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Ask an Arab Syrian refugee in Brazil anything
why are you posting on a polynesian scrimshaw colloqium
When do you go back?
1. your not syrian, youre portuguese you faggot
2. stop making these threads
When war ends and Syria becomes developed again.
Reposting if you dont see:
Bolsonaro general:
So what is he exactly? I mean what does he do?
So, never.
Our "right-wing" candidate for 2018.
How do I know if your post is bullshit? Post timestamp, faggot.
Currently he is a congressman, but he is pre-candidate to presidential election in 2018.
He is our savior
our Trump
He fights against the establishment, fake news, commies, corruption, etc...
Make Brazil Great Again
Never trust Partido dos Trabalhados ( PT), PSDB, PSOL, PCdoB, REDE, they're commies
كس أمك
fuckign coward
Why did you run away like a faggot?
Isn't it funny how when you press these "moderate Syrian refugees", they seem to hold the exact same opinions as ISIS?
Oh you're a moderate, and you don't want to hurt anyone, yet you agree that every Western nation is racist and abuses Muslims and you refer to Christian countries as "Crusaders" and you blame all of your problems on the West? Oh and Assad and the Syrian Army are evil and need to be removed?
Check and fucking mate right here, I don't even need to say anything else.
The little rat outs himself as a terrorist.
Do you feel any degree of shame for abandoning your home land like a coward?
No we're no terrorist, Bashar is terrorist crusader dropping barrel bombs on schools and hospitals.
And America and its lackeys has been trying to genocide us sunni arabi muslims since the last two centuries.
Why do you think American pigs destroyed Iraq? But because they were a proud sunni Arab nation with strong leadership developing too fast.
You are a very cowardly man to leave your homeland
no question just stay where you are
Could you bomb the leftist party for U.S? Since you guys are expert in this sort of stuff.
I did not abandon it, I fled for the safety of my family and I.
How many times have you been molested as a kid
you are a rat.
No brother, I don't bomb anyone, it is Assad thugs the experts at barrel bomb civilians.
Keep digging the hole, Achmed.
We'll bury you in it.
Wait a minute, you didn't say anything about family. Do you have a sister? Gotta treat myself some arab pussy.
What is ISIS?
I came with mother and father, my sister married a Khaliji
Are you a fan of George wassof? Are girls from Halab really hot?
Face with timestamp or GTFO
>guys I'm not a terrorist I promise
*moderate beheaders intensifies*
>this thread again
You have to go back. Also sage.
That's a disappointment then, you still gotta go back.
Fuck off there's already 2 of you at my workplace. Go back to your shithole, this one is mine
>George wassof
I lived in Homs not Halab, I'm a fan of Fairuz actually
Will you stay in Brazil please?
OP what is your favorite Nasheed and how many infidels did you kill in Syria?
WHat the fuck?I thought that mudslimes doidnt come to SA.....
Seriously dude, you don;t look like you have a family to look out for, are you such a faggot that you just run like a bitch?
Did you seek asylum in brazil? Or are you just holidaying there? If the former, then why on earth brazil?
this lel
Are there any hot, virgin Syrian qt girls I can rescue?
I have a comfy bed in the US.
what is that?
and how old are you?
which state are you living?
are you muslim?
if someone offer convert to christianity or die, what would you choose?
I seeked Asylum a few years ago, we still in the process of getting citizenship
It's ok we found a vaccination for the virus.
It's called a MiG.
Why do you save your cell phones but let your children drown?
why so mad, brayan?
Khalijis are Arabs from Gulf
I am 21
I live in Sao Paolo
I would run
Why would you flee to a country that's even shittier and more violent?
They are not many but still, there's also an iranian faggot at my worplace.
With that said, i work for a European company.
>I would run
lets say you are on your knees about to get shot in the head, what would you choose?
where do you learn english?
is good living economically in sao paolo?
you can come here if you have money
How many shemales have you raped?
I killed no one, but I witnesses as Assad thugs murdered some of my friends and cousins when the sieged Homs.
I would said I converted and then proceeded to live as crypto-muslim.
