
Its Obama's fault anyway. The dad should sue Obama.

This mission was planned for months beforehand. Trump had minimal to do with it. How could he?
This mission may have been compromised by a leak; the target was READY and WAITING for the SEALS.

Assholes are using assholery.

Go for it. Let's investigate SEAL Team 6 while we're at it, too.

Also three Obama hires were fired for leaking info about the Yemen raid

They worked for Obama, right?

We probably should.

>unironically posting the shop

What a Chad. Many women will mourn the lost opportunity to be dicked by him.

It was already planned under the last months of Obobo's administration. The media and you are retarded for blaming this on Trump.

Why is Trump listening to Obama?


What fucking happened to Michael Strange. His parents and the parents of the other SEALs have been begging for an investigation since that day and have been stone walled.

Fuck liberals.

I'd be on board with an investigation if this happened. If not, then I'm just going to assume this more liberal belly aching.

Obama exponentially increased drone strikes for the last 8 years. Hillary hung up the phone and went back to sleep as our people were getting killed in Bengazi.

Somehow when democrats do it its' not news.

one seal dying on a mission doesn't warrant an investigation. seals sign up for the action. sometimes they die

something like 25 members of seal team 6 getting ambushed by ~100 taliban while in a 1960s vietnam era chinook warrants an investigation

>mfw GOLD STAR FAMILIES will soon be able to block special ops through the 9th court

way to dishonor his death. Fucking faggot ass nigger. Good thing he has no authority in doing so. He should go join code pink and let those hags step on his balls.

it's a conspiracy. they covered up some shit. they either didn't actually kill osama or they did and then sacrificed the seals to appease the pakistanis for conducting a raid within their borders without permission

Thousands of soldiers died under Obama and Bush, and no one bats and eye.

One Navy SEAL dies under Trump and all of a sudden it's the end of the world.

Good, he'll find out about the spies that leaked the mission to the enemy.

Their ambush was a textbook helo ambush if anyone of you've read insurgency warfare manuals from SOCOM.

we operate in Pakistan all the time? Especially in the FATA.

> sign this paper that says you may actually be sent to die
> mkay
> wtf i actually died i hate drumpfy nao

Sir, your son was in the Military not the Girl Scouts... have a nice day.

It isn't Obama, it is military intelligence. Seals wanted to go in, so he let them go in.


Don't forget the foreign civilians and children! Obama deserves another Peace Prize!

That is because before the MSM was for those people, it was in their best interest to not reach out or take stories from military families, now that Trump is in office they will take every chance they have to try to spite him.

Trump didnt crash their osprey or leak their mission

unless they memory holed it, the raid on osama's compound was conducted secretly and without the pakistanis knowing. i read reports that the pakistanis were upset about it

The left wont let Trump have any secret raids, he is all for them, they just take any chance to get at him, even if it kills someone.

>blackmailing a dead vet's dad into doing something so publicly humiliating
>making him disgrace the memory of his own son's sacrifice
Liberals, shadow government, whoever got to this poor guy, they're disgusting.

if they have any sense the democrats will bandwagon off this guy for a day or two, then nothing

>Abid Awan, Imran Awan and Jamal Awan, are three brothers who worked within the IT department for members of the House Permanent Intelligence Committee.

This can't be real? we're giving secrets to muslims?

>Obamas people did an analysis on the situation before handing over the presidency
>Trump runs with their analysis as if it were fresh, several days after it was made
>the situation on the ground had changed
>"O-Obama is to blame you g-guise!!!"
kill yourself

Trump: get our military out of the mid-east. Tell Israel to find someone else to do their killing and dying for them.

>mfw muricucks die protecting interests of shitsrael

They were being paid like 200k a year each, btw. Remember that as you watch actual Americans struggling to make a living.

>your son joins the army
>you do not even consider him having the slightest chance of dying

damn never realized how deep the swamp was.
it's not just the top level politicians its all the shit they're letting in at the lower levels too

We have had a Muslim POTUS for the last 8 fucking years.


Want to know what really goes on in the world, be a part of the Military Intelligence machine. You'll know about happenings before Sup Forums even calls it a happening.

we haven't forgotten about your role in all of this. the uk will pay dearly