At least give him credit for hammering SJW's and Feminists.Just few mounts ago you were all praising him.
Is Milo /our guy/ ?
>being a pedophile is ok when liberals do it
>Huffington Post and Salon hide all their pro-pedo articles
I know,they are fine with Maher and Takei's comments
What did he accomplish besides make some leftists angry? For the life of me I can't understand why you alt liters are so infatuated with him
richard spencer is going to make milo look like a bitch in a few weeks when he starts his college tour
and he wont advocate for pederasty while doing it
because cnn told them he was the leader of the alt-kike
>Just few mounts ago you were all praising him
Homosexual coalburning Jews are worthy of absolutely zero praise.
He very cynically found a niche and catered to what they wanted to hear. He had zero impact on SJWs. Are they gone? Are they diminished? They're worse than ever.
>Just few mounts ago you were all praising him.
Maybe you were, but degenerate drug-abusing faggots don't get much praise around here regardless of how right they are about feminism.
He sure triggered them hard.
Richard Spencer is a beta male but Hes is a Good Speaker.
Ofc he is, been /ourfaggot/ since gg. Fuck these d&c arseholes
too bad he'll be advocating dyke haircuts
He galvanized the anti-SJW movement which paved the path for the alt-right into the mainstream
>Milo: the pay gap is exaggerated
>*massive riots*
>Spencer: blacks are sub-retard IQs and whites should advocate for their own interests
>*results to be seen*
no he's just out for himself. He doesn't believe in fighting radical Islam or mass migration. He doesn;t care about Europeans being replaced or their traditions being eradicated.
He just wants outrage and attention.
By setting them off, he's successfully managed to show them as the lunatics that they are in the minds of a lot of people.
Literally no one besides fedora wearing gaymers who migrated from /v cared about gamer gate
I don't hate him because he's wrong, I hate him because he's a cunt. He makes the rest of us look bad.
There were plenty on Sup Forums who didn't care for Milo but saw him as a useful idiot in combating the lowest level of tv feminists. When doing debate shows against college girls he did great but he never evolved his skills beyond that. Instead he went to trolling and environments where he could control the narrative.
What I and others really didn't care for was him anointing himself as our spokesman. This was doubly annoying when he started claiming many of our views were really just us telling jokes that shouldn't be taken seriously.
I'm glad to see him knocked off his self built pedestal. He should have never moved beyond destroying the "air conditioners are sexist" crowd.
Basically this. He's been useful but he's also an egoistical cunt.
Takei's comments were different in that he was only talking about himself while Milo projected his feelings onto other man-boy relationships
It's ridiculous to say that Milo is endorsing pedophilia anyway. Teenagers are not prepubescent. There was an entire episode of Seinfeld based around Jerry and George getting caught leering at a 15 year old's cleavage, nobody called Seinfeld a pedophile.
No. You realize most normal people are disgusted by flamboyant gays right? They might be scared to say it but they are. Your average person just sees two freaks(sjws, and milo) arguing with each other and are turned off by both sides
>He makes the rest of us look bad.
And the prancing faggot ends up looking like the sane one against the screaming retards spraying fake blood and setting things on fire.
If you have to ask you're a total fag, newfag or both.
really makes you think
That's hardly an accomplishment.
Here's where I'd post Milo in the blood tub if I had that picture.
He merely rode a wave whose time had come.
I was never praising this degenerate, I don't support pedophiles when the leftists do it and I won't support pedophiles when a right winger does it.
Fuck Milo, I am so glad this guy 15 minutes of fame is fucking over. Seriously, a fucking flamboyant homo that talks about pedo experiences as positive representing the right? What in the fuck.
Flamboyant gays are just a lesser version of trannies when it comes to falling into the Uncanny Valley. Obviously their behavior is annoying but I think it goes a bit deeper than that. Their tendencies to gender bend set off something deep in the brain that sees them as genetically defective or diseased.
yeah, give him credit for being an asshole, after all he's more important than all those other ppl
he's a younger version of this guy.
that's all
>Just few mounts ago you were all praising him.
Milo was just being used as a token gay to get the right's message out to people that other wise wouldn't listen it to. Milo what he was and what he was doing but didn't care because he loved doing it. Milo can't be our guy he's a really weird fag thats just too out there and we can't condone that bs. That being said i could care less about fags that act normal and keep that bs to themselves, its just those weird faggots that piss me off.
I think it's fucked up now that the fags aren't persecuted as much that they of all ppl would do the same shit to someone else.
what a fucking hypocrite
Don't forget he is probably an homosexual man because of the sexual abuse he did suffer as a kid.
he was born gay
he probably couldn't find cock before that
reminds me of the morons, they cried persecution for years, and as soon as they were finally acceptable, they started going after others.
fucking retards
milo is an angel
>Born gay
How do you know?
You mean to say that a 28 years old priest taken sexual favour from a 13 year old boy is not sexual abuse?
Not many people were ''praising him'' just a few shills acting like he was a huge part of pol when most people only heard about him because people were trying too hard to shill him here
If anyone is our guy, it's Richie or maybe Jared Taylor.
can't you say that about the right?
