>tfw white femanon going on a trip to Europe this summer
>have to cancel the plane tickets to Sweden, Germany, and France
I'd rather not get raped by immigrants, thanks
>tfw white femanon going on a trip to Europe this summer
>have to cancel the plane tickets to Sweden, Germany, and France
I'd rather not get raped by immigrants, thanks
Other urls found in this thread:
post tits
>implying you don't crave big muslim cock
y'know the drill, slut.
>loves all attention but negative attention
why were you even going? also were you going alone because that would be dangerous regardless
Go to South America instead, maybe you'll just get kidnapped.
tits or gtfo
Don't worry, you're not attractive enough to get raped anyways
What was the point of this thread? Obviously just to point out your a girl and to get attention from lonely faggots. Post tits or leave
don't post anything
Post tits or GTFO
be my ai gf
titz and shoe on the head. Come to the UK.
post feet
First this a bait thread
Second youre fucking retarded if you think those countries arent safe, maybe the capitals but countryside everywhere in west europa is really safe
Post leg
oppai please
Assuming you're real, can't you just re-book it to Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland?
Try East Europe.
Hey, Canada is right across the border and we're just as 'foreign' as Europe. Come on up.
How much do you weigh? If you're an average burger you have nothing to fear
Come to the UK, my dear. You'll be much safer, inshallah.
Come to Croatia. If you're straight and white you'll be fine
Yeah I wonder how much tourism has suffered in Europe due to the massive influx of muslims.
When people think of europe now they think of a bunch of muslims walking down the street
> literally the only tourist city in Poland and looks exactly the same as any third tier town in Germany
When I was a young girl, I dreamed about travelling across Europe on a trains someday when I have enough money.
;_; Europe won't exist anymore by the time I have the money and time to go.
I've been advised to visit Maine, USA or Vermont, but even Northern US is getting BLACKED.
Eh, I could still visit Japan and Taiwan I guess, us Asians doesn't share whitey's curse of Pathological Altruism.
No titz, no parlay
Too bad. You get the govt you voted for.
Someone has a very high opinion of themselves
K. Post boobs
Desperate virgins, kek. Literally just google tits lmao
go away newfag
t. whiteknight
I had to double check i was on Sup Forums and not Sup Forums.
>one post by this ID
whoa there mr white kinght, the lady doesn't need protecting she's doing just fine
>Won't show tits to anonymous faggots
>Expect that even shitskins on welfare will touch OP
Keep dreaming OP, or better yet kill yourself
>I had to double check
How's Fukushima?
You shouldnt go to Europe at all. Why would you come here ? You should support your own economy and not give us the money. Tourism is just undermining your own economy. Its Pathetic, dont you have any National Pride ?
>1 post by this ID
Doing better than London
This summer me and my friends were set to go on a Euro trip but now we're just going to go to Australia.
It's Beefcake Timez!
you can still go to France, but stay on the country side
though Paris has so much to offer it sucks that immigrants ruined it....
>1 post by this ID
This is an excellent Decision. People should stay in their own sphere of influence, Europeans in Europe Anglos in the Anglo Sphere and the subhumans in the subhuman world.
>somebody is butthurt enough to make this
>Doing better than London
We can hang him at the end of a rope. Not so easy with a global catastrophe desu.
> femanon
No you're not.
> planning a trip
No, you probably don't have the money for that. When you show us a PREVIOUSLY cancelled itinerary, then you won't be considered some bullshit narrative inventor.
I am not posting tits I'd rather avoid 3rd world countries
I will be going to the UK
It takes a tsunami and an earthquake to damage our infrastructure.
For you it just took a couple of Germans and you only survived because your son fights your battles for you.
>implying that this picture hasn't been posted hundreds, if not thousands of times before
And you should stay in your parent's basement.
>All of these betamales falling for a bait thread
Way to out yourselves as cucks.
Fuck off attention whore, there are no girls on the internet unless they post tits.
America is actually predominantly German.
And Germany is predominately cucked.
>I will be going to the UK
Avoid Londonistan, but from what I read from Daily Mail, a lot of UK is now No-Go-Zones.
Maybe try Newfoundland, Canada. Or News Brunswick, Canada.
Do you disagree with me ? If so why ? I dont understand tourism. Its Jewish by nature.
So progressive, Swedes someday going to be SO cuck to even let their daughters get raped in front of them and not flinch an eye.
Sad truth.
Still part of the anglosphere
it's okay we will be allies again soon
Why ? He said nothing wrong. Lying to oneself is a sign of weakness.
>For you it just took a couple of Germans and you only survived because your son fights your battles for you.
I don't have a son. Anyway, don't you think Japan will have to cancel the Olympics? They won't even try to recover the reacting nuclear material until 2021 - assuming they are even able to.
Predominately English, German is second, something like 30% or our genetic makeup on average.
Tfw grandvater had badass kraut name but I got shitty English name
Come to Stavanger, bby.
But then how will all you white weeb faggots get a chance to visit our beautiful country and masturbate to our cartoons?
We could always have it on your shitty, rainy little Island.
If you count Irish as English then yes. Otherwise no:
You can come to France you know
If you absolutely want to avoid contact with mudslims, just avoid big cities. I supposed that's complicated if you arrive in an airport though.
Any part of rural France is beautiful, just pick one and visit with patience. I have a weak spot for the D-day beach in Normandy personally
Good luck finding a white country that isn't getting overrun by Earth's failures
>I'd rather avoid 3rd world countries
You'd get a more authentic 'European experience' in these countries than the Islamic caliphates to the West.
It's not really
I've written off germany too, was planning on potentially moving there. Now if I'm going to visit a country, it'll be Japan.
>But then how will all you white weeb faggots get a chance to visit our beautiful country and masturbate to our cartoons?
I used to work with Japanese lads in the financial sector in London. They fucking loved it. Some never went home.
>It's not really
It is thought. Not going to deny that Germany is by the years getting progressively further down the shitter, but there's still a lot of good areas.
Oh wow, a bunch of immigrants in London color me surprised
Always wonder how amerifucks are actually able to leave their houses if they think Europe is dangerous
Avoiding Sweden at all cost is a very wise choice.
Its not safe at all here due to all Rapefugees.
It's a cucked culture at this point, same with canada and britain. I might as well just go to one of the major cities in any three of these countries so I can see the exact same thing in all of them.
What's the point? If I'm going to travel, I'm going someplace actually different.
>Try East Europe.
No thanks, I dont want AIDS, HIV, getting robbed, fights, stabbed, fooled by diseased hookers, getting my car stolen or broken into, my hotel room robbed or poison in my food.
Sweden is fucked Yes, but Eastern Europe no thanks.
>says sweden is bad
>talks shit about eastern europe
kill yourself, sven
You will get raped in Italy.
Japan literally has no mercy today... and we love him for it.
the point is that "femanon" is seen as whoring for attention, so the other anons treat her like an attention whore
Poland sorted its shit out but it's still more likely to get in trouble/crime in Eastern Europe than here, no matter how "cucked" we are
Excellent shitpost mate, keep it up and we'll overtake the straya menace soon
You do realize that brown people only haunt certain neighborhoods in certain cities right? You do realize this is the rule in every country brown people reside in that isn't predominantly brown right? You do realize the MSM blows shit out of proportion right? You do realize you are a fucking scared retard for no reason right?
tl;dr avoid ghettos and public transit in major cities is the rule on all of planet earth dipshit
>Oh wow, a bunch of immigrants in London color me surprised
Immigration is fine - just not mass migration of muzzies of course. Anyway, good luck with the cesium 137, that's nasty stuff. I'm not gloating by the way, it's fucking tragedy.