>"There is no rape culture in the west!"
>"Don't let males and females share the same public restrooms or else the males will go in and rape the females!"
>"There is no rape culture in the west!"
>"Don't let males and females share the same public restrooms or else the males will go in and rape the females!"
We're talking about mentally ill males here
By that logic you also have murder culture
I don't think anybody ever said rape. They said that femboys will get attacked by rednecks and that peepers and pervs will loiter in the women's restroom.
And robbery culture
And embezzling culture
And fraud culture
And speeding culture
And I guess any-thing-that-ever-happens culture
>muh blue pilled issues!
>thats why we dont have rape cuture
>>segregated bathrooms
>ban guns from school
>bans whites from schools
I guess theres also a murdering culture since people murder each other.
>the western world is civilized!
>women are allowed to vote
pick one
Humanity is built on murder culture.
>looks down at penis
>cuts it off
There is though, and there's certain racial demographics that promote and inflate instances of rape, and that's why it's disgusting to let women bend over backwards and welcome it for the comfort of a mentally ill 3% of the population.
The gist is that once gender neutral bathrooms are normalized, many conservatives are EXPECTING women to be raped directly because of this. The idea pitched by many conservatives that cisgender women must be segregated from men (and transgender women) in the bathrooms or else they will be sexually assaulted seems like conservatives are indirectly admitting a culture in which rape by males is normalized in society.
Close, but not an argument. Just pee where you were designed to pee and be mentally ill at home.
No, that is a logical leap. The point they are making is that it firstly, that it is completely ridiculous that we even have to discuss the fact that boys use the boys room and vice versa. Also, once you remove the implicit protection of same sex bathrooms, that I'm pretty sure isn't actually legal code because people didn't go this crazy until recently, you open up a Pandora's box for lunatics to exploit defenseless women. It has happened everywhere they have tried this shit, and they have had to reverse course back to normal bathrooms. Peeping toms come out of the woodwork. A rape culture exists in a country like Iran where rape is seen as a non-issue. Rape is unilaterally condemned in the US. Shut up about this rape culture bullshit. Cultural Marxism will soon die. Stop fighting it.
Why do you fear sharing a bathroom with a woman?
Humans were not naturally designed to pee in bathrooms.
Reminder that passable traps dont have to worry about getting caught
and that reverse traps should be grateful that they dont have to use the much more filthy men's bathroom
I don't fear anything of the sort. Why do you advocate we do something just because we can? Why should 97% of the population bend over for the 3% faggot/mentally ill subculture?
>Humans were not naturally designed to pee in bathrooms.
Definitely not in the bathrooms where I work...they are disgusting.
it's usually Mexiscum. They do have a rape culture
A culture that attempts to protect a woman from rape is the exact opposite of a rape culture that allows rape to be permitted.
Try harder crew, or blue, or whatever the fuck you call yourself
Funny how a lot of conservatives don't like this because of the safety of their daughters sharing bathrooms with adult males, but I have not heard once from them about the safety of their sons sharing bathrooms with adult females.
Really makes you think, huh?
This is just the typical hypocrisy of the right.
The right are gynocentric and are only interested in defending their own privilege. This is why the right and feminism always go hand in hand.
Prohibition was passed because feminists and anti-German, anti-immigrant righties got together to trample the freedom of liberated males.
Today right-wingers will always insist on the existence of "rapefugees" or say "We don't need feminism here! Go spread feminism in the third world!", because they couldn't care less about Pajeet being thrown in prison by his nagging wife, because to the conservative American this isn't his concern.
Fine, be India. Shit in the streets with men, women, children. Let everyone see everything. Virtue signal your degeneracy and call it progressive.
If there's a rape culture in the West, why 250K Sup Forumsrgins waste their time shitposting on Sup Forums instead of satisfying their sexual urges en masse?
Checkmate feminists.
>there is rape culture in the west
>lets let the white mayn womayn share the same bathrooms there isnt going to be rape
Rape and Rape culture are two different things.
Look up the word culture and try to fit it into your argument.
Whats the worst that can happen to your son?
Get an STD.
Whats the worst that can happen to your daughter?
Get an STD AND Get pregnant.
>>"There is no rape culture in the west!"
>>"Don't let males and females share the same public restrooms or else the males will go in and rape the females!"
the latter, a western value, precludes the former
Bathroom segregation isn't a "Western value", cuck. It's something feminists lobbied for, as as they lobbied for gender segregation in prison.
