At the end of the day Sup Forums is a virgins ridden board while this guy is living the life with the love of his life.
At the end of the day Sup Forums is a virgins ridden board while this guy is living the life with the love of his life
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He looks like he has AIDS.
George Takai got diddled by a 19 year old when he was 13.
What Star Trek was he even in? I can't seem to remember his character.
Remember when he cheated on his husband on the howard stern show by jacking off some guys crank?
That was hilarious.
Original series. "Mr. Sulu"
I am contacting your Mullah and providing him with your IP address LeAchmed, the Shariah enforcement squad will be with you shortly
Sex outside of marriage is degenerate
Fags are even more degenerate
Daile reminder
wtf I hate myself now
Rather be alone then have a cock in my mouth or ass.
>Sends a picture of him giving people the middle finger as a way to celebrate his own birthday
He seems so happy and ok with the world, that smile totally negates the fact that he is flipping us off. Wow, who WOULDN'T want to be that man?
>living the life
He definitely has deep seated emotional issues having been molested and then turned gay because of it. He definitely has physical damage from degenerate sex practices. The fact that his sexual identity is his ENTIRE existence should say enough in and of itself. How many straight men do you know that talk about being straight, EVER? None. They aren't so butthurt that bragging about the insignificant tax benefits from being able to fill out your 1040 as married to dude gets your engines revving.
Screwing around with other guys is ok with teh gayz
He was in the old series. He was that one Asian guy that did the Earp speed thing.
Why would anyone ever spend that much time on coming up with such loads of asinine bullshit like that? You're either some faggot loving liberal or not, that's not going to convince anyone of anything.
So he was the token asian tech guy, got ya
Exactly. He had no problem with being a token then, now it's cool to bitch and cry so he does that.
>here's me being happy! Take that bigots!
I love how we've gotten into his head.
Asians love the BWC.
Is two plus two four?
How does his husband feel about him jerking dudes off live on tv
>My husband
No matter how many times you say it, it will NEVER be accepted by the people.
Now go get nuked again, fucking cunt.
I would honestly rather be a virgin than have sex with either of those men.
Isn't he a massive pedophile? They deserve a swift death.
Does brad have an underage son?
What advantage does this bond have for Lieutenant Pedo?
Explains a lot
dumb fag can't even flip the bird correctly
God will divide you.
Goddamn that's disgusting
Imagine these two fucking each other.
I'm soooo saddened by not getting fucked in the ass. I may just end it all. Kys op you fucking faggot
That's why we need Extreme Shari'a.
what's the point of not being a virgin is you don't even understand how it works and stick your dick in poop?
...and jerking off randos on Howard Stern attempting to subvert the government and lying about being in an internment camp. He's your kind of guy huh?
Lol progressives live the worst kind of lives. Constantly angry and shaking.
dont care. never have.
That's a sodomite playing house. His life is not worth living.
Where are you OP? 1 Post? Fuck off.
I think it's really sad that he is so full of negativity that he can't just be happy. He is celebrating the 'love of his life' and you can just feel the bile in his words. I don't know, man
That's because Levar Burton, Leonard Nimoy, and Patrick Stewart are literally the only worthwhile Star Trek actors
Obligatory pic is obligatory
Oh fuck off Westboro faggot
This is what I think whenever I see those listings on craigslist that say shit like "PASSABLE CD SISSY LOOKING TO BE BRED" and then it's just a fat 65 year old with a fucking beard like Marx's and then i realize another 65 year old man that looks like that will reply to the listing and they'll both flop around in each other's buttholes for 3 minutes before taking their afternoon naps
At the end of the day, I made the effort to turn my life around so I could die with dignity and this guy is a massive faggot.
T. Known Boss
hitting a little too close to home, eh?
Who else cant straighten their ring finger like that?
GTFO my site you hellbound homo
>Screwing around with other guys is ok with teh gayz
This is true, they have the highest rate of infidelity.
Which completely destroys the argument for marriage.
If Sup Forums starts supporting StarTrekMan's husband, would he delete him?
when will Sup Forums accept islam and purge degenerates for allah?
if he was truly happy he wouldn't waste his days virtue signalling on twitter
been waiting a while to post this. its real guys!!! IT IS REAL!!!
I would love to see that gook go home and pull that shit off clean in his own country. Any bets on how long he'd last??
What the fugg :D :D
I can't doo it :0 :(
>Does not include Brent Spiner
are you drunk or something?
sorry i don't need the sandnigger religion to get rid of degenerates!
Who the fuck is allah?
That's some weapons grade autism.
Literally who? Patrick Stewart, LeVar Burton, and Leonard Nimoy actually had relatively successful lives after Star Trek.
what the fuck, you don't know that's muslim God? (which incidentally is also Christian and Jew God)
He jerked some guy off when he was engaged to his husband.
A fucking degenerate
Is he from that one episode where the guy jacked off the green cock?
Brent Spiner played Data, Lore, and Soong. How do you not remember him? He was Geordi's best friend.
That's bullshit. He's become a massive virtue-signally sperg who is addicted to fake twitter love. No way a man who spends that much time whining is happy.
and he did practically nothing after Star Trek therefore he's on the same level as George Takgay in how noteworthy he was post-Star Trek.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
>flop around in each other's buttholes for 3 minutes
Help me find my sides
If she's a virgin then how did she get pregnant with baby Jeebus?
>middle finger
Didn't know middle was beside the pinky.
Dude. Sisko fucking kicked ass. So did Dukat.
In fact, pretty much the entire cast of DS9 was outstanding. Best Trek series ever.
I'm fairly sure John De Lancie (played Q) was also relatively successful.
>isn't he a massive pedophile?
Yeah... in the same way Milo is. So not really, no.
Artificisl insemination
When DID "virgin" become a pejorative, anyway?
But he said it's okay if the minor is attracted to the older male
Can we stop this fucking meme that everyone on chan boards are basement virgins?
This isn't 2006. These boards are totally mainstream now and have users from literally everywhere. Yeah some are autistic virgins, but some are millionaires, and some are normal middle-class people with regular lives.
>Ring finger
>Flipping us off
>Miraculous virgin birth.
>"How did she do it"?
A magician never tells his secrets.
LOL even gay Asians prefer white males.
Atleast i'm straight and i've never had a period of self doubt or suicidal tendencies about my own sexuality. Also because of my sexuality i'm much more influential then some faggot and i can be looked up to, unlike this gook pedo.
>no Armin Shimerman
>no Avery Brooks
Doesn't make him a pedo.
I always think it's funny when I see gay people who hate trump, since all the work of gay activists for years has been to undo the Defense of Marraige act, which Hillary's husband signed into law. Meanwhile Trump is flying the gay pride flag and standing up for their rights. Its almost as if they don't think for themselves, and believe what the media tells them to.
Patrick Stewart was a famous Shakespearean actor LONG before Star Trek, so he was always destined to have a successful career regardless.
LeVar Burton had a major role in Glory and other films which gave him a name before Trek also. I wouldn't say he's had a ton of roles afterwards though.
Leonard Nimoy was Spock and that's it. Any fame or success he's managed to generate for himself has been based entirely on his role as Spock.
But you're forgetting William Shatner, who's been remarkably successful in his post-Trek career. At least as much as Patrick Stewart.
Fact is that for 99% of Trek actors, Trek will be the only thing they do. Only a few break out.
>kirk wasn't bad ass
If he was happy, he wouldn't be fucking mentioning hate and bigotry every time his asshole rips apart.
That Jap looks like a deranged sociopath