My liberal friends are convinced that Trump is a fascist and that we're headed to WWII style Germany...

My liberal friends are convinced that Trump is a fascist and that we're headed to WWII style Germany. My friends are fucking retarded. I'm becoming less and less liberal with each passing day.

they will soon no longer be your friends

I think so too. I spoke out against them at a party last night and they didn't make much conversation with me the rest of the time.

You only have two options

A. Ignore your friends political talk and behave like a normie and try to avoid the topic all together

B. Tell them to fuck off and try to find friends more aligned or more open to differing opinon

They'll become increasingly insufferable to talk to as you become less liberal. It's happened with me, but I'm a lot closer to my right-wing (i.e. fascist) friends because of it

I may try option A. I don't meet many people these days. These friends I speak of I've known for 8+ years.
All their whining is horrid. They really think it's the end of the world. They defend muslims too. They genuinely think what the Nazis did to the Jews is what the US will do the Muslims. It's not even a fair comparison. The Jews weren't being wretches in Germany. Muslims are scumbags.

It's incredibly frustrating. Mine all treat me like a person with a mental illness for supporting Trump and having disagreements with their "tax the rich" policies. I used to agree, but now I don't.

I would still consider myself an anarchist. So nothing ever changed. Except for leaning a bit more toward the right. Fucking normies, man.

They're ignorant. There is nothing that you can do to make them understand. They have to go through that process on their own if they are even capable of challenging their beliefs.

I'm mainly getting away from politics for now. Too many people are angry, but have no intelligence to understand what's going on. Read fiction and get a productive hobby.

Your friends are right. You're the retarded one.

Well their not wrong

卐 Seig heil Hail trump 卐

4 years from now when non of that has happened they will tell you its because they stopped him. Just cut em loose now.

Keep in mind your so called friends would likely betray you in the event the shit truly hit the fan like they claim.

Never trust a liberal. Ever.

I am trying to warn you in the most sincere way.

Listen to me.

Do not trust those people.

When the communist purges begin liberal will be the first to be put to death. For they will become the most disillusioned and the one that most hate the system.

Be thankful trump won.

>mfw family and group of friends are redpilled because of me
>have all non-white friends and family
>they hate refugees, want all illegals out (even poor 80yo diabetic abualita), and want US+RUS alliance to kill ISIS

I bought them all Trump hats for Christmas. Whenever we hangout we slam a few shots and talk shit about niggers and lefties. Get yourself some redpilled friends op it'll change your life

>be in writing group
>writing sketch comedy
>getting really great professional experience
>Trump wins
>all of the sudden every sketch is about Trump
>every sketch is political
>I just want to write funny things
>people refuse to work with me when word gets out that I'm a conservative
>literally lost half my professional writing contacts over night

I'm kind of glad, those people were pretty insufferable to be honest.

those are not your friends user. They will turn on you and stab you in the back as viciously as they can, mark my words.

>My liberal friends
Ooooh, it's the "liberals" again. Really puts the lame in larp.

>Ignore your friends political talk and behave like a normie and try to avoid the topic all together
all day everyday

You're better off. The thing is that this election revealed roughly half the American people are conservatives, and therefore there is a ready made niche for right leaning art. The market is already over saturated with shitty SNL parodies of politics, or dumb "comedy" shows like Samantha Bee or the Gayly Show. But if you're even a little bit right leaning and just don't completely suck you have a ready made audience craving your work that nobody else is exploiting.

I wish I could become bliepilled again. I hate having this knowledge

>Trump is a fascist and that we're headed to WWII style Germany
that would be nice

I envy you user

Democracy fails when feminist social policies caused population structure crisis collapses pension system leading to hyperinflation chaos. Civil unrest comes when social security can not be maintained.
Then choices are either fascist or marxist dictatorship.
Choose your side.

>Get yourself some redpilled friends op it'll change your life
This. These friends will not only share similar views, but won't turn on you when you try to tell them the truth of the most logical solution.


Dude war is probably coming

>WWII style Germany
There is absolutely nothing wrong with pre-war Nazi Germany.
The Weimar Republic took degeneracy to levels never seen (like we are currently experiencing).

Filipino dude in California here.

I'm seen as a fucking race traitor BY WHITES, while the Flips around me are too scared to say anything.

My friends hate him, but they aren't that delusional. You're just with crazy people, user

>I'm becoming less and less liberal with each passing day.

That's the goal. The best way to destroy something is to have people destroy it for you. To make them want to give up their beliefs. Rather than forcefully take it.

I'm a liberal that wants the clintons and obamas and cnns of the world to hang.

>My liberal friends are convinced that Trump is a fascist and that we're headed to WWII style Germany.

Some solid advice in this thread. Thanks Sup Forums I may have to visit here more often.