Daily reminder that this is your average Sup Forums poster
Daily reminder that this is your average Sup Forums poster
What a Jewish thread.
Your average Sup Forums poster is a complete degenerate with a sexual fetish for Nazis.
No. The average Sup Forumse is at most 19 years old, a newfag who came here from Reddit or 9gag, unironically prefers hugboxing and shillshouting instead of well thought out logical arguments and cringeworthily spams memes like an autistic fuckwit.
No that's a cross boarding faggot from /lgbt/. Trannies and fags should be hung
Average Sup Forums posters are qt anime waifus
I'm the fat, bald faceless man who fucks them and NTRs their husbandos.
Just accept that a lot of trump supporters are trans. Most trans aren't but the craziest ones who want to be a special snowflake and think they'll be accepted. The biggest idiots always flock here, no matter their background.
All LGBT people should be shot.
This is redpilled. He's keeping Jews out of the gene pool.
Why would you want them shot or hung? They haven't done anything to you, they couldn't help they were born this way. Why not try to help them out instead of wishing unnecessary death onto others?
They are a disease on society and must be destroyed for the good of it.
This desu senpaitachi.
im 27.. am i getting too old for this?
Just a reminder the shills are out
Antifags going strong I see
I know I am. But I still attend church and refuse to race mix raising white children. Inside though I hope ISIS wins and the world burns into an apocalyptic nightmare
How are they a disease to society when the society itself turned them that way?
>Be 1970
>Tell parents that you actually feel you're a girl
>Get spankings from a cane, looks of disgust
>Grow out of that phase and become a normal descent human
>touch a doll
>single liberal/lesbian mother pumps you up with estrogen and mutilates your dick to a cum pouch
>Society praises and glorifies you
Just a few decades ago, fags and trannies wouldn't be allowed into public. They would be shamed and ridiculed. The fags would stay shut in the closet while the trannies would grow out of their gender dysphoria or overcome their bisexuality. They would grow out of this and become normal persons again, if they didn't then they would kill themselves or seek help.
It isn't really their fault but society's fault for accepting, normalizing and glorifying mental disorders/illnesses and playing along with their delusions, hence turning them into the freaks of nature we see today.
>a bunch of low tech goat fuckers taking over the world.
I wouldnt bank on it chump.
I'm 29 with a doctorate. You're never too old to be Sup Forums
Because they then go on to fight to stop us reversing back to those norms which stopped this sort of disease. They are attacking the immune system of society and must be destroyed to bring it back online.
they were literally Sup Forums users who went the the HWNDU protest, why do you think Sup Forums is this aryan blue eyed 6'4 10inched dick war machine?
it's like the same demographics as the USA
you don't "grow out"
of a mental illness
yes i do agree that alot are being brainwashed but at the same time it is a legit mental disorder lmfao
> indian intellectuals
27 here too bro. At this point we are here for life, we have to accept that we're the old losers
Fuck off shill
Hanged is the past tense of hanging.
Hung would refer to the size of their genitals.
t. Grammar Nazi
>amerilard education
Its basically what happens when you pamper kids a lot and spoil them, which turns them into shitty little brats who cuss and fight you when you don't play according to their demands.
Society has corrupted them, we don't see mentally illnesses for what they actually are, hence there are no cures to it.
Sex change surgeries for prepubescent kids, teens, and normalizing of homosexuality and victimization is madness.
Liberalism is cancer, even Milo agreed that he would gladly become straight if any such treatment existed. You just need to fix them, not kill them. You need to scorch the root to fix the problem, not burn the branches.
Everyone, at some point in their life, felt the bisexuality vibes and gender dysphoria user, its part of puberty and "experimenting", some people grow out of it, others don't, and those who don't need " help" and must be "treated".
The low tech goat fuckers have made a mockery of western foreign policy thus far. I wouldn't underestimate them. They're highly motivated and are taking advantage of liberalism.
Wrong. The average Sup Forums user is a skilled trademan, farmer or academic. Half are married. Age ranges between 20-50 year old.
The virgin teen weeb stereotype is a plebbit meme.
>The virgin teen weeb stereotype is a plebbit meme.
No, it's the original, or at least earlier userbase of this site. Sup Forums in general turns shittier every time some faggots bring real world politics here and a bunch of newfags swarm in without lurking. Hell, you can see it on Sup Forums perfectly and just how hugboxy this board's become. Thank fucking God we don't have a karma or upvote system, or this place would be worse than Reddit.
The US election turned this place from a burning dumpster to a waste treatment plant full of nitroglycerin instead of water.
>skill tradesman
>no proof
>no sources
>no anything
>implying any of those people would have the time to post on a board and slob trump's knob as much as this place does while still being one of those things
stop caring about dumb shit fag
You're delusional.
A fucking pocket knife.
I'm literally gay and get railed in the ass at least once a day by my bf who has been the only person to ever be lewd with me, and vice versa. I go to TWP rallies and do gay shit in Schutzstaffel uniforms with my bf to piss off tankies. Ernst Rohm was gay, and so was Roy Cohn and those were both pretty good guys desu.
Stuff like this specifically. Just a few words, typed on a fucking phone, with no arguments. I could reach into a fucking uncleaned gas station toilet and get better posts out of it than this.
Cute larping, autist
>ESL speakers
Hanged is past tense of hanging to kill someone. Hung is like 'I hung a wreathe on the wall"
>not my opinion
>must be shill
once again, /pol
I'm not writing a peer-reviewed thesis, faggot.
>they don't have time
Have you heard of mobile phones?
>Have you heard of mobile phones?
The cancer that is actually, for real this time, killing Sup Forums? Yes.
Found the NEET
Why don't you go to Facebook or something?
>I'm not writing a peer-reviewed thesis, faggot.
What kind of a dull-minded retard thinks a 2000 character post is long? Seriously, go to Twitter or something.
>not experiencing the final redpill and becoming a hot slut taking dick from alpha studs all day