Are millennials doomed to a life of perpetual adolescence?
Are millennials doomed to a life of perpetual adolescence?
Then they are doomed to fail for life.
>This was supposed to be a temporary phenomenon, a short-term rush for shelter set off by the financial crisis of 2007-2009. But it just keeps going. Every year, more and more 25-to-34-year-olds turn up in their parents’ houses, right through to 2016.
>Why has living at home become so voguish among millennials? Blame high housing costs. Blame declining marriage rates. And, also, blame the parents.
>Even when millennials do move out, they’re more likely to rent than buy. And that matters too, because it means that when times get tough it’s easier for them to pack up their things and return to their childhood rooms.
>falling for the housing jew
Nice try, Horowitz.
Hey fuck you... At least i have a job now...
They want to promote leaving your inheritance so your always starting over or worse renting for life
>or worse renting for life
This is probably going to be what happens. I know plenty of people my age who are living in a shared house with 4 - 5 other people that they found on craigslist.
>blame the parents
kek. guess we better blame the parent's parents for raising such shitty parents. ad infinitum
In most cultures its normal to have 3 generations all living in the same property.
>wanting your kids to pay for an overpriced small apartment, become a college debt slave, work 3 part time jobs and starve
Literally why
We're just waiting for boomers to die.
No, really.
When boomers are dead we will fill the gaps. Until then all we can do is wait and work on our resumes.
Except it's decisions in their adult lives that led them to being shitty parents. Their own parents can't be faulted for what their children became once they were out of the picture.
I'm extremely concerned about moving out when I'm done community college. Housing prices in New Jersey are ridiculous, rent (atleast where I live) is pretty high, lowest monthly price is $600 a month.
What other choice do they have? ~$30,000+ in debt, out of school, avg. House is well over $100,000k, and chances are many aren't employed.
In my research of history , I read that this was a big problem in Europe , one of the main reasons so many came to the United States.
Try to stay home on your lands and pay your debts to remove yourself from indentured servitude
Living with your parents is fine, provided you're saving money to purchase a home.
Don't forget the H1b visa abuse
Entry level jobs that Millennials should be getting end up going to low-wage workers from China and India.
What if I am to inherit my mother's home.
Why would I move out?
It's not really blaming their parent but rather the men and women of their parents generation.
>move to West New York with my uncle the week after I turn 18
>Opened a power washing business that runs 6 months a year
>Living comfy in a house with no mortgage or loans, working 2 days a week 6 months out of the year at 25
Will probably be automated in the not too distant future.
>Try to get into construction
>turns out they only hire cheap Mexican labor
It's already automated. It is cheaper to hire a guy to do it.
>Staying in NJ
Move to North Carolina and Georgia and buy a house like everyone else from NJ.
>MFW my landlady suggested I buy a condo this morning because I was complaining about noise
>MFW she had positively no idea what they cost these days ($300k, 20% down, (((+HOA fees))))
Yes because its definitely millennials fault that housing costs are so high :^)
My gf is interested in moving to NC after school is done. I'm hesitant, I like the snow and facing a "real" winter. But who knows, NC can be beautiful
Will surely miss the Wawa...
Y'all negroes must be off putting. I've pumped and dumped several jobs over the last few years after leaving my mom's house. When I worked at the gas station, I even got a few job offers here and there - from concrete to pizza delivery. The only real problem is while my co-workers are getting a minimum of 1500$ back on there tax returns, I got 17$ back last year, and owed $53 this year, all becouse I worked multiple jobs.
My point was that this is a more systemic issue than "lel bad parenting"
>if I can do it then you goyim should too
>we don't need to change the system we just need to compromise even further
Thanks for the (((advice)))
>make 6 figures
>have 6 figures in savings, easily enough for a down payment
>not even 25 yet
>still live with parents
>still saving more money each week
Why should I move out? There's no women in my line of work, nor in any social circles I'm apart of so there's no hope for a wife.
Plus houses cost 5-600K for a 'decent' one close enough to where I work. If I want a house that doesn't require it to be gutted and remade, I'm going to need close to 200-250K in cash to make a safe purchase.
Renting at this point would be smarter so I can hold onto the capital and let it grow in an index fund faster than a house would.
