What reasons does Sup Forums have to wake up in the morning given the state the world is in currently?
What reasons does Sup Forums have to wake up in the morning given the state the world is in currently?
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enough sleep
To go to my local Klu Klux Klan meeting for free waffles and chicken.
>implying I wake up
>wake up
>in the morning
Prepare yourself to pendulum swing to far-right
my wife's son
Pretty much only this.
only plebs get affected by the state of the world. take a chill pill you amerikan nigger, this is the age we live in and there's nothing wrong with it. your only obligation to God is to experience. good and bad are human concept, they're obsolete in the grander scheme of things
I rolled lucky as fuck and have an amazing and redpilled af wife, a son way smarter than I and a job i love.
Life is busy, but wouldn't trade it for shit
My basement flooded last night. Figured I'd get up and do something about it.
To try to make it better, in some small way.
I have a good job as a stock broker, debating whetherr to go into analyses or advising. I get to tqlk to people richer then me who are complete idiots.
1. Drugs
2. Comedy
3. Music
4. The market
9001. The experiences
Hunting and trapping in the great outdoors, the beautiful view outside my little cabin in the rockies. This is what I live for. Working just enough to live a minimalist lifestyle is the greatest redpill a man can experience. The jews will hate you for it, they want you to slave away for them
urge to piss
I have to go to work because I don't want to eventually starve. I have an ok job that pays me enough that I don't have to live paycheck to paycheck. It's not a fulfilling life though. I take comfort in the fact that I will eventually die.
With Trump winning and the Democratic party part in as dire straights as they've been in 100 years I have renewed hope in the country and dedicate myself to self improvement and am currently on a 5 year plan of having a job where will make 100k per year.
Drugs friends and videogames are more fun
Trump presidency
Because I have to.
The outdoors ON drugs beats everything on earth.
A lucrative career, my girlfriend, bills, hobbies, social life?
Not everybody is a depressed ne'er-do-well
lel, nice freedom you got there faggot
This image. I seriously read it first thing in the morning every morning. On slow mornings when I feel like saying screw it I'm going to stay in bed, I read it out loud.
Because I need to eat and pay what little bills I have.
>being this much of a normalfag
Go back to plebbit.
bed sores
the bathroom
lots of reasons
I'd kill myself if I had the courage though
The make art, for no reason.
I've been on this shitty mongolian sudoku forum for 9 years
You know full well that you're here forever
I play video games too actually. Nothing wrong with doing it in moderation. It's easy to get sucked in and addicted though
>not having a local KKK department with waffles and chicken
& porn
Killing all the redguards, mer of all colors and (((Imperial))) from the face of Skyrim.
>wake up around 8am
>coffee, breakfast
>10:30 head to work
>8pm get home
>practice piano, painting, etc
>10pm shitpost
>shitpost all weekend long
I like life, man. I enjoy living.
The world is a neutered shadow of what it once was and Jews corrupt everything they are allowed to touch, but that fact doesn't keep me from grilling in the park with friends and family when the weather is nice, listening to good music, or meeting women.
Take the blisspill, friends. The best way to smash global Jewry is to be productive and happy in spite of their best efforts.
Because the day of the rope will be even sweeter when you've got a smile on your face.
Because the beauty of the white aryan woman must not perish from this Earth
>What reasons does Sup Forums have to wake up in the morning given the state the world is in currently?
to change that state
To see what happens next.
Shitposting on a Mongolian basket weaving imageboard is not going to change a thing
To go to work. I need the money, so I can pay for things like food, electricity, water, petrol, internet etc. Those are just the essentials, but it also allows me to buy other things.
I inherited enough money to buy a small house and nice car, so no mortgage or finance to pay off. But yeah, still need the food and water.
Unlike the majority of Sup Forums, I actually have to support myself.
The need to take a dump
yeah but its really, really funny
I can't pee in my bed
well not with that attitude
because I'm not a loser who cries himself to sleep every night.
to shitpost at Sup Forums
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Kek, you're right, I'll try harder
I'm addicted to nicotine. Also I like doing things, and my day to day life probably won't be affected in any big way by "the state the world is in currently"
Grow up you fuckin pansies
>buttholes on live TV
not happening in your country anytime soon
>addicted to the shittiest high there is
>calls others pansies
Sup Forums = 4alzheimer
Usually I have to pee.
Coffee... I only leave my bed in the morning for coffee.
Good food
Video games
Comfy beds
i get to simulate the crusades with my vidya
More like we've been raided by literally every amateur on the planet, from the JIDF to SRS to tumblr to reddit, etc etc to the point that we're hyper sensitive to insincere arguments and our own arguments are on the level of tactical nukes while they're still using bronze age spears in phalanx formation.
They never had a chance.
I have to get my ex-gf back. She needs me and i need her.
I make crazy amounts of money for fun work which will allow me to gather enough money to buy up immortality which will allow me to become the president of the world so that I can fix it in 2525.
I wanna get a doggo, and you cant be a slacker and have a happy doggo.
You codependent cuck
No Ashish, it is over. Time to find a new lotus to spread your seeds upon.
I love the smell of intellectual napalm in the morning (Sup Forums) to prepare myself for the Academic trenches of warfare against (((them)))
someone's gotta do it
Actually, it is. First, not all of this is shitposting. You can find intelligent discussion. Second, normies often start browsing Sup Forums ans get redpilled pretty fast. Third, you don't know what plans the people here have. Who knows, maybe the German you responded to is planning to become a revolutionary.