How did you realize that the Falklands doesn't actually belong to Britain?
This is like when I'm the closest person to a car it's mine.
>How did you realize that the Falklands doesn't actually belong to Britain?
When I learned about the Monroe doctrine and that you violated it.
Britain has more weird historical territories. But does that make it wrong?
I mean, so does Denmark, so do the Netherlands. Nobody ever complains about those.
false equivalence
Stop shilling
South American here. Falklands is the one thing prevent Argentina from conquering Antarctica and every single Southern Isles. They are crazy like that, and I love them.
However people in the Malvinas (Falklands) speak English and identify themselves as British. Please be xenophobic and racist with them so they can come back to sweet jungle embrace of South America.
>However people in the Malvinas (Falklands) speak English and identify themselves as British
No shit because we literally wiped out the native argentine population and replaced it with our own people
Doesn't take an IQ over room temperature to realize this simple fact.
>However people in the Malvinas (Falklands) speak English and identify themselves as British.
Because the British literally colonized it you dolt
So, what's the point claiming clay then?
It's as retarded as Native Americans thinking the Americas belong to them.
Argentina is redpilled as fuck. The Falklands exist to keep the Southern Hemisphere safe.
You also took Uruguay from the Brazilian Empire to calm our tits; otherwise Brazil and Argentina would have exploded each other a long time ago.
However we still want our Uruguay and Argentina still wants their Malvinas.
Uruguay is independent now so we can't do anything about it. Blame the Spanish that sent their colonists there.
Argie with a proxy.
not an argument
>Island filled with white people who speak English
>belongs to country of blacks who speak orc
Ya talking about that little Island to the north, that no one ever notices anyways? Pff hardly "territory".
We didn't need the faroe so we let you have it
To the agrentines screaming "we were here first!!!" Give you country back to 100% indios
>we literally wiped out the native argentine population
There was never a native argentine population, we colonised the islands before argentina even existed.
>There was never a native argentine population
The first buildings in Las Malvinas – or the Falklands as the British call the islands in the South Atlantic – were houses made of stone and were built by Argentinean hands.
It was in 1831 when forty men – led by Luis Vernet, the first Argentinean commander in Las Malvinas – settled here. Along with him came his wife, María who gave birth a girl who was christened Malvinas. The Argentinean settlement in this merciless land didn’t last long though.
In 1833 the British colonial power invaded Las Mavinas, and what happen afterwards is now called “ethnic cleansing” – hundreds of English settlers were artificially introduced while all Argentineans were expelled.
And Königsberg is actually Polish
>Argentine shilling with a proxy
Does this mean that Britain is actually Irish?
>wiped out
Are you fucking stupid? that Spain island would be 40,000km away if you went the other way across the fucking planet to get to it.
Argentina is white
So what? America owns the moon and look how far away that is
>America owns the moon
>The United Nations sponsored 1967 "Outer Space Treaty" established all of outer space as an international commons by describing it as the "province of all mankind" and forbidding all the nations from claiming territorial sovereignty.[2]
>Amerishart educashun
What island are you from, and what country does it belong to?!
Not really...
>Kaliningrad is russian not polish
>Faroe Islands are danish not icelandic/british
>Hawaii is american not Kiribati
>Rhodes is Greek not turkish
>Corsica is french not italian
> Cueta is Spanish not Moroccan
History and native populations count for a lot more than geographical proximity
In all fairness to the argies they had a pop at taking them, failed and are now grovelling to the UN like a spoilt child
fag, learn to take a joke
just like how mexico owns hawaii
Sounds to me that you pathetic loser argies couldnt hold onto what was barely yours. One punkass settlement doesnt give you claim to the whole thing, and if you want it so bad why don't you muster up an army and take them?
OK Bong.
Lets say we want to fire up some new rockets and build a base on the moon.
Who is going to stop us? You?
Kek. The Russians might bitch, but we'll just invite them along to piss off the chinks
It's like this thread is made every single day by the same person and the mods haven't permabanned him yet..
It doesn't matter, both Islands are rightful British Clay.
The Falkland are British, unlike you. The people are British and want to stay that way. Who are you to say otherwise? It;s almost like a war was fought over this, and one side won while the other side lost.
As for a real question, why are you such a traitor and a faggot?
The islands are rightfully British until we can prove we are worthy of them.
top kek fucking space communism
if people can't own shit up there why go?
capitalismo is the only way
They already tried.
You can have them if you are able to Destroy a single Royal Navy Type 45 Destroyer.
WE WUZ EMPIRE AND SHIIET. The only good thing that came out of you is the founding fathers of America.
Full of shit m8
Fuck off retard. Everywhere the British went is better off today for it.
Fuck off back to Pakistan, Achmed. I'd sooner live on those desolate, wind swept islands,, than your shit hole of origin. Quit chasing after the white mans world, and make your own, you backwards goat herder.
>because a thing is closer it belongs there
If that's the case then some testicles belong in your brain because they're always slapping against your chin, and that's closer to your brain than your crotch
It's not all about the distance but other important factors such as geographical location that comes into play.
