pic related paris metro
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pic related paris metro
more le pen memes
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>>comparing the first class section of a train to a metro
being this big of a cuck
France Yes!
French national team Is France in Europe or Africa?
In certain neighborhoods of Paris, you can walk for a mile and not see a single white person. I've never experienced anything like that in any other place in France.
>pretending you aren't living in a hell hole.
Human garbage
What about Marseille or Lyon?
Cite graph?
sauce on this so i don't look retarded linking it
When I was in Paris back in 2012, it was mainly black people where we had our hotel. It was in west Paris, what a fucking shit hole. Will never go back to Paris or France every again. It was like going to Africa if you wernt in the center. No clue how shitty it is now 5 years later
Marseille is basically an Algerian city.
haha... that's fucking right.
Lyon is da best
It's always about Paris because of stereotypes, but if you want a taste of real french culture go to Lyon.
>a mile
we don't walk miles, faggot, we walk kilometers.
>no clue how it is now
Look at Malmo for a good reference
>tfw living in the comfy countryside away from all this shit.
Looks like any shit tier metro line of a Big city
Also metro is for the pleb
The country side however has almost no niggers. Suburbs are filled with natives only.
I live in the SF bay area and ride the metro to Oakland every day and there is nowhere near this level of niggery.
Is the little nigger having seizures or possessed?
It feels odd to talk about kilometers when speaking english. I also use pounds mind you.
and I thought it would be a good idea to learn french. I dodged a waste of my time there
London Underground looks nothing like OP pic
There are nowhere near the same number of immigrants in London as there are in Paristan
For now. Visited France back in 2006 and Paris was, of course, a shithole. Dijon and the South were very beautiful. Why are you fucking frogs giving your country away to niggers?
Frankreich ist verloren. Da gibt es nicht zu sehen, Herren.
Bay Aryan here and yeah, this guys checks out. Were talking Oakland too, which is very, very black. While riding BART I still see more white people than are on this train
Isn't London 45% foreigners ? Or some shit.
This is not metro
This is suburban train A
Look at Houston for a better reference
>that pic
Paris is depressing as fuck. All the Western European capitals are the same now but because of its former reputation Paris probably disappoints the most. If you want to see Europe rent a car and go to the secondary cities and smaller towns/villages.
It's often said that multiculturalism destroys diversity but it really has to be seen to know just how true a statement that is - there are parts of London, Paris, Berlin, Malmo etc that really could legitimately just be the same place now.
>implying Crna Gora nije Srbija
I don't know, ask our fucking gouvernment. We're immediatly branded racist or xenophobic at the first sign of national pride. When the rural population dare to speak up, it's always "Yeah but the deep france is racism incarnate and inhabited by uneducated dirtbags, your opinion doesn't count."
It's not that we don't want to, it's just that we don't matter to anyone with a bit of influence.
4 frenchmen out of 11 players..... :(
subhuman train
>when you cum but she still suckin
Throw in some poo-in-loos and MS-13 gang members and this could be the D.C. metro.
do they speak french?
you tourists should stay in Paris,
don't come to countryside, we're full
whos that woman on the bottom?
i ve seen her before in another infograph.
shes got this face... where u know shes a cunt
They speak mojario. The future lang of the planet of the sub humans.
Bix nood, allahhh albaru, si.
Nignog master race?
Look up Barbara Lerner Spectre
Fix your shit France or bury yourselves in history books.
There is a lot of place in Paris where there is almost no foreigners
Parisian in Madrid here
>Madrid is all white
That woman is monstrous hahah, she towers over those other niggers.
Whe you travel abroad how do you deal with the POO, honest question pajeet.
thats not a thing faggot.
wrong person fag
Sup Forums's nickname for the French nation team has been the African All-Stars for as long as the board has existed
le feel when living in a comfy suburb area in one of the less diverse regions.
Altough, not all of Paris looks like Africa. Most of the tourist areas are still very clean.
Sorry Frenchie, but most parts of the "metro" in NYC (any place that matters at least) is mostly whites, asians, and indistinguishables.
>It's alright our metro looks like a fucking "we are the world" cultural gathering, because they are enriching France SO DAMN MUCH, and it looks like that in every other major city across the world.
Get off it already.
Just gonna leave this here.
Can someone give me the quick rundown on LePen? What policies has she proposed?
White people are bad at sports tho
Why don't these country just give the Poles free reign to terrorize the mudshits and then just kick the Poles out anyway?
I have a similar solution to the rapefugee boats in the Mediterranean. Hire the Somali pirates to sink all the rapefugee boats for some crazy amount of money to them. Let them through the Suez Canal and they'll start sinking the rapefugee boats. Then when they come to get paid you execute them all for piracy.
do you think that in the end vengeance will be ours? because at this point i rly want to exterminate niggers to the last one
When in Rome, poo as the Romans poo?
triggered Parisian shill defence force showing up in
shut up autist you have no room to comment
Disgusting. Trump was right, France isn't France anymore.
Its the same with the parisian metro, with more asian tourist.
>This one isn't the metro, it's a suburban train that bring the poors to the city
Who the fuck are you to talk Hans?
At least they'll have to keep 1% of the population white so they have goalkeepers.
When LePemf will lose / pol / tears will feed me for weeks or months. Then I will fall on this board as a bird of prey on a lamb and rejoice in the helpless rage that is going to be generating. I would delight in threads of suicides and rages and I do not think my cock will be harder than the million little cocks wiggling rage simultaneously. They will say that the election has been rigged. They will say that it was the immigrants who cut the grass under their feet. "We're going to rebel" they'll say. "War of the races!" "The suitcase or the coffin!" They will yell. Nothing will happen because they are just talking. They are too weak and cowardly to do anything but nothing can relieve them of knowing that their modern-day Joan of Arc will have been contained as her father in the fifth and that she will have been beaten by a PARACHUTE WITHOUT PROGRAM an arriviste Rosthchild has been favorite rather than they and his enarchs, I come back I will shake.
>The USA destroyed it all
Where do I sign up?
Nah, we need them long term. Let the Somalis keep their national pastime and make a buck on the side.
Nice copypasta
If I had needed anymore reasons to NEVER go to Paris...
as a parisien i must admit this is very true in certain area
this image come forme the RER not the metro that deserve all the suburbs of Paris (the place filled with niggers and shitskins)
I'm not going to lie, I'm a former supporter of LePemf. Seeing her crashing campaign is hilarious but more seriously one can not let her get hold of the code of nuclear missiles.
top kek on that picture. im sure (((someone))) had a hard time printing that
Isn't that what you said about Trump, and he ended up winning?
The real kicker is that the white people seen are probably tourists.
>the mayor of Londonistan and 65% white show up
At least now I won't feel regret I never got to see Paris. It's already dead.
anyway we are doomed
I'm emigrating to Kekistan
>because france isn't france
Pic related.
Yeah suburbs are literally 3rd world
Now inner Paris believe it or not is like gated community full of white people.
If it weren't there wouldn't be so many gay and leftists. Only rich white people (AND JEWS did you know there are 500k jews in France all in Paris ? 2m hab in Paris. This means 1/4 Parisian is jewish) are unironically leftist
>500k jews in France
well there is your answer......
ya, i went there and never again.
My parents want to take the family to Paris and Berlin for Xmas this year. I don't have the heart to tell them what each city has become.