Continuation of the other topic because it reached its bump limit.
And please try to keep it civil this time, it's funny the Whites here claim to be so ''civilized'' while using racial slurs against me and wishing genocide upon my ppl.
Continuation of the other topic because it reached its bump limit.
And please try to keep it civil this time, it's funny the Whites here claim to be so ''civilized'' while using racial slurs against me and wishing genocide upon my ppl.
Why do you have to pretend to be a refugee to move to Brazil?
I figure their migration laws wouldn't be all that tough.
Also, out of the frying pan and into the fire? Unless you have family money.
Why do you come here out of all places? Brazil is garbage.
In your experience, how many "refugees" have been Syrian, how many were genuinely escaping from war-torn areas, and how many would not accept living in the first country they landed in (as per international law)?
I'm not pretending I am an actual refugee, our family came from Homs when Assad took it over, we weren't rich but I never went hungry before and I was actually in college, now I work for less than minimun wage to make a living.
Because we actually think it is a friendlier more tolerant place and with more opportunities, especially because of its huge Arab population too. Brazil is not garbage my friend it is a very beautiful country, you can make a living if willing to work hard and that is more than I can ask for.
Shout out to the brazilbro who said he was going in with me, you still here?
All of the refugees going to Brazil that I met were from my city.
But I know there are lots of North Africans and even Sub-Saharans claiming to be Syrian, and this is unfair for us.
You have to go back
You look like my friend lol
Why did you, out of every country available, choose to live in a fucking jungle where the local crime gangs are literally worse than ISIS.
P A L M Y R A W H E N?
Is your friend Syrian?
Also is your name Salim Ghassan and are you a communist?
1) What are your plans for us finnaly fall in love with lamb meat and shawarma?
2) Have you got a job?
3) Have you got any help for learn portuguese?
4) Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Paraguay have better economic perspectives than us. Why here?
5) As you are living in the pinnacle of western degeneration, don't you feel triggled to become an extremist here and bomb some shit? Pic related, this building is Annex IV of our Chamber of Deputies.
Good for you I guess. At least you are an actual Syrian instead of some opportunist from those other countries who flood countries under the guise of being "Syrian".
Why Brazil though? And do you plan to go back to Syria? And how are you treated there?
Welcome to our shithole, Ahmed.
Looks like him
link to the older thread?
Because we always seen Brazil as a tolerant friendly place to anyone willing to make a living there.
Because Arab neighboring countries are actually full with refugees, Jordan's population for example is only 30% native, the rest are all Iraqi, Syrian and Palestinian refugees.
Because we wouldn't risk getting lynched, shot at or burned alive by European and American skinheads, we have no place on these White nations.
Because 13 million of Brazilians are Arabs or descendants, and the Arab community here help each other, Christians and Muslims alike.
Did you fly directly to Brazil?
Did you have connections their already? Is that why you went there instead of a nearby country?
Also how did you fly out of Hommes this late in the game? I figured Assad's people wouldn't be letting Sunni's jet in and out willy nilly.
Although I know Aliwi and Shiite Syrians who come and go as they please.
bomb foro de sao paulo.
>Arab Syrian refugee in Brazil
Get out.
More like pussy ass faggot
Why couldn't you get a decent place to emigrate to?
>Syrian refugee in brazil
gotta see a pic of your passport with something proving you are in brazil.
1) Brazilians already love our food, literally every successful Arab entrepeneur here works at the food business lol
2) I work for a Lebanese shop owner in Market district of Sao Paolo
3) Sim, I'm learning from native brazilians actually, ppl here are very friendly and helpful towards refugees.
4) We actually saw Brazil as the better country for us.
5) No, religion is very private business for us, and if they're degenerate it's on God's hands to judge them not us mere mortals, like I said, Arab Christians and Muslims help each other here
Who do you support in the civil war?
Brazilians people is very helpful and friendly, not a single time I felt discriminated.
are you of South American descent, or descendant of European (((conquistadores)))?
kill yourself, not even memeing my man
This desu, brazilians have some of the most charismatic spirits ever. Even the Brazilian students I met were all friends. The dorks, nerds, stoners and jocks all seemed to hang out together.
Oh did not come recently it's been a time since I've been here. And I'm obviously against the Butcher Assad because he wants to wipe out Syria of its Sunni majority population.
