I have nothing to compare this with.
What do other first presidents' first month look like, Sup Forums?
Trump's First Month in Office
Why does meeting Shinzo Abe, or with Cabinet members at Mar-a-lago not constitute at working?
As if Trump takes 13 hours to produce those tweets.
IDK, I just want to know what George Washington's pie graph would look like.
Fake news.
Nice that they didn't mention that this counts sleeping
Or Bush's pie graph.
What would Hillary's first Month have looked like?
This is misleading as fuck. Not counting weekends, you work 8 hours in a 24 hour day. That's a ratio of 1/3 obviously. Adding up the work hours there in that graph, you end up with 248 hours out of 744 hours which ends up exactly as a 1/3 ratio oddly enough. Of course, that's not including weekends when most people are off, so all in all this suggests that Trump works more than averages.
Here is the thing. It doesn't actually matter how often a president works in raw hours, but rather the results of their administration. If Trump spent literally 99.9% of his time jacking off to anime, I would be fine with it assuming his administration did things well enough with that .1%
If you bring this up to leftists, they'll complain that you complained about Obama talking golf trips or something besides the fact that neocohens did, and I don't like them just as much as the democrats.
>not showing president bannon's schedule
I guess Like this?
This. Ineffectual leftists care more about appearances than results.
700 hours - Clinton Foundation
44 hours - Seizures
>What would Hillary's first Month have looked like?
What The Fuck
That's some shit
Bretty gonvincing :DDDD
Meanwhile, in the other timeline...
>h with that .1%
trump gets more done in 1 hour than obongo could in a single day.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
>Someone remade the entire picture for this.
248 hours worked in a month where even if you squeeze in three bi-weekly pay periods in a month you'll end up with 240 hours. Give that man some overtime pay.
Minus what he's saved us on the f-35, and all the massive investments and projects approved. Net gain
And libs are salty because he accomplished more in that 248 hours than Obama did in 8 years.
>implying ever changing government requirements didn't drive the increase in program costs
How much did he save us?