Other urls found in this thread:
Jews should move to Israel so they can be safe from the hateful goyim
Bosnians did that
It's Muslims
Hey Rabbi, watcha doin?
Religion of peace.
This is all happening because Trump normalized racism and antisemitism.
Fuck you.
>antifa and lefties destroy public property
>wow fucking bullies they need to learn how to be civil
>basement nazis do the same
>you go guys!
But we are good goys!!! We dindu nuffin!!!
why would ((nazis)) bother lugging around the equipment needed to smash those graves, risk being spotted, when it's a whole lot easier to kick in some living jews?
>racism and antisemitism.
There is nothing wrong with either of those things.
Yeah lugging around your hands and feet must seem like a real chore when you're a fat british fucker.
>people who voted for a nationalist president are anti-Israel/anti-Jew
This is what the left literally believes, because the democrats and media are feeding them this inconsistency day in and day out.
Considering this occurred near East St. Louis you can be 99% certain it was niggers.
Oy gevalt. We should start a go fund me so we can buy one way tickets for all Jews so they can go back to their ancestral homeland
The chosen don't deserve this kind of treatment
No he did not
>basement nazis do the same
about that
In one of the most liberal/nigger infested cities in the US. Fuck off Eurocuck
Lol I remember when I used to believe that. Fuck me sideways I was all for Hillary and hated Trump until I saw just how much everyone else I hated, hated Trump and loved Hillary.
Research led me to the shit she pulled in Libya, Haiti and more.
>coming on Sup Forums to stop people from harassing jews
>not realizing the people who virtue signal are the likely culprits
what would Sup Forums possibly gain in doing this?
who has attached these crimes to 'alt-right' and criticized trump for not acting, bringing themselves into the spotlight and casting a shadow on trump in the process
Falling into your own trap
Delusion still goin strong
ayyyyyy rabbi
>Knocking over some dead Jews' gravestones
Wow, neo Nazis sure are tough
He's a proxy shill.
Serbia is up there with Canada, Sweden, and Germany.
A grave injustice.
Every last one. No exceptions.
Hey rabbi watcha doin
Fuck off your ignorant as hell/ this is so fucking transparent they are going around destroying their own shit cause they aren't getting what they want served on silver platter / trump hasnt spread any racist anything his daughter married a Jew dumbass it's you assholes that are spreading lies causing this behavior
this is most likely hitlery nuts for the 'greater good' of revealing the nazi's of Sup Forums
or edgy teenagers
This is Donald Blumpf's fault. Him praising Israel and the Jewish people all the time was a front to enable LITERALY NAZIS like you losers to perform a second holocaust! Everyone sees through it. You creeps are just so stuck in your hugbox on Sup Forums you don't realize you're on the wrong side of history!
> don't realize you're on the wrong side of history!
WTF? I love central banks and usery now
It's Whitey's fault anyway
Oh wait, this can't be. Not in a nice neighborhood rated A+ for diversity?
Are you asking for another bombing Serbshit? What, two autonomous regions taking up the majority of your country isn't enough? Unless you're an Albanian in Kosovo, then that would explain the shitposting. Most Serbs wouldn't give a fuck about this.
heh, 100% chance
Is this a satire post?
Israel is for the Jews. The west is for everybody. Stupid goy.
No kidding.
And why should I believe this "Justin" guy?
wow that wasn't funny at all
how do you snap headstones like that? asking for a friend
Choose the cheapest bonding adhesive when you buy the headstone
It's a false flag. Neo-Nazis have literally no reason to attack the good jews.
These false flags by Israelites are getting ridiculous
>no reason to attack the good jews
TOP kek, I see what you did there
>the good jews
I never knew I needed to laugh this hard.
nvm just got the joke
You think Sup Forums is full of muslims?
Fuck off.
kys, faggot
Trump is the strongest supporter of jews we've ever had as president
It's pretty much Sup Forumss only beef with him.
sounds like the work of the left to be honest, they will do anything to appease the Muslims.
God damn, this serb shill has been shilling since 2015. SAD!
> filthy polish kike
>false flag
>According to several statistics, Philadelphia has surpassed Detroit and New York City to become the American metropolitan area with the highest proportion of Muslims.
>The largest concentrations of Muslims and Hindus live in the Northeast and North parts of the city, Center City, West Philadelphia, and sprawling into the nearby suburbs.
Where's that cemetery?
The North/North East?
>there's a lot going on in today's media goy
>don't forget about us oppressed juden!
Why is there at least 1 instance of this every week?
Because Jew Lives Matter. Especially dead Jew lives.
>all of his children are either Jewish or married to Jews
>normalized antisemitism
Sure thing, lil buddy.
Leave who alone? They've been in a continuous entitlement rage tantrum since Donny boy got elected, and theres a damn near 100% chance they did themselves this to get attention like a stupid ass brat child would.
>Especially dead Jew lives.
The most importantest of all Jews are the dead ones.
Remember the 60 trilliogorillion, goy toys.
We finnaly made it kurva
>look guys i have a black friend that means i am not a racist!!!
Classic conservatard argument.
The left hates Jews. Why has everyone forgotten this?
>being this naive
I'm actually pretty liberal, you turbofag.
Nice ad hom. Now answer me, why would he normalize hatred against members of his own family?
>its the serb shill again
whats it been? 2 years now? Do you ever get tired of this?
>The most importantest of all Jews are the dead ones.
>Remember the 60 trilliogorillion, goy toys.
>b-but i'm pretty liberal i swear!!!!
Kys faggot.
based serb shill chemoing the /r/t_d cancer
lol no and also no u
ef bee ef pee ef bee ef pee
go back to your cesspool of a promised land
This isn't chemo it's the hope that the body gets so overloaded with cancer, that the cancer is viewed as normal cells
Teenagers do this shit all the time.
You're telling this is a hate crime just because it's a jewish cemetery?
Don't you know that jews get special privileges in the name of equality?
Not even the dead can know peace from fascists
I guess you're right.
Thanks, Satan.
Yes yes YESSS
Dear Jews,
Leave. Mankind. Alone.
And kys.
>Not sure if false flag or is real
Why is the Serbian poster such a fucking faggot all of the time?
Why are jews always doing this to themselves?
Kek. Nice job.
You just know they did it themself though.
So how long will it take before the left starts whining that Pence hasn't yet gone to clean up this cemetery too?
>yfw Trump directly orders these acts of vandalism because he knows it'll keep Pence out of the White House where he can moderate Trump's policies
You'd think that, but you have to look deeper.
They're really running out of ideas how to drag this whole anti Semitic meme out.
Total false flag. There will be more to come. (((They))) will soon join with the "marginalized" people, they themselves created and rally against the straight white man. Almost too predictable.
You do realize that Philly has a large Muslim population and that Muslims hate Jews too, right?