So, according to google, only the right wing can be fascist..... WTF?

So, according to google, only the right wing can be fascist..... WTF?

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Left wing is commie dictatorship.

Of course only facists can be facists you dumbfuck, and only stupid commie shits and be retarded commies.

Centrist to right wing, yeah. Kind of hard to be left wing when you're a social traditionalist.

But dictators are fascists, and fascism is strictly right wing.... according to google,

NO LEFTITS, by definition, can be fascist....

Yes because it rejects notions of equality and Marxism therefore it is right wing.

Dictators aren't strictly fascist.

Then American leftists don't exist....

What dictator isn't a fascist?

Yes it's impossible for a leftist to be fascist.

Fascism focus on tradition, the Left on the other hand rejects tradition. They are opposite when it comes to the very basic parts of their ideologies.

Totalitarian leftists are usually commies.

Yes they do, the democrats policies are always justified as being good because they make society more "equal" (higher taxes for the rich and more social security). They also have notions of cultural Marxist theory within their ranks as demonstrated by their support for policies such as affirmative action.

>But dictators are fascists
Stalin and all Soviet dictators weren't fascists. Castro wasn't a fascist either.

Look at Mussolini's policues. They are all the things modern day leftists strive for and advocate. Except the nationalism part.

Google is the gatekeeper of knowledge, their definition of fascism is obvioulsy not based on objective analysis of fascist policies through the past, simply ideological pressure.

Mussolini was heavily involved in Marxism and was basically an Antifa member in his youth.

Stalin, Mao, Castro, I could go on...

The left is egalitarian. Fascism is anti-egalitarian

Incorrect. No fascism doesn't revolve around tradition, conservativism does.....

Fascism revolves around totalitarian control, and infinite unrestricted government.

Left and right stop mastering when it becomes a strong central government. When the power is subject to the wind of one man, ideologocal consistency won't matter. Like how was Stalin not a fascist?

Their poo in loo CEO is just mad that Trump is making it harder for him to fuck over his fellow countrymen.

They want to use fascism to accomplish their supposed liberal ideologies....

Liberals are supposed to be like Liberatarians.

>Look at Mussolini's policues. They are all the things modern day leftists strive for and advocate.
His economics were fairly utilitarian.
>Except the nationalism part.
Nationalism and traditionalist policies are anti-egalitarian and so right wing. This is what makes him right wing.

They were definitely fascists.....

>No fascism doesn't revolve around tradition, conservativism does.....
Fascism is conservatist.
>Fascism revolves around totalitarian control, and infinite unrestricted government.
Yes AND around tradition, ethnicity, nationality. Check fascism definition.

Fascism completely puts emphasis on tradition. You have no idea what you're talking about.

synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy

Said no one ever. Your definition are completely wrong.

The definition of fascism that google provides is what this entire conversation is about.....

Best definition I've found

Fascism is an authoritarian Nationalist political ideology that exalts nation (and often race) above the individual, and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. It often claims to be concerned with notions of cultural decline or decadence, and seeks to achieve a national rebirth by suppressing the interests of the individual, and instead promoting cults of unity, energy and purity.

In economics, Fascism sees itself as a third way between laissez-faire Capitalism on the one hand and Communism or Socialism on the other. It acknowledges the roles of private property and the profit motive as legitimate incentives for productivity, but only insofar as they do not conflict with the interests of the state. Fascist governments tend to nationalize key industries, closely manage their currencies and make massive state investments. They also tend to introduce price controls, wage controls and other types of economic planning measures (such as state-regulated allocation of resources, especially in the financial and raw materials sectors).

The term "fascismo" was coined by the Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945) and the self-described "philosopher of Fascism" Giovanni Gentile (1875 - 1944). It is derived from the Latin word "fasces", an ancient Roman symbol consisting of a bundle of rods tied around an axe, used to suggest "strength through unity". It was originally used to refer specifically to Mussolini's political movement that ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943, but has subsequently also been used to describe other regimes.

>when dictatorship and mass murder is ok when the racial component is not the primary propaganda point.

Yes, don't confuse Facism with Totalitarianism.

>we're arguing about the definition of fascism
>check the definition of fascism

Oh, I see. The synonyms section of a dictionary is better equipped to inform you of fascist ideology than actual facsist literature and theory.

Well hold on now, he's not trying to fuck over his countrymen, just Americans. I do not begrudge a poo doing what is best for his fellow poos.

Those two words are synonyms.....

synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy

Then why are all of those words interchangeable?

So, according to google only the left wing can communist..... WTF?

Sorry, how many peices of fascist literature have you read? Or do you get all your political knowledge from wiktionary?

Yeah, now.
Nationalism was a big part of the left at the time. Times change.

