Define socialism/communism?

Define the following terms


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redistribution of wealth
redistribution of everything material

>redistribution of everything material
To who?

From each according to his ability, to each according to his DEEDS.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his NEEDS.

Shame humans aren't bees though.


Mystery Babylon religion / Illuminsim. Both same bullshit touted by the same traitors of mankind. From ancient times in Egypt (Hyksos) way back to before that. They´ve been at it, constantly CONSTANTLY failing, yet they try again.

Fucking idiot satanic deathworshipping whoremongering cuntabominations they are.

>From each according to his ability, to each according to his DEEDS.

So meritocracy?

Also I am serious. They are not "political" ideologies but purely religios/mystical, everything else is lies or means to an end. Look up William Cooper (amongst others) he will redpill you harder than Sup Forums even could.

Government ownership of all production

Centrally-planned economy in which 100% of wealth is redistributed

Of course not anons are giving 1% answers because the OP made a lazy question no a big topic. Socialism also means way too much welfare and subsidized "services to the people" which collapse the instant you don´t have capitalistic and meritocratic populace. Look at my homeland.

Doesn't work

Doesn't work


Whats the difference?

A system of government in which the means to production is owned by the state.

A system of government in which the means to production is owned by the state.

They are similar and usually go together but definitely different.

Bernie Sanders and Scandinavia are decidedly not socialist.

You mixed them up needs and deeds, and he asked about communism, not capitalism.
>To who?
To whomever the Kommissar feels like sharing with. This is usually his closest friends, and whoever he needs to please to stay in power.

>Bernie Sanders and Scandinavia are decidedly not socialist.
Explain how redistribution of wealth is not socialism.

Gibs me dat be cuz I be a faleure and can't compete with white boyz.

International socialism

Economic model in favor of central planning, state ownership of factories, and depending on the intensity, various forms of welfare and egalitarianism.

Redistribution of 100% of wealth is communist, what they do is redistribute a portion of wealth aka qualitatively the exact same system used in 100% of modern countries, just with higher taxes and more welfare.

I meant to write Communism, fuck.


In communism, you're meant to work as much as you can for society and only get as much as you need. In socialism, you get as much as you work.

Did not mean to write Capitalism here, shit.

>Redistribution of 100% of wealth is communist
Redistribution of any percentage of wealth is called socialism. If I come take your home and all private possessions too, that's communism.

Ha. I was asking to figure out if you knew what communism and socialism is.
You all got it wrong


A stateless, classless, moneyless society in which things are produced according to need


An economic system where the means of production are collectively owned and democratically controlled.

>le taxation is theft

Back to facebook lolbertarian.

Government ownership of the means of production. The government determines what gets made, how much of it gets made, and where it gets made.

Socialism with equal distribution of consumer goods to all members of society. Everyone receives the same amount and quality of consumer goods regardless of their profession or lack of profession.

Jews being Jewish.

Lenin. Marx. Trotsky. All fucking Jews.

Seize the means of production, produce the seization of means, mean the production of seizations,,,, (*autistic screeching* bascially).

Some kind of redistribution of wealth without all of the above, for example not only the rich can study, but the clever ones.

I have read some stupid shit on Sup Forums, you're in the top 5 though sweetie.

I don't know what it is, but I know that REAL communism has never been implemented

This is exactly what I was going to say...

>A stateless, classless, moneyless society in which things are produced according to need

That's not the definition. For example, someone could get cancer and need a cancer drug which isn't invented yet - the cancer drug won't be produced, hence it isn't a society where things are produced according to need.

Slightly diluted faggotry.

Mommy why can't we have food?
Mommy why are you eating my arm?

What I said is literally the definition. Look it up.

You are an idiot.

> A stateless, classless, moneyless society in which things are produced according to need

This sounds like a meaningless description. How can you have a stateless society?

Awwww. How cute. Does being retarded make life harder for you?

Never mind, just a new kind of anarcho-imbecile to add to the list.

tranny pre-op
tranny post-op

both are mental

Those are the accurate definitions according to actual Marxist theory.

Nice strawman. I didn't say anything of the sort.
There are things in society that the majority will agree to pay for that benefits everyone. The degree to which this should be done varies and should be debated.

The imposing of a social and political structure through enforcement by collective punishment.

The USSR didn't claim to be communist. They said that they were eventually going to be communist and called themselves socialist.

>Mommy why are you eating my arm?
>familial bonds
implying you own that arm. In a proper communal society in which there are no nuclear families and the raising of children is a collective effort by all everyone is entitled to said arm.

I'm going to take what you have because I want it

You should give me what you have, so that our overall happiness will increase, but mostly because I want it.