>And I'm obviously against the Butcher Assad because he wants to wipe out Syria of its Sunni majority population.
Why are you such a pussy that you pretended to be a refugee and fled your homeland, instead of fighting for it?
>Because we wouldn't risk getting lynched, shot at or burned alive by European and American skinheads, we have no place on these White nations.
Thank you for being respectful, seriously.
Question for you:
Do you think it is best that muzzies and white europeans be kept separate? I.e we can go as tourists to each others countries, but still have our own countries.
How do you feel about the people from your country, or the middle east in general, coming to either get gibmedat welfare + mass produce kids and/or do terrorism? Would you agree for them to get a horrible punishment by someone within the muzzie community, think bad as in medieval bad.
Are you, or people in the muslim community aware of the international jewish scheme to crash our cultures together in Europe and break the national spirit of countries, furthermore that the same people are behind the invasions which got you into this mess in the first place?
how many of your friends have went full alla akbar?
is sexual relations with goats a normality over there?
are you planning a terroristic action against my homeland?
How do you feel about being from the most inbred people to have ever existed?
Which do you have a stronger urge to fuck - a goat, or your own cousin?
Why did "the majority" not have a revolution? Why do they never have a revolution in Arab countries?
Greater Israel when?
Why do you not wanna fight for your people?
How often do you rape women?
I said we have no place on these nations because of racism, not because I think we should be separated, and I do want Europeans out of our lands and lives but they can't stop bombing and sanctioning our contries for several reasons:
Because they can't stop leeching poorer nations through debt-based economy, and if a country becomes self-suficient they won't be able to do it.
Because they need some countries to be used as guinea pigs for their belical toys and to ''dispose'' their bombs to keep their Military Industrial Complex spinning
Because they don't want Arab nations to become developed because that would threat their european colonialist outpost (Israel) hegemony in our region.
Spise en fjert
ok that is bullshit, dubai is doing fine
Now that Syrians are now sexually assaulting children en masse at swimming pools in canada, how do I keep your people out of my safe country?
No, unlike the US where not only fucking goats, cows, sheeps, chicken and any other barnyard animal you desire is legal, you can even marry them in 14 states, in Syria that shit is illegal.
why didn't you move to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Algeria, Morocco or Oman? Why Brazil?
>And please try to keep it civil this time, it's funny the Whites here claim to be so ''civilized'' while using racial slurs against me and wishing genocide upon my ppl.
What are your thoughts about the Jews?
Anything that happens to you is fair, you faggot. Can't even pick a side and fight for your country.
Because the Khaliji are sellout puppets. They are just colonies.
so you definitely have a pet goat named pokey then?
> I said we have no place on these nations because of racism
why do you think there is racism towards your people in the first place?
>not because I think we should be separated
>and I do want Europeans out of our lands
Do you feel like Europeans owe it to you to take you in and give you shit because your countries are fucked because of us?
I have the same question
Don't say Europeans, It's the US running the show in the ME.
They destabilized your country, along with Israel.
No, unlike Americans, I have no urge to harm or genocide anyone.
It is one of the richest places on earth, wouldnt call them a sell out. Are you upset because their buildings have yet to be turned into ruble?
So you're not an actual refugee. Just a migrant.
Still weird migrating to Brazil, unless you have money.
I'd rather go to Lebanon or Turkey tbqh.
Why do your people like to rape and commit so many crimes when other countries basically suck their entire population into accepting all of you?
You're similar to blacks in that regard, where all you have to do to be accepted and liked is to not rape and kill, but most of you do it anyway. My question is: why? Is it that hard to not rape and kill and take advantage of people that just wanna help you?
I actually believe you're a genuine refugee because nobody would move there voluntarily.
Even if I felt that way, wanting their out on all fields (militarily, politically) would already be great for me.
But many of the people who hail from your homeland do not feel this way yes? Look at what is happening in sweeden
How do I stop syrians from sexually assaulting Canadian children? We had nothing to do with your war.
They did have a revolution. Hence the civil war.
Assad represents the secularists, the Aliwi and Shiite.
The majority of the country (the uneducated rabble) are Sunni's.
Since Sunni's started becoming unhinged a couple decades back, it's been a powder keg waiting to blow.
Saudi Arabia and their (((allies))) lit the fuse and now they have a civil war.