It was mandatory in my school.
You can eat if you work hard.
>Syria becomes developed again
You are explicitly NOT going back until Syria is in a good enough state to keep you in comfort?
You have no interest in rebuilding or developing your own society yoruself? Are you waiting for running water, good roads, 4G wifi? Night clubs? Tinder hookups?
Why should any other society keep you?
Good, lol.
If they were anything like you I'm glad they're dead.
Assad will still be in power when this is all over, with Russian support, and you and your terrorist friends can't do anything about it bitch boy.
When I mean developed I mean when we actually have a roof under our heads there and a safe space. We are used to work hard and live a simple life, we're not spoiled with consumism and welfare like Europeans and North Americans.
So you prefer FSA / ISIS over Assad?
Do you really believe Assad was bombing his own civilians for no reason?
نظام ؟
FSA is not ISIS, they fight Daesh, don't believe the Assadist-Russian propaganda
>I would said I converted and then proceeded to live as crypto-muslim
You're a piece of shit. Fuck you
I'm assuming you find yourself at home in Brazil given the Brazilian proliclivity for rape?
>blame Westerners for Syrian civil war
>support the only faction confirmed to have received training and weapons from the US
So not only is he a terrorist, he's also stupid!
خنزير الله
you shitskins are absolute trash
keep in mind FSA are US puppets, you need to understand what is really happing in syria
western nations want to put a puppet in syria, they want syria to be like iraq, unstable and they also want this refugee crisis to happen
LOL ITT very angry whiteys
Why? Because I'd refuse to abandon my faith? Faith for us is something within the heart, it is not a racial brand like it is for Europeans.
Trump hates FSA how it is a western puppet? All right-wing zionists in Europe and NA support Assad thugs.
What's your opinion about love?
Yep you have no idea what you're talking about, this post confirmed it.
Agree. But I would rather die a horrible than renounce my Christian faith and proclaim allegiance to isis
You're such a little bitch.
Here's your FSA right here.
Blown to fucking bits by Assad.
What the fuck do you even want man how is your attention whoring political
>Trump hates FSA how it is a western puppet?
its all drama,>All right-wing zionists in Europe and NA support Assad thugs.
those people dont exist and if they do, they arent in power
they want Assad to go so they can control Syria, im not saying Assad is good but he isnt western puppet
just look at iraq, current govt there is western puppet
also can you explain more about sao paolo?
do you work?
what is your salary?
are goods cheap?
I think it is something that flows and go, I don't believe in eternal love because if it was eternal, people wouldn't value it so much.
I do, in a rug show owned by a Lebanese
Below minimun wage
Depends on where you buy, I live in Downtown so things are usually cheap
>Below minimun wage
how much¿?
and why your family chose brazil?
>you sold your sister off to some Saudi to be his 3rd wife
was she crying when she found out, or doesn't care because of the money
We thought we could integrate better in here than in Europe, Brazilians aren't racists and generally open-minded.
They failed the background check to get into Germany.
What is your favorite brand of pressure cooker?
how much do you make?
I make 520 reais per month.
I did not ''sold'' my sister, she genuinely fell in love and married, and her husband isn't even rich (not rich to Khaliji standards)
He's not our Trump.
He's just an idiot gaining popularity through "angry rants". There's a problem here, that if anyone says any bullshit firmly enough, dumbasses all end up believing that person.
Bolsonaro is that, and he's a puppet on top of that.
Fuck dude that's awesome.
Why do Syrians rape so much?
How do you feel about the middle-east's inevitable transition into subhumans.
There is a nice brand in Brazil called ''tramontina''
you make 167 dollars per month?
very low, i make 340 dollars a month
I don't believe into these western-made graphics, 1st cousin marriage is only common among bedouins and the rural population, also kurds.
Arab urban population (the majority) aren't fucking inbred.
Well, we're refugees...
And this is exactly why it's inevitable.
Spend a few nights posting in the Syria general /sg/ thread here. You might be able to make sense of it.
Oh no, more scary facts.
Those are called statistics Achmed, I know that inbred illiterates have problems with numbers.