Have to write a paper on social justice

>have to write a paper on social justice
>can't come up with a topic
>edgy friend convinces me to write it about third-wave feminism slandering men
>can't find sources for it

I'm fucking stupid for getting myself into this mess, and I hate this stupid class.

Other urls found in this thread:



>Why am I such a faggot?

no sources needed

write about the problematic hypocrisy that arises from modern western feminist ideological support of islam and hijab

explain the cult of western feminism as operating on a higher order of meaning/metaphysical ideological basis (less concrete) aka: outline how western feminism is an ideology that serves western people's morals instead of caring about physically improving actual lives

western women being more concerned at the offense of the unwanted removal of their hijab and yet completely unconcerned about the violent consequences of willful removal of the hijab in nations that are not under civil western rule.

some sources to get u started:



Too late to change the topic, otherwise I wouldn't be begging for sources. I just need stuff that makes Feminists look bad when it comes to slandering men.

Search "thorium feminism" on YouTube
TL;DR women were all cunts

camile paglia

search fem-dom stuff, they legit think men don't need to exist in the future

You think that's bad. I have a 30 word essay on gun crime due tomorrow and I haven't even started.

Check out Teal Deer on YouTube. He cites all his sources in the description

Write a paper on the breakdown of community, and sneak in a few redpills.

>Title: I enjoy sucking dicks and heres why thats okay

Search on google fat lesbian bitch who wants to send men to concentration camps don't know the cunts name and don't want to

>I can't change topics
Being so retarded that you don't realize they're the same topic

thank u

Auto A

Is actually a very good title.

More like I'm too retarded to read the sources he provided. The main part about it is that men are being slandered so I kind of just glanced over what was written.

>tfw 3 paragraph essay due next year

Trayvon was gud boi who dindu nuffin. Tryin to get his life together and shieet. Go to da church ery Sundays. Evil white man who should not have guns kill him because he black.


literally gave u an outline for A plus red pilled sociological essay bashing hypocrisy of women's ideals, should be fun to write

>30 word essay

That is if my leftist teacher doesn't fail me because of her fee-fees.

>30 word essay
>american education

she might feel called out, but if you write it with logic and reasoning, she will have to reward you.

especially if your references are all WOMEN who have the opposing view of the woman marking the grade. Women hating feminism is a good red pill.

Write about the paradox of how post modernist reject all hierarchies yet they command activism in social justice which by definition IS a hierarchy

Watch some Jordan Peterson

You fucked up. However, you might be able to finagle it into a case study of Hillary Clinton's stupid ass campaign. When they brought up stuff like the fake wage gap they were implicitly blaming men for the ills of women and society. Even if it wasn't directly stated, it was clearly picked up on by men, costing her what should have been an easy victory.

Feminism in the past was dealing with more obvious imbalances (regardless of whether you agree with them or not), so it was easier for women to raise issues without the implied finger-pointing. Today's feminism is a lot like occupy wall street or black lives matter in that it's a bunch of people who are angry at some nebulous enemy and have some vague goal. Because their enemy isn't something obvious like a sexist law, they can do nothing but point fingers at the concept of men.

They're just more successful than OWS/BLM because half the population is women and the other half wants to fuck them.

Christina Hoff Sommers and Janice Fiamengo. Look them up, they will be useful sources for this topic.

Amazing. Is that from Cartagena or what

the trick to subverting western feminism and all western metaphysically flawed ideologies is to advocate for the ACTUAL victim.

fat acceptance movement HATES to learn that fat kills people and lowers quality of life

western women HATE to learn that western feminism is encouraging islam which kills and lowers quality of life of women not in the west

>tfw 27 letter essay due tomorrow
Who remembers the alphabet FUCKING END ME

I did something a while back on how people in society are too easily offended and when some classmates started agreeing with me our old man, Italian, cuck of an English teacher put me on the fucking spot and shamed me in front of the class for not understanding "progression"

Do you think this will make a good poncho?


Please tell me you're fucking joking.

You might want to get a copy of "Feminist Amnesia" by Jean Curthois which has some pretty intellectual ideas that boil down to feminism = white privilege.

Plagiarise this and win.

Lol. My stepfather and his sister are named after Goebbels' children. Their father was Anapo



Write it about the blind tolerance of male genital mutilation and violence against men.
Kek bless these digits

Have you watched The Red Pill movie? Feminist filmmaker basically changed her mind about sexism towards men.

You fucking wish, I have to write 100 letter essay for tomorrow.

>30 word essay
>worrying about starting it
>can literally write it in a minute

i haven't but i've heard about it and i know that there was an intense push to stop the public from being able to commercially view the movie

This is good advice, tl;dr is where you wanna go for academic material against SJW / Feminism

You should write a paper on the Aygi pill or whatever that feminists pushed through the FDA because "its womens turn!", but it was used as a date rape drug and was extremely dangerous.

>1 word essay on my favorite color due next week

Just kill me now senpai


You lucky bastard. I have a 15 word essay due next year and I haven't even started

Top kek name your children after them too.