Plus, if something ever happened and I were to lose my job and not find another one quick enough, I have a huge emergency fund.
Want someone to blame? Blame society for creating the current family culture between men and women (so blame jews). Without families of your own, what do you have to really try for? Only thing I live for is to make more money, work out in my free time, and play video games that I don't really enjoy much anymore.
these people are so fucking annoying. because it's not even affordable to live in the ghetto
Lol @ complaining about noise. Get over it or go problem solve it yourself.
6 figs? Will fucking ficki for monay. How the fuck do you make that much? I avoided college becouse of being poor as shit and being raised by a single mother in debt from a criminal justice degree (while working at Walmart). I know I can get good grades, is college a meme? What was your major, how did you get a job, ECT?
>90s kids
>schools tell you if you don't take out loans and go to college, you won't get a job
>parents will kick you out if you don't sign for loans
>get doctorate
>even six figure job won't put dent in loans
>mortgage companies won't lend to you because of student loans
>no other debt at all
>not dischargable in bankruptcy
>hurr durr it's your fault for signing those when you were sixteen with no other options
>omg when are millenials gonna grow up and buy homes
Well I did at least bring it up to the individuals in a professional manner, but was told to fuck off then too. I'm not about to be one of those noise war faggots either.
How do I make at or over 100,000?
thus why there are no women to be seen anywhere, and I work at a pretty classy normie establishment
>Look at all my life problems.
>I may as well just stay home.
What comes first, chicken or the egg? Move out and move on.
te job i have, my boss is behind 2 months in paychecks. my other job is the same, often they tell me not to cash the check. 400$ a month in just car insurance and student debt. $120 a month in gas. the cheapest apt in brown area is like $600. plus food and utilities is idk +400? so that's 1520$ a month, about 300$ more than I make now, working 9.5 hours a day
Millennial here, if I hadn't taken a huge gamble after getting fucked over by baby boomers I never would have made it out.
Rather than blame the poor young men and women trapped in their parents' basements, why not blame the previous generations who built a society with no place for them?
>Mfw i don't owe anyone anything!
>not cashing them anyway
>not taking them to court for more money when they don't pay
I was going to get into comp-sci. Worth it? Or is hardware better? What do you do you fucking nigger?
Thank you for using an archive. Together we can stop viral marketers and shills.
> Be a boomer
> Enjoy life, own property
> Fuck millennials cause otherwise its communism
> Get older
> Vote in politicians that promise to keep retirement subsides
> There are not enough wageslaves to tax over job earnings or spending
> But but my subsides! My communism now!
Enjoy the debt and lack of funds black hole you created boomers. Karma is a bitch after all.
But seriously, this continually appreciating real estate circle jerk needs to stop or we're going to have a situation that makes '08 look like a walk in the park. What happens when nobody but property management companies can buy homes? What happens when all the people who leveraged their house can't sell it?
How about section 8 housing for us instead of the shit skins
I don't recommend CS to anyone because most people are fucking retards
The fact your saying "going to get into" instead of using google to look into even the most basic and trying to see if you enjoy it tells me you fit into that category
I have no idea about hardware, I do programming. And no I'm not going to tell you where I work you retard. I got my job through an on college interview and they mostly recruit entry level people from colleges.
I might be a buzzword thread making faggot but I'll never direct link.
>When boomers are dead we will fill the gaps
Oh my sweet perpetually summer child, the gaps are being filled with automation.
In the 80s our travel agency had 50 employees. Today travel agencies have been nearly wiped out by automation. All management positions are now automated out to cute dashboards. Even accountants look to be obsolete within the next few years.
Then there's manufacturing and agriculture...
>Are millennials doomed to a life of perpetual adolescence?
35 yo. MSEE from UC. Can't pay rent live with folks. Some of us move out to work to pay a mortgage. There is no job security so if you lose your job your on the streets. Its not fun
>This was supposed to be a temporary phenomenon, a short-term rush for shelter set off by the financial crisis of 2007-2009. But it just keeps going
Yeah some Boomers and Gen X fags bought in late for the bubble and think they can get a ROI by importing shitskin and other dirt getting paid by tax money. Really the traitors are Small and Medium businesses who just exist because of gibsmedat. disgusting leeches
People live far too long now
Your parents will probably die when you're 60
Automation is only filling low level, braindead retarded jobs. (like travel agencies)
Actual skilled workers wont have any problems for at least another 20 years.