No we came as refugees first, but settled out because the situation in Syria is not getting better. We still on the process of getting our citizenship.
None of them are refugees. They are pussies who want gibs.
Why are you prejudice against Americans?
>Blaming Europeans for an Arab Sunni uprising
Well, yeah, France and the U.S. were assisting you fuckers in fighting Assad. That can't be denied.
But your people are as much a part of the problem as the Globalist Neo-Con/Lib fags.
Sweden is getting people from all over the fucking world. I'm not so sure it's the Syrians doing the most chimping over there.
why didn't you move to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Algeria, Morocco or Oman? Why Brazil?
Because Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt are already filled with refugees, and the Khaliji would rather accept Indians and Pakistanis in their nation than their Arab brothers.
Why aren't you liberating your country from invaders, you cowardly goatfucker scum?
I don't wish genocide against your people.
I do wish genocide against Muslim ideology. So if you're Muslim, then fuck off. If you aren't, work hard, assimilate and act civilized, I'd welcome you to America.
If you're Muslim though, fuck off. Your cult makes the modern world a lesser place.
Liar. You'd kill an idol worshiping polytheist Hindu like me in a heartbeat without thinking twice. Bastard. I'd kill you before though.
No need to apologize to him Ghenghis.
It's his people, the Sunni's, who are doing this. Elements of the U.S. and Israel support them, sure. But he's complicit in his own ruin.
Have you asked the brazilian gov to give you goats to sate your sexual desires?
>wipe out Syria of its Sunni majority population.
>this is a bad thing
Kek, you sandniggers make me laugh
Then why are your people sexually assaulting Canadian children?
you fucking idiot, running away solves zero problems. GO BACK NOW you shitskin
you people are such cowards it's unbvelievable
fucking shitskins
OP: I would say most europeans who are the "extremist racist skinheads" who, if allowed to would probably make you wish you never came here in the first place BUT it is civil and we have law and order so nothing happens for the most part but the resentment is growing.
BUT most of these "crazy racist extremists" would actually just want you out, and probably would even want you to have your own countries where you could make great lives for yourselves.
The problem is the politicians and (((influences))) behind them, controlling the masses, causing this havoc in the first place.
Do most refugees/migrants place the blame upon the people of Europe/America themselves or upon politicians?
If your country became great and safe again, would you want to go back? You think most would want to go back?
And Hijrah (idk if spelled right), the conquest of Europe by outbreeding, how many of your muzzie pals are in on that and what do you know of it?
I think the Yemeni, Moroccan and Iraqi Jews are part of our ppl, I respect so much the Yemeni Jews because they refuse to leave the country to zionist entity even if Yemen is starving, they are more Arab than many Muslims.
The European White Slavic Jews are genocidal settler colonialists tho.
Did you consider coming to Portugal?
One of the refugees turned ou to be crazy good at math and his doing engineering at Pic related, has learned portuguese and his going to become a resident.
Good luck mate.
Who censored it?
>Arab Syrian refugee in Brazil anything
Cowards flee their countries.
I suspected so. Do you think Western nations should put more pressure on the Saudis et al to take in refugees? I mean they certainly have the money and resources to do so.
>zionist entity
Can't even call us by our proper name, eh? How low.
>syrian refugee
pick one
Cyprus confirms Communism.
Just you wait.
Those countries were founded and run by Sunni Muslims.
They're probably not very nice for migrants.
Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan are not filled by any stretch of the imagination.
Do they have LOTS? Yes. Are they full? No.
Also, after witnessing the stupidity and destruction wrought by Sunni Islam, have you reconsidered your position on Islam?
Do you just practice it as a cultural thing, or do you honestly believe in the fantastical elements of it's teachings? When you look at a Christian country like Brazil, which has great poverty and violence, yet isn't as destructive as where you came from, do you think about abandoning your Islamic belief system for something more successful and rational?
>No, unlike Americans, I have no urge to harm or genocide anyone.
you watch too much tv. way to generalize all americans you dumbass.
At least the zionists created a successful country. The Arabs had just left it to rot, just an empty desert waiting to be developed.
Found the FARC user
Saved, this is nice.
No goats in Finland, you must feel horrible.
If anywhere in the world would be offensive to a proper Muslim, id imagine Brazil would be the place.