Hitler was nationalist, Lenin became nationalist, mussolini, mao, you name it. Unless you think communist is right wing when nationalism is involved.


Quality post

They aren't. In the idiocy of modern debate they are but if you know anything about fascism you'd quickly learn that you're wrong.

Radical fascism to Radical communism is the scale to my understanding. Communists are virtually the same as Fascists according to the Horseshoe Theory

This definition is overly simplified.

But still, there is mentioned that fascism is "nationalistic". Why can't you read?

> Anonymous (ID: Y1p9WLru) 02/26/17(Sun)13:27:31 No.114400613 ▶
> (You)
>Sorry, how many peices of fascist literature have you read? Or do you get all your political knowledge from wiktionary?

Who gives a fuck about fascist theory. Look at fascist history. Anyone can read Carl Marx and become a communist if they don't look at what happened to all of the communist nations....

Why do you sit around reading fascist theory when there is an entire history of fascist atrocities to look at.

The nation of the USSR which wasn't a nation at all. Their nationalist tendencies were fuelled by love for their ideology rather than love for their ethnicity, history and shared tradition.

Mussolini edited a sicialist newspaper called "Avanti!"

He was heavily involved with Marxist ideology and it was a huge influence on his policies.


You only have to be authoritarian to be a fascist.

Yet, google simply equates fascists to right wingers....

>he believed the all authoritarianism = left wing meme
welcome to pol faggot, now get the fuck out

>Who gives a fuck about fascist theory.
Sorry thought we were talking about political ideology here. Fucking retard lmao.

"The great patriotic war"

That is what they renamed ww2 in order to rally nationalistic support for the war. It didn't start out nationalistic, but it bacme it. Russia was taking lands that it thought it had a historical claim to, among other reasons.

Nothing I said contradicts anything that you said.

The leftist "LIBERALS" want to make the government larger, add more regulation, increase taxation, conserve the current policies, and restrict free speech. That is the EXACT opposite of liberalism.

Americans think le right means less government left means more meme

Your politics are so fucking retarded. There are leftist ideologies that lack any government at all you know.

You're right, I see that now. Though, I'm not sure how popular the ideology actually was, which is why they had to bring in nationalism and heavy propaganda to rally the people into fighting Nazis.

These niggers have no idea what they are talking about because they are confused that alot of these terms can be applied at the same time as others. Every Fascist government we have seen recently has been socialist, which is a left leaning ideology. Doesn't mean fascists have to be socialist, or even left leaning, but historically that is what most of them were.

They think by attaching the nationalist moniker that's what makes something right wing because that is what the media tells them right now. Changing the name of the tribe they belong to is rather trivial, since the mentality stays the same. Weather you are a globalist or a nationalist you still believe in that tribe as your end goal.

>That is the EXACT opposite of liberalism.
That's the opposite of minarchism, perhaps. Since the French revolution, liberals have never shied away from large governments.

Exactly, that is how I understand how liberalism is now.
Think Obama and hillary

Unless your only resource for understanding political theory is the political compass, the right-left spectrum isn't purely economical.

You should give a fuck, because you are talking about it and your lack of understanding on the topic is making you look like a raging faggot.

Also, liberals are rabidly pro-war now.

You underestimate how indoctrinated the average soviet was.

they literally changed the meaning recently following the Trump-hate campaign

>he right-left spectrum isn't purely economical.
most of the newfags here have their notions of political spectrum from the likes of Glenn Beck, ie, zio-shill memes about ideology. pic related is how basic bitch newfags see the spectrum

from merriam-webster:
literally: 1. in a literal sense or manner
2. In effect

don't read dictionaries like they're bibles (or bibles for that matter).

Nice quads,

In theory, dildoes are a great idea, but not in practice.

Think about it, if we were in an argument about giant dildoes and their intended use, but I knew a bunch of people with dilapidated butt holes, would I really want to read about the proper theoretical use of giant dildoes?

Socialism is the confiscation of the product, usually through taxes.

Communism is when the government not only owns the product, but the means of production as well.

Capitalism would be towards the right end of this particular spectrum, with socialism and communism very close to eachother, solely revolving around economics.

This is exactly what i was talking about, socialism and communism all the way to the left. This is drawing the assumption everything on the right side is capitalist?

>OP here,
Thank you Sup Forums! This has been fun. Be back later.

Right, people have to understand what "left and right" meant through the lens of the period we are talking about. At the time fascism was absolutely leftist and heavily influenced by marxism (Mussolini thought the whole class struggle thing was bunk though) with modifications.

Then relating it to the ideas of left and right today takes a specific look at policies of these forms of government. It doesn't help that most history is written unobjectively biased against fascism, so it is hard to find fair analysis.

