Well, this is...something. I had to share it.youtu.be
"ALWAYS PUNCH NAZIS | This Shouldn't Be News"
Fucking niggers, literally nigger tier logic
It's good though even leftists disagree further splintering thier ranks
this video is leftisms face.
Violence is ok because I disagree with their opinion
No wonder they're losing so bad
>nigger logic
I want to see what people like this have to say when a commie gets their teeth knocked out for rioting.
Leftards think anyone whos not one of them is a Nazi. Yet they support Muslims who were allies of the Nazis, and abortion which is a eugenics program, and use intimidation just like the Nazi Brown shirts. Really fires up those old neurons doesn't it.
We should make killing commies in an American thing meme
It once was.
This has always confused me, as an American "punch a commie" seems more authentic. If you're really going for historical accuracy "punch a redcoat" or "punch a loyalist" is correct.
I am saying we should bring it back as all these cucks claim killing Nazis is am American thing
punch a nazi
What we need to do is organize counter protests and beat their asses in the streets but no one here has the balls or the money to do that.
These kind of things always make me optimistic about american people.
>look at the like/dislike ratio
Usually the dislikes are much higher.
The far left ideologues and media platforms are loud, but they have little support outside the small mostly radical community.
Those fags always forget that Indy also beats up commies
They are being paid by a few super rich assholes. I used to see adds in the gigs section of craigslist all the time paying 2k a month for protesters.
And shoots sandnigger
Punch me and I grow stronger
Yet again the Left must relate everything to pop culture.
Lol... that's not Indy.. that's Harrison Ford grabbing a paycheck.
There also some fake ads that are offering to pay protesters on craigslist, used to discredit people that say paid protesters exist.
Make fake ads alongside real ads, create plausible deniability.
RIP rational political discourse.
However you feel about this video, if you are angry, if you feel like its "funny" because its referencing an old meme like indiana jones, remember that shills running whatever MTV outlet this youtube channel is hoping for you to react. They want this country to be divided and they thrive off of 'heat'. that is what is most important.
>black people literally telling me to go punch my grandpa
Just because you have no father figures around.
Fucking hell.
reported for hate speech.
>she thinks Hitler rose to power because nobody dare to punch a nazi at that time
Why do people that know nothing about history use history as a part of their argumentation?
>why are you punching him? He only disagrees with your right to live, stop drawing any conclusions, he just has a different opinion
>dont you get it? The fact that white women are in this commercial with a black guy is literally white genocide and is a crime against humanity
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer
Social Chaos [Hands Wringing]
Kudos to pic originator!
gass the kikes
Because liberals control education. They give them an education which inflates their ego and gives them a false sense of superiority then set them loose brainwashed about how the world should work.
Fags here jealous that even a lefty has more balls than them
pretty typical tho, embarassing
Yeah lets just forget the fact that Germany in the 1930s was a place of great political turmoil and there actually WERE people punching Nazis, and disrupting their rallies, and killing them on the streets. Hence why the brownshirts were created.
Nah lets just forget all of that
keep posting nazi shit, thats helping. /s
you realy love hitler or what ?
BTFO in comments.
People like the women in OP's vid makes vocal supporters of eugenics such as Hitler more likable though
Punching commies/anarchists is a tradition with much more of a basis.