>pedophile defending is evil when liberals do it
>when someone of the right does it, it's not evil(he's just expressing his opinion)
it was conservatives who ruined milo btw, not liberals
they disinvited him from cpac and canceled his book deal. he didn't have to resign from breitbart but he decided to(which doesn't really make sense if he's not guilty of anything).
are you saying the priest made him gay?
I wonder why abused girls don't seek out 60-70 yo men
Richie is just as bad in that regard, like Milo he is heavily shilled and promoted as 'our' guy yet isn't
m8, by being a white male you can do that just by existing and being proud
Kevin MacDonald is /ourgoy/.
> not an attention whore or a tranny
> aware of jewish group evolutionary strategies
> seeks to do good by educating others
No, they seek out abusers or end up whoring themselves instead. You didn't answer my questions though.
Look at how many pedophiles, are both victims of child abuse and homosexuals. I doubt it's coincidence. It also explains why so many gayman are degenerate and hedonistic as fuck.
ICYHH ,millions of kids were abused buy priests
most of them that I've heard about went on to marry women and have families
You're just pulling shit out of your ass
No, he is a gay, jew, globalist that sucks black dick. He is not alt right or conservative or nationalist.
the catholic church has been a major news story for about 15 years now
Please don't tell me that you don't appreciate his arguments against feminists
The biggest sexual abusers are Jewish Rabbis but they get away because the media won't report it.
Plus Muslims, because no body wants to offend
Everything about this has been said already desu.
Naw, Montenegro's an uncommon at best; despite the name being easily conflated with "Nigger Mountain" - a guarded location in the heart of the Congo, it is actually a little Balkan country next door to Serbia, and just north of Greece and is more or less a developed European nation, with things like computers and flushing toilets being commonplace.
>you were praising him just last month :^)
No i wasn't, milo is the embodiment of an opportunist. He doesn't play or give a shit about videogames yet defended gamergate as a personal issue, and then he hopped on the trump bandwagon when he saw that his same audience supported trump.
That alone should be enough to convince most people he cares more about controversy and self-image than actual politics. the comments he recently made was the icing on the cake to the theory.
Richard "i get punched by shit eating cucks and then cry" Spencer is amazingly an even worse example of an opportunist. Here's someone who's so irrelevant that the limelight of his entire life (sperging out and and throwing nazi salutes) was replaced by getting punched by a lefty when he was explaining a meme button on his coat.
Who is good then?
he is a bigger fag than shrekeli
Both are easily better than Milo
anyone who isn't a complete attention-whore, meaning they care more about their political views than virtue signaling and acting retarded for quick relevancy.
I think people here are underestimating Milo.He is very quite clever
Maynestream media says he's a pedo so I hate him now
He was a useless cunt.
He is a leader of angst-ridden children.
That is all.
I never praised him. Only Kek
Jews at very shrewd, very cunning. I see it with.milo I see it with Ben.
I don't milo anticipated this. However, he seems like he is capable to maneuver this and come out ahead
No you
How is this faggot going to get to do college tours? It's one thing to believe niggers are violent and have low IQs and talk about it anonymously on the internet. It's quite another to get a Nazi haircut and publicly give speeches about it. The MSM is going to use this to try to turn people against Trump, and they'll succeed too. Assholes like this hurt the nationalist movement.
We have plenty of sources of amusement and info, we should avoid ever having one "leader" or "spokesman"
The only thing he deserves is the noose
Meh, he's a good enough egg. I hope he keeps doing what he does, don't care if he's a fag.
The smear campaign they pulled last week was sloppy, glad that didn't gain any further traction.
>Jared Taylor
This. He's right about everything, except he's too soft on the Jews.
>old enough to ruin a guy's career
>not old enough to fuck
never fails
>“I see Milo as this embodiment of the awfulness you see over the past few years with the general tilt of millennial conservatism,” said the teen. “It’s diverged from this traditional conservatism so much. You’ve seen it essentially become full of awfulness and all about attacking the left and not about actual principles. It has nothing to do with conservative ideology so much as it has with opposing the leftists, SJWs, and so on and so forth.”
you have all been owned
That Image
And that Country Name >Montenegro
>tfw her and leftists have been doing exactly what she just described to the right for years
>tfw no one is paying attention to the fact that this was started by a teenage leaf
I'm more into the irony of everyone being upset at him for not respecting the Sanctity of Childhood... then the person who started this turns out to be a literal infant (by America's lights), and plus, a woman
it's funny!
>“It’s diverged from this traditional conservatism so much.
Niggercons need to be fucking gassed
hey, have a free blackpill: the greeks were all about faggotry- the jewish old testament is the origin of organized resistance to it
in other words, the jews are actually the real progenitors of western civilization. all the jews you hate are mischlings. orthodox is the future etc. etc.
He did good work but some battles cannot be won.
How is that tweet such a perfect encapsulation of the uncanny valleyness of Ted Cruz?