtain food, the difficulty can be varied based on predicted intelligence.
As far as we know, pigs are smarter than dogs, which correlates well with omnivores having a higher base intelligence than carnivores
Then I'd use part of the money to engineer the murder of whoever set the bargain in the first place.
To quantify intelligence in animals usually puzzles are used, or they try to see if they feel compassion or how well they can learn stuff. Just google intelligence in pigs or something.
What's your point? Even if it's about traditions and emotions it doesn't make it reasonable. I think cats and dogs are much cuter than pigs and cows and I'd rather have a dog than a chicken as pet. I don't approve of eating cats and dogs but to me it's on the same level as other animal, which is why I don't eat meat. Getting angry at people eating certain animals is hypocritical regardless of where it comes from.
did you think that maybe he was testing your own morality? To find out if you would be so awful to stomp pupper out?
>anyone below 6'
I'd step on 18 billion puppies for 18 billion dollars.
>torturing them is not
>that includes industrial farming
Not really. What those laws try to regulate is actually the emotions of the person involved.
Torturing animals means some deeply disturbed person which you want to control to influence their behavior.
Pets are also closely related to human emotions: unlike farm animals someone is attached to the pet and to allow pet owners to let their animals roam relatively free our society is enforcing a taboo to protect them from heft. People won't kill if they aren't allowed to eat their prey and this taboo is also enforced about violence to someone elses property.
Men who break one taboo because they can't control themselves, are men who will go on to break other taboos.
Or in other words, someone who tortures a dog will probably rape your daughter and steal your car.
>Its ok to kill food
>its not ok to kill pets
Really not that difficult
Animal abuse is one of the symptoms of psychopaths. You catche them early, they're in the system, it's easier to track them down once they move to serial murder.
Big difference between your great grandpas dairy farm and industrial corporate kike dairy.
I worked for 3 months at a factory hog farm and I'm still not vegan. And yes, it was as horrible as you could imagine. Might make a thread about it later for q&a because the shit was so fucking terrible.
Would stomp on this puppy lethally.
I mean, I'd do it for 10 grand easy.
You don't need a test to figure out people are willing to whore out their wills for money.
>Dogs are the eternal companions of the western man and no amount of pig intelligence will change the status of the dog in the west.
>Squash pupper quickly and efficiently
>Adopt 2 puppers and give them good lives
>More than make up for pupper's suffering
I'd stomp on a bag of puppies for 100k. I wouldn't feel good but I'd feel better than working 3-4 years for that
There's always one of you spazs in these threads, who gets Asshurt not everyone is a whore like yourself.
>Even if it's about traditions and emotions it doesn't make it reasonable
That's the point. That if it is about tradition, it is reasonable and legitimate. The fact that you and others in your generation detach yourselves from tradition, does not invalidate the tradition itself, tradition is a vital part of humanity. If you think that dogs are on the same level as the rest of the animals as a westerner, the problem is with you, and not with society. So if the West considered dogs to be sacred when compered to other animals due to decades old tradition, the West is well within it's right to enforce the tradition.
And every kind of subjective thinking is hypocritical, so that's a pretty null and redundant term.
if you say yes then you seriously deserve a bullet
you're no better than a fucking nigger
How is it irrelevant, one causes more suffering than the other to the animals.
>the country that competes with China and India for country with largest manlet population
Also, do you like your women with square jaws and broad shoulders?
Cuz "women" over 6' usually have those
And this is exactly the extent to which you can enforce tradition. We have a casus belli against Islam and the chinks due to the way they treat what we hold sacred, just like India has a casus belli against the west for it's treatment of cows.
You don't punish animal abuse because of "muh animals". You punish It because if someone could torture an animal, he might as well torture a human being. Its threatening so we punish It before it becomes serious.
The only reason them chickens be acting up is the shitty conditions they was raised in. The only reason them chickens be attacking your mother is cuz they was oppressed by her. Them chickens didn't do nothing. Your mother was an evil oppressor who subjugated some chickens for profit.
Your mother oppressed chickens in slavery for eggs. Your mothers egg business was built on chicken slavery and she owes everything to them chickens.
Them chickens didn't do nothing. There is literally no reason to slaughter chickens or put them in cages.
muh morals
I'm sorry but that's against the founding of our country, sacrificing the few to save the many is against what we stand for.
but with 18 billion dollars I could kill millions, if not billions of niggers and jews - at the cost of one puppy
stop using a subjective words as an objective one.
use "mercifully" or "painless".
It's too much money to make it a real moral question. A bad person would do it for a $20. A good person could justify stomping a box of dogs, then spend 17 billion on humanitarian stuff.
>don't step on puppy
>write book on how you turned down 18bil for a puppy
>women everywhere buy it
>drowning in cash
>drowning in pussy
For 18 BILLION dollars I'd do a fucking tap dance on that puppy.
Sacrificing the life of an innocent creature is not in any circumstance worth any amount of earthly goods
besides you faggots wouldnt spend a cent on anything but your selfish selves
>Implying anyone will buy your boring shitty book about the same boring story anothing 18 billion people on facebook told.
This is why we need more islam.
People like you are the reason why the west is in the decaying state that it is.
You can't see the big picture, or think beyond the immediate. You're afraid to make distasteful decisions for long-term benefit, because it makes you uncomfortable.
>Your mother was an evil oppressor who subjugated some chickens for profit.
I mean, I appreciate a good troll, but this part needs to go
Anyone who says "they had chickens in their yard growing up" had them for food.
In my mom's case, she was literally the poorest of the poor. They were technically homeless, as they were squatting on government land and the building they lived in was closer to a storage unit than a home.
But in small towns, people turn a blind eye to violations if it means people can survive
but she's so privileged, cause she's white, right?
Threads like these really make it easy to spot the subhumans.
They SAY $18Bn, but the government is gonna take it's cut and you're down to 9 straight away.
Also, OP is a filthy Zhang.
>muh degeneracy
>hurr hurr I'll act like a degenerate for the mammon
Really makes you think.
It would always be immoral for someone like a doctor to stomp the dog.
But someone like a policeman, fireman politician, not taking the money for the greater good would be the immoral thing to do.
I don't care about the retards who founded your shitty warmonger international police populated by fat rednecks getting shot on baily basis country
Where does the money come from? What makes it valuable?
>money solves everything
you and your kind are why the world is fucked