So whatever happened to that plan to kill ISIS?
So whatever happened to that plan to kill ISIS?
President fatass
Oh yeah, I forgot about this. Wtf Drumpf.
I'm gonna guess that his hands are tied while his travel ban executive order is being stalked by retards.
I say start the 30-day counter on the day the ban is officially active and unthreatened.
Trump: Puppet for the Jewish Elite
Liberals lied and manipulated the flynn inceident setting things back. Blood on their hands now.
He cut off funding and gave support to Assad. That's all he has to do for now.
A final death for these groups will have to involve telling both the Saudis and Israelis to fuck themselves, which is unlikely to happen.
The CIA can't allow him to destroy their most profitable project.
Does anyone here unironicallg believe ISIS is really just "Ebil mooslims"?
Pretty sure Sup Forums hates Muslims.
My prediction:
Day 0
>Travel ban official
>Begin mobilizing armed forces
>Send in troops to ban countries
Day 5
>Forcibly evacuate aid workers, women, children, and professionals like physicians
Day 10
>Exfiltrate all American armed forces
Day 15
>Turn the ban countries into glass with tactical nuclear bombs
ISIS is literally collapsing
they lost Al Bab and are about to lose Mosul and Raqqa
i assume the military is working on it
>Trump literally says he's not gonna tell you when he plans to strike militarily
>Continue bombing for 10 days
>ISIS eradicated
Day 25
Ha dimpf will never recover lol
He would have had it done, but the democrats subverted and delayed absolutely fucking everything, so it threw a wrench into everything
/pol does, yeah.
I really like how my president has more to say about meryl streep and sweden than mosul and the iraqi army
yes, it is an insular muslims crusader state. They got weapons and training from the cia. But they are awall from any plans the CIA had.
ISIS has never attacked Israel, but they have somehow managed to attack every single enemy of Israel.
Sure thing bro.
It's already in play, you just aren't informed about it because the (((media))) is busy asking the relevent questions like Russia and Russia and whether Russia is using a mind control serum to control Trump as they run America from a secret shadow government.
Not a real quote. He gave his generals 30 days to draft a plan.
No plan.
No plan.
You're the plan.
Did he say he'll make the plan public? I
Israel is a fortrus. They are looking to expand their territory not get curb stomped.
Never said the first thirty days.
whats a fortrus?
It's morphing into "How to remove Assad".
Source of that quote?
He's a delusional faggot supported by delusional faggots who does nothing but suck money for himself
What happens when you type on a mobile to fast
I thought that was you nerd virgin
what makes you think he hasn't killed them?
His whole platform was not making the military operation public knowledge so ISIS couldn't counter it. He could very well be working on it now. Also this
did mattis make the right decision by saying we wouldnt take their oil?
Only fat people drinks diet coke.
He at least have a sense of humor.
This picture actually makes his ranking higher on the fucketry.
>whatever happened to
Instant gratification millennial assholes
>how many years for bin laden/1 man?
This is true, but they will just go underground. Their top leaders still have hundreds of millions from selling oil and raiding cities.
Probably sitting in a swiss bank.
He made the point, many times over, that he wasn't going to outline his military strategy publicly. He can't help it you were to busy jerking off to pics of Kaine diddling little kids in Honduras to listen. SAD!
Nope. Mattis is being retarded and cow-towing to Pence.
Pence is fucking everything up.
- Lies about his conversation with Flynn
- Flynn is the one that takes the blame
- Trump reluncantly fires Flynn and stands behind him and says he didn't do anything wrong
Pence wanted Flynn out and he wants Mattis out and is keeping him on a short leash.
>to fast
slow down son
Well he is partnered with the Jews. Then he found out Israel and the US government want war in the middle east as well as any excuse they can feed their voters to be you know, ISIS works for the US.
ISIS in Greater Israel's Scheme
I really really like this image but I don't get what point it's trying to make
>you can keep your doctor
>isis is the jv team
>isis is contained
>we did not give iran millions of dollars in cash as ransom
the bread is refueling the aircraft, namely, the little girl peddling
>a grill about to receive a piece of bread after powering a flying machine
>anime pic
>What did they mean by this?
>Not seeing the gun
Try to be a little more observant guys, there's a deeper message.
>Not seeing the company logos either
Do you need to be spoonfed redpills?
Pence has no statutory power beyond his tie breaking vote in the senate and being a backup in case Trump dies.
Trump isn't stupid. If he dislikes how Pence is doing things he can easily cut him out.
nice art. very relaxing
He said it'll take 30 days. He never said which 30 days.