>stay in my parents house
>no debts, bills, anything to pay for
>monthly neetbux lets me buy games, figs, etc.
>mfw life couldn't get any comfier while wagecucks are slaving away every day
Broken people raise broken children. Thats why generation after generation either gets worse or stays the same. Im conscious of this and everyday work hard to fight my unsuccessful programming. Im 18 and trying to move out because my single mom brings me down. Usually i let it roll off of me but some days like today she just throws right back into depression.
My ultamate goal in life is to raise a non dysfunctional family. My grand parents had issues on both sides. My parents r divorced, my mom is crazy, my dad is crazy.
I get up extra early to get all the things i need to do done before i get harassed.
I feel them sucking the life out of me.
Millennials r fucked up because they don't know how to live. They're not conscious of the right way.
Do you have an HTC Vive or an Oculus Rift?
>small business owners are the problem.
you couldnt be more retarded.
Get earplugs like I do. For me I'm stuck with either renting a house, renting a college apartment, or renting a crime ridden apartment.
Jokes on you my parents lost their home in 2008.
Moved out at 19 and have been living on my own sense (26 now). All I hear from you pussies are excuses. If you split rent you can fucking work a min wage job and easily afford to live. I could not imagine being in my 20's living at home, that is just pathetic. Get a fucking job, or 2 jobs, hustle, split rent, meet people, get organized. You're all just a bunch of lazy weak faggots scared of leaving mommies nest.
are you gonna buy a house working in a call center?
>Look at job website
>view entry level job
>500+ applicants have already applied to this job
>"Why cant you millennials get a job and move out!?"
The world needs a great plague to cull the population and create more demand for workers
You mean toddlers?
I have some headphones for sleeping (flat, in a fleece headband) and won some Beats in a raffle last Christmas at work. I hate living life with headphones on though :-(
My wife's son confirms this
Most of the millennials I have met in the military are pretty squared away and will do just fine. Of course, this is about 1% of the population.
The rest of them? YMMV.
Any tips on moving out? Im 18 in nyc. What job did you get?
>Muh retirement
>get a job right out of college
>make decent money
>because of the money I make I fall out of social housing
>private housing would consume more than my salary allows me
>housing organizations only allow people above the social housing bracket to join if they have a certain amount of years of taxable income
I literally can't move out
Better financial choice. Just a shame that's it taboo to make decisions like that today that contribute to the entire family's and future children's financial longevity. That's what my family has done, amassing wealth to pass down to our kids who then repeat the cycle.
What's a travel agency?
Oh lol. I've been getting into for a few months. I started with some videos from MIT opencourseware and moved onto various other youtubers and websites focusing mainly on syntax and semantics, one particular individual created a simple language called pigeon to teach the basic concepts of it. The only real milestone I've hit was to create an exe from Python that will dish out some simple arithmetic for my co-workers so they know how many cases of frozen meat to pull from the freezer per day, and on what days to pull it. I would be studying right now, but I'm waiting on my internet and electricity to get hooked up in my new home. I do enjoy it actually, and the home sellers had told me that they hired a pajeet to create a Google maps clone for their RV park they own - which reassured me that I was making the right choice. Problem is, I'm wondering if it would just be better to go to school or not - and thought I would get better answers by appearing uninformed.
>600 dollar rent in NJ
The fuck? Are you trying to live in the sewer with 2 roommates?
>This was supposed to be a temporary phenomenon, a short-term rush for shelter set off by the financial crisis of 2007-2009. But it just keeps going. Every year, more and more 25-to-34-year-olds turn up in their parents’ houses, right through to 2016.
tl;dr millennials realized that cramming themselves into 23 sq ft 11 bedroom flats and paying half their monthly income each was a jewish scam
In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the habitat. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators.
The last surviving birth was on day 600, bringing the total population to a mere 2200 mice... This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against. After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.
...when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.
Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man. He characterized the social breakdown as a "second death,” with reference to the “second death” mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation 2:11. His study has been cited by writers such as Bill Perkins as a warning of the dangers of the living in an "increasingly crowded and impersonal world."