>The Malvinas are 464 kilometers from the Argentine coast, a little more than from the capital to Mar del Plata, while they are 12,730 kilometers from Great Britain.
>So Argentine expert Agustín Colombo Sierra says that "there is really no argument from England regarding their historical or geographical rights in Argentina."
>"There is no way to claim British sovereignty in a territory that is 14,000 kilometers from the metropolis, that is a purely colonial act , " said the deputy and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Argentine lower house, Carlos Raimundi .
Aaaaaand you had to ruin a perfectly hilarious joke.
You consider a fucking solid debris orbiting around Earth a joke?
If you find that hilarious than I assume you have Buzzfeed tier sense of humour.
Yes, you stole a lot to us with France when our retarded king died
The moon isn't a joke. The FACT that we own it is pretty funny though.
>Soviets challenge us to a good old game of empire building
>We take the fucking moon
>Soviets can't look at the sky anymore
>literally top kek
>wiped out the native argentine population
>settled two years before the Brits arrived
So the 'natives' were there for two years?
You don't own it burger shart. Simply planting a flag in a movie studio in Area 51 doesn't make the moon landing true or the moon belonging to the US.
Of course we own it. Nobody else has ever even been there. Our flag is there, our rover is there, our footprints are there. All the classic signs of ownership. Fuck off with your 2nd grade conspiracy bullshit.
> This is like when I'm the closest person to a car it's mine.
You're mad look everybody he's mad he's mad nyaaaaa
You must be over the age of 18 to post here
>autistic screeching
wew chap
Your argument was that proximity = rightful ownership.
>Being this autistic
I think we settled this fairly comprehensively in 1982. Hell, the referendum in 2013 had both the greatest majority and turnout of any referendum in British democratic history.
Whats the point of these forced threads anyway?
To try to cause doubt where there is none.
The Argentines spent money they should have used to prevent their ships sinking at harbour on a VPN and a Sup Forums pass. They're trying to get the most out of their pointless investment.
get rekt argie bargies
that's the spirit
But it does you fat nonce
Might makes a right.
disruption, Sup Forums garbage and e-celeb bullshit plague this board and retarded newfags think it's acceptable so they imitate
Strategic positions for the Navy.
Yes, yes they do, belong to Britain, and you have to go home Manuel.
You can say you took by force those islands. But it is not acceptable you lie that way saying there was nobody living there
Are you fucking retared?
Everyone on earth knows it belongs to Britain except British cucks who want to suicide their own culture due to imaginary crimes of the past.
The Falklands own people want to be ruled by Britain because otherwise Argentina would fucking loot and rape them down to nothing.
but oh oh Britain is really exploiting them somehow why cuz i'm a self-hating fuck
The Argentines had given up living on a desolate grass covered rock long before we arrived. Fortunately, we had a secret weapon: The Welsh.
Same applies for Anctartica
Don't bother with him, he'll always hate dad because hes an edgy fuck
From what I have read there wasn't. Either the Spanish made up a story, or we killed them, who cares.
>In outer space
Do you have an education system or do you struggle to read the random aggregated sections of books your goats fail to eat?
>Everywhere the British went is better of today for it
Explain Jamaica and other caribbean islands
what is your point supposed to be?
I know it's hard to imagine but those places were actually worse than they currently are. The only colonists who dropped the ball in the Caribbean were the French who couldn't suppress one little uprising (they probably got too heated when debating their response and suffocated in a cloud of wig powder).
I was pointing out that no country should claim the moon for itself, just like Anctartica. Is it that hard to understand?
When I realised that the Falklands deserve independence and rule over Argentina. Look at how close their country is to the Falkands!
Yes, considering we already claimed a healthy chunk of the latter. It's like a cow of unknown ownership wandering into town and, while the smart guys are busy dividing it up for steaks, you stand there yelling about how no one owns the cow, except you're doing it after the steaks have been eaten.
Maybe I didn't get his point but I thought he's trying to say that every former British possesions are developed territories now. But Jamaica is not
You mean like the Bahamas or bermuda when compared to Haiti or Dominican republic? Which are the shitholes again?
While we're on the subject. I don't know what this ridiculous protuberance is called but it should clearly be part of either Paraguay or Brazil.
Jamaica and the Caribbean where a paradise in the 50s , read an old bond book, Fleming lived their. Like south Africa and Rhodesia. But niggers happened.
Forgot pic.
>healthy chunk
Is that suppose to mean that you can have a benefit for owning a part of that territory?
The last I knew no country can exploit Anctartica for economic benefits, research only. Maybe I'm wrong
>Paraguay war?
It's not research, it's 'research' as in all the 'research' the Japanese do to whales each year.
>Argentina is 0km from Uruguay
Wtf? Why are you not part of Uruguay?
>implying you aren't Argentinian
I thought the entire premise was that wars mean nothing and geographical proximity is everything.
I get it now. Thanks bong
>faith in humanity lost
Shut up fernando this is boring already
>trying this hard
Quite clear by now that the Eternal Argie's got him a proxy