Why are college aged females so obsessed with mixed girls?
If you go on practically any tumblr account owned by an average female its going to be filled with stuff like pic related usually with a caption like "YAAAAASSS QUEEEEN"
Why are college aged females so obsessed with mixed girls?
I'd hit it... if you know what I mean.
i'd dilute her genetic code with my semen... if you know what i mean
They desire their offspring to have superior african genes
To have their offspring to possess said genes, they will have to take the BBC, which of course is another of their fantasies
Hot black girls > hot white girls in the attitude department. White women are ruining society
who is this semen demon?
Shes a little girl dude
What do you care? let them do their dumb shit. if you get mad about it they're succesfulling trolling you
Anything to achieve peak virtue signaling.
Isn't it obvious? A hybrid has stronger, healthier genes, which translates into us viewing an exotic sex partner and even more so hybrid more desirable.
Because their beauty is inspiring?
I'd hang the mixed breed off a tree along with her race traitor family member. If you know what mean.
What do you mean?
Because daddy never loved them enough, so now they have to appeal to niggers
Dey haf breed
Why are people allowed to make such threats on Sup Forums without consequences ?
Because they see them as attractive black women and use them to virtue signal. 99% of unmixed black women look like fucking monkeys, and even the majority of mixed ones look gross, but the mixed ones are always more attractive than the others.
Also this isn't political, fuck off.
and your point is?
I'm jk I'd fuck her and her mom
Where is this from? I see it in youtube comments all the time. I don't understand it.
Feel you burger.
#slayyyyyy guuuuurl
I don't know if Ariana Grande came up with this, but she always uses this.
Her face look like its covered in some type of clay-shit hybrid. Her hair looks like a unkept thistle bush.
How mixed or negroids traits could be considered attractive is alien to me
Idc. I've bleached almost every mixed girl on my campus.
He is right you know
so what
because they know that black people are generally uglier than white people and they also know that a vast number of black fathers dont stick around to raise their kids, so when they see an attractive mixed race person who isnt a criminal or a drug addict they subconsciously recognise that this is quite a feat in itself, and so they applaud them
So beautiful, so heroic
Because you see my friend, mixed girls like that are very rare and very sought after by various nefarious organization in order to use them for their nefarious purposes, seeing as gene inheritance can't be controlled and with mixing of such different looking populations often results in unusual results
tumbler twats do not represent college girls. you need to go outside, faggot.
Is this a mating ritual?
I'm so out of touch with pop culture I don't even know who that is.
Yes. And it works too, she will be fucking one or all of them by the end of the day.
just another whore.
>dat fucking suplex
They don't hold back at all
Damn she can take a hit
Wtf do "slay", "yasss" and "queen" even mean?
As a college aged white girl with a tumblr, I can confirm this is 100% virtue signaling. White girls only care about their image, nothing else, and praising mixed baboons makes them feel better about themselves and >muh slavery
9/10 mixed girls look fucking hideous and grow up with a hate complex, always hating the white parent. You see these girls spammed everywhere because they're the 1/10 decent looking ones.
That being said, she is lovely, but racemixing for that small chance they wont be apelike dindus is too risky. Btw white girls liking bbc is a porn meme, the real threat is korean boys.
i feel so sorry for white american kids who have to go to school with niggers
Pretty much this, white girls might be prettier but dear god they have the personality of a piece of cardboard.
This hair is not good looking at all.
Of course YOU wouldn´t say no.
What's it like going to school with pakis?
I don't think that is a fair question. Niggers are so bad.
Thank the Lord I never went to public school.
Mixed races in general seem to be more attractive, dont ask me why.
I personally find eastern Asian + White the best looking mix
Another example
You haven't seen shit, OP. Just search for "black supremacy." And you'll understand how deep the shit goes. I've seen blacks encouraging other blacks to purposefully infect college white girls with HIV.
Why are college ages males so obsessed with Donald Trump?