>Breeding never resumed
Leave NYC
Go to college upstate
Relocate to the great white north
I can answer that as it is already happening in my country.
What happens is that agencies are advising owners to rent their homes until prices go high again.
As it doesn't happen and never will due to demographics, there is now a renting bubble.
So now there are even less incentives for millennials to go out of dad's basement.
I for one am still hopeful that I can climb my way out of this mess I was born into. Blaming the generation before me would be denying my human potential.
You should have a bachelors degree by around 22/23 years old, you literally have zero excuse not to have a job paying enough to live on your own. Did you pick a shit major? Did you apply yourself?
If you didn't go to college, there are trade programs, the military, the police force, construction etc. You have no excuses you fucking faggots.
I got a new job in warehouse with amazing work times, triple pay and decent people.
I only did 9 grades in school and worked for a supermarket for 8 months.
Im fucking lucky t b h
>Joe likes guns and starts a business
>Because Joe cant handle all by it self Joe hires an illegal
>Actually Joe just likes guns and shooting, not working, but still wants the bucks for overpriced chinese crap he sells to stupid farmers he can't stand
>Joe hires a second illegal to have more time for shooting
>Unemployment hits the country, the state starts a program helping small businesses to pay for employees
>Over the time Joes illegals working for 30% less then the average price, so Joe can keep his costs low and has more money for his hobbies, have been made legal by a stupid Nigger
>Joe enjoys the new programs and helped to lower the impression about fair wages, while keeping enough money so he don't need to work beside phoning what he calls now hard work.
Joe shouldnt have owned a business in the first place. He isn't able to create jobs for a good price, he even helps to lower wages and destroy service quality. People like Joe should be shot.
>Falling for the rental Jew
>Don't own any land
>Not yours
>Overpriced small apartment
Granted, leaving if you're not independent is falling for the Jews "be independent at 18" trick.
>not helping pay rent and taking care of your parents when they get older
>im a comfy child
I bet that is really fulfilling user.
These fucking retarded kids do stupid shit. Rack up thousands of dollars in debt for dumbass degrees, buy a brand new car that instantly loses its value, more debt. And can't get a decent job. Of fucking course these retards are living at home. They live way above their means. I for one, 21, debt free, 40k year income, used beater car paid off, live with parents, on track to buy a house cash, a lot of money in stocks. Also saving for retirement. I'll be able to retire with millions by 60. But I've got bigger plans once I'm out the house. Learn to fucking control your money you dumbass millennials.
If thing's don't improve, even our guys generation z may get stuck in a sort of millenial lifestyle. I hope I'm wrong.
Boomers are the most disgusting generation I've ever seen. They live better than both their parents and their children.
No, it's not impossible for a millennial to make it. I did. The shitty thing is though; I'm old enough that I'm barely a millennial and I can remember better days in this country. The situation millenials face is heartbreaking. Anyone over 50 must be actually depressed.
>tfw your gift is music
No matter what if you believe in and apply yourself you can accomplish anything
Market correction on an epic scale.
Over leveraged or properties with no equity will be sold at whatever price the can get.
If you've been saving and working up until that point you could theoretically enter the market and restart the cycle like a good goy.
>the answer is not to play the game
Human beings act based on their environment. There isn't some inherent flaw in a generation of humans. The flaw was the environment which incentivized them to act in a certain manner.
Given the same conditions, any other generation would have done the same thing.
And your just a lucky cunt who had everything handed to you
Fuck you i hope you lose you never really earned.
>I for one, 21
>you dumbass millennials
Millenials be like: "Things were so much better in the past."
Conservatives be like: "Let's make America great again"
Millenials be like: "but what about all the progress!?"
We should all start our own Sup Forums community in either Flint or Detroit. Low cost of living now and once we make the community better the real estate prices will skyrocket
RIP in peace my dreams of homeowership.
>MFW I did the math and it would take me a decade just to save up a down payment at 10% income saved
>tfw watching all the collegefags who looked down on you come back in debt and unable to find a job
schadenfreude, fiscal conservatism is the way to go
Get an IRA kids
I guess it takes one to know one?