I'm not a supporter of fascism btw, I just read a lot about history

>ITT: OP thinks fascist means "authoritarian I don't like"
Fascism is inherently right wing.

Fascist Manifesto

Universal suffrage with a lowered voting age to 18 years, and voting and electoral office eligibility for all age 25 and up;
Proportional representation on a regional basis;
Voting for women (which was then opposed by most other European nations);
Representation at government level of newly created national councils by economic sector;
The abolition of the Italian Senate (at the time, the Senate, as the upper house of parliament, was by process elected by the wealthier citizens, but were in reality direct appointments by the king. It has been described as a sort of extended council of the crown);
The formation of a national council of experts for labor, for industry, for transportation, for the public health, for communications, etc. Selections to be made of professionals or of tradesmen with legislative powers, and elected directly to a general commission with ministerial powers.
In labor and social policy, the Manifesto calls for:

The quick enactment of a law of the state that sanctions an eight-hour workday for all workers;
A minimum wage;
The participation of workers' representatives in the functions of industry commissions;
To show the same confidence in the labor unions (that prove to be technically and morally worthy) as is given to industry executives or public servants;
Reorganization of the railways and the transport sector;
Revision of the draft law on invalidity insurance;
Reduction of the retirement age from 65 to 55.

Maybe, I'll have to look into it

What's with all the basic bitch conservatives trying to push Fascism and Hitler onto the left?

>So, according to google
Wasn't it changed recently?

In military affairs, the Manifesto advocates:

Creation of a short-service national militia with specifically defensive responsibilities;
Armaments factories are to be nationalized;
A peaceful but competitive foreign policy.
In finance, the Manifesto advocates:

A strong progressive tax on capital (envisaging a “partial expropriation” of concentrated wealth);
The seizure of all the possessions of the religious congregations and the abolition of all the bishoprics, which constitute an enormous liability on the Nation and on the privileges of the poor;
Revision of all contracts for military provisions;
The revision of all military contracts and the seizure of 85 percent of the profits therein.

Its still extremely left wing economically, and its assumed to be left wing socially because its redistributing wealth, but that's dependent on the views of the populace at the time like you said. What you spend that socialist tax money can change how you are viewed socially, which definitely changes through the years.

Thank you.
One can only believe that fascism is right wing if they do no reading on it beside the google definition of fascism.

This is what I mean when I say that if Mussolini was around today, he would be the democratic candidate like a Bernie Sanders.

>right wing
In another fascist thread we were talking about what left wing fascism might look like, and a lot of anons thought NK under the juche philosophy might get close


>his is drawing the assumption everything on the right side is capitalist?
Probably. The way these tards define things is:
>all statists are leftists
>all individual "freedomists" are capitalist and libertarian
Its the most simplistic notion of political classification you can get. Thus, its very popular with teenagers and idiots.

Fascism endorses hierarchy, not equality.
Hence it is right-wing.

>Define capitalism
>An individualist and private right-wing system of economics and social organization
Notice that this definition doesn't actually tell you anything about what the thing actually does or what its principles are. (((Google))) strikes again.

Under the Fascism Manifesto 85% of the Catholic church's Property was Gave out to the poor.

>One can only believe that fascism is right wing if they do no reading on it
> if Mussolini was around today, he would be the democratic candidate like a Bernie Sanders.
No, if Trotsky were around today, he'd be Bernie Sanders. You're all so easily convinced of bullshit. Maybe you should actually read, if you think it's so important.
>voting for women
There wasn't any democracy in Fascist Italy, this is misinformation. All fascist/NS movements abolished democracy.

I want mobile fags to leave

Fascism can have strong modernist elements. See futurism, vorticism. Franco had strong conservatism.

NK could also be interpreted as National Socialist.

Remember, one of the most important aspects of propaganda is the revision of history. It is useful for the left to ignore the part of history where they thought communism was the great utopian vision of the future and all these offshoots came out of it (like national socialism and fascism and Maoism, etc.) Britain and the US especially were absolutely promoting communism and marxism.

The right does similar things in different areas, but that's not the focus of this discussion.

History is a difficult topic because of the gatekeeping, propaganda, and other reliability issues. Best thing is to study for yourselves and try to rely mostly on primary source info.

I'm out, thanks for this great conversation.

Under Fascism You Still Have the Right to Vote.


Just a few things,

When Hitler came to Italy to talk with Mussolini, he was greeted first by the king of Italy, Victor Emmanuel III. This confused Hitler.

The pope specifically endorsed Mussolini and Mussolini mostly created what is known as the independent Vatican state today.

These nuggets I'll leave.

Search in google and duckduckgo the following: European people history