How do we fix America's education?
How do we fix America's education?
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Why is it that Sup Forums absolutely never, ever, ever wants to talk about education?
cuz they ain't never get any
Bitch I got so much education back in highschool books were dropping pages.
Bring back Latin and the ability to hit kids. Don't teach humanities until they have mastered the Roman tongue.
By doing away with public school and standardized test. Bring back trades and apprenticeships. Create a free form system that uses applied learning to maximize the output of self sufficient citizens.
public education is shit and we shouldn't be paying taxes for it.
Get rid of no child left behind
Get rid of standardized tests
Bring back McCarthyism for public schools
stop trying to educate niggers and focus on the rest
physical punishments
no arts
Just segregate the schools again.
Problem literally solved senpai
Free college would be nice. But of course its only good enough for the politicians and not for the general public. Wouldn't want us to get too smart.
>educate less people
>less educated niggers
Yeah, just what we need, more problems.
>ever learning
they adamantly refuse to, they do not pay attention, all they do is blast their jungle music and dance around hollering
.t Teacher
>Get rid of no child left behind
Sounds good
>Get rid of standardized tests
I'm on board
>Bring back McCarthyism for public schools
This is a major source of the problem. Teachers waste so much time and effort trying to maintain control of savage nogs that they can't effectively teach those who are able and willing to learn. Cutting the dindus loose would remove a massive burden from the education system.
Delete the Department of Education. Delete government-enforced racial desegregation of the schools. re-affirm states' rights in the area of education, and re-affirm all Americans' natural right to freedom of association.
stop feeding them hamburgers since childbirth
This would work against (((their))) goals. An intelligent self reliant voting base is not something (((they))) are interested in.
Its seems obvious a dumbing down is being attempted. If you have kids get a library card and use it, school wont teach much more than what is needed to run the machines and programs that make (((them))) money.
specifically, nigger children.
they act up in class and disrupt the kids who actually want to learn.
throw them out of school.
>How do we fix America's education?
throw out all of the "character building" shit about slavery and the holocaust and replace it with an emphasis on student health and happiness
school needs to be able to compensate for a lot of kids having difficult home lives. Also that their parents will make them into obese little porkers if given the chance.
I think school is failing now because there's this dumb assumption that everybody has the same footing in academia and that it all comes down to personal choice. I just want people to see that it's a little bit contradictory and ironic to say that a 10 year old boy is responsible for proving he is capable of a lifelong career and status when he's not even allowed to make any other life decisions.
Repeal No Child Left Behind and Common Core.
Both were made to hold back the gifted and smart to let the stupid and retarded catch up.
Introduce competition into the public school system with vouchers, charters, and basically anything else to give parents a choice other than the public schools.
this. and then out of the country.
>niggers barely able to pass middle school
>make them learn latin
>more niggers drop out
>more niggers commit crime
when will niggers learn that "white privilege" is just not having the IQ of literal retards?
Get a better credential system and let people self educate
>more niggers commit crime
>more niggers get put down
I don't see an issue.
I'm 28, no kids; once I left school, I realized I had no skills. I have since then been studying trade after trade honing skills. Right now, I'm a carpenter and I love it.
My children will be home schooled and will learn about the power they have in this world.
Best thing about the trades is if you start your own business once you get old you can usr your kids to do the nigger work
Start off by dividing highschool like they do everywhere else. Kids choose a specific area in highschool (science, economy, arts, humanity and languages etc). Then you run for a college that is related to the area you picked.
That way people don't become discoraged from studying because they have 1839202 subjects they don't care about and it becomes easier to pick a college option
Congrats on choosing literally the worst possible career field. You will never ever do anything to significantly help the white race as a god damn Tradie.
Will you idiots ever learn that the reason the left has won EVERY battle for the last 100 years is because they took over key industries that control what people think, and they did it without firing a shot?
The ONLY industries white men should be going into are:
>VC & Finance
>Mass Media
>Mainstream News
Let the millions of brown people do the trade jobs. And stop the fucking virtue-signaling. You are NOT important because you got a blue collar job. You are a fucking child who doesn't value education and can't stomach the politics of a difficult and important job, so you prioritized your work environment ("muh masculine bantz!") over saving yourself, your family, and your race.
Fuck you idiot Tradies.
There is nothing good about the trades. It's a decision only short-sighted retards make. It's a shit-tier meme for undisciplined man-children who are too weak and too stupid to do something important.
