Central Antarctica has the largest temple on the planet

There are dozens to hundreds of miles of ancient ruins in this place. It (the central temple) was discovered many years ago, but this information has been tightly controlled due to the insane shit discovered there.

For those that don't know,central Ant is a no-fly zone. It would be much faster for a flight from Southern Americas to fly over to reach Australia, but this is not allowed. Only a few flights to an edge of Antarctica close to S. America/ Africa is permitted for approved Enviromentalists.

In a direct fly-over, the temple and other statues are blatant and obvious. There is high activity there due to an on-going project to see whate fuck is going on there. This project includes the highest members of secret society, extremely rich people, and the very highest members of global government.

This place is a labyrinth that is huge and it is unknown what lies deep. It is unbelievably filled with puzzles that restrict access to deeper portions. Actually, very little of this place has been accessed due to the complexities involved.

Almost every room has some sort of drawing that seems like a historical or current political/ tragic event.

The Cicada 3301 project is an attempt to recruit the world's top problem solvers to gain more access to this place. I cannot say why the most elite people on the planet want access to this place so much. *hint*. It involves the greatest story ever told.

Be warned, life as you know it will change soon.... watch this site!

Other urls found in this thread:


Only bump. Will answer specific questions for a short time.

>It involves the greatest story ever told.

The movie? What do you mean by this?

The story of Christ and the history of humankind

Changed IP for safety

So how would South America have knowledge of Christ before the colonial Spanish came?


>It involves the greatest story ever told.

Changed IP again for safety. South America was colonized tens of thousands of years ago by the first "European" civilization, before the Great Collapse.

Changed IP again, just to be safe

whats the basic gestalt on this Antarctica thing?

South America doesn't have knowledge.... not sure what you mean.

My only mention of S. America is that there is a no-fly over central Antarctica when it would be much faster to fly over to reach the Australias/Pacific side of the world. Not allowed due to the huge structures located there.

well, it seems as though you aren't going to clarify anything... if you are changing your IP over and over, why not just spill the beans?

Tell us more about the temples and whats in them user, i heard its like an almost infinite maze and they send third world people in there to test and research cuz scientist are too scared and nobody knows whats gonna happen in the next room. Also Bump.

So the introduction to predator vs. aliens was a tip of the hand.

This thread is a bait to get normies to watch the film.

>this information has been tightly controlled
How do you know it then? Are you one of the "very highest members of global government"?

This is just another psy op by the archons to keep you in the system.

Reject this world entirely and keep feeling good at all times.

Pretty old movie.. I might watch it, since it's clear that the Reptilian Overlords want from me.

Don't we have the other thread pinned and OP banned?

What do you mean about pictures of current political situations?

You're not asking the right questions--Antarctica is one of the seven largest continents on Earth, but have you ever seen a native Antarctican?

>Will answer specific questions for a short time.

Here is one:

Can you offer any sort of proof for any of the assertions made in the OP?

LARPin n stylin




no, never saw the film

I am Cidada member

i will continue to use this IP, i just wanted to not use my OP IP to answer questions.

keep ask

It's a global effort by elites to solve in an attempt to find the answers of life itself.

I've seen alien vs predator. I know how this ends. Fuck off.



giving a link to something that requires a username and password to access

I have a specific question for you. Did you know it is impossible for you to bump your own thread?

Oh look, Project Bluebeam!

There are drawings that are an obvious reference to pentagon/911 tragedy and a man that looks exactly like Trump, also a Hitler reference, also an Obama.

Fuck off go dig deeper normie

Also, this discusses the wrong fucking pole.

look out!!

the big bad SPACE ALIENS are going to get you

hahahahah people love their kike scams

picture is what (((Antarctica))) really is

This is not politics faggot, fuck off back to /x/


Well, the would make sense. After all, this is hell and we are caught in the infinite loop of eternal recrrence.

>The Cicada 3301 project is an attempt to recruit the world's top problem solvers to gain more access to this place
Laughed at this low quality roleplay. This is why you cucks should've lurked
And btw it is no fly because planes may not survive the unpredictable environment
> then why are le world leaders going there
they are reserving homes for their decendants. They are going to make Antarctica habitable in parts


>100thousentz of milljons of kilometros in the sky
>Blatantly sees all the tempols in da no-flyzone(spooky)

desu senpai I'm only interested in one thing.

what kind of weird ass ancient plants were frozen down there? climate similar to tundra or closer to southern Argentina?

Have you read anything else by lovecraft or just At the Mountains of Madness?

I am a relative of one.
There are drawings *perfect representations* of our current and former leaders. Political movements and obvious references to tragedies.