I am going to give you some tips, because you doing a very poor job of trying to control the narrative on this site. You can not approach the problem from the same perspective. "defending their own privilege" is not a negative it is a positive. Your attempt at an insult has the opposite effect.
Hierarchies are not only natural but they are a good thing. There is nothing wrong with inequality, some people are better than others. Under such a framework it is only correct to attempt to defend your position int he hierarchy. Life is a zero sum game and no one wants to lose.
So stop shilling for a moment and invest in some study. You can't change the narrative unless you understand and argue from the same theoretical framework that many people, if not most, use.
>there is no rape culture in the west
>they're trying to stop rape by a minority of mentally ill men.
I don't think they are encouraging a bathroom-less society like you interpreted.
That poster was responding to a person saying that a person should pee where they were "designed" to pee. Bathrooms didn't exist when humanity came to being the way we are now. Bathrooms are an artificial convenience that came much later in our history.
There is no difference between a toilet in a women's bathroom and a toilet in a man's bathroom. People of either gender are compatible with any toilet no matter what the label on the bathroom door says.
>"defending their own privilege" is not a negative it is a positive
It doesn't get you anywhere, so who is it positive for? Certainly not you. You say "niggers are rapists!" and the next thing you know women are calling your white son a default rapist. Deal with it, cuck.
>Under such a framework it is only correct to attempt to defend your position int he hierarchy. Life is a zero sum game and no one wants to lose.
I'm talking in moral terms here. Americans and westerners in general deserve the cucking they're getting, because they allow the third world to be cucked. Right-wingers like to think they can ignore what they're promoting elsewhere, but it always comes home. If you defend immoral actions in the third world, it's only a matter of time before people start establishing similar policies in your own country...although in many of these cases, feminism existed in the west first and was then exported. It's just that awareness by men of these issues only came after this.
Rapes happening is not what the supposed "rape culture" supposedly means.
>right side of history
>Our culture doesn't promote rape
>Dont perv on my daughter/sister/grandma
Don't forget the Fake Rape Accusation Culture that is rampant across College Campuses.
I think most people knew what I meant. Parsing words only serves the guy that's out of ammo.
If you have a dick you should use the men's room. The fag narrative is going to backfire and it's not gonna be pretty for the fags and other mentally ill who want no part in that narrative.
No you fuckig retard
This is the problem with the left theta re all backwards
>there is a huge rape epidemic in America but you should let men use women's restrooms because they claim to feel like women
There is no rape epidemic in the United States but if you I've the few perverts that exsist free access to their perversion they'll take it
This is why you niggers are stupid and poor your brain doesn't fucking work
But we're not.
According to progressive rules, you don't need to dress like a woman to "be" a woman and so a man dressed in normal male clothes would be free to enter their toilets, should this whole "gender free" horseshit catch on.
Personally, I hope it does. I'm a guy - it means fuck all to me if a chick wants to use the men's toilet - but you're GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED to see an upsurge ins ex crimes if they let guys use the ladies. The Left won't know what to do.
Single-gender toilets would actually be the safest option. Attacks do occur in bathrooms, but boys and men are often the victims as well as adult women.
If stopping rape and sexual assault was the REAL issue here, toilets would be gender-integrated, you'd have individual stalls that are private, and perhaps a security camera in the main open area.
The main reason attackers select public bathrooms is that they can often attack someone there with enough time before anyone comes along (you can find many cases of people being literally DRAGGED into the bathrooms from elsewhere, so it's not just the possibility of attack that's the issue). In many cases someone is assaulted in one bathroom, while the bathroom for the opposite gender has people in it!
So increasing the number of people coming through the bathroom is one of the best ways to decrease the chance of an attack. Making all toilets 'stall based' gives people privacy but allows other measures to ensure enough visibility to prevent attacks.
But the issue with gender-segregated toilets was never really rape, it was about uppity women demanding privilege and enforcing weird sexual notions and casting misandric aspersions on males.
Giving perverts free reign to enter the bathroom of their choosing doesn't mean it's common, it just means it's not a good idea to make being a pervert easier.
Why not just do away with gendered bathrooms and make them gender neutral? We all share the same bathrooms at home regardless of gender anyway and nobody cares.
You're implying that perverts are all heterosexual men. If you ban men from women's bathrooms to ban perverts, then you're going to have a higher number of perverts in the men's bathrooms - where boys can often be alone.
You're saying you'd prefer young boys be attacked than grown women.