See this post for details:
Abolish the Department of Education.
Dude there's no reason to learn Latin now that there's written English. Rome was like baby's greece
No the problem is academia gets government funding
Okay since none of you have half a brain I'll tell you how to fix education:
>Separate the genders. Boys only schools etc.
>No female teachers for boys schools after the age of four.
>Paleo diet for the boys with a focus on animal protein. Three meals served at schools with healthy snacks. Parents are retards and the mothers are too lazy to feed their children appropriately.
>Two hours of recess per day.
>Extensive physical training for the boys. A focus on combat skills like wrestling, jujitsu, and karate. Fuck all nigger sports like basketball and football. Those are banned.
>Weightlifting when the boys reach 15.
>Teach the foundational stuff four hours per day.
>Let the children determine what they want to study for the remainder of the school day.
>No homework. Work is done in class where the teacher is present.
>Teach ethics, red-pilled philosophy, economics, civics, STEM, life skills, personal finance, and the arts as part of the required curriculum throughout middle school and highschool for Tier 1 students only. Give the kids a small taste of everything.
>Give kids an IQ test and eliminate all other standardized testing.
>Dumb kids get training for various trades jobs and/or farming/agriculture and don't have to learn the primary curriculum above. These are Tier 2 kids.
>Two years of mandatory military service post-high school before college.
>Three months of living in the wilderness, foraging for food, hunting, and survival training during the last year of high school. Make the kids live like American settlers did in the 18th century. This will give them perspective on what a hard life actually looks like.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I just made the next generation of boys primed to lead the 4th Reich.
Both of you are fucking morons and cucks. You say I won't amount to anything? You literally sit all day, getting fat on your own hubris, whilst working for others. You're pathetic man-children who have been spoon fed your entire lives by a system that will cut you out the minute the opportunity arises. You have soft hands and no skills. Now go be a good goy and take your medicine.
You didn't even read my post shit for brains.
Good on ya pal, my dad was a god tier carpenter, learned a lot being his helper as a kid, can pretty much do anything construction related, recently started getting into being a tile installer, hard work but the skillset is rare enough that you can charge crazy prices and people will pay it without blinking
People like us will thrive in the event of a societal collapse
You didn't read a fucking thing about my post. I'm not surprised with your highschool education and low IQ, that you are sitting her virtue-signaling about your shitty blue collar job.
I CLEARLY laid it out why the LEFT has WON, and the RIGHT has LOST. Because of fucking retards like you going into stupid fucking careers that don't confer power or influence.
Don't bother replying unless you can somehow come up with something halfway intelligent to say.
Found the jew with a weak back
people won't need tiles after a societal collapse numbnut
This guy gets it, being your own boss is about as uncucked as you can get. Also having legit useful skills makes you automatically more of a man than an office drone
Jesus christ you should get a job in a movie theatre as a projector
No one cares. You tradies can virtue-signal all day about your stupid career decisions, but you don't matter. You will NEVER EVER MATTER.
Nothing you do will ever benefit anyone but yourselves. You're greedy little, uneducated children. And because of the sheer amount of white idiot man children like you, who have made equally poor decisions by going into the trades, the entirety of the white race continues to suffer....Because NON-whites have filled the power-vacuum created by you retards, by taking all the important jobs listed here:
You tradie faggots are directly responsible for why every white country is in fucking chaos. You have willingly handed the keys to the kingdom to non-whites so you could do the same work that spics and niggers do. You have literally no rebuttal; go ahead and continue your childish temper tantrums and ad-hom attacks; I will never respect any of you. NO ONE will ever respect any of you.
Carpenter? I can get a table at IKEA for $50. Big fucking deal.
No. I'm just a lot fucking smarter than you. Nice ad-hom. Not surprised you couldn't come up with anything better to say.
And I'm also not surprised the basic strategy I explained completely evades your simple mind. I guess your highschool education wasn't enough to equip you to deal with somewhat complex subjects, was it?
Just cut them off. No more programs, no more second chances. If you want to act like a nigger and throw away every chance we give you in society then you should not expect us to come to your aid in the future.
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. You literally can't argue worth a damn, resorting to ad hominem attacks like the nigger you are.
You say the left has won? Have you been asleep the past few months? You literally play into the left's hands with the limp-wristed faggot work you do.