Wow, you out autistic-posted OP.

Good job.


Conveniently ignoring this question:

What images do they have for future events?

Again, never any proof.

its a no fly zone because of all the icey weather that crashes planes
take your lithium

I know it hurts user, I too used to be a fedora tipping atheistic heathen.

Did you miss the sticky? Fuck off to /x/.

If they have current and past leaders, they have future leaders too.
Make some predictions or gtfo

>bumping your own thread
hello >>>/reddit/

i'm not sure of the weird plants since i've never been in. I only know that my relative has been there as he is very important. I do know that there is *multiple* unknown biological life there.

is this baka related? might be larping but still interesting trips

Isnt this the plot of Alien v Predator?

Im like 99.999% sure this is the plot of Alien v Predator

You're right. Why would the put a no flyzone over thousands of miles of desolate, empty, inaccessible arctic wasteland. Don't see any safety issues with that at all. Don't make no sense if you ask me.

This meshes true with my understanding of human history, they came over right after the Assyrian empire collapsed right?

nice LARP fgt

>alien vs predator is a leak by the brave hollywood elites

Holy shit, I've always known that Lovecraft had been trying to warn us! The madman literally received dreams about about R'lyeh!

who enforces it as a no fly zone? How do they enforce it? Did they retrofit the secret nazi ufo base?

References to something that looks like total post-apocalyptic life on Earth with very odd looking humans.

There will be a great culling due to findings. This is according to my relative.

wow it is

Tbh if the third reich still exists and is in Antarctica, WHY have they not saved us yet?

Presumably those who claim this say that there's technologies they have that we simply do not. Why do they allow the jew and it's Luciferian whackjob cronies torture us?

was going to post this aswell
>life as you know it will change soon
as in what?
how close are we?
>post-apocalyptic life on Earth with very odd looking humans.
greys confirmed hooman?

>mfw AvP was just a documentary

>It would be much faster for a flight from Southern Americas to fly over to reach Australia, but this is not allowed.
I think that has to due with the fact theres nowhere safe to land if the engines fail.

wow! this person knows more than me. This aligns exactly with what I was told by my relative.

the reason planes don't fly over antarctica has to do with connecting flights and maximizing the number of passengers on each flight.

You can't always fill a plane in australia flying to africa or whatever, but you can slowly it as you move across continents.

Then why are flights allowed over oceans?

((Rothschild island))

Look it up

tell us what you know, what this guy didnt cover

australia to south america*


so the alternative is to try and land on the roaring 40s?

Detroit to Japan = 11 hours flight

Southern America to Australia = 7 hours

don't believe the lie

go to /x/ larper


what theyre looking for isnt even in the temple

They're trying to nuke away the entrance to Hyperborea.

It wont work. If anything they've sparked the ire of the Hyperboreans.

Antartica is protected because there are a lot of resources and right now, if a country tries to claim it there will be a new world war. That's the reason why "global warming" is rising to melt it in order to access the resources but the good jews don't want to melt it because of the war.

We Mountains of Madness now?

of course hitler attempted to gain access to antarctica.

i wonder if antarctica is related to atlantis, if it was atlantis before the poles shifted.

hitler and the thule group researched atlantis, thoth, the egyptian pantheon, all before us already, to find out our true history. it is related to the swastika which is also a powerful magical sigil.

that's the reason it was banned.

as hitler said, he will die, but his spirit will be reborn, whether he means literal reincarnation or whether that is a metaphor, is up for debate. but it has something to do with Sup Forums and meme magic.

Bullshit, if this was true, why did a random amateur explorer get nearly 10 years in prison just for sailing on the edge of Antarctica?

Btw he said that Antarctica never ended when it should have 6 times over.

ok.. the reason they don't fly direct from Aus to SA is read it this time

Sauce faggot

what if atlantis = antarctis

link plox

holy shat, praise kek

Offer up some proof, then we can talk

This is more info on the actual site than I know, but it all seems to jibe.

The info I know that was not included is the in-fighting in the elite. There is an actual war between those that want to cull the population vs. those that don't believe the meme that there needs to be a happening to start the *2nd Coming*. The fundamental Christians are very opposed to us exploring this place and think it's a Jew trick/ Satan.

From what I was told, there are less than 10,000 humans that have access and only those that were told about it that know.

Kek wills it

not politics.
Get the fuck out faggot

I thought this myself a few days ago, also checked.

Do high res satellite photos of antarctica exist? Google Earth is mostly blurry. Fucking weird.

You fell for a jew lie.