>A stateless, classless, moneyless society in which things are produced according to need
>Capable, productive and rational people decide they like private property.
>No state to stop them.
>Accidentally end up with capitalism.


But faggots weren't allowed in ussr

Yeahh, replace state by party.


I'm interested in hearing you explain how the words your using can be used to productively in a discussion.

To help you understand where I'm coming from, consider the following:

I could define the word "Pentasquare" to mean "a square with 5 sides." I have defined this word, but it's a completely useless word. It can never add anything to a discussion.

Likewise, your definition of "Communism" as
>A stateless, classless, moneyless society in which things are produced according to need
sounds self-contradictory.

How could such a society function?

Who decides what is needed?
What if someone disagrees with what is needed?
Is every citizen heavily armed? (You said there's no state, so by definition there exists no single entity with a monopoly on violence)
If every citizen is heavily armed, does that mean they begin killing eachother when there are disagreements about what constitutes "need"?

Supposedly there is a gift economy where everything is free so starting a company makes no sense.

Thats why communism has never been tried or something.

>starting a company makes no sense

Many things are produced most efficiently when many people specialize in different parts of the production process. Is communism only valid for Amish-tier levels of technology in which a single person or single household can be reasonably expected to produce everything needed?

>The USSR didn't claim to be communist. They said that they were eventually going to be communist and called themselves socialist.

No shit. Dictatorship of the proletariat is the term you were looking for. It is a critical component of Marxist theory, a stepping stone on the way to communist utopia. The problem is, utopian ideals are just that, IDEALS. They are impossible to achieve in reality. Thats what makes your ideology retarded (assuming you are a communist of course). Dictatorship of the proletariat IS the final stage. You'll never get past it. Once a power structure has been subverted and destroyed, once chaos is achieved, another takes its place ie dictatorship of the proletariat.

The problem with communists is that they assume that poor people have the highest virtue. This isn't the case. Read The Gulag Archipelago and you'll see what happens when you remove the best from society

How could such a society function?

According to Marx everyone has some job they actually like a lot and would do for free. In this way everything could be free and everyone would be free to work in whatever place they want.

Who decides what is needed?

Free access to goods. You take what you need. Hoarding only starts when people are uncertain if food/commodity will be there tomorrow.

Is every citizen heavily armed? (You said there's no state, so by definition there exists no single entity with a monopoly on violence)


If every citizen is heavily armed, does that mean they begin killing eachother when there are disagreements about what constitutes "need"?

Take what you want.

Want is different from need.

Are my wants equal to my neighbors needs?

I don't quite understand but according to ancom's there will be a gift economy where everyone voluntarily works for free and everyone takes what they need.

Socialism and Communism mean PHYSICAL REMOVAL

If you want more food and your neighbor is starving I would hope you aren't a phyco path and let him have some. People are generally good so I would expect disagreements to be sorted out fairly easily.

>according to ancom's

you've just introduced a new term. I'm assuming this is a short form of "Anarcho-Communism," yes? How does it differ from "Communism"? "Anarcho-" seems to imply "stateless," but you already included that term in your definitition of "Communism"

Ancoms want to go straight from capitalism to communism. Communists want to go through the transition period of socialism.


AIDS, lepra, ebola, cancer, anal prolapse, braaaaaaap, chitohiro, shit, ass fucked, stinky hole, pee, poop, diarreia, braaaaaeeeeepffffffff

I'll add to that:

The people that communism claims to represent are the working class who, in general are uninterested by politics. They don't care who is in charge, they just live their lives in peace. These same people are the ones who suffer most in a communist uprising (this is where the problems start). A power vacuum is opened and in step thugs who, post-revolution, are the ones best equipped to get ahead in society. The honest, hard-working folks of the working class are now cattle to the most violent in society.

Anything said to try and justify communism is just meaningless word-salad. What I've stated are the practical realities of it. If you can't see this, you are either 14 or retarded

>every student studies as much as they feel like studying, the generation sits a standardized exam, then each student can take however many points they want to achieve whatever grade they desire
>there is a Universe somewhere where excess points would remain in the public pool

So are communists just "I'M VERY SMART, HUMANS HAVE NOT EVOLVED ON MY LEVEL" role-playing faggots? Have they thought any of this through?


It doesn't make sense to me. Thats why I support democratic confedralism instead of any sort of communism.

Implying there will be a family or even a kid you can call your own. All will be given to the state and children will be brought up in institutions. You are just there to produce the child....

oh wait somebody will take care of this too, not even women will be needed.

Lefty brains everyone

This is literally the definition of these terms. What you have in Sweden is social democracy.

You still lurking in this thread? You are pathetic. You didn't even address my posts.



a concept of death
a concept of death