I'm a Trump supporter and still support him, but do any other Trumpets feel that his twitter account is causing too much negativity for his presidency?
I'm a Trump supporter and still support him...
>Hello my fellow Sup Forumsacks
Why are bald girls so hot
Yeah, honestly I think things would go a lot more smoothly if he stopped tweeting outside of "MAGA"..
>but seriously, we can't give him the nuclear codes
Get the fuck back to rebbit
Yeh desu, I would like him to bring the volume of tweets down to a few a week. Every time I hear people at work bitching about Trump it stresses me out.
Looks like Jessica aged like shit.
Who cares, with her body she could be 100% bald I wouldn't give a fuck.
The "bald" complaints are cgl whales.
no, the "media" is causing the negativity. it's refreshing to have a direct line to a president, no media filter/spin.
I'm a Shareblue employee and still support them, but do any other Brockster feel that his shilling missions are causing too much negativity for our party ?
fuck off, cunt
This desu. I block all fake news sites so they won't get a single click bait view from me and just follow Trump's twitter feed instead.
Like most white woman.
It goes (from fastest to slowest aging)
White women
Black women
Arab women
Asian women
Obviously the one format that gives straight insight into the mind of a retard would cause the most harm towards his presidency, crazy how he's like a retard or something man how did we not notice this? wild
It won him the presidency and I think he should keep it up.
>I'm a Trump fan HONEST but hate everything that makes Trump Trump
Isnt that jessica nigri? She added me thinking i was 14 then de aded me when she found out im 21.
I think lot of hot women want little boys. Thats why theyre all alone.
You're the retard, retard.
>do any other Trumpets feel that his twitter account is causing too much negativity for his presidency
The only negativity coming from his twitter account is because of Twitter itself censoring all of his supporters and promoting negative tweets. It's the same list of about 15 people that you see after every post he makes. Also if you respond, more often than not your tweets will be dropped from the discussion entirely within 30 minutes. They're actively working against him in order to give the illusion that he has no supporters.
Slurpin' down that Brock spunk today?
Trump is chaos. Trump is God.
It's caterpillars you shill
>I'm a Trump supporter and still support him
good try retard.
This is the most obvious Shareblue post I've ever seen