Thats just what i do because it pays best, my point was that a trade skillset is a benefit, the skills, and more importantly the self reliance it instills, has analogues to survival should things worsen
tldr: white men have fled powerful positions for stupid jobs in the trades. This has created a power vacuum filled by Jews, browns, and women, who are now destroying our countries. Nice job faggots.
Stop virtue signaling. You think some shitheel who owns a fucking electrician company matters? Fuck no they don't.
The man who owns a mainstream news company matters. The dean of a college matters. The guy who built a movie studio matters. The banker, the software engineer who is also an entrepreneur, they matter. Those people control what millions of people think and feel.
And it's dumbshits like you who don't realize that all this "hurr durr white men in da trades!" crap is the reason why non-whites control, and are destroying, every white country.
Literally all your posts are adhom garbage
Were you raped by a contractor?
1. Close the public schools
2. Give white families a tax cut so they can afford to send children to a private school or educate them at home
3. Tell nigger bitches to find a way to keep their niglets off street corners before the cops do it for them, because we're done paying for their day care.
White American children do just fine compared to white children in other countries. The real problem is that education is wasted on niggers.
Boggles the mind to think of the money wasted on "fixing" inner-city schools when they weren't worth trying to fix.
Nobody won or lost yet, the right is in power now and I get that terrifies you, but you're a fool for thinking this is over and settled.
The left has won every battle for the last 100 years. We have gone so far left, that the "right" can't even challenge many of these things any longer such as gay marriage, legalization of drugs, and trannies.
Limp wristed faggot? Is that so? My work also controls the minds and thoughts of a huge number of people, unlike some fucking plumber.
You think a bunch of tradies are going to somehow reverse the cultural rot? Please explain how that is going to work. Please explain how IF the left continues to control all the industries I mentioned, that we won't eventually lose full control of our countries? The US is already
Axe No child left behind, cut funding to the department of education, start showing all stats by race so we don't have niggers and spics dragging it down, get rid of teachers unions and high salaries for teachers that are teaching below high school but offer free housing for teachers. My cousin makes 65k teaching fucking first grade she's literally a shitty baby sitter.
My posts were clear. You're just not intelligent enough to come up with any response. You are so triggered right now you can't even grasp the basic strategy I laid out.
It just destroys you inside to realize how insignificant you are and how pathetic your career choice really is.
Please take pic of your bedroom with timestamp, include wrists
What we do is we split up schools grade 1-12 based on gender so male students in one school female students in another and I guarantee you grades will go up
Terrified? I'm far-right. I just laid out a plan on how to actually defeat the leftists, but it doesn't involve white men going into shitty trade jobs, and that triggers the shit out of you assholes.
I think deep down it scares most of you, because you know I'm right, and the thought of actually having to get a real education and become real CEOs and entrepreneurs is flat out terrifying to most of you.
Makes me think of that gif where the girls are dancing on the desks, then one steps on the desk of a girl trying to learn and gets pushed. That is the most accurate representation of blacks in the education system in America. If you meet an older, urban educated black girl in real life they are really dumber than mud, because they learn absolutley nothing.
Those top jobs you mention are almost always filled by white men. They consider other ehite men a threat to their rule, and do all in their power to drive them out of the formal economy.
Only the poor are expected to embrace diversity.
Care to guess who runs and who the majority of Students are?
Not using a PNG copy of a JPG with bad artifacting.
Completely replace it, but that'll cost a fortune.
You can go ahead with your delusions of grandeur to fulfill whatever psychotic power fantasies you have as a result of your childhood rape. But, us in the real world are gonna go around living our lives with or without you.
Just remember, your head will always be on the chopping block. Hopefully, I'll be your executioner.
You will be stuck in a dead end career for the rest of your life. You wont change society in any way, or do anything meaningful because you went into a fucking retarded field. Let niggers do trade work.
Nah it reads like the unfiltered rambling of a lunatic, cant decide if troll or legit unhinged
Pic w/ timestamp, your home and wrists included would clear a lot up
No one likes to admit it, but experimentation has shown you're correct. The boys compete with each other, driving them to learn more and better. The girls can focus better with no boys around. Couple that with uniforms and you see a serious difference. Though different schools is a little excessive. It's enough to segregate the sexes in the core classes.
Bullshit. They're filled by Jews and their toadies, almost exclusively.