If you go on practically on Sup Forums board populated by an average newfag its going to be filled with stuff like pic related usually with a caption like "MAGA! KEK"
there was one black person in my whole school and not a single muslim, the black girl went on to become a famous singer
your country is 60% white, pls fuck off, we dont all live in london
Well, I mean that "clayish" look is only because she has about 5 kgs. of make-up and cosmetics stuck to her face.
I always laugh because those girls usually have very European features, besides skin color and maybe hair.
Literally the only reason they are good looking is white genetics.
It' called familiarity. The people you are familiar with don't look as beautiful, as you're used to their features, whereas when you see a mixed race, it is a new concept for your mind. Those mixed race people are not more beautiful, they're less common.
Leans into mic
These women are trying as hard as they can to convince themselves that brown skin and shit hair are beautiful because being an unappealing women is one of the worst things you can be.
Black men would rather be with white women for very obvious reasons. And it is not just physical,nigresses are mean and dangerous. This pisses black women off. It is a thorn in their side and a constant plague on their lives.
being a nigger women must be miserable
were those niggers chimping out on a girl with a maga cap?
This is racial marxism... The Left want us to be all equal, from the same race with all the same brownish color... Of course, so they can prepare us for a world government. I guess in a 100-200 years just white will be looked down upon as racist or back-warded.
Maybe, but i think it is more because some end up having all the "pretty" features of each the race.
Like, in my case, i like white features + almond eyes.
I'm not sure if i'd like them as much if they happened to have the common Asian flat noses/faces features instead.
So yeah, im think its more because of that than just non familiarity
>that deflecting
rly makes me think. you care more about how your country looks on pol then that white girl got beaten by pack of niggers. sad
That's including Arabs and "white Hispanics".
If you only count non-Hispanic whites it's even lower (something like 56%).
my crazy bro burns shit
Go back to plebbit retard.
How can white girls even compete?
>korean boys
This, those soup niggers have money and wicked jawlines. Shame about the benis though
we wuz queenz n shieet
if her age is on the clock, she is ready for the cock
By being attractive
By not behing trash. Duh?
By being better looking
the average girl doesn't use tumblr
just like how the average male doesn't use Sup Forums
We're both fucking degenerates.
by not being black
just bitches being narcists, all bitches errywhere always
Si pesa más que un pollo, me la follo
Victim mentality
The only thing women excel at naturally is finding a victim and gen defending them at all costs
The idea is that minorities/mixed race people are endlessly victimized, so endlessly praising them makes you a good person
Pretty repulsive ideology if you ask me
That girl is over 50% white
In fact it's highly likely she's at least 70% white
Almost every single pretty "black" female is barely black, but because a drop of brown into a bucket of white paint leaves a much more visible alteration than the reverse, everyone will always think that theyre looking at an example of a very pretty black or pretty "mulatto"
No, everything pretty about her is because shes mostly white. Brown just taints everything irreversibly. Fuck, even her pretty and smooth brown skin is because its "white" brown skin, instead of natural negroid, and she has a thick layer of foundation on
No wonder Sup Forums thinks we're literal niggers...
Lightskinned blacks are the most attractive people on earth.
She looks Native American
It's funny realizing you can find natural beauty in almost every race, except the abbo and the nignog
>chooses to post a pic of the ugliest troll that still looks female he can find
I smell a butt hurt pigskin.
I smell a nigger defending cunt
>Implying you are not a brown shit
Mulattos are gorgeous.
Why is Sup Forums obsessed with science and genetics, but when interbreeding is the question, they regress back to caveman tier "ooga booga white plus black is brown, more brown more crime"?
I wish the warrior gene meme came back, people at least tried to sound scientific
Speak for yourself.
Too bad most will end up looking like this
I know you want it
Absolutely disgusting. I can smell that horrible stereotypical coconut scent from here.
Just kill yourself already.
Those lips! Does she have a watermelon in her mouth?
No one knows except for females and homos
>As a college aged white girl with a tumblr
How did you end up on Sup Forums from tumblr?