If Sup Forums was ruler of the world, and you were at the top, what would you do?
If Sup Forums was ruler of the world, and you were at the top, what would you do?
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We already are, user.
Type "Drumpf BTFO" in a mongolian karaoke image board internet forum.
In order:
Seize ALL the power (In case we don't own it completely)
Co-operate with local governments to do the following:
- Avoid any cultural integration
- Support local supporting activities
- Remove welfare, minimum wage, and integration policies
- Re-enforce state religion (Christianity, of course)
After the following has been applied and approval rating has risen up:
- Push pro-family propaganda
- Pass anti-semitic laws
- Limit commerce with islam majority states
- Send back all the "refugees"
- Send to Pakistan all the jews, and make Israel a Vatican-protected territory
And this is just the beginning
- Stop all non-White immigration into White countries.
- Enter into in all White countries constitutions, a minimum % of the population that has to be White (thanks to Israel for that idea).
- Destroy all central banks and go back to the monetary system Andrew Jackson had. (ie. private banks would lose the power to loan money into existence. Money would again be created solely by the treasury.)
- Deprive colleges of all public funds and force them to operate as completely private enterprises.
- Seize all major foundations (Ford, Carnegie, etc) and redirect the funds to pro-White causes.
- End all government funding for anti-White causes.
- Deport all illegal aliens.
- End no fault divorce.
- Do not reform but EVISCERATE family law/divorce courts. Make marriage safe for men again.
- 'Kill all the lawyers' - Shakespear
Id listen to people
Make anime real
seriously ? I would call putin and tell him we are cool but he has to just wait like a week and don't interrupt me since will not hurt russia.
Then i would drop nukes on every single muslims city in the middle east EVERY SINGLE ONE and kill everyone who runs into the desert with drones...
Every ship with refugees get sunk and every border will controlled like as if our life depends on it.
and then i would use every available technology to fuck(i mean straight up drone kill)everyone up who dares to speak some ackbar shit.
Then i would let the jews have their greater israel and what else they want to have down there as long as i can keep the oil from the now dead saudis..
then we have the usa..russia and great israel working together to eradicate every singe muslim in our countrys.
And then we have a big bbq together and live happily together for thousand of year while we do science stuff and all that instead of fucking donkeys and children
Colonize Mars...
>Allocate fighting resources to governor Assad to quash the Wahhabi scourge
>Return the refugees to their home countries
>remove all fractional reserve finance systems
>rebalance world ownership so every nation has a livelihood to work with.
>massive infrastructure projects in the poor nations (reallocate millitary spending to humanitarianism)
Basically I would put the world in a utopic nationalist world:
Every nation owns its own capital, and freely trades with each other.
With all nations at roughly the same level of development there will be no concept of first and third world: immigrants will not have a determined flow: but would migrate stochastically.
people would vacation constantly; but always miss home, and return with a smile.
Almost right, but we should kill all the jews too and leftys cum, you KIKE.
I'd be a faggot
greater israel is the pathway to another 6bazillion refugees at least. god sakes germany get your shit together. I bet you will still vote schulz
I would continue where he left off
>pic related
Launch all nukes at jerusalem
Destroying Europe ?
Nuke the world.
Human species is a cancer and must be stopped before It spread to another planets.
Ban memes.
turn 360° and walk away
>If Sup Forums was ruler of the world, and you were at the top, what would you do?
I am ruler of the world...
According to the prophets - Kek is my "big sister..." But the godhead wears lots of different masks.
Sup Forums isn't one person. So if Sup Forums conquered the world. We would have a bunch of isolated nations each focused on something. People would be free to move to any nation and. You would need to fill a captcha before voicing your opinion I support he government and the state.
-geographically redistribute the population around the globe according to their genetics so the closer you are from someome the closer you live
-all nations are NatSoc
-have each countries participate in massively scaled battleroyal broadcasted world wide between armies and with fair start (same preparation time) and fair resource distribution
-reduce the population of the losers (with birth control, nothing too fancy like genocide or mass murder)
-on the side create a spatial virus for galactic colonization
Kill ALL Muslims, even the ones in their home countries, we have enough nukes
>"Gas kikes, race war now"
this has been Sup Forums's motto since the stormfront days. How is this not the only answer?
There will be no refugees since we already glassed the-...did you even read what i wrote ?
basically a Roman type fascism we would have Lingua franca and maybe united currency but everyone would work only for their nations interests only if it doesn't affect anyone's borders. then we would have a council that would be a complete shitfest with memes and at the end of the day resolution would be :
>1.gas the kikes
>2.Kill niggers
>3.kill race traitors
>4.Kill muslims
To not focus on our internal issues.
- Reestablish nobility.
- Get rid of many "human rights"
Close down plebbit
Force everyone to watch love live and they must enjoy it.
Shitpost all day, and being the leader, redistribute all the (You)s to myself.
>recreate the german empire and crown myself Kaiser
>send Nigger back to Africa, Asians back to Asia and Muslims back to Arabia
>shoot racetraitors
>shoot commies and Volksverräter
>sterilize mongrels
>sterelize people with serious genetic illnesses
>start a breeding program to create Übermenschen
>start colonizing space
>every firm that is created needs govermental approval (to stop shit like blacked.com)
and the most important part
>gas the jews
Ban the gay gifs
Come Armageddon, come nuclear war.
Ich mag dich.
>mass refugee deportation from Europe,America and Canada to United Arab Emirates
>strong emmigration politics
>food and water with chemical castration agents to african and middle-eastern countries at war
>MFW this made the western countries finally able to have peaceful and safe lives.
Switch to another timeline and save the world over there as well.
don't send the niggers back, they might come back. kill them on the spot. Blitz their hoods with your 21st century bombers
Randomly make global policies based on getting digits, maybe open the floor for others to do so as well
ive rarely seen that many drug addicts in the same room !
Surely to walk away you would have to turn only 180°?
Neuter everyone with an iq below 100
Remove bullshit degrees from post secondary
It's not their fault that they live in our countries. Coming or trying to stay is a crime on the other hand and would be punished. But now that you say it, it seems like a waste of resources if the solution could be that easy
source ?
murder the entire population of this board and anyone with ties to soros-backed organizations, the DNC, the GOP, the NSA, the FCC, jew lobbies, people in favor of sandnigger immigration, EU shills, people not in favor of glassing the middle east, protesters in general, the vatican, any organization with "family" in the name, people who attend/host pride parades of any kind, the entire obama administration, all of canada, natsocs, ancaps, communists and actual fascists, the entirety of greenpeace, people who buy into bs dietary trends, and (((you))).
instead of typing an essay, i'll just name the most important thing anyone itt would need to do: round up the kikes
>Kill all the muslims
>Send all the blacks back to Africa
>Chemically castrate all mixed race people and people with IQs under 100
>Cut off all foreign aid to third would countries
Recently saw a documentary on the TV where they said this. If even the (((German television))) says it's not true then you should rethinking to ever read the jew york times again.