And when you can't break into a field, you build your own company and do it better and destroy your competition.
Just like how Facebook destroyed MySpace.
Leftism has been the most dynamic Religion of the last 100 years.
Focuse more on innate ability and gifted students. Leave dumbasses behind because they will never amount to anything in life.
Just wait for this lady to do it.
Theyre going to commit crime regardless of whether they learn about Harriet Tubman and Saint MLK, which is the only thing that public schools teach them.
I can speak from personal experience too I used to go to a co-ed school and my grades were terrible because all I'd do everyday was try to impress girls and I'd usually get in trouble a lot. Now I'm in an all boys school and my grade average has risen 25 points in all my subjects
Kill common core.
Kill no child left behind.
Segregate schools.
Segregate the retards.
Offer classes that teach the trades of the local economy- mining, farming, rancher, construction, electrician, etc.
But they do it shitty, thats why i can charge a premium, also i live in a mostly racist white area, people wont even consider mexicans or blacks for trade work even if its dirt cheap, typically i make more than the people that hire me
None of what you said makes any sense. Why would my head be on a chopping block if I'M the one with the powerful job?
And you see this is where you are wrong:
> us in the real world are gonna go around living our lives with or without you
this is the whole point of the discussion that you don't understand and fail to grasp...You're lives won't be your own. Because the elite will destroy all that you hold valuable. Eventually there is going to be no place left for you to run to. They'll flood every last place with niggers and spics, and then your taxes will go through the roof to pay for those scumbags.
And you could have stopped it...You could have fought your way to the top and done something about it. But you chose to virtue-signal about your lowly, pathetic trades jobs. You never held any power or influence. And as a result the elite took everything away from you that you held dear. Make no mistake my foolish friend, Donald Trump and the gov't can't win this by themselves. It takes men in powerful positions (private industry) to affect change, and right now, all those men happen to be JEWS. And the Jews won't rest until the last white person is in the ground.
>No Chil\d
>No Chile
They've accomplished everything they wanted. It's scary how effective they have been, and sad how stupid and inflexible the right has been. Even here and now, after all this time, white men are still double-down on failed strategies like flocking into trades jobs rather than positions in powerful white-collar industries.
Purge the incompetent from the public school to a different school or at least different classes so the superior can get educated while the inferior get better classes for them while the smart people don't get held back.
Don't worry Texas. You'll make it.
I hope when the day comes, and your head is starring up at your body from the floor, you remember this conversation.
Stop focusing on graduation rates and start focusing on proficiency. We should start failing kids and make them repeat classes. I graduated with some people who literally couldn't read above the 4th grade level or handle basic algebra. These students should have never graduated.
let me guess, "no child left behind" means "let's dumb down the education so anyone can pass"
Wall off the south and cut off their internet. It should, at least, raise the IQ of the internet by 9 points
Care to explain? You seem massively triggered which is why you haven't given a single coherent response to back up anything you're saying.
Get rid of the DoE.
Seriously, it's only been around since Carter, and since then education has only gone downhill. Can any of you honestly say you know what the department of education even does?
Stop lowering education standards to make niggers and spics have less of a chance of failing every class.
lol. I love pointing out to the virtue-signaling tradies just how insignificant they are and how poor their career choices are. They get so fucking triggered and then abandon the thread when confronted with even basic logic.
Standardized testing, basically. Schools are rated based on standardized tests.
And it's all thanks to the department of education. They use sterile data points to enforce policies that neither the teachers nor the students nor the parents want.
>How do we fix America's education?
Abolish the Department of Education.
At the heart of it lies the power of the teachers unions -- the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers, and their state and local affiliates.
Teachers unions are by far the most powerful groups in American education. More than that, they are special interest groups, which means that they use their power to promote the special interests -- the job interests -- of their members. They are not in the business of representing the interests of children, and no one should expect them to do that.
The purpose of a union is to represent the job interests of its members -- and these interests are simply not the same as the interests of children.
Stop teaching for tests and instead teach things useful in the real world.
Standardize funding across the country relative to the amount of pupils in the school so that places with lower property tax aren't fucked.
Stop dumping so much funding into shit like sports programs.
Pay teachers decent wages so they can actually afford the degrees they need to teach.
Problem solved.
you forgot white trash
Charter school.
I'll take the "white trash" living in trailers over your feral niggers in Detroit and your Muslim enclaves.