Lets try it, do these tets of USA states and European countries, also dont be a fagg post your first time try resoults.
My resoults:
44%USA states
98% European countries.
USA states
European countries
Pic unrelated
Do americans realy have bad geographic knowlage?
Other urls found in this thread:
100% US states
78% Euro cunts
Suck it, faggot. We're #1
Pready good man, i would of been 100% EU countries if not that fucking Andora.......
In all srsness, those little Eastern European countries were hard.
Can't they keep the same borders and names for more than 10 years so I can learn them?
Why bother? Not going to any other country due to class, I don't like foreigners anyway and avoid them and their shit. Knowing geographical locations across the planet is a moot point.
>Pready good man, i would of been 100% EU countries if not that fucking Andora.......
Andora was actually the last one I had to label. haha
''Litle eastern eu countries''
You mean balkans right?Thats southern Europe....
Fuck the Balkans
You mean the buffer zone?
Do Europe now.
They are smaller than cities in the US
I did do Europe. Get your eyes checked.
How the fuck did you, mess up with, slovenia and did good at small city states?
I always get the Baltic countries mixed up with one another
100% on both
But I'm an autist when it comes to maps and shit
I clicked on Croatia by accident
Am I supposed to know where latvia is? why? does something relevant go on there?
If i gotta find out where a country is in europe ill just look at a fucking map. Useless knowledge in knowing where every little fuckall country is there. I can do the basics fine but no i dont know where every little afganistan is.
they're easy. Estonia is closest to Finland. Lithuania is the southern one. Now you know them forever.
Well done! Your score: 100% 1:42
Well done! Your score: 100% 1:35
Eat it Yuropoors
US states
100% EU countries
tfw american scores more at Europe then you did.
>Hey! People that protect us! Fuck you!?
Thats nice dear, tell pops I said hello.
>Well done! Your score: 30% 3:22
European Countries
Well done! Your score: 96% 1:58
I'm not sure how to feel about this
But really why would Americans need to know about every small former Eastern Bloc country in Europe? I like you guys but to the average American you are not relevant, like Uganda wouldn't be relevant to you.
Why would I learn about states? They are just first tier administrative divisions. States are completely irrelevant.
kek, at least your being honest, i am sure that a lot of people here opened map or tried more then 1 time.
This. You probably know where Chicago, New York, Los Angeles are, what states they're in is just useless trivia unless you have some business here.
OP has confused useful knowledge with trivia.
>Find kosovo
>Find a country that is not on any American map
Well, fuck.
Didn't even try USA, I know just acouple of states.
what did he mean by this
Pretty ok I suppose?
shit I suck
Bet you can't do this
82% US
92% Europe
aw shit, this looks hard.
>euro: 54%
Those southern countries fucked me up
>US: 100%
100% 1:22
84% 2:21
US States: 100% 1:26
This is better
I'm going to try the rest of the world now.
South America was on the hard side for me
Okay, write something in perfect Latvian now.
I got 100% on both of these and European/US capitals to. I can usually name every country in the world except for some African countries and all the shitty little islands in the Caribbean and Pacific ocean.
Where is Latvia?
I did 87% on this one.
Ok but not impressive.
>Didnt know where Riga is
Im crying now, literaly biggest city in Baltic states.......
The only reason I even know of Riga is because of EU4 desu
Kek I can't find Costa Rica and I've been there.
Eastern European countries fuck me over, 85%
93% USA (all those square states fucked me up)
75% on Europe (balkans and all those city states fucked me up)
>knowing all those cities in balkans and baltics
98% US states, confused Alabama with Mississippi
100% European Countries
I got 73% on that one.
>confused Alabama with Mississippi
So you were able to easily distinguish all those square states yet you dont know where the Mississippi river flows
Got every euro country right except confusing Monaco/Andorra.
Depends on if said merican is interested in politics and history.
>knowing where anything in niggerstan is
Me to, desu.
Fuck Massachussets bunch of faggots
>Doesn't know Riga
Nibba wut
Much better than me. Fuck learning American States.
aye fuck you nigger we are best state
I feel triggered as an Ohioan rn desu
I mean i play EU4 to, desu.
This thread should be renamed to
>How dumb are euros on the states.
Sorry, it sounded like one of those desolate Mid-western states. You are all just muricans here.
Thats to high amount of knewlage for a mortal being.
How the fuck did you fail Nevada??????????????????????
EU4 doesn't do US states, and who plays as the USA in Victoria 2?
I thank EU4 and US Presidental Elections for that
Also I'm South Slav so that helps a lot.
Not playing enough fallout new vegas
The states are the regions in Eu4 my nibba
how to trigger Russians 101: Estonian SS
96% in 2:40 for Europe
100% in 1:31 for USA
t. mapfag
46% on States, 96 on Europe. Fucked up on San Marino (clicked Vatican) and Montenegro (clicked Kosovo).
>Eu 4
Livonian Order will rise once again!
At least you knew Missouri. That's the only one that matters.
who cares I thought you guys were suppose to be more educated than us
>Latvian ss
Your fault that shit is on any map in the 1st place.
You created the country you dumb nigger
Also Kosovo is not a real country, just how Turkey is not European
We focus on areas of the world whom did not betray the worlds greatest empire.
US 100% 2:01
Eurocuck 100% 3:03
Guessed on San Marino though. Never heard of it.
>Definitely knew
>Certainly not dumb luck.
fuck you dad we're you greatest achievement and you no it.