I have a 700 phoneme essay due by noon

Why do you have to write about social justice?

Kek guides me

>tfw 1/2 word essay due next year

Start with camille paglia and christina hoff-summers. Old school feminists who btfo modern feminists


>Cannot find sources.

Literally just find articles written by any Feminist academic, and then counterpart the article, with a study disproving their bs.

You really can't find sources for that?
Stupid cunt. Don't leave your shit until the day before you hand it in. Go wander off to Kotaku in action as they tend to have plenty of archives.

Watching his shit all week. I'm so sorry leaf, I didn't know it was that bad.
Burn to Toronto to ground Jesus fuck

>2 letter essay due in literally an hour on any subject
i don't know what to do the pressure is killing me

A word is a word, you can't say its only half.

I'm here to help...write about "thinspiration" and the movement toward accepting people who identify as fat, regardless of what oppressive society says their body looks like. This could get you in a lot of trouble, so you have to be totally poker faced that you believe this, and take great care to validate and justify anorexia by using the same arguments used to validate trans, gender-fluid, and other fuckwit freaks.

It could be a great paper, the equivalent of locking a monkey in the faculty lounge, but done wrong, you're fucked. Now get out there are win this for Sup Forums and Kek, faggot.

He guides us all.

i'm watching maps of meaning 2k15 episode 5 right now.

Jordan Peterson is the redemption arc of canada

Am I the only one who sees LOSS in that picture?

this was for (you)

>still thinks SJWs aren't supported by the best academic works



lurk more

This guy's right, Adyi(?) is a fantastic place to start

Write about something subversive like how white feminists and white gay men oppress intersectional SJWs

Mans starting to look Ill, getting worried for him.

dude, i have noticed this too

jesus had apostles for a reason

If you think that's bad, I have to write a 10 word essay about what I learned in boating school

You could write about how feminism makes men seem like they have always been super oppressive and kept women down when in reality there were usually good reasons behind the things they did.

Stuff like men hunting and women taking care of children which turned into gender roles.
You could do the same with the gender wage gap

Don't have sources but they are probably easier to find than what you are doing


>It could be a great paper, the equivalent of locking a monkey in the faculty lounge, but done wrong, you're fucked. Now get out there are win this for Sup Forums and Kek, faggot.

This. You'll need a cast iron set of arguments if you're going to go up against your teacher's SJW beliefs.

to add on you can watch some stuff from Dr. Warren Farrell to get ideas

I can imagine he is seeing the slow collapse of society, and isn't exactly keen about it happening under his watch, when he should be one of those stopping it from happening.

He's not wrong. Societies before the Romans collapsed. You had the Mycenaean collapse.

My own personal theory is that these collapses were the fault of Globalization. Instead of making the system more robust, they intrinsically make any system rely more upon outside influences, weakening a country to outside shocks. This is likely why we're seen a rise in authoritarianism from both the left and the right as a response, an attempt to secure control over increased uncertainty, while not addressing the source.

Before someone says the Jews, if Globalization blows up, Israel pretty much gets genocided.

The worst thing about this possible reality is that before, there were no nukes. But now we have nukes... only so long in a collapse scenario until some edgy cunt uses them.

As they say. Due tomorrow do tomorrow

just write on a piece of paper "FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE!"

then put a pic from blacked dot com and put you mad white boy?

you will get a standing ovation in class by your tutor,a distinction pass and be made class president.

This attitude is why your ancestors were imprisoned for paying their taxes a day late.


top kek

Here's your topic. Go nuts!


we are winning the globalist race tho, not in canada, clearly canada is really fucked, but other nations are brexiting from being global ideological virtue signalers. Dr. Peterson is a good sign for Canada. I hope he lives a long life.

If he gets ill and dies i wouldn't avoid the consideration of a conspiratorial force acting against him tho


Just write a paper about discriminations you face as a homosexual male.

Source: this thread.

OP could go all out and write a paper arguing for transracial rights.

here you go user


what am I looking at here Alberto?

>30 word essay

That is two fucking sentences. Don't be a nigger.

sorry to mass quote but this is a must-read for all Sup Forums users:


>tfw bestgore has a more intelligent and redpilled community than Sup Forums

Fucking hell, its been a long while since I've seen that site linked.

>citing bestgore in an academic paper


>doesn't know how to find original sources from the articles that use them
>uses le kys meme
fuck you, I bet you're under 18 too

lurk until you turn 18 please

>being an ultra nigger
>only using 15 words per sentence

you just graduate middle school or something?

it's out there. you can start here:

news dot nationalpost dotcom slash full-comment/christie-blatchford-ubc-prof-who-denounced-u-of-t-colleague-in-gender-debate-has-skeletons-in-her-own-classroom

Write about how social justice breeds a generation of victimized self entitled cunts that can't solve problem for themselves. Mention how Nietzsche predicted it with the concept of slave morality.

Kek, citing bestgore in a paper...

are you fucking retarded? read the article before shitposting, it provides literally 76 links to countless academic studies, etc

I find this

Can someone teell me if that is true?