So trump is a whiny baby for shitposting on Twitter? Then what does that make all the other faggots who do the same kind of shit, if not more?
Kek wills the 30 day money back guarantee
>I really like how my president has more to say about meryl streep and sweden than mosul and the iraqi army
funnily enough, it's the press's job to inform you of that, not his. But I bet you won't blame CNN for talking about an unsubstantiated dossier published by Buzzfeed, instead of talking about mosul and the iraqi army.
>in 30 days
that doesn't mean day 1 of that plan has begun yet RETARD
You got to eat the fries first before they get cold.
The CIA have been a tougher opposition than he expected.
It's just a line of bullshit, as usual.
Tumpf btfo
Wow, these threads really make me think and really deter me from supporting Trump. Thank you Shareblue for all of your work.
So what you're saying is he is keeping ISIS around longer to murder and rape until he decides to execute his plan. Thanks for activating my frontal lobe user.
he didn't stated the day of the start
saged and reported
>he said nervously, for the hundredth time.
>So what you're saying is he is keeping ISIS around longer to murder and rape until he decides to execute his plan.
Nah he's just leaving it up to Mattis the cuck, who is the kind of guy that thinks war can be waged in a nice, humane, politically correct fashion, so naturally Trump's plan is gonna be downgraded to shit
>he posted, for the hundredth time in te last hour
he had a plan , but the libs leaked it just to try and make him look bad
>They got weapons and training from the cia.
Words from Trump: I inherited a mess
Puts everything into perspective.
Obama literally funded terrorists to fuck up Syria, and Trump got elected on the promise to clean up the terrorists Obama funded.
Just another point in history where America is being a bipolar schizophrenic, and it confuses the fuck out of the muslims.
One of the most important roles of the president is to be the cheerleader of the nation but he's more interested in boring culture war shit, he probably just doesn't want to compliment muslim allies
Just gotta REEE a bit on that retarded picture of yours. It's one of the worst strawmen I've seen in a while.
What kind of retarded country equates being drunk and having sex with rape?
Here in sweden our anti-rape laws are extended to what I consider far to many situations than just "rape", but we are still no were near such ridiculous levels. For alcohol to even be relevant here you'd have to be so fucked up that you are basically unconscious in which case it's no real difference between it than if a person had sex with you while sleeping.
For the parable to make any sense the Casino host would have to had taken money from an uncounscious guys wallet and then bet on a number of their choosing.
I saw a post on here, possibly from a larper, that a lot of the people Trump has been dealing with and firing over the last month officially don't even exist. I'm inclined to believe it and totally understand that Trump has to deal with the more dangerous organizations before he gets to the public face of the CIA.
Ah imaginary enemies, the far right sure likes those. Too bad reality will eventually sway things. Just you wait.
well, Obama is gone, isn't he?
holy shit you think AWOL is spelled 'awall' lmao
Their religious motive is that they have to cleanse Islam of the weak and moderates to wage a good jihad against actual non-muslims. Also they might be stupid Muslims but I would imagine they know better than to attack the UN's pet project while not having control of "their" own land.
>analogies are equations.
the left's favorite fallacy.
eat the fries first so you get that instant carb rush. then eat the protein for extended-release power
He just said 30 days, not which days.
Do you think he's stupid, announcing when he's gonna strike?
One day could be tomorrow, another next week, then the next year 5 days in a row.
You have to be unpredictable.
Did he say "starting from day 1 of my presidency?"
No in the USA having sex with a drunk woman is legally seen as the man raping the woman
>neo-CTR, or NTR for short, having views closer to reality
How'd that work out for them in the general election?
>No in the USA having sex with a drunk woman is legally seen as the man raping the woman
The further the point. She doesn't have to be unconscious.
It's gone. I'm voting for #her in November since Trump didn't win the fucking presidency and you faggots don't cry yourselves to sleep every night.
>culture war
It's THE most important part of war, and neglecting it is why all the wars in the ME have been shitshows.
>So whatever happened to that plan to kill ISIS?
braintrust behind ISIS is deeply (((entrenched))) in the intelligence community
Do you think Mattis got where he is today because he is a cuck?
>One of the most important roles of the president is to be the cheerleader of the nation
>What kind of retarded country equates being drunk and having sex with rape?
depends on if no was said or not,
I think we need to tape all sex to prevent lawsuits
I will head the department of sex tape records keeping personally
whoa there, uber bantz by aquafresh
i guess i'm /antifa/ now